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be object");var o=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,e);if(!o)throw new TypeError("must call property on owner object");if(!o.configurable)throw new TypeError("property must be configurable")}var a="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t};t.exports=o},function(t,e,n){"use strict";function o(t,e){return t.__proto__=e,t}function r(t,e){for(var n in e)t.hasOwnProperty(n)||(t[n]=e[n]);return t}t.exports=Object.setPrototypeOf||({__proto__:[]}instanceof Array?o:r)},function(t,e,n){"use strict";function o(t){if("number"==typeof t){if(!o[t])throw new Error("invalid status code: "+t);return t}if("string"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("code must be a number or string");var e=parseInt(t,10);if(!isNaN(e)){if(!o[e])throw new Error("invalid status code: "+e);return e}if(!(e=o[t.toLowerCase()]))throw new Error('invalid status message: 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0)}).call(e,n(13)(t),n(0))},function(t,e,n){"use strict";t.exports=function(t){return t.webpackPolyfill||(t.deprecate=function(){},t.paths=[],t.children||(t.children=[]),Object.defineProperty(t,"loaded",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t.l}}),Object.defineProperty(t,"id",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t.i}}),t.webpackPolyfill=1),t}},function(t,e,n){"use strict";var o="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t};t.exports={isString:function(t){return"string"==typeof t},isObject:function(t){return"object"===(void 0===t?"undefined":o(t))&&null!==t},isNull:function(t){return null===t},isNullOrUndefined:function(t){return null==t}}},function(t,e,n){"use strict";function o(t,e){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,e)}t.exports=function(t,e,n,i){e=e||"&",n=n||"=";var a={};if("string"!=typeof t||0===t.length)return a;var u=/\+/g;t=t.split(e);var s=1e3;i&&"number"==typeof i.maxKeys&&(s=i.maxKeys);var c=t.length;s>0&&c>s&&(c=s);for(var l=0;l=0?(f=d.substr(0,m),p=d.substr(m+1)):(f=d,p=""),h=decodeURIComponent(f),y=decodeURIComponent(p),o(a,h)?r(a[h])?a[h].push(y):a[h]=[a[h],y]:a[h]=y}return a};var r=Array.isArray||function(t){return"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(t)}},function(t,e,n){"use strict";function o(t,e){if(t.map)return t.map(e);for(var n=[],o=0;o=0;o--){var r=t[o];"."===r?t.splice(o,1):".."===r?(t.splice(o,1),n++):n&&(t.splice(o,1),n--)}if(e)for(;n--;n)t.unshift("..");return t}function o(t,e){if(t.filter)return t.filter(e);for(var n=[],o=0;o=-1&&!r;i--){var a=i>=0?arguments[i]:t.cwd();if("string"!=typeof a)throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.resolve must be strings");a&&(e=a+"/"+e,r="/"===a.charAt(0))}return e=n(o(e.split("/"),function(t){return!!t}),!r).join("/"),(r?"/":"")+e||"."},e.normalize=function(t){var r=e.isAbsolute(t),i="/"===a(t,-1);return t=n(o(t.split("/"),function(t){return!!t}),!r).join("/"),t||r||(t="."),t&&i&&(t+="/"),(r?"/":"")+t},e.isAbsolute=function(t){return"/"===t.charAt(0)},e.join=function(){var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0);return e.normalize(o(t,function(t,e){if("string"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.join must be strings");return t}).join("/"))},e.relative=function(t,n){function o(t){for(var e=0;e=0&&""===t[n];n--);return e>n?[]:t.slice(e,n-e+1)}t=e.resolve(t).substr(1),n=e.resolve(n).substr(1);for(var r=o(t.split("/")),i=o(n.split("/")),a=Math.min(r.length,i.length),u=a,s=0;s1)for(var n=1;n0&&(y=setTimeout(function(){if(!h){h=!0,l.abort("timeout");var t=new Error("XMLHttpRequest timeout");t.code="ETIMEDOUT",r(t)}},t.timeout)),l.setRequestHeader)for(p in b)b.hasOwnProperty(p)&&l.setRequestHeader(p,b[p]);else if(t.headers&&!o(t.headers))throw new Error("Headers cannot be set on an XDomainRequest object");return"responseType"in t&&(l.responseType=t.responseType),"beforeSend"in t&&"function"==typeof t.beforeSend&&t.beforeSend(l),l.send(v||null),l}function u(t){if("document"===t.responseType)return t.responseXML;var e=t.responseXML&&"parsererror"===t.responseXML.documentElement.nodeName;return""!==t.responseType||e?null:t.responseXML}function s(){}var c=n(21),l=n(5),f=n(22),p=n(25);t.exports=i,i.XMLHttpRequest=c.XMLHttpRequest||s,i.XDomainRequest="withCredentials"in new i.XMLHttpRequest?i.XMLHttpRequest:c.XDomainRequest,function(t,e){for(var n=0;n0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"";o(this,e);var n=r(this,(e.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(e)).call(this,t));return Object.defineProperty(n,"message",{configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,value:t,writable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(n,"name",{configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,value:n.constructor.name,writable:!0}),Error.hasOwnProperty("captureStackTrace")?(Error.captureStackTrace(n,n.constructor),r(n)):(Object.defineProperty(n,"stack",{configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,value:new Error(t).stack,writable:!0}),n)}return i(e,t),e}(function(t){function e(){t.apply(this,arguments)}return e.prototype=Object.create(t.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf(e,t):e.__proto__=t,e}(Error));e.default=u,t.exports=e.default},function(t,e,n){"use strict";function o(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});var r=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e=600)&&c("non-error status code; use only 4xx or 5xx status codes"),("number"!=typeof n||!f[n]&&(n<400||n>=600))&&(n=500);var l=r[n]||r[o(n)];t||(t=l?new l(e):new Error(e||f[n]),Error.captureStackTrace(t,r)),l&&t instanceof l&&t.status===n||(t.expose=n<500,t.status=t.statusCode=n);for(var p in i)"status"!==p&&"statusCode"!==p&&(t[p]=i[p]);return t}function i(t,e,n){function o(t){var e=null!=t?t:f[n],i=new Error(e);return Error.captureStackTrace(i,o),l(i,o.prototype),Object.defineProperty(i,"message",{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,value:e,writable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(i,"name",{enumerable:!1,configurable:!0,value:r,writable:!0}),i}var r=e.match(/Error$/)?e:e+"Error";return p(o,t),o.prototype.status=n,o.prototype.statusCode=n,o.prototype.expose=!0,o}function a(t,e,n){function o(t){var e=null!=t?t:f[n],i=new Error(e);return Error.captureStackTrace(i,o),l(i,o.prototype),Object.defineProperty(i,"message",{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,value:e,writable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(i,"name",{enumerable:!1,configurable:!0,value:r,writable:!0}),i}var r=e.match(/Error$/)?e:e+"Error";return p(o,t),o.prototype.status=n,o.prototype.statusCode=n,o.prototype.expose=!1,o}function u(t){return t.split(" ").map(function(t){return t.slice(0,1).toUpperCase()+t.slice(1)}).join("").replace(/[^ _0-9a-z]/gi,"")}var s="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},c=n(32)("http-errors"),l=n(33),f=n(34),p=n(36);t.exports=r,t.exports.HttpError=function(){function t(){throw new TypeError("cannot construct abstract class")}return p(t,Error),t}(),function(t,e,n){e.forEach(function(e){var r,s=u(f[e]);switch(o(e)){case 400:r=i(n,s,e);break;case 500:r=a(n,s,e)}r&&(t[e]=r,t[s]=r)}),t["I'mateapot"]=c.function(t.ImATeapot,'"I\'mateapot"; use "ImATeapot" instead')}(t.exports,f.codes,t.exports.HttpError)},function(t,e,n){"use strict";function o(t){function e(t){}if(!t)throw new TypeError("argument namespace is required");return e._file=void 0,e._ignored=!0,e._namespace=t,e._traced=!1,e._warned=Object.create(null),e.function=r,e.property=i,e}function r(t,e){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("argument fn must be a function");return t}function i(t,e,n){if(!t||"object"!==(void 0===t?"undefined":a(t))&&"function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("argument obj must be object");var o=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,e);if(!o)throw new TypeError("must call property on owner object");if(!o.configurable)throw new TypeError("property must be configurable")}var a="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t};t.exports=o},function(t,e,n){"use strict";function o(t,e){return t.__proto__=e,t}function r(t,e){for(var n in e)t.hasOwnProperty(n)||(t[n]=e[n]);return t}t.exports=Object.setPrototypeOf||({__proto__:[]}instanceof Array?o:r)},function(t,e,n){"use strict";function o(t){if("number"==typeof t){if(!o[t])throw new Error("invalid status code: "+t);return t}if("string"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("code must be a number or string");var e=parseInt(t,10);if(!isNaN(e)){if(!o[e])throw new Error("invalid status code: "+e);return e}if(!(e=o[t.toLowerCase()]))throw new Error('invalid status message: "'+t+'"');return e}var r=n(35);t.exports=o,o.STATUS_CODES=r,o.codes=function(t,e){var n=[];return Object.keys(e).forEach(function(o){var r=e[o],i=Number(o);t[i]=r,t[r]=i,t[r.toLowerCase()]=i,n.push(i)}),n}(o,r),o.redirect={300:!0,301:!0,302:!0,303:!0,305:!0,307:!0,308:!0},o.empty={204:!0,205:!0,304:!0},o.retry={502:!0,503:!0,504:!0}},function(t,e){t.exports={100:"Continue",101:"Switching Protocols",102:"Processing",200:"OK",201:"Created",202:"Accepted",203:"Non-Authoritative Information",204:"No Content",205:"Reset Content",206:"Partial Content",207:"Multi-Status",208:"Already Reported",226:"IM Used",300:"Multiple Choices",301:"Moved Permanently",302:"Found",303:"See Other",304:"Not Modified",305:"Use Proxy",306:"(Unused)",307:"Temporary Redirect",308:"Permanent Redirect",400:"Bad Request",401:"Unauthorized",402:"Payment Required",403:"Forbidden",404:"Not Found",405:"Method Not Allowed",406:"Not Acceptable",407:"Proxy Authentication Required",408:"Request Timeout",409:"Conflict",410:"Gone",411:"Length Required",412:"Precondition Failed",413:"Payload Too Large",414:"URI Too Long",415:"Unsupported Media Type",416:"Range Not Satisfiable",417:"Expectation Failed",418:"I'm a teapot",421:"Misdirected Request",422:"Unprocessable Entity",423:"Locked",424:"Failed Dependency",425:"Unordered Collection",426:"Upgrade Required",428:"Precondition Required",429:"Too Many Requests",431:"Request Header Fields Too Large",451:"Unavailable For Legal Reasons",500:"Internal Server Error",501:"Not Implemented",502:"Bad Gateway",503:"Service Unavailable",504:"Gateway Timeout",505:"HTTP Version Not Supported",506:"Variant Also Negotiates",507:"Insufficient Storage",508:"Loop Detected",509:"Bandwidth Limit Exceeded",510:"Not Extended",511:"Network Authentication Required"}},function(t,e,n){"use strict";"function"==typeof Object.create?t.exports=function(t,e){t.super_=e,t.prototype=Object.create(e.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}})}:t.exports=function(t,e){t.super_=e;var n=function(){};n.prototype=e.prototype,t.prototype=new n,t.prototype.constructor=t}},function(t,e,n){"use strict";(function(t){function n(e){return!1===e?function(t){return{callback:t||o}}:function(n){var r=e||t.Promise;if(n||!r)return{callback:n||o};var i=void 0,a=new r(function(t,e){i=function(n,o){n?e(n):t(o)}});return{callback:i,promise:a}}}Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.default=n;var o=function(){}}).call(e,n(0))},function(t,e,n){"use strict";t.exports=n(39)},function(t,e,n){"use strict";var o=n(40);e.operation=function(t){var n=e.timeouts(t);return new o(n,{forever:t&&t.forever,unref:t&&t.unref})},e.timeouts=function(t){if(t instanceof Array)return[].concat(t);var e={retries:10,factor:2,minTimeout:1e3,maxTimeout:1/0,randomize:!1};for(var n in t)e[n]=t[n];if(e.minTimeout>e.maxTimeout)throw new Error("minTimeout is greater than maxTimeout");for(var o=[],r=0;r=n&&(e=r,n=a)}return e}},function(t,e,n){"use strict";function o(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function r(t,e){if(!t)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return!e||"object"!=typeof e&&"function"!=typeof e?t:e}function i(t,e){if("function"!=typeof e&&null!==e)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not "+typeof e);t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),e&&(Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf(t,e):t.__proto__=e)}Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.EdgeCollection=e.VertexCollection=void 0;var a=Object.assign||function(t){for(var e=1;e1?r-1:0),a=1;a= 3) { - this.first = undefined - this.last = undefined - this.createCapConstraint = undefined + this.first = undefined; + this.last = undefined; + this.createCapConstraint = undefined; } } - _documentHandle (documentHandle) { - if (typeof documentHandle !== 'string') { + _documentHandle(documentHandle) { + if (typeof documentHandle !== "string") { if (documentHandle._id) { - return documentHandle._id + return documentHandle._id; } if (documentHandle._key) { - return this._idPrefix + documentHandle._key + return this._idPrefix + documentHandle._key; } - throw new Error('Document handle must be a document or string') + throw new Error("Document handle must be a document or string"); } - if (documentHandle.indexOf('/') === -1) { - return this._idPrefix + documentHandle + if (documentHandle.indexOf("/") === -1) { + return this._idPrefix + documentHandle; } - return documentHandle + return documentHandle; } - _indexHandle (indexHandle) { - if (typeof indexHandle !== 'string') { + _indexHandle(indexHandle) { + if (typeof indexHandle !== "string") { if (indexHandle.id) { - return indexHandle.id + return indexHandle.id; } - throw new Error('Document handle must be a document or string') + throw new Error("Document handle must be a document or string"); } - if (indexHandle.indexOf('/') === -1) { - return this._idPrefix + indexHandle + if (indexHandle.indexOf("/") === -1) { + return this._idPrefix + indexHandle; } - return indexHandle + return indexHandle; } - _get (path, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + _get(path, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( this._urlPrefix + path, opts, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - _put (path, data, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + _put(path, data, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( this._urlPrefix + path, data, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - get (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + get(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( `/collection/${this.name}`, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - create (properties, cb) { - if (typeof properties === 'function') { - cb = properties - properties = undefined + create(properties, cb) { + if (typeof properties === "function") { + cb = properties; + properties = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/collection', - {...properties, name: this.name, type: this.type}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/collection", + { ...properties, name: this.name, type: this.type }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - properties (cb) { - return this._get('properties', cb) + properties(cb) { + return this._get("properties", cb); } - count (cb) { - return this._get('count', cb) + count(cb) { + return this._get("count", cb); } - figures (cb) { - return this._get('figures', cb) + figures(cb) { + return this._get("figures", cb); } - revision (cb) { - return this._get('revision', cb) + revision(cb) { + return this._get("revision", cb); } - checksum (opts, cb) { - return this._get('checksum', opts, cb) + checksum(opts, cb) { + return this._get("checksum", opts, cb); } - load (count, cb) { - if (typeof count === 'function') { - cb = count - count = undefined + load(count, cb) { + if (typeof count === "function") { + cb = count; + count = undefined; } - return this._put('load', ( - typeof count === 'boolean' ? {count: count} : undefined - ), cb) + return this._put( + "load", + typeof count === "boolean" ? { count: count } : undefined, + cb + ); } - unload (cb) { - return this._put('unload', undefined, cb) + unload(cb) { + return this._put("unload", undefined, cb); } - setProperties (properties, cb) { - return this._put('properties', properties, cb) + setProperties(properties, cb) { + return this._put("properties", properties, cb); } - rename (name, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - this._api.put( - this._urlPrefix + 'rename', - {name}, - (err, res) => { - if (err) callback(err) - else { - this.name = name - this._idPrefix = `${name}/` - this._urlPrefix = `/collection/${name}/` - callback(null, res.body) - } + rename(name, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + this._api.put(this._urlPrefix + "rename", { name }, (err, res) => { + if (err) callback(err); + else { + this.name = name; + this._idPrefix = `${name}/`; + this._urlPrefix = `/collection/${name}/`; + callback(null, res.body); } - ) - return promise + }); + return promise; } - rotate (cb) { - return this._put('rotate', undefined, cb) + rotate(cb) { + return this._put("rotate", undefined, cb); } - truncate (cb) { - return this._put('truncate', undefined, cb) + truncate(cb) { + return this._put("truncate", undefined, cb); } - drop (opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + drop(opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.delete( `/collection/${this.name}`, opts, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - replace (documentHandle, newValue, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + replace(documentHandle, newValue, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - if (typeof opts === 'string') { - opts = {rev: opts} + if (typeof opts === "string") { + opts = { rev: opts }; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - const rev = opts && opts.rev - const headers = ( + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + const rev = opts && opts.rev; + const headers = rev && this._connection.arangoMajor >= 3 - ? {'if-match': rev} - : undefined - ) + ? { "if-match": rev } + : undefined; this._api.put( this._documentPath(documentHandle), newValue, opts, headers, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - update (documentHandle, newValue, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + update(documentHandle, newValue, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - if (typeof opts === 'string') { - opts = {rev: opts} + if (typeof opts === "string") { + opts = { rev: opts }; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - const rev = opts && opts.rev - const headers = ( + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + const rev = opts && opts.rev; + const headers = rev && this._connection.arangoMajor >= 3 - ? {'if-match': rev} - : undefined - ) + ? { "if-match": rev } + : undefined; this._api.patch( this._documentPath(documentHandle), newValue, opts, headers, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - bulkUpdate (newValues, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + bulkUpdate(newValues, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - if (typeof opts === 'string') { - opts = {rev: opts} + if (typeof opts === "string") { + opts = { rev: opts }; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.patch( `/document/${this.name}`, newValues, opts, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - remove (documentHandle, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + remove(documentHandle, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - if (typeof opts === 'string') { - opts = {rev: opts} + if (typeof opts === "string") { + opts = { rev: opts }; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - const rev = opts && opts.rev - const headers = ( + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + const rev = opts && opts.rev; + const headers = rev && this._connection.arangoMajor >= 3 - ? {'if-match': rev} - : undefined - ) + ? { "if-match": rev } + : undefined; this._api.delete( this._documentPath(documentHandle), opts, headers, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - list (type, cb) { - if (typeof type === 'function') { - cb = type - type = undefined + list(type, cb) { + if (typeof type === "function") { + cb = type; + type = undefined; } - if (!type) type = 'id' - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + if (!type) type = "id"; + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); if (this._connection.arangoMajor < 3) { this._api.get( - '/document', - {type, collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.documents) - ) + "/document", + { type, collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.documents)) + ); } else { this._api.put( - '/simple/all-keys', - {type, collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result) - ) + "/simple/all-keys", + { type, collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result)) + ); } - return promise + return promise; } - all (opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + all(opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( - '/simple/all', - {...opts, collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, new ArrayCursor(this._connection, res.body)) - ) - return promise - } - - any (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + "/simple/all", + { ...opts, collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => + err + ? callback(err) + : callback(null, new ArrayCursor(this._connection, res.body)) + ); + return promise; + } + + any(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( - '/simple/any', - {collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.document) - ) - return promise + "/simple/any", + { collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.document)) + ); + return promise; } - first (opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + first(opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - if (typeof opts === 'number') { - opts = {count: opts} + if (typeof opts === "number") { + opts = { count: opts }; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( - '/simple/first', - {...opts, collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result) - ) - return promise + "/simple/first", + { ...opts, collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result)) + ); + return promise; } - last (opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + last(opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - if (typeof opts === 'number') { - opts = {count: opts} + if (typeof opts === "number") { + opts = { count: opts }; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( - '/simple/last', - {...opts, collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result) - ) - return promise + "/simple/last", + { ...opts, collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result)) + ); + return promise; } - byExample (example, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + byExample(example, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( - '/simple/by-example', - {...opts, example, collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, new ArrayCursor(this._connection, res.body)) - ) - return promise - } - - firstExample (example, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + "/simple/by-example", + { ...opts, example, collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => + err + ? callback(err) + : callback(null, new ArrayCursor(this._connection, res.body)) + ); + return promise; + } + + firstExample(example, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( - '/simple/first-example', - {example, collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.document) - ) - return promise + "/simple/first-example", + { example, collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.document)) + ); + return promise; } - removeByExample (example, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + removeByExample(example, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( - '/simple/remove-by-example', - {...opts, example, collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/simple/remove-by-example", + { ...opts, example, collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - replaceByExample (example, newValue, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + replaceByExample(example, newValue, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( - '/simple/replace-by-example', - {...opts, example, newValue, collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/simple/replace-by-example", + { ...opts, example, newValue, collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - updateByExample (example, newValue, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + updateByExample(example, newValue, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( - '/simple/update-by-example', - {...opts, example, newValue, collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/simple/update-by-example", + { ...opts, example, newValue, collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - lookupByKeys (keys, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + lookupByKeys(keys, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( - '/simple/lookup-by-keys', - {keys, collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.documents) - ) - return promise + "/simple/lookup-by-keys", + { keys, collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.documents)) + ); + return promise; } - removeByKeys (keys, options, cb) { - if (typeof options === 'function') { - cb = options - options = undefined + removeByKeys(keys, options, cb) { + if (typeof options === "function") { + cb = options; + options = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( - '/simple/remove-by-keys', - {options, keys, collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/simple/remove-by-keys", + { options, keys, collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - import (data, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + import(data, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.request( { - method: 'POST', - path: '/import', + method: "POST", + path: "/import", body: data, - ld: Boolean(!opts || opts.type !== 'array'), - qs: {type: 'auto', ...opts, collection: this.name} + ld: Boolean(!opts || opts.type !