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@github-actions github-actions released this 21 Jun 22:04
· 3497 commits to main since this release

Pull Requests | Issues | v1.11.0...v1.12.0

⚠️ This release includes a bug, so please use aqua v1.12.1 or later.



#872 Add the help message of the completion command ($ aqua help completion)
#873 #874 #875 #876 Fix for Windows Support
#883 #898 Auto completion of file extension on Windows
#882 #884 Add the field supported_envs to Registry Configruration
#885 #892 #893 Create executable BAT files and shell scripts instead of symbolic links on Windows


#887 #889 Change the default path of AQUA_ROOT_DIR on Windows


Auto completion of file extension on Windows

#883 #898

⚠️ This change is only for Windows, and it doesn't affect other platforms.

On Windows, aqua adds file extensions automatically if the file has no file extension.
By default the file extension is .exe, but you can change the file extension by windows_ext attribute.

For example, terraformer-aws-windows-amd64 is renamed to terraformer-aws-windows-amd64.exe.

Why is this change needed?

aqua executes the command with os/exec.
os/exec#LookPath requires the file extension on Windows.

Add the field supported_envs to Registry Configruration

#882 #884

You can specify the list of supported environments (GOOS and GOARCH) in supported_envs.

supported_envs has been introduced to solve the following supported_if problems.

  1. Complicated. There are multiple ways to express the same environments. The expression is too flexible
  2. Performance. aqua has to compile and evaluate the expression per tool. It may affect the performance although we should do the performance test



  - type: github_release
    repo_owner: gruntwork-io
    repo_name: terragrunt
    asset: "terragrunt_{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}"
    supported_if: not (GOOS == "windows" and GOARCH == "arm64")


  - type: github_release
    repo_owner: gruntwork-io
    repo_name: terragrunt
    asset: "terragrunt_{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}"
      - windows/amd64
      - darwin
      - linux

The following patterns are supported.

  • <GOOS>
supported_envs: [] # no environment is supported
supported_envs: ["all"] # all environments are supported

Create executable BAT files and shell scripts instead of symbolic links on Windows

#885 #892 #893

Reference (Japanese):

⚠️ This change is only for Windows and doesn't affect other OS.

aqua creates executable BAT files and shell scripts in directories AQUA_ROOT_DIR/bin and AQUA_ROOT_DIR/bat instead of symbolic links.

If you use PowerShell or Command Prompt, please add AQUA_ROOT_DIR/bat to the environment variable PATH.
Or if you use Git Bash, please add AQUA_ROOT_DIR/bin to the environment variable PATH.

Why is this change needed?

On Windows, there are two problems regarding symbolic links.

  1. To create symbolic links, you have to run Terminal (cmd.exe, PowerShell, Git Bash, etc) as Administrator or enable Developer Mode
  2. PowerShell has a bug about symbolic link PowerShell/PowerShell#16171


#887 #889 Change the default path of AQUA_ROOT_DIR on Windows

Change the default path of AQUA_ROOT_DIR on Windows from ~/.local/share/aquaproj-aqua to ~/AppData/Local/aquaproj-aqua.