== "array"), + qs: { type: "auto", ...opts, collection: this.name } }, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - indexes (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + indexes(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( - '/index', - {collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.indexes) - ) - return promise + "/index", + { collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.indexes)) + ); + return promise; } - index (indexHandle, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + index(indexHandle, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( `/index/${this._indexHandle(indexHandle)}`, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - createIndex (details, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + createIndex(details, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/index', + "/index", details, - {collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + { collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - dropIndex (indexHandle, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + dropIndex(indexHandle, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.delete( `/index/${this._indexHandle(indexHandle)}`, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - createCapConstraint (size, cb) { - if (typeof size === 'number') { - size = {size: size} + createCapConstraint(size, cb) { + if (typeof size === "number") { + size = { size: size }; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/index', - {...size, type: 'cap'}, - {collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/index", + { ...size, type: "cap" }, + { collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - createHashIndex (fields, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + createHashIndex(fields, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - if (typeof fields === 'string') { - fields = [fields] + if (typeof fields === "string") { + fields = [fields]; } - if (typeof opts === 'boolean') { - opts = {unique: opts} + if (typeof opts === "boolean") { + opts = { unique: opts }; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/index', - {unique: false, ...opts, type: 'hash', fields: fields}, - {collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/index", + { unique: false, ...opts, type: "hash", fields: fields }, + { collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - createSkipList (fields, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + createSkipList(fields, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - if (typeof fields === 'string') { - fields = [fields] + if (typeof fields === "string") { + fields = [fields]; } - if (typeof opts === 'boolean') { - opts = {unique: opts} + if (typeof opts === "boolean") { + opts = { unique: opts }; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/index', - {unique: false, ...opts, type: 'skiplist', fields: fields}, - {collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/index", + { unique: false, ...opts, type: "skiplist", fields: fields }, + { collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - createPersistentIndex (fields, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + createPersistentIndex(fields, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - if (typeof fields === 'string') { - fields = [fields] + if (typeof fields === "string") { + fields = [fields]; } - if (typeof opts === 'boolean') { - opts = {unique: opts} + if (typeof opts === "boolean") { + opts = { unique: opts }; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/index', - {unique: false, ...opts, type: 'persistent', fields: fields}, - {collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/index", + { unique: false, ...opts, type: "persistent", fields: fields }, + { collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - createGeoIndex (fields, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + createGeoIndex(fields, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - if (typeof fields === 'string') { - fields = [fields] + if (typeof fields === "string") { + fields = [fields]; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/index', - {...opts, fields, type: 'geo'}, - {collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/index", + { ...opts, fields, type: "geo" }, + { collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - createFulltextIndex (fields, minLength, cb) { - if (typeof minLength === 'function') { - cb = minLength - minLength = undefined + createFulltextIndex(fields, minLength, cb) { + if (typeof minLength === "function") { + cb = minLength; + minLength = undefined; } - if (typeof fields === 'string') { - fields = [fields] + if (typeof fields === "string") { + fields = [fields]; } - if (minLength) minLength = Number(minLength) - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + if (minLength) minLength = Number(minLength); + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/index', - {fields, minLength, type: 'fulltext'}, - {collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise - } - - fulltext (attribute, query, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined - } - if (!opts) opts = {} - if (opts.index) opts.index = this._indexHandle(opts.index) - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + "/index", + { fields, minLength, type: "fulltext" }, + { collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; + } + + fulltext(attribute, query, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; + } + if (!opts) opts = {}; + if (opts.index) opts.index = this._indexHandle(opts.index); + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( - '/simple/fulltext', - {...opts, attribute, query, collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, new ArrayCursor(this._connection, res.body)) - ) - return promise + "/simple/fulltext", + { ...opts, attribute, query, collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => + err + ? callback(err) + : callback(null, new ArrayCursor(this._connection, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } } -BaseCollection.prototype.isArangoCollection = true +BaseCollection.prototype.isArangoCollection = true; class DocumentCollection extends BaseCollection { - constructor (...args) { - super(...args) - this.type = types.DOCUMENT_COLLECTION + constructor(...args) { + super(...args); + this.type = types.DOCUMENT_COLLECTION; } - _documentPath (documentHandle) { - return `/document/${this._documentHandle(documentHandle)}` + _documentPath(documentHandle) { + return `/document/${this._documentHandle(documentHandle)}`; } - document (documentHandle, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + document(documentHandle, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( this._documentPath(documentHandle), - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - save (data, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + save(data, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - if (typeof opts === 'boolean') { - opts = {returnNew: opts} + if (typeof opts === "boolean") { + opts = { returnNew: opts }; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); if (this._connection.arangoMajor >= 3) { this._api.post( `/document/${this.name}`, data, opts, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); } else { - if (!opts) opts = {} - opts.collection = this.name + if (!opts) opts = {}; + opts.collection = this.name; this._api.post( `/document`, data, opts, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); } - return promise + return promise; } } class EdgeCollection extends BaseCollection { - constructor (...args) { - super(...args) - this.type = types.EDGE_COLLECTION + constructor(...args) { + super(...args); + this.type = types.EDGE_COLLECTION; } - _documentPath (documentHandle) { + _documentPath(documentHandle) { if (this._connection.arangoMajor < 3) { - return `edge/${this._documentHandle(documentHandle)}` + return `edge/${this._documentHandle(documentHandle)}`; } - return `document/${this._documentHandle(documentHandle)}` + return `document/${this._documentHandle(documentHandle)}`; } - edge (documentHandle, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + edge(documentHandle, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( this._documentPath(documentHandle), - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - save (data, fromId, toId, cb) { - if (typeof fromId === 'function') { - cb = fromId - fromId = undefined + save(data, fromId, toId, cb) { + if (typeof fromId === "function") { + cb = fromId; + fromId = undefined; } else if (fromId) { - data._from = this._documentHandle(fromId) - data._to = this._documentHandle(toId) + data._from = this._documentHandle(fromId); + data._to = this._documentHandle(toId); } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); if (this._connection.arangoMajor < 3) { this._api.post( - '/edge', + "/edge", data, { collection: this.name, from: data._from, to: data._to }, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); } else { this._api.post( - '/document', + "/document", data, - {collection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) + { collection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); } - return promise + return promise; } - _edges (documentHandle, direction, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + _edges(documentHandle, direction, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( `/edges/${this.name}`, - {direction, vertex: this._documentHandle(documentHandle)}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.edges) - ) - return promise + { direction, vertex: this._documentHandle(documentHandle) }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.edges)) + ); + return promise; } - edges (vertex, cb) { - return this._edges(vertex, undefined, cb) + edges(vertex, cb) { + return this._edges(vertex, undefined, cb); } - inEdges (vertex, cb) { - return this._edges(vertex, 'in', cb) + inEdges(vertex, cb) { + return this._edges(vertex, "in", cb); } - outEdges (vertex, cb) { - return this._edges(vertex, 'out', cb) + outEdges(vertex, cb) { + return this._edges(vertex, "out", cb); } - traversal (startVertex, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + traversal(startVertex, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/traversal', - {...opts, startVertex, edgeCollection: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result) - ) - return promise + "/traversal", + { ...opts, startVertex, edgeCollection: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result)) + ); + return promise; } } -export default function construct (connection, body) { - const Collection = ( - body.type === types.EDGE_COLLECTION - ? EdgeCollection - : DocumentCollection - ) - return new Collection(connection, body.name) +export default function construct(connection, body) { + const Collection = + body.type === types.EDGE_COLLECTION ? EdgeCollection : DocumentCollection; + return new Collection(connection, body.name); } export { @@ -783,4 +784,4 @@ export { DocumentCollection, BaseCollection as _BaseCollection, types as _types -} +}; diff --git a/src/connection.js b/src/connection.js index 1d0290168..13dc3aff7 100644 --- a/src/connection.js +++ b/src/connection.js @@ -1,168 +1,185 @@ -import httperr from 'http-errors' -import qs from 'querystring' -import btoa from './util/btoa' -import byteLength from './util/bytelength' -import promisify from './util/promisify' -import createRequest, {isBrowser} from './util/request' -import ArangoError from './error' -import Route from './route' -import retry from 'retry' +import createRequest, { isBrowser } from "./util/request"; -const MIME_JSON = /\/(json|javascript)(\W|$)/ +import ArangoError from "./error"; +import Route from "./route"; +import btoa from "./util/btoa"; +import byteLength from "./util/bytelength"; +import httperr from "http-errors"; +import promisify from "./util/promisify"; +import qs from "querystring"; +import retry from "retry"; + +const MIME_JSON = /\/(json|javascript)(\W|$)/; export default class Connection { - constructor (config) { - if (typeof config === 'string') { - config = {url: config} + constructor(config) { + if (typeof config === "string") { + config = { url: config }; } - this.config = {...Connection.defaults, ...config} - this.config.agentOptions = {...Connection.agentDefaults, ...this.config.agentOptions} - if (!this.config.headers) this.config.headers = {} - if (!this.config.headers['x-arango-version']) { - this.config.headers['x-arango-version'] = this.config.arangoVersion + this.config = { ...Connection.defaults, ...config }; + this.config.agentOptions = { + ...Connection.agentDefaults, + ...this.config.agentOptions + }; + if (!this.config.headers) this.config.headers = {}; + if (!this.config.headers["x-arango-version"]) { + this.config.headers["x-arango-version"] = this.config.arangoVersion; } - this.arangoMajor = Math.floor(this.config.arangoVersion / 10000) - const {request, auth, url} = createRequest( + this.arangoMajor = Math.floor(this.config.arangoVersion / 10000); + const { request, auth, url } = createRequest( this.config.url, this.config.agentOptions, this.config.agent - ) - this._baseUrl = url - this._request = request - if (auth && !this.config.headers['authorization']) { - this.config.headers['authorization'] = `Basic ${btoa(auth)}` + ); + this._baseUrl = url; + this._request = request; + if (auth && !this.config.headers["authorization"]) { + this.config.headers["authorization"] = `Basic ${btoa(auth)}`; } if (this.config.databaseName === false) { - this._databasePath = '' + this._databasePath = ""; } else { - this._databasePath = `/_db/${this.config.databaseName}` + this._databasePath = `/_db/${this.config.databaseName}`; } - this.promisify = promisify(this.config.promise) + this.promisify = promisify(this.config.promise); this.retryOptions = { forever: this.config.retryConnection, retries: 0, minTimeout: 5000, randomize: true - } + }; } - _buildUrl (opts) { - let pathname = '' - let search + _buildUrl(opts) { + let pathname = ""; + let search; if (!opts.absolutePath) { - pathname = this._databasePath - if (opts.basePath) pathname += opts.basePath + pathname = this._databasePath; + if (opts.basePath) pathname += opts.basePath; } - if (opts.path) pathname += opts.path + if (opts.path) pathname += opts.path; if (opts.qs) { - if (typeof opts.qs === 'string') search = `?${opts.qs}` - else search = `?${qs.stringify(opts.qs)}` + if (typeof opts.qs === "string") search = `?${opts.qs}`; + else search = `?${qs.stringify(opts.qs)}`; } - return search ? {pathname, search} : {pathname} + return search ? { pathname, search } : { pathname }; } - route (path, headers) { - return new Route(this, path, headers) + route(path, headers) { + return new Route(this, path, headers); } - request (opts, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this.promisify(cb) - const expectBinary = opts.expectBinary || false - let contentType = 'text/plain' - let body = opts.body + request(opts, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this.promisify(cb); + const expectBinary = opts.expectBinary || false; + let contentType = "text/plain"; + let body = opts.body; if (body) { - if (typeof body === 'object') { + if (typeof body === "object") { if (opts.ld) { - body = body.map((obj) => JSON.stringify(obj)).join('\r\n') + '\r\n' - contentType = 'application/x-ldjson' + body = body.map(obj => JSON.stringify(obj)).join("\r\n") + "\r\n"; + contentType = "application/x-ldjson"; } else { - body = JSON.stringify(body) - contentType = 'application/json' + body = JSON.stringify(body); + contentType = "application/json"; } } else { - body = String(body) + body = String(body); } } else { - body = opts.rawBody + body = opts.rawBody; } - if (!opts.headers.hasOwnProperty('content-type')) { - opts.headers['content-type'] = contentType + if (!opts.headers.hasOwnProperty("content-type")) { + opts.headers["content-type"] = contentType; } - if (!isBrowser && !opts.headers.hasOwnProperty('content-length')) { + if (!isBrowser && !opts.headers.hasOwnProperty("content-length")) { // Can't override content-length in browser but ArangoDB needs it to be set - opts.headers['content-length'] = body ? byteLength(body, 'utf-8') : 0 + opts.headers["content-length"] = body ? byteLength(body, "utf-8") : 0; } for (const key of Object.keys(this.config.headers)) { if (!opts.headers.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - opts.headers[key] = this.config.headers[key] + opts.headers[key] = this.config.headers[key]; } } - const url = this._buildUrl(opts) - const doRequest = this._request - const operation = retry.operation(this.retryOptions) - operation.attempt(function (currentAttempt) { - doRequest({ - url, - headers: opts.headers, - method: opts.method, - expectBinary, - body - }, (err, res) => { - if (operation.retry(err)) return - if (err) callback(err) - else { - const rawBody = res.body - if (res.headers['content-type'].match(MIME_JSON)) { - try { - if (expectBinary) res.body = res.body.toString('utf-8') - res.body = res.body ? JSON.parse(res.body) : undefined - } catch (e) { - res.body = rawBody - e.response = res - return callback(e) + const url = this._buildUrl(opts); + const doRequest = this._request; + const operation = retry.operation(this.retryOptions); + operation.attempt(function(currentAttempt) { + doRequest( + { + url, + headers: opts.headers, + method: opts.method, + expectBinary, + body + }, + (err, res) => { + if (operation.retry(err)) return; + if (err) callback(err); + else { + const rawBody = res.body; + if (res.headers["content-type"].match(MIME_JSON)) { + try { + if (expectBinary) res.body = res.body.toString("utf-8"); + res.body = res.body ? JSON.parse(res.body) : undefined; + } catch (e) { + res.body = rawBody; + e.response = res; + return callback(e); + } + } + if ( + res.body && + res.body.error && + res.body.hasOwnProperty("code") && + res.body.hasOwnProperty("errorMessage") && + res.body.hasOwnProperty("errorNum") + ) { + err = new ArangoError(res.body); + err.response = res; + if ( + currentAttempt === 1 && + err.errorNum === 21 && + operation.retry(err) + ) + return; + callback(err); + } else if (res.statusCode >= 400) { + err = httperr(res.statusCode); + err.response = res; + if ( + currentAttempt === 1 && + res.statusCode === 500 && + operation.retry(err) + ) + return; + callback(err); + } else { + if (expectBinary) res.body = rawBody; + callback(null, res); } - } - if ( - res.body && - res.body.error && - res.body.hasOwnProperty('code') && - res.body.hasOwnProperty('errorMessage') && - res.body.hasOwnProperty('errorNum') - ) { - err = new ArangoError(res.body) - err.response = res - if (currentAttempt === 1 && err.errorNum === 21 && operation.retry(err)) return - callback(err) - } else if (res.statusCode >= 400) { - err = httperr(res.statusCode) - err.response = res - if (currentAttempt === 1 && res.statusCode === 500 && operation.retry(err)) return - callback(err) - } else { - if (expectBinary) res.body = rawBody - callback(null, res) } } - }) - }) - return promise + ); + }); + return promise; } } Connection.defaults = { - url: 'http://localhost:8529', - databaseName: '_system', + url: "http://localhost:8529", + databaseName: "_system", arangoVersion: 30000, retryConnection: false -} +}; Connection.agentDefaults = { maxSockets: 3, keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 1000 -} +}; diff --git a/src/cursor.js b/src/cursor.js index 3b8f73d9f..18ae23527 100644 --- a/src/cursor.js +++ b/src/cursor.js @@ -1,204 +1,200 @@ export default class ArrayCursor { - constructor (connection, body) { - this.extra = body.extra - this._connection = connection - this._api = this._connection.route('/_api') - this._result = body.result - this._hasMore = Boolean(body.hasMore) - this._id = body.id - this.count = body.count + constructor(connection, body) { + this.extra = body.extra; + this._connection = connection; + this._api = this._connection.route("/_api"); + this._result = body.result; + this._hasMore = Boolean(body.hasMore); + this._id = body.id; + this.count = body.count; } - _drain (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - this._more((err) => ( - err ? callback(err) : ( - !this._hasMore - ? callback(null, this) - : this._drain(cb) - ) - )) - return promise + _drain(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + this._more( + err => + err + ? callback(err) + : !this._hasMore ? callback(null, this) : this._drain(cb) + ); + return promise; } - _more (callback) { - if (!this._hasMore) callback(null, this) + _more(callback) { + if (!this._hasMore) callback(null, this); else { - this._api.put( - `/cursor/${this._id}`, - (err, res) => { - if (err) callback(err) - else { - this._result.push(...res.body.result) - this._hasMore = res.body.hasMore - callback(null, this) - } + this._api.put(`/cursor/${this._id}`, (err, res) => { + if (err) callback(err); + else { + this._result.push(...res.body.result); + this._hasMore = res.body.hasMore; + callback(null, this); } - ) + }); } } - all (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - this._drain((err) => { - if (err) callback(err) + all(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + this._drain(err => { + if (err) callback(err); else { - let result = this._result - this._result = [] - callback(null, result) + let result = this._result; + this._result = []; + callback(null, result); } - }) - return promise + }); + return promise; } - next (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + next(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); const next = () => { - const value = this._result.shift() - callback(null, value) - } - if (this._result.length) next() + const value = this._result.shift(); + callback(null, value); + }; + if (this._result.length) next(); else { - if (!this._hasMore) callback(null) + if (!this._hasMore) callback(null); else { - this._more((err) => err ? callback(err) : next()) + this._more(err => (err ? callback(err) : next())); } } - return promise + return promise; } - hasNext () { - return Boolean(this._hasMore || this._result.length) + hasNext() { + return Boolean(this._hasMore || this._result.length); } - each (fn, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - let index = 0 + each(fn, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + let index = 0; const loop = () => { try { - let result + let result; while (this._result.length) { - result = fn(this._result.shift(), index, this) - index++ - if (result === false) break + result = fn(this._result.shift(), index, this); + index++; + if (result === false) break; } - if (!this._hasMore || result === false) callback(null, result) + if (!this._hasMore || result === false) callback(null, result); else { - this._more((err) => err ? callback(err) : loop()) + this._more(err => (err ? callback(err) : loop())); } } catch (e) { - callback(e) + callback(e); } - } - loop() - return promise + }; + loop(); + return promise; } - every (fn, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - let index = 0 + every(fn, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + let index = 0; const loop = () => { try { - let result = true + let result = true; while (this._result.length) { - result = fn(this._result.shift(), index, this) - index++ - if (!result) break + result = fn(this._result.shift(), index, this); + index++; + if (!result) break; } - if (!this._hasMore || !result) callback(null, Boolean(result)) + if (!this._hasMore || !result) callback(null, Boolean(result)); else { - this._more((err) => err ? callback(err) : loop()) + this._more(err => (err ? callback(err) : loop())); } } catch (e) { - callback(e) + callback(e); } - } - loop() - return promise + }; + loop(); + return promise; } - some (fn, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - let index = 0 + some(fn, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + let index = 0; const loop = () => { try { - let result = false + let result = false; while (this._result.length) { - result = fn(this._result.shift(), index, this) - index++ - if (result) break + result = fn(this._result.shift(), index, this); + index++; + if (result) break; } - if (!this._hasMore || result) callback(null, Boolean(result)) + if (!this._hasMore || result) callback(null, Boolean(result)); else { - this._more((err) => err ? callback(err) : loop()) + this._more(err => (err ? callback(err) : loop())); } } catch (e) { - callback(e) + callback(e); } - } - loop() - return promise + }; + loop(); + return promise; } - map (fn, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - let index = 0 - const result = [] + map(fn, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + let index = 0; + const result = []; const loop = () => { try { while (this._result.length) { - result.push(fn(this._result.shift(), index, this)) - index++ + result.push(fn(this._result.shift(), index, this)); + index++; } - if (!this._hasMore) callback(null, result) + if (!this._hasMore) callback(null, result); else { - this._more((err) => err ? callback(err) : loop()) + this._more(err => (err ? callback(err) : loop())); } } catch (e) { - callback(e) + callback(e); } - } - loop() - return promise + }; + loop(); + return promise; } - reduce (fn, accu, cb) { - if (typeof accu === 'function') { - cb = accu - accu = undefined + reduce(fn, accu, cb) { + if (typeof accu === "function") { + cb = accu; + accu = undefined; } - let index = 0 - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + let index = 0; + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); const loop = () => { try { while (this._result.length) { - accu = fn(accu, this._result.shift(), index, this) - index++ + accu = fn(accu, this._result.shift(), index, this); + index++; } - if (!this._hasMore) callback(null, accu) + if (!this._hasMore) callback(null, accu); else { - this._more((err) => err ? callback(err) : loop()) + this._more(err => (err ? callback(err) : loop())); } } catch (e) { - callback(e) + callback(e); } - } + }; if (accu !== undefined) { - loop() + loop(); } else if (this._result.length > 1) { - accu = this._result.shift() - index = 1 - loop() + accu = this._result.shift(); + index = 1; + loop(); } else { - this._more((err) => { - if (err) callback(err) + this._more(err => { + if (err) callback(err); else { - accu = this._result.shift() - index = 1 - loop() + accu = this._result.shift(); + index = 1; + loop(); } - }) + }); } - return promise + return promise; } } diff --git a/src/database.js b/src/database.js index 3c4377b4b..53cf8ede8 100644 --- a/src/database.js +++ b/src/database.js @@ -1,419 +1,450 @@ import constructCollection, { DocumentCollection, EdgeCollection -} from './collection' +} from "./collection"; -import ArrayCursor from './cursor' -import Connection from './connection' -import Graph from './graph' -import all from './util/all' -import btoa from './util/btoa' -import toForm from './util/multipart' +import ArrayCursor from "./cursor"; +import Connection from "./connection"; +import Graph from "./graph"; +import all from "./util/all"; +import btoa from "./util/btoa"; +import toForm from "./util/multipart"; export default class Database { - constructor (config) { - this._connection = new Connection(config) - this._api = this._connection.route('/_api') - this.name = this._connection.config.databaseName + constructor(config) { + this._connection = new Connection(config); + this._api = this._connection.route("/_api"); + this.name = this._connection.config.databaseName; } - route (path, headers) { - return this._connection.route(path, headers) + route(path, headers) { + return this._connection.route(path, headers); } // Database manipulation - useDatabase (databaseName) { + useDatabase(databaseName) { if (this._connection.config.databaseName === false) { - throw new Error('Can not change database from absolute URL') + throw new Error("Can not change database from absolute URL"); } - this._connection.config.databaseName = databaseName - this._connection._databasePath = `/_db/${databaseName}` - this.name = databaseName - return this + this._connection.config.databaseName = databaseName; + this._connection._databasePath = `/_db/${databaseName}`; + this.name = databaseName; + return this; } - useBearerAuth (token) { - this._connection.config.headers['authorization'] = `Bearer ${token}` - return this + useBearerAuth(token) { + this._connection.config.headers["authorization"] = `Bearer ${token}`; + return this; } - useBasicAuth (username, password) { - this._connection.config.headers['authorization'] = `Basic ${btoa(`${username || 'root'}:${password || ''}`)}` - return this + useBasicAuth(username, password) { + this._connection.config.headers["authorization"] = `Basic ${btoa( + `${username || "root"}:${password || ""}` + )}`; + return this; } - get (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + get(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( - '/database/current', - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result) - ) - return promise + "/database/current", + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result)) + ); + return promise; } - createDatabase (databaseName, users, cb) { - if (typeof users === 'function') { - cb = users - users = undefined + createDatabase(databaseName, users, cb) { + if (typeof users === "function") { + cb = users; + users = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/database', - {users, name: databaseName}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/database", + { users, name: databaseName }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - listDatabases (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + listDatabases(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( - '/database', - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result) - ) - return promise + "/database", + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result)) + ); + return promise; } - listUserDatabases (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + listUserDatabases(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( - '/database/user', - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result) - ) - return promise + "/database/user", + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result)) + ); + return promise; } - dropDatabase (databaseName, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + dropDatabase(databaseName, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.delete( `/database/${databaseName}`, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } // Collection manipulation - collection (collectionName) { - return new DocumentCollection(this._connection, collectionName) + collection(collectionName) { + return new DocumentCollection(this._connection, collectionName); } - edgeCollection (collectionName) { - return new EdgeCollection(this._connection, collectionName) + edgeCollection(collectionName) { + return new EdgeCollection(this._connection, collectionName); } - listCollections (excludeSystem, cb) { - if (typeof excludeSystem === 'function') { - cb = excludeSystem - excludeSystem = undefined + listCollections(excludeSystem, cb) { + if (typeof excludeSystem === "function") { + cb = excludeSystem; + excludeSystem = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - if (typeof excludeSystem !== 'boolean') excludeSystem = true - const resultField = ( - this._connection.arangoMajor < 3 - ? 'collections' - : 'result' - ) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + if (typeof excludeSystem !== "boolean") excludeSystem = true; + const resultField = + this._connection.arangoMajor < 3 ? "collections" : "result"; this._api.get( - '/collection', - {excludeSystem}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body[resultField]) - ) - return promise + "/collection", + { excludeSystem }, + (err, res) => + err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body[resultField]) + ); + return promise; } - collections (excludeSystem, cb) { - if (typeof excludeSystem === 'function') { - cb = excludeSystem - excludeSystem = undefined + collections(excludeSystem, cb) { + if (typeof excludeSystem === "function") { + cb = excludeSystem; + excludeSystem = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this.listCollections( excludeSystem, - (err, collections) => ( + (err, collections) => err - ? callback(err) - : callback(null, collections.map((info) => constructCollection(this._connection, info))) - ) - ) - return promise - } - - truncate (excludeSystem, cb) { - if (typeof excludeSystem === 'function') { - cb = excludeSystem - } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + ? callback(err) + : callback( + null, + collections.map(info => + constructCollection(this._connection, info) + ) + ) + ); + return promise; + } + + truncate(excludeSystem, cb) { + if (typeof excludeSystem === "function") { + cb = excludeSystem; + } + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this.listCollections( true, - (err, collections) => ( + (err, collections) => err - ? callback(err) - : all(collections.map((data) => (cb) => this._api.put( - `/collection/${data.name}/truncate`, - (err, res) => err ? cb(err) : cb(null, res.body) - )), callback) - ) - ) - return promise + ? callback(err) + : all( + collections.map(data => cb => + this._api.put( + `/collection/${data.name}/truncate`, + (err, res) => (err ? cb(err) : cb(null, res.body)) + ) + ), + callback + ) + ); + return promise; } // Graph manipulation - graph (graphName) { - return new Graph(this._connection, graphName) + graph(graphName) { + return new Graph(this._connection, graphName); } - listGraphs (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + listGraphs(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( - '/gharial', - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graphs) - ) - return promise + "/gharial", + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graphs)) + ); + return promise; } - graphs (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + graphs(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this.listGraphs( - (err, graphs) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, graphs.map((info) => this.graph(info._key))) - ) - return promise + (err, graphs) => + err + ? callback(err) + : callback(null, graphs.map(info => this.graph(info._key))) + ); + return promise; } // Queries - transaction (collections, action, params, lockTimeout, cb) { - if (typeof lockTimeout === 'function') { - cb = lockTimeout - lockTimeout = undefined + transaction(collections, action, params, lockTimeout, cb) { + if (typeof lockTimeout === "function") { + cb = lockTimeout; + lockTimeout = undefined; } - if (typeof params === 'function') { - cb = params - params = undefined + if (typeof params === "function") { + cb = params; + params = undefined; } - if (typeof params === 'number') { - lockTimeout = params - params = undefined + if (typeof params === "number") { + lockTimeout = params; + params = undefined; } - if (typeof collections === 'string' || Array.isArray(collections)) { - collections = {write: collections} + if (typeof collections === "string" || Array.isArray(collections)) { + collections = { write: collections }; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/transaction', - {collections, action, params, lockTimeout}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result) - ) - return promise + "/transaction", + { collections, action, params, lockTimeout }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result)) + ); + return promise; } - query (query, bindVars, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + query(query, bindVars, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - if (typeof bindVars === 'function') { - cb = bindVars - bindVars = undefined + if (typeof bindVars === "function") { + cb = bindVars; + bindVars = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); if (query && query.query) { - if (!opts) opts = bindVars - bindVars = query.bindVars - query = query.query + if (!opts) opts = bindVars; + bindVars = query.bindVars; + query = query.query; } - if (query && typeof query.toAQL === 'function') { - query = query.toAQL() + if (query && typeof query.toAQL === "function") { + query = query.toAQL(); } this._api.post( - '/cursor', - {...opts, query, bindVars}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, new ArrayCursor(this._connection, res.body)) - ) - return promise + "/cursor", + { ...opts, query, bindVars }, + (err, res) => + err + ? callback(err) + : callback(null, new ArrayCursor(this._connection, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } // Function management - listFunctions (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + listFunctions(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( - '/aqlfunction', - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/aqlfunction", + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - createFunction (name, code, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + createFunction(name, code, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/aqlfunction', - {name, code}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/aqlfunction", + { name, code }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - dropFunction (name, group, cb) { - if (typeof group === 'function') { - cb = group - group = undefined + dropFunction(name, group, cb) { + if (typeof group === "function") { + cb = group; + group = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.delete( `/aqlfunction/${name}`, - {group: Boolean(group)}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + { group: Boolean(group) }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } // Service management - listServices (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + listServices(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( - '/foxx', - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise - } - - installService (mount, source, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined - } - const {configuration, dependencies, ...qs} = opts || {} - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - toForm({ - configuration, - dependencies, - source - }, (err, req) => err ? callback(err) : ( - this._api.request({ - method: 'POST', - path: '/foxx', - rawBody: req.body, - qs: {...qs, mount}, - headers: req.headers - }, (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) - )) - return promise - } - - upgradeService (mount, source, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined - } - const {configuration, dependencies, ...qs} = opts || {} - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - toForm({ - configuration, - dependencies, - source - }, (err, req) => err ? callback(err) : ( - this._api.request({ - method: 'PATCH', - path: '/foxx/service', - rawBody: req.body, - qs: {...qs, mount}, - headers: req.headers - }, (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) - )) - return promise - } - - replaceService (mount, source, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined - } - const {configuration, dependencies, ...qs} = opts || {} - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - toForm({ - configuration, - dependencies, - source - }, (err, req) => err ? callback(err) : ( - this._api.request({ - method: 'PUT', - path: '/foxx/service', - rawBody: req.body, - qs: {...qs, mount}, - headers: req.headers - }, (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) - )) - return promise - } - - uninstallService (mount, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined - } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + "/foxx", + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; + } + + installService(mount, source, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; + } + const { configuration, dependencies, ...qs } = opts || {}; + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + toForm( + { + configuration, + dependencies, + source + }, + (err, req) => + err + ? callback(err) + : this._api.request( + { + method: "POST", + path: "/foxx", + rawBody: req.body, + qs: { ...qs, mount }, + headers: req.headers + }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ) + ); + return promise; + } + + upgradeService(mount, source, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; + } + const { configuration, dependencies, ...qs } = opts || {}; + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + toForm( + { + configuration, + dependencies, + source + }, + (err, req) => + err + ? callback(err) + : this._api.request( + { + method: "PATCH", + path: "/foxx/service", + rawBody: req.body, + qs: { ...qs, mount }, + headers: req.headers + }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ) + ); + return promise; + } + + replaceService(mount, source, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; + } + const { configuration, dependencies, ...qs } = opts || {}; + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + toForm( + { + configuration, + dependencies, + source + }, + (err, req) => + err + ? callback(err) + : this._api.request( + { + method: "PUT", + path: "/foxx/service", + rawBody: req.body, + qs: { ...qs, mount }, + headers: req.headers + }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ) + ); + return promise; + } + + uninstallService(mount, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; + } + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.delete( - '/foxx/service', - {...opts, mount}, - (err) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null) - ) - return promise + "/foxx/service", + { ...opts, mount }, + err => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null)) + ); + return promise; } - getService (mount, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + getService(mount, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( - '/foxx/service', - {mount}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/foxx/service", + { mount }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - getServiceConfiguration (mount, minimal, cb) { - if (typeof minimal === 'function') { - cb = minimal - minimal = undefined + getServiceConfiguration(mount, minimal, cb) { + if (typeof minimal === "function") { + cb = minimal; + minimal = undefined; } - if (typeof minimal !== 'boolean') { + if (typeof minimal !== "boolean") { minimal = false; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - this._api.get( - '/foxx/configuration', - {mount, minimal}, - (err, res) => { - if (err) return callback(err); - if (minimal) { - const values = {}; - for (const key of Object.keys(res.body)) { - values[key] = res.body[key].current; - } - res.body = {values}; + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + this._api.get("/foxx/configuration", { mount, minimal }, (err, res) => { + if (err) return callback(err); + if (minimal) { + const values = {}; + for (const key of Object.keys(res.body)) { + values[key] = res.body[key].current; } - callback(null, res.body); + res.body = { values }; } - ) - return promise + callback(null, res.body); + }); + return promise; } - updateServiceConfiguration (mount, cfg, minimal, cb) { - if (typeof minimal === 'function') { - cb = minimal - minimal = undefined + updateServiceConfiguration(mount, cfg, minimal, cb) { + if (typeof minimal === "function") { + cb = minimal; + minimal = undefined; } - if (typeof minimal !== 'boolean') { + if (typeof minimal !== "boolean") { minimal = false; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.patch( - '/foxx/configuration', + "/foxx/configuration", cfg, - {mount, minimal}, + { mount, minimal }, (err, res) => { if (err) return callback(err); let body = res.body; @@ -421,7 +452,7 @@ export default class Database { return callback(null, body); } this.getServiceConfiguration(mount, minimal, (err, res) => { - if (err) return callback(err) + if (err) return callback(err); if (body.warnings) { for (const key of Object.keys(res)) { res.body[key].warning = body.warnings[key]; @@ -430,23 +461,23 @@ export default class Database { callback(null, res.body); }); } - ) - return promise + ); + return promise; } - replaceServiceConfiguration (mount, cfg, minimal, cb) { - if (typeof minimal === 'function') { - cb = minimal - minimal = undefined + replaceServiceConfiguration(mount, cfg, minimal, cb) { + if (typeof minimal === "function") { + cb = minimal; + minimal = undefined; } - if (typeof minimal !== 'boolean') { + if (typeof minimal !== "boolean") { minimal = false; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.put( - '/foxx/configuration', + "/foxx/configuration", cfg, - {mount, minimal}, + { mount, minimal }, (err, res) => { if (err) return callback(err); let body = res.body; @@ -454,7 +485,7 @@ export default class Database { return callback(null, body); } this.getServiceConfiguration(mount, minimal, (err, res) => { - if (err) return callback(err) + if (err) return callback(err); if (body.warnings) { for (const key of Object.keys(res)) { res.body[key].warning = body.warnings[key]; @@ -463,50 +494,46 @@ export default class Database { callback(null, res.body); }); } - ) - return promise + ); + return promise; } - getServiceDependencies (mount, minimal, cb) { - if (typeof minimal === 'function') { - cb = minimal - minimal = undefined + getServiceDependencies(mount, minimal, cb) { + if (typeof minimal === "function") { + cb = minimal; + minimal = undefined; } - if (typeof minimal !== 'boolean') { + if (typeof minimal !== "boolean") { minimal = false; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - this._api.get( - '/foxx/dependencies', - {mount, minimal}, - (err, res) => { - if (err) return callback(err); - if (minimal) { - const values = {}; - for (const key of Object.keys(res.body)) { - values[key] = res.body[key].current; - } - res.body = {values}; + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + this._api.get("/foxx/dependencies", { mount, minimal }, (err, res) => { + if (err) return callback(err); + if (minimal) { + const values = {}; + for (const key of Object.keys(res.body)) { + values[key] = res.body[key].current; } - callback(null, res.body); + res.body = { values }; } - ) - return promise + callback(null, res.body); + }); + return promise; } - updateServiceDependencies (mount, cfg, minimal, cb) { - if (typeof minimal === 'function') { - cb = minimal - minimal = undefined + updateServiceDependencies(mount, cfg, minimal, cb) { + if (typeof minimal === "function") { + cb = minimal; + minimal = undefined; } - if (typeof minimal !== 'boolean') { + if (typeof minimal !== "boolean") { minimal = false; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.patch( - '/foxx/dependencies', + "/foxx/dependencies", cfg, - {mount, minimal}, + { mount, minimal }, (err, res) => { if (err) return callback(err); let body = res.body; @@ -514,7 +541,7 @@ export default class Database { return callback(null, body); } this.getServiceDependencies(mount, minimal, (err, res) => { - if (err) return callback(err) + if (err) return callback(err); if (body.warnings) { for (const key of Object.keys(res)) { res.body[key].warning = body.warnings[key]; @@ -523,145 +550,145 @@ export default class Database { callback(null, res.body); }); } - ) - return promise + ); + return promise; } - replaceServiceDependencies (mount, cfg, minimal, cb) { - if (typeof minimal === 'function') { - cb = minimal - minimal = undefined + replaceServiceDependencies(mount, cfg, minimal, cb) { + if (typeof minimal === "function") { + cb = minimal; + minimal = undefined; } - if (typeof minimal !== 'boolean') { + if (typeof minimal !== "boolean") { minimal = false; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - this._api.put( - '/foxx/dependencies', - cfg, - {mount, minimal}, - (err, res) => { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + this._api.put("/foxx/dependencies", cfg, { mount, minimal }, (err, res) => { + if (err) return callback(err); + let body = res.body; + if (minimal || !body.values || !body.values.title) { + return callback(null, body); + } + this.getServiceDependencies(mount, minimal, (err, res) => { if (err) return callback(err); - let body = res.body; - if (minimal || !body.values || !body.values.title) { - return callback(null, body); - } - this.getServiceDependencies(mount, minimal, (err, res) => { - if (err) return callback(err) - if (body.warnings) { - for (const key of Object.keys(res)) { - res.body[key].warning = body.warnings[key]; - } + if (body.warnings) { + for (const key of Object.keys(res)) { + res.body[key].warning = body.warnings[key]; } - callback(null, res.body); - }); - } - ) - return promise + } + callback(null, res.body); + }); + }); + return promise; } - enableServiceDevelopmentMode (mount, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + enableServiceDevelopmentMode(mount, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/foxx/development', + "/foxx/development", undefined, - {mount}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + { mount }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - disableServiceDevelopmentMode (mount, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + disableServiceDevelopmentMode(mount, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.delete( - '/foxx/development', - {mount}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/foxx/development", + { mount }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - listServiceScripts (mount, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + listServiceScripts(mount, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( - '/foxx/scripts', - {mount}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/foxx/scripts", + { mount }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - runServiceScript (mount, name, args, cb) { - if (typeof args === 'function') { - cb = args - args = undefined + runServiceScript(mount, name, args, cb) { + if (typeof args === "function") { + cb = args; + args = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( `/foxx/scripts/${name}`, args, - {mount}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + { mount }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - runServiceTests (mount, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + runServiceTests(mount, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/foxx/tests', + "/foxx/tests", undefined, - {...opts, mount}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + { ...opts, mount }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - getServiceReadme (mount, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + getServiceReadme(mount, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( - '/foxx/readme', - {mount}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/foxx/readme", + { mount }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - getServiceDocumentation (mount, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + getServiceDocumentation(mount, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.get( - '/foxx/swagger', - {mount}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + "/foxx/swagger", + { mount }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - downloadService (mount, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + downloadService(mount, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.request( - {method: 'POST', path: '/foxx/download', qs: {mount}, expectBinary: true}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise - } - - commitLocalServiceState (replace, cb) { - if (typeof replace === 'function') { - cb = replace - replace = undefined - } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + { + method: "POST", + path: "/foxx/download", + qs: { mount }, + expectBinary: true + }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; + } + + commitLocalServiceState(replace, cb) { + if (typeof replace === "function") { + cb = replace; + replace = undefined; + } + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/foxx/commit', + "/foxx/commit", undefined, - {replace}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null) - ) - return promise + { replace }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null)) + ); + return promise; } } diff --git a/src/error.js b/src/error.js index 719768567..aca7c6d66 100644 --- a/src/error.js +++ b/src/error.js @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ -import ExtendableError from 'es6-error' +import ExtendableError from "es6-error"; export default class ArangoError extends ExtendableError { - constructor (obj) { - super() - this.message = obj.errorMessage - this.errorNum = obj.errorNum - this.code = obj.code - const err = new Error(this.message) - err.name = this.name - if (err.fileName) this.fileName = err.fileName - if (err.lineNumber) this.lineNumber = err.lineNumber - if (err.columnNumber) this.columnNumber = err.columnNumber - if (err.stack) this.stack = err.stack - if (err.description) this.description = err.description - if (err.number) this.number = err.number + constructor(obj) { + super(); + this.message = obj.errorMessage; + this.errorNum = obj.errorNum; + this.code = obj.code; + const err = new Error(this.message); + err.name = this.name; + if (err.fileName) this.fileName = err.fileName; + if (err.lineNumber) this.lineNumber = err.lineNumber; + if (err.columnNumber) this.columnNumber = err.columnNumber; + if (err.stack) this.stack = err.stack; + if (err.description) this.description = err.description; + if (err.number) this.number = err.number; } } -ArangoError.prototype.name = 'ArangoError' -ArangoError.prototype.isArangoError = true +ArangoError.prototype.name = "ArangoError"; +ArangoError.prototype.isArangoError = true; diff --git a/src/graph.js b/src/graph.js index f4d82a452..e2a36ba21 100644 --- a/src/graph.js +++ b/src/graph.js @@ -1,222 +1,222 @@ import { - EdgeCollection, _BaseCollection as BaseCollection, + EdgeCollection, _types as types -} from './collection' +} from "./collection"; class GraphVertexCollection extends BaseCollection { - constructor (connection, name, graph) { - super(connection, name) - this.type = types.DOCUMENT_COLLECTION - this.graph = graph - this._gharial = this._api.route(`/gharial/${this.graph.name}/vertex`) + constructor(connection, name, graph) { + super(connection, name); + this.type = types.DOCUMENT_COLLECTION; + this.graph = graph; + this._gharial = this._api.route(`/gharial/${this.graph.name}/vertex`); } - _documentPath (documentHandle) { - return `/document/${this._documentHandle(documentHandle)}` + _documentPath(documentHandle) { + return `/document/${this._documentHandle(documentHandle)}`; } - remove (documentHandle, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + remove(documentHandle, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._gharial.delete( `/${this._documentHandle(documentHandle)}`, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - vertex (documentHandle, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + vertex(documentHandle, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._gharial.get( `/${this._documentHandle(documentHandle)}`, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - save (data, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + save(data, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._gharial.post( this.name, data, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } } class GraphEdgeCollection extends EdgeCollection { - constructor (connection, name, graph) { - super(connection, name) - this.type = types.EDGE_COLLECTION - this.graph = graph - this._gharial = this._api.route(`/gharial/${this.graph.name}/edge`) + constructor(connection, name, graph) { + super(connection, name); + this.type = types.EDGE_COLLECTION; + this.graph = graph; + this._gharial = this._api.route(`/gharial/${this.graph.name}/edge`); } - remove (documentHandle, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + remove(documentHandle, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._gharial.delete( `/${this._documentHandle(documentHandle)}`, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - edge (documentHandle, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + edge(documentHandle, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._gharial.get( `/${this._documentHandle(documentHandle)}`, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - save (data, fromId, toId, cb) { - if (typeof fromId === 'function') { - cb = fromId - fromId = undefined + save(data, fromId, toId, cb) { + if (typeof fromId === "function") { + cb = fromId; + fromId = undefined; } else if (fromId) { - data._from = this._documentHandle(fromId) - data._to = this._documentHandle(toId) + data._from = this._documentHandle(fromId); + data._to = this._documentHandle(toId); } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._gharial.post( this.name, data, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } } export default class Graph { - constructor (connection, name) { - this.name = name - this._connection = connection - this._api = this._connection.route('/_api') - this._gharial = this._api.route(`/gharial/${this.name}`) + constructor(connection, name) { + this.name = name; + this._connection = connection; + this._api = this._connection.route("/_api"); + this._gharial = this._api.route(`/gharial/${this.name}`); } - get (cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + get(cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._gharial.get( - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph)) + ); + return promise; } - create (properties, cb) { - if (typeof properties === 'function') { - cb = properties - properties = undefined + create(properties, cb) { + if (typeof properties === "function") { + cb = properties; + properties = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/gharial', - {...properties, name: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph) - ) - return promise + "/gharial", + { ...properties, name: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph)) + ); + return promise; } - drop (dropCollections, cb) { - if (typeof dropCollections === 'function') { - cb = dropCollections - dropCollections = undefined + drop(dropCollections, cb) { + if (typeof dropCollections === "function") { + cb = dropCollections; + dropCollections = undefined; } - if (typeof dropCollections !== 'boolean') dropCollections = false - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + if (typeof dropCollections !== "boolean") dropCollections = false; + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._gharial.delete( - {dropCollections}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body) - ) - return promise + { dropCollections }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body)) + ); + return promise; } - vertexCollection (collectionName) { - return new GraphVertexCollection(this._connection, collectionName, this) + vertexCollection(collectionName) { + return new GraphVertexCollection(this._connection, collectionName, this); } - addVertexCollection (collectionName, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + addVertexCollection(collectionName, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._gharial.post( - '/vertex', - {collection: collectionName}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph) - ) - return promise + "/vertex", + { collection: collectionName }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph)) + ); + return promise; } - removeVertexCollection (collectionName, dropCollection, cb) { - if (typeof dropCollection === 'function') { - cb = dropCollection - dropCollection = undefined + removeVertexCollection(collectionName, dropCollection, cb) { + if (typeof dropCollection === "function") { + cb = dropCollection; + dropCollection = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - if (typeof dropCollection !== 'boolean') dropCollection = false + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + if (typeof dropCollection !== "boolean") dropCollection = false; this._gharial.delete( `/vertex/${collectionName}`, - {dropCollection}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph) - ) - return promise + { dropCollection }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph)) + ); + return promise; } - edgeCollection (collectionName) { - return new GraphEdgeCollection(this._connection, collectionName, this) + edgeCollection(collectionName) { + return new GraphEdgeCollection(this._connection, collectionName, this); } - addEdgeDefinition (definition, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + addEdgeDefinition(definition, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._gharial.post( - '/edge', + "/edge", definition, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph)) + ); + return promise; } - replaceEdgeDefinition (definitionName, definition, cb) { - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + replaceEdgeDefinition(definitionName, definition, cb) { + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._gharial.put( `/edge/${definitionName}`, definition, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph) - ) - return promise + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph)) + ); + return promise; } - removeEdgeDefinition (definitionName, dropCollection, cb) { - if (typeof dropCollection === 'function') { - cb = dropCollection - dropCollection = undefined + removeEdgeDefinition(definitionName, dropCollection, cb) { + if (typeof dropCollection === "function") { + cb = dropCollection; + dropCollection = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) - if (typeof dropCollection !== 'boolean') dropCollection = false + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); + if (typeof dropCollection !== "boolean") dropCollection = false; this._gharial.delete( `edge/${definitionName}`, - {dropCollection}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph) - ) - return promise + { dropCollection }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.graph)) + ); + return promise; } - traversal (startVertex, opts, cb) { - if (typeof opts === 'function') { - cb = opts - opts = undefined + traversal(startVertex, opts, cb) { + if (typeof opts === "function") { + cb = opts; + opts = undefined; } - const {promise, callback} = this._connection.promisify(cb) + const { promise, callback } = this._connection.promisify(cb); this._api.post( - '/traversal', - {...opts, startVertex, graphName: this.name}, - (err, res) => err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result) - ) - return promise + "/traversal", + { ...opts, startVertex, graphName: this.name }, + (err, res) => (err ? callback(err) : callback(null, res.body.result)) + ); + return promise; } } export { GraphVertexCollection as VertexCollection, GraphEdgeCollection as EdgeCollection -} +}; diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js index 8ca8cc427..ed1dcdad7 100644 --- a/src/index.js +++ b/src/index.js @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ -import Database from './database' -import aqlQuery from './aql-query' +import Database from "./database"; +import aqlQuery from "./aql-query"; -module.exports = (...args) => new Database(...args) -module.exports.Database = Database -module.exports.aqlQuery = -module.exports.aql = aqlQuery +module.exports = (...args) => new Database(...args); +module.exports.Database = Database; +module.exports.aqlQuery = module.exports.aql = aqlQuery; diff --git a/src/route.js b/src/route.js index 58b101f56..7847798f9 100644 --- a/src/route.js +++ b/src/route.js @@ -1,201 +1,218 @@ export default class Route { - constructor (connection, path, headers) { - if (!path) path = '' - else if (path.charAt(0) !== '/') path = `/${path}` - this._connection = connection - this._path = path - this._headers = headers + constructor(connection, path, headers) { + if (!path) path = ""; + else if (path.charAt(0) !== "/") path = `/${path}`; + this._connection = connection; + this._path = path; + this._headers = headers; } - route (path, headers) { - if (!path) path = '' - else if (path.charAt(0) !== '/') path = `/${path}` - return new Route( - this._connection, - this._path + path, - {...this._headers, ...headers} - ) + route(path, headers) { + if (!path) path = ""; + else if (path.charAt(0) !== "/") path = `/${path}`; + return new Route(this._connection, this._path + path, { + ...this._headers, + ...headers + }); } - request (opts, callback) { - opts = {...opts} - opts.basePath = this._path - opts.headers = {...this._headers, ...opts.headers} - opts.method = opts.method ? opts.method.toUpperCase() : 'GET' - return this._connection.request(opts, callback) + request(opts, callback) { + opts = { ...opts }; + opts.basePath = this._path; + opts.headers = { ...this._headers, ...opts.headers }; + opts.method = opts.method ? opts.method.toUpperCase() : "GET"; + return this._connection.request(opts, callback); } - get (path, qs, headers, callback) { - if (typeof path !== 'string') { - callback = qs - qs = path - path = undefined - } - if (typeof qs === 'function') { - callback = qs - qs = undefined - } - if (typeof headers === 'function') { - callback = headers - headers = undefined - } - if (!path) path = '' - else if (this._path && path.charAt(0) !== '/') path = `/${path}` - headers = headers ? {...this._headers, ...headers} : {...this._headers} - return this._connection.request({ - basePath: this._path, - path, - qs, - headers, - method: 'GET' - }, callback) + get(path, qs, headers, callback) { + if (typeof path !== "string") { + callback = qs; + qs = path; + path = undefined; + } + if (typeof qs === "function") { + callback = qs; + qs = undefined; + } + if (typeof headers === "function") { + callback = headers; + headers = undefined; + } + if (!path) path = ""; + else if (this._path && path.charAt(0) !== "/") path = `/${path}`; + headers = headers ? { ...this._headers, ...headers } : { ...this._headers }; + return this._connection.request( + { + basePath: this._path, + path, + qs, + headers, + method: "GET" + }, + callback + ); } - post (path, body, qs, headers, callback) { - if (typeof path !== 'string') { - callback = qs - qs = body - body = path - path = undefined - } - if (typeof qs === 'function') { - callback = qs - qs = undefined - } - if (typeof body === 'function') { - callback = body - body = undefined - } - if (typeof headers === 'function') { - callback = headers - headers = undefined - } - if (!path) path = '' - else if (this._path && path.charAt(0) !== '/') path = `/${path}` - headers = headers ? {...this._headers, ...headers} : {...this._headers} - return this._connection.request({ - basePath: this._path, - path, - body, - qs, - headers, - method: 'POST' - }, callback) + post(path, body, qs, headers, callback) { + if (typeof path !== "string") { + callback = qs; + qs = body; + body = path; + path = undefined; + } + if (typeof qs === "function") { + callback = qs; + qs = undefined; + } + if (typeof body === "function") { + callback = body; + body = undefined; + } + if (typeof headers === "function") { + callback = headers; + headers = undefined; + } + if (!path) path = ""; + else if (this._path && path.charAt(0) !== "/") path = `/${path}`; + headers = headers ? { ...this._headers, ...headers } : { ...this._headers }; + return this._connection.request( + { + basePath: this._path, + path, + body, + qs, + headers, + method: "POST" + }, + callback + ); } - put (path, body, qs, headers, callback) { - if (typeof path !== 'string') { - callback = body - body = qs - qs = path - path = undefined - } - if (typeof qs === 'function') { - callback = qs - qs = undefined - } - if (typeof body === 'function') { - callback = body - body = undefined - } - if (typeof headers === 'function') { - callback = headers - headers = undefined - } - if (!path) path = '' - else if (this._path && path.charAt(0) !== '/') path = `/${path}` - headers = headers ? {...this._headers, ...headers} : {...this._headers} - return this._connection.request({ - basePath: this._path, - path, - body, - qs, - headers, - method: 'PUT' - }, callback) + put(path, body, qs, headers, callback) { + if (typeof path !== "string") { + callback = body; + body = qs; + qs = path; + path = undefined; + } + if (typeof qs === "function") { + callback = qs; + qs = undefined; + } + if (typeof body === "function") { + callback = body; + body = undefined; + } + if (typeof headers === "function") { + callback = headers; + headers = undefined; + } + if (!path) path = ""; + else if (this._path && path.charAt(0) !== "/") path = `/${path}`; + headers = headers ? { ...this._headers, ...headers } : { ...this._headers }; + return this._connection.request( + { + basePath: this._path, + path, + body, + qs, + headers, + method: "PUT" + }, + callback + ); } - patch (path, body, qs, headers, callback) { - if (typeof path !== 'string') { - callback = body - body = qs - qs = path - path = undefined - } - if (typeof qs === 'function') { - callback = qs - qs = undefined - } - if (typeof body === 'function') { - callback = body - body = undefined - } - if (typeof headers === 'function') { - callback = headers - headers = undefined - } - if (!path) path = '' - else if (this._path && path.charAt(0) !== '/') path = `/${path}` - headers = headers ? {...this._headers, ...headers} : {...this._headers} - return this._connection.request({ - basePath: this._path, - path, - body, - qs, - headers, - method: 'PATCH' - }, callback) + patch(path, body, qs, headers, callback) { + if (typeof path !== "string") { + callback = body; + body = qs; + qs = path; + path = undefined; + } + if (typeof qs === "function") { + callback = qs; + qs = undefined; + } + if (typeof body === "function") { + callback = body; + body = undefined; + } + if (typeof headers === "function") { + callback = headers; + headers = undefined; + } + if (!path) path = ""; + else if (this._path && path.charAt(0) !== "/") path = `/${path}`; + headers = headers ? { ...this._headers, ...headers } : { ...this._headers }; + return this._connection.request( + { + basePath: this._path, + path, + body, + qs, + headers, + method: "PATCH" + }, + callback + ); } - delete (path, qs, headers, callback) { - if (typeof path !== 'string') { - callback = qs - qs = path - path = undefined - } - if (typeof qs === 'function') { - callback = qs - qs = undefined - } - if (typeof headers === 'function') { - callback = headers - headers = undefined - } - if (!path) path = '' - else if (this._path && path.charAt(0) !== '/') path = `/${path}` - headers = headers ? {...this._headers, ...headers} : {...this._headers} - return this._connection.request({ - basePath: this._path, - path, - qs, - headers, - method: 'DELETE' - }, callback) + delete(path, qs, headers, callback) { + if (typeof path !== "string") { + callback = qs; + qs = path; + path = undefined; + } + if (typeof qs === "function") { + callback = qs; + qs = undefined; + } + if (typeof headers === "function") { + callback = headers; + headers = undefined; + } + if (!path) path = ""; + else if (this._path && path.charAt(0) !== "/") path = `/${path}`; + headers = headers ? { ...this._headers, ...headers } : { ...this._headers }; + return this._connection.request( + { + basePath: this._path, + path, + qs, + headers, + method: "DELETE" + }, + callback + ); } - head (path, qs, headers, callback) { - if (typeof path !== 'string') { - callback = qs - qs = path - path = undefined - } - if (typeof qs === 'function') { - callback = qs - qs = undefined - } - if (typeof headers === 'function') { - callback = headers - headers = undefined - } - if (!path) path = '' - else if (this._path && path.charAt(0) !== '/') path = `/${path}` - headers = headers ? {...this._headers, ...headers} : {...this._headers} - return this._connection.request({ - basePath: this._path, - path, - qs, - headers, - method: 'HEAD' - }, callback) + head(path, qs, headers, callback) { + if (typeof path !== "string") { + callback = qs; + qs = path; + path = undefined; + } + if (typeof qs === "function") { + callback = qs; + qs = undefined; + } + if (typeof headers === "function") { + callback = headers; + headers = undefined; + } + if (!path) path = ""; + else if (this._path && path.charAt(0) !== "/") path = `/${path}`; + headers = headers ? { ...this._headers, ...headers } : { ...this._headers }; + return this._connection.request( + { + basePath: this._path, + path, + qs, + headers, + method: "HEAD" + }, + callback + ); } } diff --git a/src/util/all.js b/src/util/all.js index 4c3b39f59..3642079b8 100644 --- a/src/util/all.js +++ b/src/util/all.js @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -export default function all (arr, callback) { - const result = [] - let pending = arr.length - let called = false +export default function all(arr, callback) { + const result = []; + let pending = arr.length; + let called = false; - if (arr.length === 0) return callback(null, result) + if (arr.length === 0) return callback(null, result); - const step = (i) => (err, res) => { - pending -= 1 - if (!err) result[i] = res + const step = i => (err, res) => { + pending -= 1; + if (!err) result[i] = res; if (!called) { - if (err) callback(err) + if (err) callback(err); else if (pending === 0) { - if (result.every((r) => r === undefined)) callback(null) - else callback(null, result) - } else return - called = true + if (result.every(r => r === undefined)) callback(null); + else callback(null, result); + } else return; + called = true; } - } + }; - arr.forEach((fn, i) => fn(step(i))) + arr.forEach((fn, i) => fn(step(i))); } diff --git a/src/util/btoa.js b/src/util/btoa.js index ab62cfafd..e171b88ec 100644 --- a/src/util/btoa.js +++ b/src/util/btoa.js @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -export default function (str) { - return Buffer.from(str).toString('base64') +export default function(str) { + return Buffer.from(str).toString("base64"); } diff --git a/src/util/btoa.web.js b/src/util/btoa.web.js index 8ce0e78f0..473717e25 100644 --- a/src/util/btoa.web.js +++ b/src/util/btoa.web.js @@ -1 +1,2 @@ -export default window.btoa +/*eslint-env browser */ +export default window.btoa; diff --git a/src/util/bytelength.js b/src/util/bytelength.js index 53b0003c4..fab1b5afa 100644 --- a/src/util/bytelength.js +++ b/src/util/bytelength.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -export default Buffer.byteLength +export default Buffer.byteLength; diff --git a/src/util/bytelength.web.js b/src/util/bytelength.web.js index d3fc8d78b..91e725a03 100644 --- a/src/util/bytelength.web.js +++ b/src/util/bytelength.web.js @@ -1 +1,2 @@ -module.exports = require('utf8-length') +/*eslint-env browser */ +module.exports = require("utf8-length"); diff --git a/src/util/joinPath.js b/src/util/joinPath.js index 7310fa3e1..e2596159c 100644 --- a/src/util/joinPath.js +++ b/src/util/joinPath.js @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -import path from 'path' -const posix = path.posix || path -export default posix.join +import path from "path"; +const posix = path.posix || path; +export default posix.join; diff --git a/src/util/multipart.js b/src/util/multipart.js index 93e812775..137f820c8 100644 --- a/src/util/multipart.js +++ b/src/util/multipart.js @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ -import Multipart from 'multi-part' -import {Readable} from 'stream' +import Multipart from "multi-part"; +import { Readable } from "stream"; -export default function toForm (fields, callback) { - let called = false +export default function toForm(fields, callback) { + let called = false; try { - const form = new Multipart() + const form = new Multipart(); for (const key of Object.keys(fields)) { - let value = fields[key] - if (value === undefined) continue + let value = fields[key]; + if (value === undefined) continue; if ( !(value instanceof Readable) && !(value instanceof global.Buffer) && - (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function') + (typeof value === "object" || typeof value === "function") ) { - value = JSON.stringify(value) + value = JSON.stringify(value); } - form.append(key, value) + form.append(key, value); } - const stream = form.getStream() - const bufs = [] - stream.on('data', (buf) => bufs.push(buf)) - stream.on('end', () => { - if (called) return - bufs.push(Buffer.from('\r\n')) - const body = Buffer.concat(bufs) - const boundary = form.getBoundary() + const stream = form.getStream(); + const bufs = []; + stream.on("data", buf => bufs.push(buf)); + stream.on("end", () => { + if (called) return; + bufs.push(Buffer.from("\r\n")); + const body = Buffer.concat(bufs); + const boundary = form.getBoundary(); const headers = { - 'content-type': `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`, - 'content-length': String(body.length) - } - called = true - callback(null, {body, headers}) - }) - stream.on('error', (e) => { - if (called) return - called = true - callback(e) - }) + "content-type": `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`, + "content-length": String(body.length) + }; + called = true; + callback(null, { body, headers }); + }); + stream.on("error", e => { + if (called) return; + called = true; + callback(e); + }); } catch (e) { - if (called) return - called = true - callback(e) + if (called) return; + called = true; + callback(e); } } diff --git a/src/util/multipart.web.js b/src/util/multipart.web.js index 34ae2c6fe..3143d8f0d 100644 --- a/src/util/multipart.web.js +++ b/src/util/multipart.web.js @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ -export default function toForm (fields, callback) { - let form +/*eslint-env browser */ +export default function toForm(fields, callback) { + let form; try { - form = new global.FormData() + form = new global.FormData(); for (const key of Object.keys(fields)) { - let value = fields[key] - if (value === undefined) continue + let value = fields[key]; + if (value === undefined) continue; if ( !(value instanceof global.Blob) && - (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function') + (typeof value === "object" || typeof value === "function") ) { - value = JSON.stringify(value) + value = JSON.stringify(value); } - form.append(key, value) + form.append(key, value); } } catch (e) { - callback(e) - return + callback(e); + return; } - callback(null, {body: form}) + callback(null, { body: form }); } diff --git a/src/util/promisify.js b/src/util/promisify.js index 63d8fdf31..33570e25a 100644 --- a/src/util/promisify.js +++ b/src/util/promisify.js @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ -const noop = () => undefined +const noop = () => undefined; -export default function promisify (promiseClass) { +export default function promisify(promiseClass) { if (promiseClass === false) { - return function (cb) { - return {callback: cb || noop} - } + return function(cb) { + return { callback: cb || noop }; + }; } - return function (cb) { - const Promise = promiseClass || global.Promise + return function(cb) { + const Promise = promiseClass || global.Promise; if (cb || !Promise) { - return {callback: cb || noop} + return { callback: cb || noop }; } - let callback + let callback; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { callback = (err, res) => { - if (err) reject(err) - else resolve(res) - } - }) + if (err) reject(err); + else resolve(res); + }; + }); - return {callback, promise} - } + return { callback, promise }; + }; } diff --git a/src/util/request.js b/src/util/request.js index db5a4441b..70bdad3e3 100644 --- a/src/util/request.js +++ b/src/util/request.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports = require('./request.node') +module.exports = require("./request.node"); diff --git a/src/util/request.node.js b/src/util/request.node.js index e37118244..971dfda29 100644 --- a/src/util/request.node.js +++ b/src/util/request.node.js @@ -1,77 +1,80 @@ -import http from 'http' -import https from 'https' -import {parse as parseUrl} from 'url' -import LinkedList from 'linkedlist' -import joinPath from './joinPath' +import LinkedList from "linkedlist"; +import http from "http"; +import https from "https"; +import joinPath from "./joinPath"; +import { parse as parseUrl } from "url"; -export const isBrowser = false +export const isBrowser = false; -export default function (baseUrl, agentOptions, agent) { - const baseUrlParts = parseUrl(baseUrl) - const isTls = baseUrlParts.protocol === 'https:' +export default function(baseUrl, agentOptions, agent) { + const baseUrlParts = parseUrl(baseUrl); + const isTls = baseUrlParts.protocol === "https:"; if (!agent) { - const Agent = (isTls ? https : http).Agent - agent = new Agent(agentOptions) + const Agent = (isTls ? https : http).Agent; + agent = new Agent(agentOptions); } - const queue = new LinkedList() - const maxTasks = typeof agent.maxSockets === 'number' ? agent.maxSockets * 2 : Infinity - let activeTasks = 0 + const queue = new LinkedList(); + const maxTasks = + typeof agent.maxSockets === "number" ? agent.maxSockets * 2 : Infinity; + let activeTasks = 0; - function drainQueue () { - if (!queue.length || activeTasks >= maxTasks) return - const task = queue.shift() - activeTasks += 1 + function drainQueue() { + if (!queue.length || activeTasks >= maxTasks) return; + const task = queue.shift(); + activeTasks += 1; task(() => { - activeTasks -= 1 - drainQueue() - }) + activeTasks -= 1; + drainQueue(); + }); } - function request ({method, url, headers, body, expectBinary}, cb) { - let path = baseUrlParts.pathname ? ( - url.pathname ? joinPath(baseUrlParts.pathname, url.pathname) : baseUrlParts.pathname - ) : url.pathname - const search = url.search ? ( - baseUrlParts.search ? `${baseUrlParts.search}&${url.search.slice(1)}` : url.search - ) : baseUrlParts.search - if (search) path += search - const options = {path, method, headers, agent} - options.hostname = baseUrlParts.hostname - options.port = baseUrlParts.port - options.auth = baseUrlParts.auth + function request({ method, url, headers, body, expectBinary }, cb) { + let path = baseUrlParts.pathname + ? url.pathname + ? joinPath(baseUrlParts.pathname, url.pathname) + : baseUrlParts.pathname + : url.pathname; + const search = url.search + ? baseUrlParts.search + ? `${baseUrlParts.search}&${url.search.slice(1)}` + : url.search + : baseUrlParts.search; + if (search) path += search; + const options = { path, method, headers, agent }; + options.hostname = baseUrlParts.hostname; + options.port = baseUrlParts.port; + options.auth = baseUrlParts.auth; - queue.push((next) => { + queue.push(next => { let callback = (err, res) => { - callback = () => undefined - next() - cb(err, res) - } - const req = (isTls ? https : http).request(options, (res) => { - const data = [] - res - .on('data', (chunk) => data.push(chunk)) - .on('end', () => { - res.body = Buffer.concat(data) + callback = () => undefined; + next(); + cb(err, res); + }; + const req = (isTls ? https : http).request(options, res => { + const data = []; + res.on("data", chunk => data.push(chunk)).on("end", () => { + res.body = Buffer.concat(data); if (!expectBinary) { - res.body = res.body.toString('utf-8') + res.body = res.body.toString("utf-8"); } - callback(null, res) - }) - }) - req.on('error', (err) => { - err.request = req - callback(err) - }) - if (body) req.write(body) - req.end() - }) + callback(null, res); + }); + }); + req.on("error", err => { + err.request = req; + callback(err); + }); + if (body) req.write(body); + req.end(); + }); - drainQueue() + drainQueue(); } - const auth = baseUrlParts.auth - delete baseUrlParts.auth - return {request, auth, url: baseUrlParts} + const auth = baseUrlParts.auth; + delete baseUrlParts.auth; + return { request, auth, url: baseUrlParts }; } diff --git a/src/util/request.web.js b/src/util/request.web.js index 17118dd70..dc9f24f14 100644 --- a/src/util/request.web.js +++ b/src/util/request.web.js @@ -1,66 +1,76 @@ -import xhr from 'xhr' -import {parse as parseUrl, format as formatUrl} from 'url' -import joinPath from './joinPath' +/*eslint-env browser */ +import { format as formatUrl, parse as parseUrl } from "url"; -export const isBrowser = true +import joinPath from "./joinPath"; +import xhr from "xhr"; -export default function (baseUrl, options) { - if (!options) options = {} - const baseUrlParts = parseUrl(baseUrl) +export const isBrowser = true; - const queue = [] - const maxTasks = typeof options.maxSockets === 'number' ? options.maxSockets * 2 : Infinity - let activeTasks = 0 +export default function(baseUrl, options) { + if (!options) options = {}; + const baseUrlParts = parseUrl(baseUrl); - function drainQueue () { - if (!queue.length || activeTasks >= maxTasks) return - const task = queue.shift() - activeTasks += 1 + const queue = []; + const maxTasks = + typeof options.maxSockets === "number" ? options.maxSockets * 2 : Infinity; + let activeTasks = 0; + + function drainQueue() { + if (!queue.length || activeTasks >= maxTasks) return; + const task = queue.shift(); + activeTasks += 1; task(() => { - activeTasks -= 1 - drainQueue() - }) + activeTasks -= 1; + drainQueue(); + }); } - function request ({method, url, headers, body, expectBinary}, cb) { + function request({ method, url, headers, body, expectBinary }, cb) { const urlParts = { ...baseUrlParts, - pathname: url.pathname ? ( - baseUrlParts.pathname ? joinPath(baseUrlParts.pathname, url.pathname) : url.pathname - ) : baseUrlParts.pathname, - search: url.search ? ( - baseUrlParts.search ? `${baseUrlParts.search}&${url.search.slice(1)}` : url.search - ) : baseUrlParts.search - } + pathname: url.pathname + ? baseUrlParts.pathname + ? joinPath(baseUrlParts.pathname, url.pathname) + : url.pathname + : baseUrlParts.pathname, + search: url.search + ? baseUrlParts.search + ? `${baseUrlParts.search}&${url.search.slice(1)}` + : url.search + : baseUrlParts.search + }; - queue.push((next) => { + queue.push(next => { let callback = (err, res) => { - callback = () => undefined - next() - cb(err, res) - } - const req = xhr({ - responseType: expectBinary ? 'blob' : 'text', - ...options, - url: formatUrl(urlParts), - withCredentials: true, - useXDR: true, - body, - method, - headers - }, (err, res) => { - if (!err) callback(null, res) - else { - err.request = req - callback(err) + callback = () => undefined; + next(); + cb(err, res); + }; + const req = xhr( + { + responseType: expectBinary ? "blob" : "text", + ...options, + url: formatUrl(urlParts), + withCredentials: true, + useXDR: true, + body, + method, + headers + }, + (err, res) => { + if (!err) callback(null, res); + else { + err.request = req; + callback(err); + } } - }) - }) + ); + }); - drainQueue() + drainQueue(); } - const auth = baseUrlParts.auth - delete baseUrlParts.auth - return {request, auth, url: baseUrlParts} + const auth = baseUrlParts.auth; + delete baseUrlParts.auth; + return { request, auth, url: baseUrlParts }; } diff --git a/test/00-basics.js b/test/00-basics.js index 7d703327a..6f61411fc 100644 --- a/test/00-basics.js +++ b/test/00-basics.js @@ -1,168 +1,169 @@ -import {describe, it, before, after, beforeEach} from 'mocha' -import {expect} from 'chai' -import arangojs, {Database} from '../src' -import Connection from '../src/connection' -import https from 'https' -import http from 'http' +import { after, before, beforeEach, describe, it } from "mocha"; +import arangojs, { Database } from "../src"; -describe('Creating a Database', () => { - describe('using the factory', () => { - const db = arangojs({potato: 'potato'}) - it('returns a Database instance', () => { - expect(db).to.be.an.instanceof(Database) - }) - it('passes any configs to the connection', () => { - expect(db._connection.config).to.have.a.property('potato', 'potato') - }) - }) - describe('using the constructor', () => { - const db = new Database({banana: 'banana'}) - it('returns a Database instance', () => { - expect(db).to.be.an.instanceof(Database) - }) - it('passes any configs to the connection', () => { - expect(db._connection.config).to.have.a.property('banana', 'banana') - }) - }) -}) +import Connection from "../src/connection"; +import { expect } from "chai"; +import http from "http"; +import https from "https"; -describe('Configuring the driver', () => { - describe('with a string', () => { - it('sets the url', () => { - const url = 'https://example.com:9000' - const conn = new Connection(url) - expect(conn.config).to.have.a.property('url', url) - }) - }) - describe('with headers', () => { - it('applies the headers', (done) => { +describe("Creating a Database", () => { + describe("using the factory", () => { + const db = arangojs({ potato: "potato" }); + it("returns a Database instance", () => { + expect(db).to.be.an.instanceof(Database); + }); + it("passes any configs to the connection", () => { + expect(db._connection.config).to.have.a.property("potato", "potato"); + }); + }); + describe("using the constructor", () => { + const db = new Database({ banana: "banana" }); + it("returns a Database instance", () => { + expect(db).to.be.an.instanceof(Database); + }); + it("passes any configs to the connection", () => { + expect(db._connection.config).to.have.a.property("banana", "banana"); + }); + }); +}); + +describe("Configuring the driver", () => { + describe("with a string", () => { + it("sets the url", () => { + const url = "https://example.com:9000"; + const conn = new Connection(url); + expect(conn.config).to.have.a.property("url", url); + }); + }); + describe("with headers", () => { + it("applies the headers", done => { const conn = new Connection({ headers: { - 'x-one': '1', - 'x-two': '2' + "x-one": "1", + "x-two": "2" } - }) - conn._request = ({headers}) => { - expect(headers).to.have.a.property('x-one', '1') - expect(headers).to.have.a.property('x-two', '2') - done() - } - conn.request({headers: {}}) - }) - }) - describe('with an arangoVersion', () => { - it('sets the x-arango-version header', (done) => { - const conn = new Connection({arangoVersion: 99999}) - conn._request = ({headers}) => { - expect(headers).to.have.a.property('x-arango-version', 99999) - done() - } - conn.request({headers: {}}) - }) - it('does not overwrite explicit headers', (done) => { + }); + conn._request = ({ headers }) => { + expect(headers).to.have.a.property("x-one", "1"); + expect(headers).to.have.a.property("x-two", "2"); + done(); + }; + conn.request({ headers: {} }); + }); + }); + describe("with an arangoVersion", () => { + it("sets the x-arango-version header", done => { + const conn = new Connection({ arangoVersion: 99999 }); + conn._request = ({ headers }) => { + expect(headers).to.have.a.property("x-arango-version", 99999); + done(); + }; + conn.request({ headers: {} }); + }); + it("does not overwrite explicit headers", done => { const conn = new Connection({ arangoVersion: 99999, - headers: {'x-arango-version': 66666} - }) - conn._request = ({headers}) => { - expect(headers).to.have.a.property('x-arango-version', 66666) - done() - } - conn.request({headers: {}}) - }) - }) - describe('with agentOptions', () => { - const _httpAgent = http.Agent - const _httpsAgent = https.Agent - let protocol - let options + headers: { "x-arango-version": 66666 } + }); + conn._request = ({ headers }) => { + expect(headers).to.have.a.property("x-arango-version", 66666); + done(); + }; + conn.request({ headers: {} }); + }); + }); + describe("with agentOptions", () => { + const _httpAgent = http.Agent; + const _httpsAgent = https.Agent; + let protocol; + let options; beforeEach(() => { - protocol = undefined - options = undefined - }) + protocol = undefined; + options = undefined; + }); before(() => { - let Agent = (ptcl) => (opts) => { - protocol = ptcl - options = opts - return () => null - } - http.Agent = Agent('http') - https.Agent = Agent('https') - }) + let Agent = ptcl => opts => { + protocol = ptcl; + options = opts; + return () => null; + }; + http.Agent = Agent("http"); + https.Agent = Agent("https"); + }); after(() => { - http.Agent = _httpAgent - https.Agent = _httpsAgent - }) - it('passes the agentOptions to the agent', () => { - new Connection({agentOptions: {hello: 'world'}}) // eslint-disable-line no-new - expect(options).to.have.a.property('hello', 'world') - }) - it('uses the built-in agent for the protocol', () => { + http.Agent = _httpAgent; + https.Agent = _httpsAgent; + }); + it("passes the agentOptions to the agent", () => { + new Connection({ agentOptions: { hello: "world" } }); // eslint-disable-line no-new + expect(options).to.have.a.property("hello", "world"); + }); + it("uses the built-in agent for the protocol", () => { // default: http - new Connection() // eslint-disable-line no-new - expect(protocol).to.equal('http') - new Connection('https://localhost:8529') // eslint-disable-line no-new - expect(protocol).to.equal('https') - new Connection('http://localhost:8529') // eslint-disable-line no-new - expect(protocol).to.equal('http') - }) - }) - describe('with agent', () => { - const _httpRequest = http.request - const _httpsRequest = https.request - let protocol - let options + new Connection(); // eslint-disable-line no-new + expect(protocol).to.equal("http"); + new Connection("https://localhost:8529"); // eslint-disable-line no-new + expect(protocol).to.equal("https"); + new Connection("http://localhost:8529"); // eslint-disable-line no-new + expect(protocol).to.equal("http"); + }); + }); + describe("with agent", () => { + const _httpRequest = http.request; + const _httpsRequest = https.request; + let protocol; + let options; beforeEach(() => { - protocol = undefined - options = undefined - }) + protocol = undefined; + options = undefined; + }); before(() => { - let Request = (ptcl) => (opts) => { - protocol = ptcl - options = opts + let Request = ptcl => opts => { + protocol = ptcl; + options = opts; return { - on () { - return this + on() { + return this; }, - end () { - return this + end() { + return this; } - } - } - http.request = Request('http') - https.request = Request('https') - }) + }; + }; + http.request = Request("http"); + https.request = Request("https"); + }); after(() => { - http.request = _httpRequest - https.request = _httpsRequest - }) - it('passes the agent to the request function', () => { - let agent = 1 - let conn - conn = new Connection({agent}) // default: http - conn.request({headers: {}}) - expect(options).to.have.a.property('agent', agent) - agent++ - conn = new Connection({agent, url: 'https://localhost:8529'}) - conn.request({headers: {}}) - expect(options).to.have.a.property('agent', agent) - agent++ - conn = new Connection({agent, url: 'http://localhost:8529'}) - conn.request({headers: {}}) - expect(options).to.have.a.property('agent', agent) - }) - it('uses the request function for the protocol', () => { - const agent = 1 - let conn - conn = new Connection({agent}) // default: http - conn.request({headers: {}}) - expect(protocol).to.equal('http') - conn = new Connection({agent, url: 'https://localhost:8529'}) - conn.request({headers: {}}) - expect(protocol).to.equal('https') - conn = new Connection({agent, url: 'http://localhost:8529'}) - conn.request({headers: {}}) - expect(protocol).to.equal('http') - }) - }) -}) + http.request = _httpRequest; + https.request = _httpsRequest; + }); + it("passes the agent to the request function", () => { + let agent = 1; + let conn; + conn = new Connection({ agent }); // default: http + conn.request({ headers: {} }); + expect(options).to.have.a.property("agent", agent); + agent++; + conn = new Connection({ agent, url: "https://localhost:8529" }); + conn.request({ headers: {} }); + expect(options).to.have.a.property("agent", agent); + agent++; + conn = new Connection({ agent, url: "http://localhost:8529" }); + conn.request({ headers: {} }); + expect(options).to.have.a.property("agent", agent); + }); + it("uses the request function for the protocol", () => { + const agent = 1; + let conn; + conn = new Connection({ agent }); // default: http + conn.request({ headers: {} }); + expect(protocol).to.equal("http"); + conn = new Connection({ agent, url: "https://localhost:8529" }); + conn.request({ headers: {} }); + expect(protocol).to.equal("https"); + conn = new Connection({ agent, url: "http://localhost:8529" }); + conn.request({ headers: {} }); + expect(protocol).to.equal("http"); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/01-manipulating-databases.js b/test/01-manipulating-databases.js index e237ceb41..1e01ab2d7 100644 --- a/test/01-manipulating-databases.js +++ b/test/01-manipulating-databases.js @@ -1,170 +1,193 @@ -import {describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach} from 'mocha' -import {expect} from 'chai' -import {Database} from '../src' -import ArangoError from '../src/error' +import { afterEach, beforeEach, describe, it } from "mocha"; -const range = (n) => Array.from(Array(n).keys()) +import ArangoError from "../src/error"; +import { Database } from "../src"; +import { expect } from "chai"; -describe('Manipulating databases', () => { - let db +const range = n => Array.from(Array(n).keys()); + +describe("Manipulating databases", () => { + let db; beforeEach(() => { db = new Database({ - url: (process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || 'http://root:@localhost:8529'), + url: process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || "http://root:@localhost:8529", arangoVersion: Number(process.env.ARANGO_VERSION || 30000) - }) - }) - describe('database.useDatabase', () => { - it('updates the database name', () => { - const name = 'example' - expect(db.name).to.equal('_system') // default - db.useDatabase(name) - expect(db._connection.config).to.have.a.property('databaseName', name) - expect(db.name).to.equal(name) - }) - it('returns itself', () => { - const db2 = db.useDatabase('nope') - expect(db).to.equal(db2) - }) - }) - describe('database.createDatabase', () => { - let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}` - afterEach((done) => { - db.useDatabase('_system') - db.dropDatabase(name) + }); + }); + describe("database.useDatabase", () => { + it("updates the database name", () => { + const name = "example"; + expect(db.name).to.equal("_system"); // default + db.useDatabase(name); + expect(db._connection.config).to.have.a.property("databaseName", name); + expect(db.name).to.equal(name); + }); + it("returns itself", () => { + const db2 = db.useDatabase("nope"); + expect(db).to.equal(db2); + }); + }); + describe("database.createDatabase", () => { + let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}`; + afterEach(done => { + db.useDatabase("_system"); + db + .dropDatabase(name) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('creates a database with the given name', (done) => { - db.createDatabase(name) + .catch(done); + }); + it("creates a database with the given name", done => { + db + .createDatabase(name) .then(() => { - db.useDatabase(name) - return db.get() + db.useDatabase(name); + return db.get(); }) - .then((info) => { - expect(info.name).to.equal(name) - done() + .then(info => { + expect(info.name).to.equal(name); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('adds the given users to the database') - }) - describe('database.get', () => { - it('fetches the database description if the database exists', (done) => { - db.get() - .then((info) => { - expect(info.name).to.equal(db.name) - expect(db.name).to.equal('_system') - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("adds the given users to the database"); + }); + describe("database.get", () => { + it("fetches the database description if the database exists", done => { + db + .get() + .then(info => { + expect(info.name).to.equal(db.name); + expect(db.name).to.equal("_system"); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('fails if the database does not exist', (done) => { - db.useDatabase('__does_not_exist__') - db.get() + .catch(done); + }); + it("fails if the database does not exist", done => { + db.useDatabase("__does_not_exist__"); + db + .get() .then( - () => Promise.reject(new Error('Should not succeed')), - (err) => { - expect(err).to.be.an.instanceof(ArangoError) - done() + () => Promise.reject(new Error("Should not succeed")), + err => { + expect(err).to.be.an.instanceof(ArangoError); + done(); } - ) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('database.listDatabases', () => { - it('returns a list of all databases', (done) => { - db.listDatabases() - .then((databases) => { - expect(databases).to.be.an.instanceof(Array) - expect(databases.indexOf('_system')).to.be.greaterThan(-1) - done() + ) + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("database.listDatabases", () => { + it("returns a list of all databases", done => { + db + .listDatabases() + .then(databases => { + expect(databases).to.be.an.instanceof(Array); + expect(databases.indexOf("_system")).to.be.greaterThan(-1); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('database.listUserDatabases', () => { - it('returns a list of databases accessible to the active user') - }) - describe('database.dropDatabase', () => { - let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}` - beforeEach((done) => { - db.createDatabase(name) + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("database.listUserDatabases", () => { + it("returns a list of databases accessible to the active user"); + }); + describe("database.dropDatabase", () => { + let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}`; + beforeEach(done => { + db + .createDatabase(name) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('deletes the given database from the server', (done) => { - db.dropDatabase(name) - .then(() => new Database({databaseName: name}).get()) - .then( - () => Promise.reject(new Error('Should not succeed')), - () => null - ) + .catch(done); + }); + it("deletes the given database from the server", done => { + db + .dropDatabase(name) + .then(() => new Database({ databaseName: name }).get()) + .then(() => Promise.reject(new Error("Should not succeed")), () => null) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('database.truncate', () => { - let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}` - let nonSystemCollections = range(4).map((i) => `c_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - let systemCollections = range(4).map((i) => `_c_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - beforeEach((done) => { - db.createDatabase(name) + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("database.truncate", () => { + let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}`; + let nonSystemCollections = range(4).map(i => `c_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + let systemCollections = range(4).map(i => `_c_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + beforeEach(done => { + db + .createDatabase(name) .then(() => { - db.useDatabase(name) + db.useDatabase(name); return Promise.all([ - ...nonSystemCollections.map((name) => { - let collection = db.collection(name) - return collection.create() - .then(() => collection.save({_key: 'example'})) + ...nonSystemCollections.map(name => { + let collection = db.collection(name); + return collection + .create() + .then(() => collection.save({ _key: "example" })); }), - ...systemCollections.map((name) => { - let collection = db.collection(name) - return collection.create({isSystem: true}) - .then(() => collection.save({_key: 'example'})) + ...systemCollections.map(name => { + let collection = db.collection(name); + return collection + .create({ isSystem: true }) + .then(() => collection.save({ _key: "example" })); }) - ]) + ]); }) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - afterEach((done) => { - db.useDatabase('_system') - db.dropDatabase(name) + .catch(done); + }); + afterEach(done => { + db.useDatabase("_system"); + db + .dropDatabase(name) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('removes all documents from all non-system collections in the database', (done) => { - db.truncate() + .catch(done); + }); + it("removes all documents from all non-system collections in the database", done => { + db + .truncate() .then(() => { return Promise.all([ - ...nonSystemCollections.map( - (name) => db.collection(name).document('example') + ...nonSystemCollections.map(name => + db + .collection(name) + .document("example") .then( - (doc) => Promise.reject(new Error(`Expected document to be destroyed: ${doc._id}`)), - (err) => expect(err).to.be.an.instanceof(ArangoError) - ) + doc => + Promise.reject( + new Error(`Expected document to be destroyed: ${doc._id}`) + ), + err => expect(err).to.be.an.instanceof(ArangoError) + ) ), - ...systemCollections.map( - (name) => db.collection(name).document('example') + ...systemCollections.map(name => + db.collection(name).document("example") ) - ]) + ]); }) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('additionally truncates system collections if explicitly passed false', (done) => { - db.truncate(false) + .catch(done); + }); + it("additionally truncates system collections if explicitly passed false", done => { + db + .truncate(false) .then(() => { - return Promise.all(nonSystemCollections.map( - (name) => db.collection(name).document('example') - .then( - (doc) => Promise.reject(new Error(`Expected document to be destroyed: ${doc._id}`)), - (err) => expect(err).to.be.an.instanceof(ArangoError) + return Promise.all( + nonSystemCollections.map(name => + db + .collection(name) + .document("example") + .then( + doc => + Promise.reject( + new Error(`Expected document to be destroyed: ${doc._id}`) + ), + err => expect(err).to.be.an.instanceof(ArangoError) + ) ) - )) + ); }) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - }) -}) + .catch(done); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/02-accessing-collections.js b/test/02-accessing-collections.js index 9898a6c96..11037898f 100644 --- a/test/02-accessing-collections.js +++ b/test/02-accessing-collections.js @@ -1,134 +1,183 @@ -import {describe, it, before, after} from 'mocha' -import {expect} from 'chai' -import {Database} from '../src' -import {DocumentCollection, EdgeCollection} from '../src/collection' +import { DocumentCollection, EdgeCollection } from "../src/collection"; +import { after, before, describe, it } from "mocha"; -const range = (n) => Array.from(Array(n).keys()) +import { Database } from "../src"; +import { expect } from "chai"; -describe('Accessing collections', () => { - let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}` - let db - before((done) => { +const range = n => Array.from(Array(n).keys()); + +describe("Accessing collections", () => { + let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}`; + let db; + before(done => { db = new Database({ - url: (process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || 'http://root:@localhost:8529'), + url: process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || "http://root:@localhost:8529", arangoVersion: Number(process.env.ARANGO_VERSION || 30000) - }) - db.createDatabase(name) + }); + db + .createDatabase(name) .then(() => { - db.useDatabase(name) - done() + db.useDatabase(name); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - after((done) => { - db.useDatabase('_system') - db.dropDatabase(name) + .catch(done); + }); + after(done => { + db.useDatabase("_system"); + db + .dropDatabase(name) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - describe('database.collection', () => { - it('returns a DocumentCollection instance for the collection', () => { - let name = 'potato' - let collection = db.collection(name) - expect(collection).to.be.an.instanceof(DocumentCollection) - expect(collection).to.have.a.property('name').that.equals(name) - }) - }) - describe('database.edgeCollection', () => { - it('returns an EdgeCollection instance for the collection', () => { - let name = 'tomato' - let collection = db.edgeCollection(name) - expect(collection).to.be.an.instanceof(EdgeCollection) - expect(collection).to.have.a.property('name').that.equals(name) - }) - }) - describe('database.listCollections', () => { - let nonSystemCollectionNames = range(4).map((i) => `c_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - let systemCollectionNames = range(4).map((i) => `_c_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - before((done) => { + .catch(done); + }); + describe("database.collection", () => { + it("returns a DocumentCollection instance for the collection", () => { + let name = "potato"; + let collection = db.collection(name); + expect(collection).to.be.an.instanceof(DocumentCollection); + expect(collection) + .to.have.a.property("name") + .that.equals(name); + }); + }); + describe("database.edgeCollection", () => { + it("returns an EdgeCollection instance for the collection", () => { + let name = "tomato"; + let collection = db.edgeCollection(name); + expect(collection).to.be.an.instanceof(EdgeCollection); + expect(collection) + .to.have.a.property("name") + .that.equals(name); + }); + }); + describe("database.listCollections", () => { + let nonSystemCollectionNames = range(4).map(i => `c_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + let systemCollectionNames = range(4).map(i => `_c_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + before(done => { Promise.all([ - ...nonSystemCollectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).create()), - ...systemCollectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).create({isSystem: true})) + ...nonSystemCollectionNames.map(name => db.collection(name).create()), + ...systemCollectionNames.map(name => + db.collection(name).create({ isSystem: true }) + ) ]) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - after((done) => { + .catch(done); + }); + after(done => { Promise.all([ - ...nonSystemCollectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).drop()), - ...systemCollectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).drop({isSystem: true})) + ...nonSystemCollectionNames.map(name => db.collection(name).drop()), + ...systemCollectionNames.map(name => + db.collection(name).drop({ isSystem: true }) + ) ]) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('fetches information about all non-system collections', (done) => { - db.listCollections() - .then((collections) => { - expect(collections.length).to.equal(nonSystemCollectionNames.length) - expect(collections.map((c) => c.name)).to.include.all.members(nonSystemCollectionNames) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("fetches information about all non-system collections", done => { + db + .listCollections() + .then(collections => { + expect(collections.length).to.equal(nonSystemCollectionNames.length); + expect(collections.map(c => c.name)).to.include.all.members( + nonSystemCollectionNames + ); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('includes system collections if explicitly passed false', (done) => { - db.listCollections(false) - .then((collections) => { - let allCollectionNames = nonSystemCollectionNames.concat(systemCollectionNames) - expect(collections.length).to.be.at.least(allCollectionNames.length) - expect(collections.map((c) => c.name)).to.include.all.members(allCollectionNames) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("includes system collections if explicitly passed false", done => { + db + .listCollections(false) + .then(collections => { + let allCollectionNames = nonSystemCollectionNames.concat( + systemCollectionNames + ); + expect(collections.length).to.be.at.least(allCollectionNames.length); + expect(collections.map(c => c.name)).to.include.all.members( + allCollectionNames + ); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('database.collections', () => { - let documentCollectionNames = range(4).map((i) => `dc_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - let edgeCollectionNames = range(4).map((i) => `ec_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - let systemCollectionNames = range(4).map((i) => `_c_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - before((done) => { + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("database.collections", () => { + let documentCollectionNames = range(4).map(i => `dc_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + let edgeCollectionNames = range(4).map(i => `ec_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + let systemCollectionNames = range(4).map(i => `_c_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + before(done => { Promise.all([ - ...documentCollectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).create()), - ...edgeCollectionNames.map((name) => db.edgeCollection(name).create()), - ...systemCollectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).create({isSystem: true})) + ...documentCollectionNames.map(name => db.collection(name).create()), + ...edgeCollectionNames.map(name => db.edgeCollection(name).create()), + ...systemCollectionNames.map(name => + db.collection(name).create({ isSystem: true }) + ) ]) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - after((done) => { + .catch(done); + }); + after(done => { Promise.all([ - ...documentCollectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).drop()), - ...edgeCollectionNames.map((name) => db.edgeCollection(name).drop()), - ...systemCollectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).drop({isSystem: true})) + ...documentCollectionNames.map(name => db.collection(name).drop()), + ...edgeCollectionNames.map(name => db.edgeCollection(name).drop()), + ...systemCollectionNames.map(name => + db.collection(name).drop({ isSystem: true }) + ) ]) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('creates DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection instances', (done) => { - db.collections() - .then((collections) => { - let documentCollections = collections.filter((c) => c instanceof DocumentCollection) - let edgeCollections = collections.filter((c) => c instanceof EdgeCollection) - expect(documentCollections.length).to.equal(documentCollectionNames.length) - expect(documentCollections.map((c) => c.name)).to.include.all.members(documentCollectionNames) - expect(edgeCollections.length).to.equal(edgeCollectionNames.length) - expect(edgeCollections.map((c) => c.name)).to.include.all.members(edgeCollectionNames) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("creates DocumentCollection and EdgeCollection instances", done => { + db + .collections() + .then(collections => { + let documentCollections = collections.filter( + c => c instanceof DocumentCollection + ); + let edgeCollections = collections.filter( + c => c instanceof EdgeCollection + ); + expect(documentCollections.length).to.equal( + documentCollectionNames.length + ); + expect(documentCollections.map(c => c.name)).to.include.all.members( + documentCollectionNames + ); + expect(edgeCollections.length).to.equal(edgeCollectionNames.length); + expect(edgeCollections.map(c => c.name)).to.include.all.members( + edgeCollectionNames + ); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('includes system collections if explicitly passed false', (done) => { - db.collections(false) - .then((collections) => { - let documentCollections = collections.filter((c) => c instanceof DocumentCollection) - let edgeCollections = collections.filter((c) => c instanceof EdgeCollection) - let allDocumentCollectionNames = documentCollectionNames.concat(systemCollectionNames) - expect(documentCollections.length).to.be.at.least(allDocumentCollectionNames.length) - expect(documentCollections.map((c) => c.name)).to.include.all.members(allDocumentCollectionNames) - expect(edgeCollections.length).to.be.at.least(edgeCollectionNames.length) - expect(edgeCollections.map((c) => c.name)).to.include.all.members(edgeCollectionNames) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("includes system collections if explicitly passed false", done => { + db + .collections(false) + .then(collections => { + let documentCollections = collections.filter( + c => c instanceof DocumentCollection + ); + let edgeCollections = collections.filter( + c => c instanceof EdgeCollection + ); + let allDocumentCollectionNames = documentCollectionNames.concat( + systemCollectionNames + ); + expect(documentCollections.length).to.be.at.least( + allDocumentCollectionNames.length + ); + expect(documentCollections.map(c => c.name)).to.include.all.members( + allDocumentCollectionNames + ); + expect(edgeCollections.length).to.be.at.least( + edgeCollectionNames.length + ); + expect(edgeCollections.map(c => c.name)).to.include.all.members( + edgeCollectionNames + ); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) -}) + .catch(done); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/03-accessing-graphs.js b/test/03-accessing-graphs.js index 5942f491d..54e2dd84e 100644 --- a/test/03-accessing-graphs.js +++ b/test/03-accessing-graphs.js @@ -1,116 +1,139 @@ -import {describe, it, before, after} from 'mocha' -import {expect} from 'chai' -import {Database} from '../src' -import Graph from '../src/graph' +import { after, before, describe, it } from "mocha"; -const range = (n) => Array.from(Array(n).keys()) +import { Database } from "../src"; +import Graph from "../src/graph"; +import { expect } from "chai"; -describe('Accessing graphs', () => { - let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}` - let db - before((done) => { +const range = n => Array.from(Array(n).keys()); + +describe("Accessing graphs", () => { + let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}`; + let db; + before(done => { db = new Database({ - url: (process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || 'http://root:@localhost:8529'), + url: process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || "http://root:@localhost:8529", arangoVersion: Number(process.env.ARANGO_VERSION || 30000) - }) - db.createDatabase(name) + }); + db + .createDatabase(name) .then(() => { - db.useDatabase(name) - done() + db.useDatabase(name); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - after((done) => { - db.useDatabase('_system') - db.dropDatabase(name) + .catch(done); + }); + after(done => { + db.useDatabase("_system"); + db + .dropDatabase(name) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - describe('database.graph', () => { - it('returns a Graph instance', () => { - let name = 'potato' - let graph = db.graph(name) - expect(graph).to.be.an.instanceof(Graph) - expect(graph).to.have.a.property('name').that.equals(name) - }) - }) - describe('database.listGraphs', () => { - let vertexCollectionNames = range(2).map((i) => `vc_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - let edgeCollectionNames = range(2).map((i) => `ec_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - let graphNames = range(4).map((i) => `g_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - before((done) => { + .catch(done); + }); + describe("database.graph", () => { + it("returns a Graph instance", () => { + let name = "potato"; + let graph = db.graph(name); + expect(graph).to.be.an.instanceof(Graph); + expect(graph) + .to.have.a.property("name") + .that.equals(name); + }); + }); + describe("database.listGraphs", () => { + let vertexCollectionNames = range(2).map(i => `vc_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + let edgeCollectionNames = range(2).map(i => `ec_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + let graphNames = range(4).map(i => `g_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + before(done => { Promise.all([ - ...vertexCollectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).create()), - ...edgeCollectionNames.map((name) => db.edgeCollection(name).create()) + ...vertexCollectionNames.map(name => db.collection(name).create()), + ...edgeCollectionNames.map(name => db.edgeCollection(name).create()) ]) - .then(() => Promise.all([ - ...graphNames.map((name) => db.graph(name).create({ - edgeDefinitions: edgeCollectionNames.map((name) => ({ - collection: name, - from: vertexCollectionNames, - to: vertexCollectionNames - })) - })) - ])) + .then(() => + Promise.all([ + ...graphNames.map(name => + db.graph(name).create({ + edgeDefinitions: edgeCollectionNames.map(name => ({ + collection: name, + from: vertexCollectionNames, + to: vertexCollectionNames + })) + }) + ) + ]) + ) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - after((done) => { - Promise.all(graphNames.map((name) => db.graph(name).drop())) - .then(() => Promise.all(vertexCollectionNames.concat(edgeCollectionNames).map( - (name) => db.collection(name).drop() - ))) + .catch(done); + }); + after(done => { + Promise.all(graphNames.map(name => db.graph(name).drop())) + .then(() => + Promise.all( + vertexCollectionNames + .concat(edgeCollectionNames) + .map(name => db.collection(name).drop()) + ) + ) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('fetches information about all graphs', (done) => { - db.listGraphs() - .then((graphs) => { - expect(graphs.length).to.equal(graphNames.length) - expect(graphs.map((g) => g._key)).to.include.all.members(graphNames) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("fetches information about all graphs", done => { + db + .listGraphs() + .then(graphs => { + expect(graphs.length).to.equal(graphNames.length); + expect(graphs.map(g => g._key)).to.include.all.members(graphNames); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('database.graphs', () => { - let vertexCollectionNames = range(2).map((i) => `vc_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - let edgeCollectionNames = range(2).map((i) => `ec_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - let graphNames = range(4).map((i) => `g_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - before((done) => { + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("database.graphs", () => { + let vertexCollectionNames = range(2).map(i => `vc_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + let edgeCollectionNames = range(2).map(i => `ec_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + let graphNames = range(4).map(i => `g_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + before(done => { Promise.all([ - ...vertexCollectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).create()), - ...edgeCollectionNames.map((name) => db.edgeCollection(name).create()) + ...vertexCollectionNames.map(name => db.collection(name).create()), + ...edgeCollectionNames.map(name => db.edgeCollection(name).create()) ]) - .then(() => Promise.all([ - ...graphNames.map((name) => db.graph(name).create({ - edgeDefinitions: edgeCollectionNames.map((name) => ({ - collection: name, - from: vertexCollectionNames, - to: vertexCollectionNames - })) - })) - ])) + .then(() => + Promise.all([ + ...graphNames.map(name => + db.graph(name).create({ + edgeDefinitions: edgeCollectionNames.map(name => ({ + collection: name, + from: vertexCollectionNames, + to: vertexCollectionNames + })) + }) + ) + ]) + ) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - after((done) => { - Promise.all(graphNames.map((name) => db.graph(name).drop())) - .then(() => Promise.all(vertexCollectionNames.concat(edgeCollectionNames).map( - (name) => db.collection(name).drop() - ))) + .catch(done); + }); + after(done => { + Promise.all(graphNames.map(name => db.graph(name).drop())) + .then(() => + Promise.all( + vertexCollectionNames + .concat(edgeCollectionNames) + .map(name => db.collection(name).drop()) + ) + ) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('creates Graph instances', (done) => { - db.graphs() - .then((graphs) => { - expect(graphs.length).to.equal(graphNames.length) - expect(graphs.map((g) => g.name)).to.include.all.members(graphNames) - graphs.forEach((graph) => expect(graph).to.be.an.instanceof(Graph)) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("creates Graph instances", done => { + db + .graphs() + .then(graphs => { + expect(graphs.length).to.equal(graphNames.length); + expect(graphs.map(g => g.name)).to.include.all.members(graphNames); + graphs.forEach(graph => expect(graph).to.be.an.instanceof(Graph)); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) -}) + .catch(done); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/04-transactions.js b/test/04-transactions.js index 736ef3314..5324aeaf1 100644 --- a/test/04-transactions.js +++ b/test/04-transactions.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -import {describe, it} from 'mocha' +import { describe, it } from "mocha"; -describe('Transactions', () => { - describe('database.transaction', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) -}) +describe("Transactions", () => { + describe("database.transaction", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/05-aql-queries.js b/test/05-aql-queries.js index c62fa186c..5d78a759f 100644 --- a/test/05-aql-queries.js +++ b/test/05-aql-queries.js @@ -1,131 +1,174 @@ -import {describe, it, before, after} from 'mocha' -import {expect} from 'chai' -import {aqlQuery, Database} from '../src' -import Cursor from '../src/cursor' +import { Database, aqlQuery } from "../src"; +import { after, before, describe, it } from "mocha"; -describe('AQL queries', () => { - let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}` - let db - before((done) => { +import Cursor from "../src/cursor"; +import { expect } from "chai"; + +describe("AQL queries", () => { + let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}`; + let db; + before(done => { db = new Database({ - url: (process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || 'http://root:@localhost:8529'), + url: process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || "http://root:@localhost:8529", arangoVersion: Number(process.env.ARANGO_VERSION || 30000) - }) - db.createDatabase(name) + }); + db + .createDatabase(name) .then(() => { - db.useDatabase(name) - done() + db.useDatabase(name); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - after((done) => { - db.useDatabase('_system') - db.dropDatabase(name) + .catch(done); + }); + after(done => { + db.useDatabase("_system"); + db + .dropDatabase(name) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - describe('database.query', () => { - it('returns a cursor for the query result', (done) => { - db.query('RETURN 23') - .then((cursor) => { - expect(cursor).to.be.an.instanceof(Cursor) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + describe("database.query", () => { + it("returns a cursor for the query result", done => { + db + .query("RETURN 23") + .then(cursor => { + expect(cursor).to.be.an.instanceof(Cursor); + done(); + }) + .catch(done); + }); + it("supports bindVars", done => { + db + .query("RETURN @x", { x: 5 }) + .then(cursor => cursor.next()) + .then(value => { + expect(value).to.equal(5); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('supports bindVars', (done) => { - db.query('RETURN @x', {x: 5}) - .then((cursor) => cursor.next()) - .then((value) => { - expect(value).to.equal(5) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("supports options", done => { + db + .query("FOR x IN 1..10 RETURN x", undefined, { + batchSize: 2, + count: true }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('supports options', (done) => { - db.query('FOR x IN 1..10 RETURN x', undefined, {batchSize: 2, count: true}) - .then((cursor) => { - expect(cursor.count).to.equal(10) - expect(cursor._hasMore).to.equal(true) - done() + .then(cursor => { + expect(cursor.count).to.equal(10); + expect(cursor._hasMore).to.equal(true); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('supports AQB queries', (done) => { - db.query({toAQL: () => 'RETURN 42'}) - .then((cursor) => cursor.next()) - .then((value) => { - expect(value).to.equal(42) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("supports AQB queries", done => { + db + .query({ toAQL: () => "RETURN 42" }) + .then(cursor => cursor.next()) + .then(value => { + expect(value).to.equal(42); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('supports query objects', (done) => { - db.query({query: 'RETURN 1337'}) - .then((cursor) => cursor.next()) - .then((value) => { - expect(value).to.equal(1337) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("supports query objects", done => { + db + .query({ query: "RETURN 1337" }) + .then(cursor => cursor.next()) + .then(value => { + expect(value).to.equal(1337); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('supports compact queries', (done) => { - db.query({query: 'RETURN @potato', bindVars: {potato: 'tomato'}}) - .then((cursor) => cursor.next()) - .then((value) => { - expect(value).to.equal('tomato') - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("supports compact queries", done => { + db + .query({ query: "RETURN @potato", bindVars: { potato: "tomato" } }) + .then(cursor => cursor.next()) + .then(value => { + expect(value).to.equal("tomato"); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('supports compact queries with options', (done) => { - let aql = {query: 'FOR x IN RANGE(1, @max) RETURN x', bindVars: {max: 10}} - db.query(aql, {batchSize: 2, count: true}) - .then((cursor) => { - expect(cursor.count).to.equal(10) - expect(cursor._hasMore).to.equal(true) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("supports compact queries with options", done => { + let aql = { + query: "FOR x IN RANGE(1, @max) RETURN x", + bindVars: { max: 10 } + }; + db + .query(aql, { batchSize: 2, count: true }) + .then(cursor => { + expect(cursor.count).to.equal(10); + expect(cursor._hasMore).to.equal(true); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('aqlQuery', () => { - it('correctly handles simple parameters', () => { - let values = [0, 42, -1, null, undefined, true, false, '', 'string', [1, 2, 3], {a: 'b'}] + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("aqlQuery", () => { + it("correctly handles simple parameters", () => { + let values = [ + 0, + 42, + -1, + null, + undefined, + true, + false, + "", + "string", + [1, 2, 3], + { a: "b" } + ]; let aql = aqlQuery` - A ${values[0]} B ${values[1]} C ${values[2]} D ${values[3]} E ${values[4]} F ${values[5]} - G ${values[6]} H ${values[7]} I ${values[8]} J ${values[9]} K ${values[10]} EOF - ` + A ${values[0]} B ${values[1]} C ${values[2]} D ${values[3]} E ${ + values[4] + } F ${values[5]} + G ${values[6]} H ${values[7]} I ${values[8]} J ${values[9]} K ${ + values[10] + } EOF + `; expect(aql.query).to.equal(` A @value0 B @value1 C @value2 D @value3 E @value4 F @value5 G @value6 H @value7 I @value8 J @value9 K @value10 EOF - `) - let bindVarNames = Object.keys(aql.bindVars).sort((a, b) => +a.substr(5) > +b.substr(5) ? 1 : -1) + `); + let bindVarNames = Object.keys(aql.bindVars).sort( + (a, b) => (+a.substr(5) > +b.substr(5) ? 1 : -1) + ); expect(bindVarNames).to.eql([ - 'value0', 'value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4', 'value5', - 'value6', 'value7', 'value8', 'value9', 'value10' - ]) - expect(bindVarNames.map((k) => aql.bindVars[k])).to.eql(values) - }) - it('correctly handles arangojs collection parameters', () => { - let collection = db.collection('potato') - let aql = aqlQuery`${collection}` - expect(aql.query).to.equal('@@value0') - expect(Object.keys(aql.bindVars)).to.eql(['@value0']) - expect(aql.bindVars['@value0']).to.equal('potato') - }) - it('correctly handles ArangoDB collection parameters', () => { + "value0", + "value1", + "value2", + "value3", + "value4", + "value5", + "value6", + "value7", + "value8", + "value9", + "value10" + ]); + expect(bindVarNames.map(k => aql.bindVars[k])).to.eql(values); + }); + it("correctly handles arangojs collection parameters", () => { + let collection = db.collection("potato"); + let aql = aqlQuery`${collection}`; + expect(aql.query).to.equal("@@value0"); + expect(Object.keys(aql.bindVars)).to.eql(["@value0"]); + expect(aql.bindVars["@value0"]).to.equal("potato"); + }); + it("correctly handles ArangoDB collection parameters", () => { class ArangoCollection { - constructor () { - this.name = 'tomato' + constructor() { + this.name = "tomato"; } } - ArangoCollection.prototype.isArangoCollection = true - let collection = new ArangoCollection() - let aql = aqlQuery`${collection}` - expect(aql.query).to.equal('@@value0') - expect(Object.keys(aql.bindVars)).to.eql(['@value0']) - expect(aql.bindVars['@value0']).to.equal('tomato') - }) - }) -}) + ArangoCollection.prototype.isArangoCollection = true; + let collection = new ArangoCollection(); + let aql = aqlQuery`${collection}`; + expect(aql.query).to.equal("@@value0"); + expect(Object.keys(aql.bindVars)).to.eql(["@value0"]); + expect(aql.bindVars["@value0"]).to.equal("tomato"); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/06-managing-functions.js b/test/06-managing-functions.js index d883e42b6..002663451 100644 --- a/test/06-managing-functions.js +++ b/test/06-managing-functions.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ -import {describe, it} from 'mocha' +import { describe, it } from "mocha"; -describe('Managing functions', () => { - describe('database.listFunctions', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('database.createFunction', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('database.dropFunction', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) -}) +describe("Managing functions", () => { + describe("database.listFunctions", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("database.createFunction", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("database.dropFunction", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/07-routes.js b/test/07-routes.js index b2e4a02b9..2a81e3e3b 100644 --- a/test/07-routes.js +++ b/test/07-routes.js @@ -1,53 +1,54 @@ -import {describe, it} from 'mocha' -import {expect} from 'chai' -import {Database} from '../src' -import Route from '../src/route' +import { describe, it } from "mocha"; -describe('Arbitrary HTTP routes', () => { +import { Database } from "../src"; +import Route from "../src/route"; +import { expect } from "chai"; + +describe("Arbitrary HTTP routes", () => { const db = new Database({ - url: (process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || 'http://root:@localhost:8529'), + url: process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || "http://root:@localhost:8529", arangoVersion: Number(process.env.ARANGO_VERSION || 30000) - }) - describe('database.route', () => { - it('returns a Route instance', () => { - let route = db.route() - expect(route).to.be.an.instanceof(Route) - }) - it('creates a route for the given path', () => { - let path = '/hi' - let route = db.route(path) - expect(route._path).to.equal(path) - }) - it('passes the given headers to the new route', () => { - let route = db.route('/hello', {'x-magic': 'awesome'}) - expect(route._headers).to.have.a.property('x-magic', 'awesome') - }) - }) -}) + }); + describe("database.route", () => { + it("returns a Route instance", () => { + let route = db.route(); + expect(route).to.be.an.instanceof(Route); + }); + it("creates a route for the given path", () => { + let path = "/hi"; + let route = db.route(path); + expect(route._path).to.equal(path); + }); + it("passes the given headers to the new route", () => { + let route = db.route("/hello", { "x-magic": "awesome" }); + expect(route._headers).to.have.a.property("x-magic", "awesome"); + }); + }); +}); -describe('Route API', () => { - describe('route.route', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('route.get', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('route.post', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('route.put', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('route.patch', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('route.delete', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('route.head', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('route.request', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) -}) +describe("Route API", () => { + describe("route.route", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("route.get", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("route.post", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("route.put", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("route.patch", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("route.delete", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("route.head", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("route.request", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/08-cursors.js b/test/08-cursors.js index fc33216d6..b5f0778c2 100644 --- a/test/08-cursors.js +++ b/test/08-cursors.js @@ -1,261 +1,294 @@ -import {describe, it, before, beforeEach} from 'mocha' -import {expect} from 'chai' -import {Database} from '../src' +import { before, beforeEach, describe, it } from "mocha"; -const aqlQuery = 'FOR i In 0..10 RETURN i' -const aqlResult = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] +import { Database } from "../src"; +import { expect } from "chai"; -function sleep (ms) { - var date = Date.now() - var curDate = null +const aqlQuery = "FOR i In 0..10 RETURN i"; +const aqlResult = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; + +function sleep(ms) { + var date = Date.now(); + var curDate = null; do { - curDate = Date.now() - } while (curDate - date < ms) + curDate = Date.now(); + } while (curDate - date < ms); } -describe('Cursor API', () => { - let db - let cursor +describe("Cursor API", () => { + let db; + let cursor; before(() => { db = new Database({ - url: (process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || 'http://root:@localhost:8529'), + url: process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || "http://root:@localhost:8529", arangoVersion: Number(process.env.ARANGO_VERSION || 30000) - }) - }) - beforeEach((done) => { - db.query(aqlQuery) - .then((c) => { - cursor = c - done() + }); + }); + beforeEach(done => { + db + .query(aqlQuery) + .then(c => { + cursor = c; + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - describe('cursor.all', () => { - it('returns an Array of all results', (done) => { - cursor.all() - .then((vals) => { - expect(vals).to.eql(aqlResult) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + describe("cursor.all", () => { + it("returns an Array of all results", done => { + cursor + .all() + .then(vals => { + expect(vals).to.eql(aqlResult); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('cursor.next', () => { - it('returns the next result of the Cursor', (done) => { - cursor.next() - .then((val) => { - expect(val).to.equal(0) - return cursor.next() + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("cursor.next", () => { + it("returns the next result of the Cursor", done => { + cursor + .next() + .then(val => { + expect(val).to.equal(0); + return cursor.next(); }) - .then((val) => { - expect(val).to.equal(1) - done() + .then(val => { + expect(val).to.equal(1); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('cursor.hasNext', () => { - it('returns true if the Cursor has more results', (done) => { - expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true) - cursor.next() - .then((val) => { - expect(val).to.be.a('number') - done() + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("cursor.hasNext", () => { + it("returns true if the Cursor has more results", done => { + expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true); + cursor + .next() + .then(val => { + expect(val).to.be.a("number"); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('returns false if the Cursor is empty', (done) => { - cursor.all() + .catch(done); + }); + it("returns false if the Cursor is empty", done => { + cursor + .all() .then(() => { - expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(false) - done() + expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(false); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('returns true after first batch is consumed', (done) => { - db.query(aqlQuery, {}, {batchSize: 1}) - .then((cursor) => { - expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(1) - cursor.next() - expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(0) - expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true) - done() - }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('returns false after last batch is consumed', (done) => { - db.query('FOR i In 0..1 RETURN i', {}, {batchSize: 1}) - .then((cursor) => { - expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true) - expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(1) - cursor.next().then((val) => { - expect(val).to.equal(0) - expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true) - expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(0) - return cursor.next() - }).then((val) => { - expect(val).to.equal(1) - expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(false) - expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(0) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("returns true after first batch is consumed", done => { + db + .query(aqlQuery, {}, { batchSize: 1 }) + .then(cursor => { + expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(1); + cursor.next(); + expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(0); + expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true); + done(); }) - }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('returns false after last result is consumed', (done) => { - db.query('FOR i In 0..1 RETURN i') - .then((cursor) => { - expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true) - expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(2) - cursor.next().then((val) => { - expect(val).to.equal(0) - expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true) - expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(1) - return cursor.next() - }).then((val) => { - expect(val).to.equal(1) - expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(false) - expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(0) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("returns false after last batch is consumed", done => { + db + .query("FOR i In 0..1 RETURN i", {}, { batchSize: 1 }) + .then(cursor => { + expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true); + expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(1); + cursor + .next() + .then(val => { + expect(val).to.equal(0); + expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true); + expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(0); + return cursor.next(); + }) + .then(val => { + expect(val).to.equal(1); + expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(false); + expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(0); + done(); + }); }) - }) - .catch(done) - }) - it.skip('returns 404 after timeout', (done) => { - db.query('FOR i In 0..1 RETURN i', {}, {batchSize: 1, ttl: 1}) - .then((cursor) => { - expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true) - expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(1) - cursor.next().then((val) => { - expect(val).to.equal(0) - expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true) - expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(0) - sleep(3000) - return cursor.next() - }).catch((err) => { - expect(err.code).to.equal(404) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("returns false after last result is consumed", done => { + db + .query("FOR i In 0..1 RETURN i") + .then(cursor => { + expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true); + expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(2); + cursor + .next() + .then(val => { + expect(val).to.equal(0); + expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true); + expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(1); + return cursor.next(); + }) + .then(val => { + expect(val).to.equal(1); + expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(false); + expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(0); + done(); + }); + }) + .catch(done); + }); + it.skip("returns 404 after timeout", done => { + db + .query("FOR i In 0..1 RETURN i", {}, { batchSize: 1, ttl: 1 }) + .then(cursor => { + expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true); + expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(1); + cursor + .next() + .then(val => { + expect(val).to.equal(0); + expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(true); + expect(cursor._result.length).to.equal(0); + sleep(3000); + return cursor.next(); + }) + .catch(err => { + expect(err.code).to.equal(404); + done(); + }); + }) + .catch(done); + }); + it("returns false after last result is consumed (with large amount of results)", done => { + const EXPECTED_LENGTH = 100000; + const loadMore = function(cursor, totalLength) { + cursor + .next() + .then(() => { + totalLength++; + expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(totalLength !== EXPECTED_LENGTH); + if (cursor.hasNext()) { + loadMore(cursor, totalLength); + } else { + done(); + } + }) + .catch(done); + }; + db + .query(`FOR i In 1..${EXPECTED_LENGTH} RETURN i`) + .then(cursor => loadMore(cursor, 0)) + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("cursor.each", () => { + it("invokes the callback for each value", done => { + let results = []; + cursor + .each(value => { + results.push(value); }) - }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('returns false after last result is consumed (with large amount of results)', (done) => { - const EXPECTED_LENGTH = 100000 - const loadMore = function (cursor, totalLength) { - cursor.next().then(() => { - totalLength++ - expect(cursor.hasNext()).to.equal(totalLength !== EXPECTED_LENGTH) - if (cursor.hasNext()) { - loadMore(cursor, totalLength) - } else { - done() - } - }).catch(done) - } - db.query(`FOR i In 1..${EXPECTED_LENGTH} RETURN i`).then((cursor) => loadMore(cursor, 0)).catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('cursor.each', () => { - it('invokes the callback for each value', (done) => { - let results = [] - cursor.each((value) => { - results.push(value) - }) .then(() => { - expect(results).to.eql(aqlResult) - done() + expect(results).to.eql(aqlResult); + done(); + }) + .catch(done); + }); + it("aborts if the callback returns false", done => { + let results = []; + cursor + .each(value => { + results.push(value); + if (value === 5) return false; }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('aborts if the callback returns false', (done) => { - let results = [] - cursor.each((value) => { - results.push(value) - if (value === 5) return false - }) .then(() => { - expect(results).to.eql([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) - done() + expect(results).to.eql([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('cursor.every', () => { - it('returns true if the callback returns a truthy value for every item', (done) => { - let results = [] - cursor.every((value) => { - if (results.indexOf(value) !== -1) return false - results.push(value) - return true - }) - .then((result) => { - expect(results).to.eql(aqlResult) - expect(result).to.equal(true) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("cursor.every", () => { + it("returns true if the callback returns a truthy value for every item", done => { + let results = []; + cursor + .every(value => { + if (results.indexOf(value) !== -1) return false; + results.push(value); + return true; }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('returns false if the callback returns a non-truthy value for any item', (done) => { - let results = [] - cursor.every((value) => { - results.push(value) - if (value < 5) return true - }) - .then((result) => { - expect(results).to.eql([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) - expect(result).to.equal(false) - done() + .then(result => { + expect(results).to.eql(aqlResult); + expect(result).to.equal(true); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('cursor.some', () => { - it('returns false if the callback returns a non-truthy value for every item', (done) => { - let results = [] - cursor.some((value) => { - if (results.indexOf(value) !== -1) return true - results.push(value) - return false - }) - .then((result) => { - expect(results).to.eql(aqlResult) - expect(result).to.equal(false) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("returns false if the callback returns a non-truthy value for any item", done => { + let results = []; + cursor + .every(value => { + results.push(value); + if (value < 5) return true; }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('returns true if the callback returns a truthy value for any item', (done) => { - let results = [] - cursor.some((value) => { - results.push(value) - if (value >= 5) return true - }) - .then((result) => { - expect(results).to.eql([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) - expect(result).to.equal(true) - done() + .then(result => { + expect(results).to.eql([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); + expect(result).to.equal(false); + done(); + }) + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("cursor.some", () => { + it("returns false if the callback returns a non-truthy value for every item", done => { + let results = []; + cursor + .some(value => { + if (results.indexOf(value) !== -1) return true; + results.push(value); + return false; + }) + .then(result => { + expect(results).to.eql(aqlResult); + expect(result).to.equal(false); + done(); + }) + .catch(done); + }); + it("returns true if the callback returns a truthy value for any item", done => { + let results = []; + cursor + .some(value => { + results.push(value); + if (value >= 5) return true; + }) + .then(result => { + expect(results).to.eql([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); + expect(result).to.equal(true); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('cursor.map', () => { - it('maps all result values over the callback', (done) => { - cursor.map((value) => value * 2) - .then((results) => { - expect(results).to.eql(aqlResult.map((value) => value * 2)) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("cursor.map", () => { + it("maps all result values over the callback", done => { + cursor + .map(value => value * 2) + .then(results => { + expect(results).to.eql(aqlResult.map(value => value * 2)); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('cursor.reduce', () => { - it('reduces the result values with the callback', (done) => { - cursor.reduce((a, b) => a + b) - .then((result) => { - expect(result).to.eql(aqlResult.reduce((a, b) => a + b)) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("cursor.reduce", () => { + it("reduces the result values with the callback", done => { + cursor + .reduce((a, b) => a + b) + .then(result => { + expect(result).to.eql(aqlResult.reduce((a, b) => a + b)); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) -}) + .catch(done); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/09-collection-metadata.js b/test/09-collection-metadata.js index acf3013d9..c1da9916f 100644 --- a/test/09-collection-metadata.js +++ b/test/09-collection-metadata.js @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -import {describe, it} from 'mocha' +import { describe, it } from "mocha"; -describe('Collection metadata', () => { - describe('collection.get', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.properties', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.count', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.figures', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.revision', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.checksum', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) -}) +describe("Collection metadata", () => { + describe("collection.get", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.properties", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.count", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.figures", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.revision", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.checksum", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/10-manipulating-collections.js b/test/10-manipulating-collections.js index 5f4c81564..3678c066f 100644 --- a/test/10-manipulating-collections.js +++ b/test/10-manipulating-collections.js @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ -import {describe, it} from 'mocha' +import { describe, it } from "mocha"; -describe('Manipulating collections', () => { - describe('collection.create', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.load', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.unload', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.setProperties', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.rename', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.rotate', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.truncate', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.drop', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) -}) +describe("Manipulating collections", () => { + describe("collection.create", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.load", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.unload", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.setProperties", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.rename", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.rotate", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.truncate", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.drop", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/11-managing-indexes.js b/test/11-managing-indexes.js index 4fa8bbcf4..2483ee711 100644 --- a/test/11-managing-indexes.js +++ b/test/11-managing-indexes.js @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ -import {describe, it} from 'mocha' +import { describe, it } from "mocha"; -describe('Managing indexes', () => { - describe('collection.createIndex', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.createCapConstraint', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.createHashIndex', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.createSkipList', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.createPersistentIndex', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.createGeoIndex', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.createFulltextIndex', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.index', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.indexes', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.dropIndex', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) -}) +describe("Managing indexes", () => { + describe("collection.createIndex", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.createCapConstraint", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.createHashIndex", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.createSkipList", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.createPersistentIndex", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.createGeoIndex", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.createFulltextIndex", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.index", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.indexes", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.dropIndex", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/12-simple-queries.js b/test/12-simple-queries.js index 87fb45686..721fc155c 100644 --- a/test/12-simple-queries.js +++ b/test/12-simple-queries.js @@ -1,178 +1,206 @@ -import {describe, it, before, after, beforeEach, afterEach} from 'mocha' -import {expect} from 'chai' -import {Database} from '../src' -import Cursor from '../src/cursor' +import { after, afterEach, before, beforeEach, describe, it } from "mocha"; -const range = (n) => Array.from(Array(n).keys()) -const alpha = (i) => String.fromCharCode('a'.charCodeAt(0) + i) -const ARANGO_VERSION = Number(process.env.ARANGO_VERSION || 30000) -const describe2x = ARANGO_VERSION < 30000 ? describe : describe.skip +import Cursor from "../src/cursor"; +import { Database } from "../src"; +import { expect } from "chai"; -describe('Simple queries', () => { - let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}` - let db - let collection - before((done) => { +const range = n => Array.from(Array(n).keys()); +const alpha = i => String.fromCharCode("a".charCodeAt(0) + i); +const ARANGO_VERSION = Number(process.env.ARANGO_VERSION || 30000); +const describe2x = ARANGO_VERSION < 30000 ? describe : describe.skip; + +describe("Simple queries", () => { + let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}`; + let db; + let collection; + before(done => { db = new Database({ - url: (process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || 'http://root:@localhost:8529'), + url: process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || "http://root:@localhost:8529", arangoVersion: ARANGO_VERSION - }) - db.createDatabase(name) + }); + db + .createDatabase(name) .then(() => { - db.useDatabase(name) - done() + db.useDatabase(name); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - after((done) => { - db.useDatabase('_system') - db.dropDatabase(name) + .catch(done); + }); + after(done => { + db.useDatabase("_system"); + db + .dropDatabase(name) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - beforeEach((done) => { - collection = db.collection(`c_${Date.now()}`) - collection.create() - .then(() => range(10).reduce((p, v) => p.then(() => collection.save({ - _key: alpha(v), - value: v + 1, - group: Math.floor(v / 2) + 1 - })), Promise.resolve())) + .catch(done); + }); + beforeEach(done => { + collection = db.collection(`c_${Date.now()}`); + collection + .create() + .then(() => + range(10).reduce( + (p, v) => + p.then(() => + collection.save({ + _key: alpha(v), + value: v + 1, + group: Math.floor(v / 2) + 1 + }) + ), + Promise.resolve() + ) + ) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - afterEach(function (done) { - this.timeout(10000) - collection.drop() + .catch(done); + }); + afterEach(function(done) { + this.timeout(10000); + collection + .drop() .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - describe('collection.all', () => { - it('returns a cursor for all documents in the collection', (done) => { - collection.all() - .then((cursor) => { - expect(cursor).to.be.an.instanceof(Cursor) - expect(cursor.count).to.equal(10) - return cursor.all() + .catch(done); + }); + describe("collection.all", () => { + it("returns a cursor for all documents in the collection", done => { + collection + .all() + .then(cursor => { + expect(cursor).to.be.an.instanceof(Cursor); + expect(cursor.count).to.equal(10); + return cursor.all(); }) - .then((arr) => { - expect(arr).to.have.length(10) - arr.forEach((doc) => { - expect(doc).to.have.keys('_key', '_id', '_rev', 'value', 'group') - expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`) - expect(doc.group).to.equal(Math.floor((doc.value - 1) / 2) + 1) - }) - expect(arr.map((d) => d.value).sort()).to.eql(range(10).map((i) => i + 1).sort()) - expect(arr.map((d) => d._key).sort()).to.eql(range(10).map(alpha).sort()) - done() + .then(arr => { + expect(arr).to.have.length(10); + arr.forEach(doc => { + expect(doc).to.have.keys("_key", "_id", "_rev", "value", "group"); + expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`); + expect(doc.group).to.equal(Math.floor((doc.value - 1) / 2) + 1); + }); + expect(arr.map(d => d.value).sort()).to.eql( + range(10) + .map(i => i + 1) + .sort() + ); + expect(arr.map(d => d._key).sort()).to.eql( + range(10) + .map(alpha) + .sort() + ); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('collection.any', () => { - it('returns a random document from the collection', (done) => { - collection.any() - .then((doc) => { - expect(doc).to.have.keys('_key', '_id', '_rev', 'value', 'group') - expect(doc._key).to.equal(alpha(doc.value - 1)) - expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`) - expect(doc.value).to.be.within(1, 10) - expect(doc.group).to.equal(Math.floor((doc.value - 1) / 2) + 1) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("collection.any", () => { + it("returns a random document from the collection", done => { + collection + .any() + .then(doc => { + expect(doc).to.have.keys("_key", "_id", "_rev", "value", "group"); + expect(doc._key).to.equal(alpha(doc.value - 1)); + expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`); + expect(doc.value).to.be.within(1, 10); + expect(doc.group).to.equal(Math.floor((doc.value - 1) / 2) + 1); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe2x('collection.first', () => { - it('returns the first document in the collection', (done) => { - collection.first() - .then((doc) => { - expect(doc).to.have.keys('_key', '_id', '_rev', 'value', 'group') - expect(doc._key).to.equal('a') - expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`) - expect(doc.value).to.equal(1) - expect(doc.group).to.equal(1) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe2x("collection.first", () => { + it("returns the first document in the collection", done => { + collection + .first() + .then(doc => { + expect(doc).to.have.keys("_key", "_id", "_rev", "value", "group"); + expect(doc._key).to.equal("a"); + expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`); + expect(doc.value).to.equal(1); + expect(doc.group).to.equal(1); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe2x('collection.last', () => { - it('returns the last document in the collection', (done) => { - collection.last() - .then((doc) => { - expect(doc).to.have.keys('_key', '_id', '_rev', 'value', 'group') - expect(doc._key).to.equal(alpha(9)) - expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`) - expect(doc.value).to.equal(10) - expect(doc.group).to.equal(5) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe2x("collection.last", () => { + it("returns the last document in the collection", done => { + collection + .last() + .then(doc => { + expect(doc).to.have.keys("_key", "_id", "_rev", "value", "group"); + expect(doc._key).to.equal(alpha(9)); + expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`); + expect(doc.value).to.equal(10); + expect(doc.group).to.equal(5); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('collection.byExample', () => { - it('returns all documents matching the example', (done) => { - collection.byExample({group: 2}) - .then((cursor) => { - expect(cursor).to.be.an.instanceof(Cursor) - return cursor.all() + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("collection.byExample", () => { + it("returns all documents matching the example", done => { + collection + .byExample({ group: 2 }) + .then(cursor => { + expect(cursor).to.be.an.instanceof(Cursor); + return cursor.all(); }) - .then((arr) => { - expect(arr).to.have.length(2) - arr.forEach((doc) => { - expect(doc).to.have.keys('_key', '_id', '_rev', 'value', 'group') - expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`) - expect(doc.group).to.equal(2) - }) - expect(arr.map((d) => d._key).sort()).to.eql(['c', 'd']) - expect(arr.map((d) => d.value).sort()).to.eql([3, 4]) - done() + .then(arr => { + expect(arr).to.have.length(2); + arr.forEach(doc => { + expect(doc).to.have.keys("_key", "_id", "_rev", "value", "group"); + expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`); + expect(doc.group).to.equal(2); + }); + expect(arr.map(d => d._key).sort()).to.eql(["c", "d"]); + expect(arr.map(d => d.value).sort()).to.eql([3, 4]); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('collection.firstExample', () => { - it('returns the first document matching the example', (done) => { - collection.firstExample({group: 2}) - .then((doc) => { - expect(doc).to.have.keys('_key', '_id', '_rev', 'value', 'group') - expect(doc._key).to.match(/^[cd]$/) - expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`) - expect(doc.group).to.equal(2) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("collection.firstExample", () => { + it("returns the first document matching the example", done => { + collection + .firstExample({ group: 2 }) + .then(doc => { + expect(doc).to.have.keys("_key", "_id", "_rev", "value", "group"); + expect(doc._key).to.match(/^[cd]$/); + expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`); + expect(doc.group).to.equal(2); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('collection.removeByExample', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.replaceByExample', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('collection.updateByExample', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("collection.removeByExample", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.replaceByExample", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("collection.updateByExample", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); if (ARANGO_VERSION >= 20600) { - describe2x('collection.lookupByKeys', () => { - it('returns the documents with the given keys', (done) => { - collection.lookupByKeys(['b', 'c', 'd']) - .then((arr) => { - expect(arr).to.have.length(3) - arr.forEach((doc) => { - expect(doc).to.have.keys('_key', '_id', '_rev', 'value', 'group') - expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`) - expect(doc.group).to.equal(Math.floor((doc.value - 1) / 2) + 1) - }) - expect(arr.map((d) => d._key)).to.eql(['b', 'c', 'd']) - done() + describe2x("collection.lookupByKeys", () => { + it("returns the documents with the given keys", done => { + collection + .lookupByKeys(["b", "c", "d"]) + .then(arr => { + expect(arr).to.have.length(3); + arr.forEach(doc => { + expect(doc).to.have.keys("_key", "_id", "_rev", "value", "group"); + expect(doc._id).to.equal(`${collection.name}/${doc._key}`); + expect(doc.group).to.equal(Math.floor((doc.value - 1) / 2) + 1); + }); + expect(arr.map(d => d._key)).to.eql(["b", "c", "d"]); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) + .catch(done); + }); + }); } - describe('collection.removeByKeys', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) -}) + describe("collection.removeByKeys", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/13-bulk-imports.js b/test/13-bulk-imports.js index c83220062..706ed8cd9 100644 --- a/test/13-bulk-imports.js +++ b/test/13-bulk-imports.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -import {describe, it} from 'mocha' +import { describe, it } from "mocha"; -describe('Bulk imports', () => { - describe('collection.import', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) -}) +describe("Bulk imports", () => { + describe("collection.import", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/14-document-collections.js b/test/14-document-collections.js index b58785fe3..4873abe59 100644 --- a/test/14-document-collections.js +++ b/test/14-document-collections.js @@ -1,196 +1,260 @@ -import {describe, it, before, after, beforeEach, afterEach} from 'mocha' -import {expect} from 'chai' -import {Database} from '../src' +import { after, afterEach, before, beforeEach, describe, it } from "mocha"; -const ARANGO_VERSION = Number(process.env.ARANGO_VERSION || 30000) -const it3x = ARANGO_VERSION >= 30000 ? it : it.skip +import { Database } from "../src"; +import { expect } from "chai"; -describe('DocumentCollection API', () => { - let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}` - let db - let collection - before((done) => { +const ARANGO_VERSION = Number(process.env.ARANGO_VERSION || 30000); +const it3x = ARANGO_VERSION >= 30000 ? it : it.skip; + +describe("DocumentCollection API", () => { + let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}`; + let db; + let collection; + before(done => { db = new Database({ - url: (process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || 'http://root:@localhost:8529'), + url: process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || "http://root:@localhost:8529", arangoVersion: ARANGO_VERSION - }) - db.createDatabase(name) + }); + db + .createDatabase(name) .then(() => { - db.useDatabase(name) - done() + db.useDatabase(name); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - after((done) => { - db.useDatabase('_system') - db.dropDatabase(name) + .catch(done); + }); + after(done => { + db.useDatabase("_system"); + db + .dropDatabase(name) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - beforeEach((done) => { - collection = db.collection(`c_${Date.now()}`) - collection.create() + .catch(done); + }); + beforeEach(done => { + collection = db.collection(`c_${Date.now()}`); + collection + .create() .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - afterEach((done) => { - collection.drop() + .catch(done); + }); + afterEach(done => { + collection + .drop() .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - describe('documentCollection.document', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('documentCollection.save', () => { - it('creates a document in the collection', (done) => { - let data = {foo: 'bar'} - collection.save(data) - .then((meta) => { - expect(meta).to.be.an('object') - expect(meta).to.have.a.property('_id').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta).to.have.a.property('_rev').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta).to.have.a.property('_key').that.is.a('string') - return collection.document(meta._id) - .then((doc) => { - expect(doc).to.have.keys('_key', '_id', '_rev', 'foo') - expect(doc._id).to.equal(meta._id) - expect(doc._key).to.equal(meta._key) - expect(doc._rev).to.equal(meta._rev) - expect(doc.foo).to.equal(data.foo) - }) + .catch(done); + }); + describe("documentCollection.document", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("documentCollection.save", () => { + it("creates a document in the collection", done => { + let data = { foo: "bar" }; + collection + .save(data) + .then(meta => { + expect(meta).to.be.an("object"); + expect(meta) + .to.have.a.property("_id") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta) + .to.have.a.property("_rev") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta) + .to.have.a.property("_key") + .that.is.a("string"); + return collection.document(meta._id).then(doc => { + expect(doc).to.have.keys("_key", "_id", "_rev", "foo"); + expect(doc._id).to.equal(meta._id); + expect(doc._key).to.equal(meta._key); + expect(doc._rev).to.equal(meta._rev); + expect(doc.foo).to.equal(data.foo); + }); }) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('uses the given _key if provided', (done) => { - let data = {potato: 'tomato', _key: 'banana'} - collection.save(data) - .then((meta) => { - expect(meta).to.be.an('object') - expect(meta).to.have.a.property('_id').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta).to.have.a.property('_rev').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta).to.have.a.property('_key').that.equals(data._key) - return collection.document(meta._id) - .then((doc) => { - expect(doc).to.have.keys('_key', '_id', '_rev', 'potato') - expect(doc._id).to.equal(meta._id) - expect(doc._rev).to.equal(meta._rev) - expect(doc._key).to.equal(data._key) - expect(doc.potato).to.equal(data.potato) - }) + .catch(done); + }); + it("uses the given _key if provided", done => { + let data = { potato: "tomato", _key: "banana" }; + collection + .save(data) + .then(meta => { + expect(meta).to.be.an("object"); + expect(meta) + .to.have.a.property("_id") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta) + .to.have.a.property("_rev") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta) + .to.have.a.property("_key") + .that.equals(data._key); + return collection.document(meta._id).then(doc => { + expect(doc).to.have.keys("_key", "_id", "_rev", "potato"); + expect(doc._id).to.equal(meta._id); + expect(doc._rev).to.equal(meta._rev); + expect(doc._key).to.equal(data._key); + expect(doc.potato).to.equal(data.potato); + }); }) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it3x('returns the document if opts.returnNew is set', (done) => { - let data = {potato: 'tomato'} - let opts = {returnNew: true} - collection.save(data, opts) - .then((meta) => { - expect(meta).to.be.an('object') - expect(meta).to.have.a.property('_id').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta).to.have.a.property('_rev').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta).to.have.a.property('_key').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta.new).to.be.an('object') - expect(meta.new).to.have.a.property('_id').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta.new).to.have.a.property('_rev').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta.new).to.have.a.property('_key').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta.new.potato).to.equal(data.potato) + .catch(done); + }); + it3x("returns the document if opts.returnNew is set", done => { + let data = { potato: "tomato" }; + let opts = { returnNew: true }; + collection + .save(data, opts) + .then(meta => { + expect(meta).to.be.an("object"); + expect(meta) + .to.have.a.property("_id") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta) + .to.have.a.property("_rev") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta) + .to.have.a.property("_key") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta.new).to.be.an("object"); + expect(meta.new) + .to.have.a.property("_id") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta.new) + .to.have.a.property("_rev") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta.new) + .to.have.a.property("_key") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta.new.potato).to.equal(data.potato); }) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it3x('interprets opts as returnNew if it is a boolean', (done) => { - let data = {potato: 'tomato'} - let opts = true - collection.save(data, opts) - .then((meta) => { - expect(meta).to.be.an('object') - expect(meta).to.have.a.property('_id').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta).to.have.a.property('_rev').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta).to.have.a.property('_key').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta.new).to.be.an('object') - expect(meta.new).to.have.a.property('_id').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta.new).to.have.a.property('_rev').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta.new).to.have.a.property('_key').that.is.a('string') - expect(meta.new.potato).to.equal(data.potato) + .catch(done); + }); + it3x("interprets opts as returnNew if it is a boolean", done => { + let data = { potato: "tomato" }; + let opts = true; + collection + .save(data, opts) + .then(meta => { + expect(meta).to.be.an("object"); + expect(meta) + .to.have.a.property("_id") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta) + .to.have.a.property("_rev") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta) + .to.have.a.property("_key") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta.new).to.be.an("object"); + expect(meta.new) + .to.have.a.property("_id") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta.new) + .to.have.a.property("_rev") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta.new) + .to.have.a.property("_key") + .that.is.a("string"); + expect(meta.new.potato).to.equal(data.potato); }) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('documentCollection.replace', () => { - it('replaces the given document', (done) => { - let doc = {potato: 'tomato'} - collection.save(doc) - .then((meta) => { - delete meta.error - Object.assign(doc, meta) - return collection.replace(doc, {sup: 'dawg'}) + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("documentCollection.replace", () => { + it("replaces the given document", done => { + let doc = { potato: "tomato" }; + collection + .save(doc) + .then(meta => { + delete meta.error; + Object.assign(doc, meta); + return collection.replace(doc, { sup: "dawg" }); }) .then(() => collection.document(doc._key)) - .then((data) => { - expect(data).not.to.have.a.property('potato') - expect(data).to.have.a.property('sup').that.equals('dawg') - done() + .then(data => { + expect(data).not.to.have.a.property("potato"); + expect(data) + .to.have.a.property("sup") + .that.equals("dawg"); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('documentCollection.update', () => { - it('updates the given document', (done) => { - let doc = {potato: 'tomato', empty: false} - collection.save(doc) - .then((meta) => { - delete meta.error - Object.assign(doc, meta) - return collection.update(doc, {sup: 'dawg', empty: null}) + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("documentCollection.update", () => { + it("updates the given document", done => { + let doc = { potato: "tomato", empty: false }; + collection + .save(doc) + .then(meta => { + delete meta.error; + Object.assign(doc, meta); + return collection.update(doc, { sup: "dawg", empty: null }); }) .then(() => collection.document(doc._key)) - .then((data) => { - expect(data).to.have.a.property('potato').that.equals(doc.potato) - expect(data).to.have.a.property('sup').that.equals('dawg') - expect(data).to.have.a.property('empty').that.equals(null) - done() + .then(data => { + expect(data) + .to.have.a.property("potato") + .that.equals(doc.potato); + expect(data) + .to.have.a.property("sup") + .that.equals("dawg"); + expect(data) + .to.have.a.property("empty") + .that.equals(null); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('removes null values if keepNull is explicitly set to false', (done) => { - let doc = {potato: 'tomato', empty: false} - collection.save(doc) - .then((meta) => { - delete meta.error - Object.assign(doc, meta) - return collection.update(doc, {sup: 'dawg', empty: null}, {keepNull: false}) + .catch(done); + }); + it("removes null values if keepNull is explicitly set to false", done => { + let doc = { potato: "tomato", empty: false }; + collection + .save(doc) + .then(meta => { + delete meta.error; + Object.assign(doc, meta); + return collection.update( + doc, + { sup: "dawg", empty: null }, + { keepNull: false } + ); }) .then(() => collection.document(doc._key)) - .then((data) => { - expect(data).to.have.a.property('potato').that.equals(doc.potato) - expect(data).to.have.a.property('sup').that.equals('dawg') - expect(data).not.to.have.a.property('empty') - done() + .then(data => { + expect(data) + .to.have.a.property("potato") + .that.equals(doc.potato); + expect(data) + .to.have.a.property("sup") + .that.equals("dawg"); + expect(data).not.to.have.a.property("empty"); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('documentCollection.remove', () => { - let key = `d_${Date.now()}` - beforeEach((done) => { - collection.save({_key: key}) + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("documentCollection.remove", () => { + let key = `d_${Date.now()}`; + beforeEach(done => { + collection + .save({ _key: key }) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('deletes the given document', (done) => { - collection.remove(key) + .catch(done); + }); + it("deletes the given document", done => { + collection + .remove(key) .then(() => collection.document(key)) .then( - () => Promise.reject(new Error('Should not succeed')), + () => Promise.reject(new Error("Should not succeed")), () => void done() - ) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('documentCollection.list', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) -}) + ) + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("documentCollection.list", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/15-edge-collections.js b/test/15-edge-collections.js index 0e1415d1d..a8c3eb74d 100644 --- a/test/15-edge-collections.js +++ b/test/15-edge-collections.js @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ -import {describe, it} from 'mocha' +import { describe, it } from "mocha"; -describe('EdgeCollection API', () => { - describe('edgeCollection.edge', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('edgeCollection.save', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('edgeCollection.edges', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('edgeCollection.inEdges', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('edgeCollection.outEdges', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('edgeCollection.traversal', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('edgeCollection.replace', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('edgeCollection.update', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('edgeCollection.remove', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('edgeCollection.list', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) -}) +describe("EdgeCollection API", () => { + describe("edgeCollection.edge", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("edgeCollection.save", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("edgeCollection.edges", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("edgeCollection.inEdges", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("edgeCollection.outEdges", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("edgeCollection.traversal", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("edgeCollection.replace", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("edgeCollection.update", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("edgeCollection.remove", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("edgeCollection.list", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/16-graphs.js b/test/16-graphs.js index f865017f1..1d499de50 100644 --- a/test/16-graphs.js +++ b/test/16-graphs.js @@ -1,176 +1,189 @@ -import {describe, it, before, after, beforeEach, afterEach} from 'mocha' -import {expect} from 'chai' -import {Database} from '../src' +import { after, afterEach, before, beforeEach, describe, it } from "mocha"; -const range = (n) => Array.from(Array(n).keys()) +import { Database } from "../src"; +import { expect } from "chai"; -function createCollections (db) { - let vertexCollectionNames = range(2).map((i) => `vc_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - let edgeCollectionNames = range(2).map((i) => `ec_${Date.now()}_${i}`) +const range = n => Array.from(Array(n).keys()); + +function createCollections(db) { + let vertexCollectionNames = range(2).map(i => `vc_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + let edgeCollectionNames = range(2).map(i => `ec_${Date.now()}_${i}`); return Promise.all([ - ...vertexCollectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).create()), - ...edgeCollectionNames.map((name) => db.edgeCollection(name).create()) - ]) - .then(() => [ - vertexCollectionNames, - edgeCollectionNames - ]) + ...vertexCollectionNames.map(name => db.collection(name).create()), + ...edgeCollectionNames.map(name => db.edgeCollection(name).create()) + ]).then(() => [vertexCollectionNames, edgeCollectionNames]); } -function createGraph (graph, vertexCollectionNames, edgeCollectionNames) { +function createGraph(graph, vertexCollectionNames, edgeCollectionNames) { return graph.create({ - edgeDefinitions: edgeCollectionNames.map((name) => ({ + edgeDefinitions: edgeCollectionNames.map(name => ({ collection: name, from: vertexCollectionNames, to: vertexCollectionNames })) - }) + }); } -describe('Graph API', () => { - let db - let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}` - before((done) => { +describe("Graph API", () => { + let db; + let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}`; + before(done => { db = new Database({ - url: (process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || 'http://root:@localhost:8529'), + url: process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || "http://root:@localhost:8529", arangoVersion: Number(process.env.ARANGO_VERSION || 30000) - }) - db.createDatabase(name) + }); + db + .createDatabase(name) .then(() => { - db.useDatabase(name) - done() + db.useDatabase(name); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - after((done) => { - db.useDatabase('_system') - db.dropDatabase(name) + .catch(done); + }); + after(done => { + db.useDatabase("_system"); + db + .dropDatabase(name) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - describe('graph.get', () => { - let graph - let collectionNames - before((done) => { - graph = db.graph(`g_${Date.now()}`) + .catch(done); + }); + describe("graph.get", () => { + let graph; + let collectionNames; + before(done => { + graph = db.graph(`g_${Date.now()}`); createCollections(db) - .then((names) => { - collectionNames = names.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b)) - return createGraph(graph, ...names) + .then(names => { + collectionNames = names.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b)); + return createGraph(graph, ...names); }) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - after((done) => { - graph.drop() - .then(() => Promise.all( - collectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).drop()) - )) + .catch(done); + }); + after(done => { + graph + .drop() + .then(() => + Promise.all(collectionNames.map(name => db.collection(name).drop())) + ) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('fetches information about the graph', (done) => { - graph.get() - .then((data) => { - expect(data).to.have.a.property('name', graph.name) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("fetches information about the graph", done => { + graph + .get() + .then(data => { + expect(data).to.have.a.property("name", graph.name); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('graph.create', () => { - let edgeCollectionNames - let vertexCollectionNames - before((done) => { + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("graph.create", () => { + let edgeCollectionNames; + let vertexCollectionNames; + before(done => { createCollections(db) - .then((names) => { - [vertexCollectionNames, edgeCollectionNames] = names - done() + .then(names => { + [vertexCollectionNames, edgeCollectionNames] = names; + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - after((done) => { + .catch(done); + }); + after(done => { Promise.all( - [...edgeCollectionNames, ...vertexCollectionNames] - .map((name) => db.collection(name).drop()) + [...edgeCollectionNames, ...vertexCollectionNames].map(name => + db.collection(name).drop() + ) ) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('creates the graph', (done) => { - let graph = db.graph(`g_${Date.now()}`) - graph.create({ - edgeDefinitions: edgeCollectionNames.map((name) => ({ - collection: name, - from: vertexCollectionNames, - to: vertexCollectionNames - })) - }) + .catch(done); + }); + it("creates the graph", done => { + let graph = db.graph(`g_${Date.now()}`); + graph + .create({ + edgeDefinitions: edgeCollectionNames.map(name => ({ + collection: name, + from: vertexCollectionNames, + to: vertexCollectionNames + })) + }) .then(() => graph.get()) - .then((data) => { - expect(data).to.have.a.property('name', graph.name) - done() + .then(data => { + expect(data).to.have.a.property("name", graph.name); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('graph.drop', () => { - let graph - let edgeCollectionNames - let vertexCollectionNames - beforeEach((done) => { - graph = db.graph(`g_${Date.now()}`) + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("graph.drop", () => { + let graph; + let edgeCollectionNames; + let vertexCollectionNames; + beforeEach(done => { + graph = db.graph(`g_${Date.now()}`); createCollections(db) - .then((names) => { - [vertexCollectionNames, edgeCollectionNames] = names - return createGraph(graph, ...names) + .then(names => { + [vertexCollectionNames, edgeCollectionNames] = names; + return createGraph(graph, ...names); }) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - afterEach((done) => { + .catch(done); + }); + afterEach(done => { Promise.all( - [...edgeCollectionNames, ...vertexCollectionNames] - .map((name) => db.collection(name).drop().catch(() => null)) + [...edgeCollectionNames, ...vertexCollectionNames].map(name => + db + .collection(name) + .drop() + .catch(() => null) + ) ) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('destroys the graph if not passed true', (done) => { - graph.drop() - .then(() => graph.get() - .then( - () => Promise.reject(new Error('Should not succeed')), - () => undefined + .catch(done); + }); + it("destroys the graph if not passed true", done => { + graph + .drop() + .then(() => + graph + .get() + .then( + () => Promise.reject(new Error("Should not succeed")), + () => undefined + ) ) - ) .then(() => db.listCollections()) - .then((collections) => { - expect(collections.map((c) => c.name)).to.include.members([ + .then(collections => { + expect(collections.map(c => c.name)).to.include.members([ ...edgeCollectionNames, ...vertexCollectionNames - ]) - done() + ]); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - it('additionally drops all of its collections if passed true', (done) => { - graph.drop(true) - .then(() => graph.get() - .then( - () => Promise.reject(new Error('Should not succeed')), - () => undefined + .catch(done); + }); + it("additionally drops all of its collections if passed true", done => { + graph + .drop(true) + .then(() => + graph + .get() + .then( + () => Promise.reject(new Error("Should not succeed")), + () => undefined + ) ) - ) .then(() => db.listCollections()) - .then((collections) => { - expect(collections.map((c) => c.name)).not.to.include.members([ + .then(collections => { + expect(collections.map(c => c.name)).not.to.include.members([ ...edgeCollectionNames, ...vertexCollectionNames - ]) - done() + ]); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) -}) + .catch(done); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/17-graph-vertices.js b/test/17-graph-vertices.js index 380f41ce7..65a05db39 100644 --- a/test/17-graph-vertices.js +++ b/test/17-graph-vertices.js @@ -1,137 +1,145 @@ -import {describe, it, before, after, beforeEach, afterEach} from 'mocha' -import {expect} from 'chai' -import {Database} from '../src' -import {VertexCollection} from '../src/graph' -import ArangoError from '../src/error' +import { after, afterEach, before, beforeEach, describe, it } from "mocha"; -const range = (n) => Array.from(Array(n).keys()) +import ArangoError from "../src/error"; +import { Database } from "../src"; +import { VertexCollection } from "../src/graph"; +import { expect } from "chai"; -function createCollections (db) { - let vertexCollectionNames = range(2).map((i) => `vc_${Date.now()}_${i}`) - let edgeCollectionNames = range(2).map((i) => `ec_${Date.now()}_${i}`) +const range = n => Array.from(Array(n).keys()); + +function createCollections(db) { + let vertexCollectionNames = range(2).map(i => `vc_${Date.now()}_${i}`); + let edgeCollectionNames = range(2).map(i => `ec_${Date.now()}_${i}`); return Promise.all([ - ...vertexCollectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).create()), - ...edgeCollectionNames.map((name) => db.edgeCollection(name).create()) - ]) - .then(() => [ - vertexCollectionNames, - edgeCollectionNames - ]) + ...vertexCollectionNames.map(name => db.collection(name).create()), + ...edgeCollectionNames.map(name => db.edgeCollection(name).create()) + ]).then(() => [vertexCollectionNames, edgeCollectionNames]); } -function createGraph (graph, vertexCollectionNames, edgeCollectionNames) { +function createGraph(graph, vertexCollectionNames, edgeCollectionNames) { return graph.create({ - edgeDefinitions: edgeCollectionNames.map((name) => ({ + edgeDefinitions: edgeCollectionNames.map(name => ({ collection: name, from: vertexCollectionNames, to: vertexCollectionNames })) - }) + }); } -describe('Manipulating graph vertices', () => { - let db - let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}` - let graph - let collectionNames - before((done) => { +describe("Manipulating graph vertices", () => { + let db; + let name = `testdb_${Date.now()}`; + let graph; + let collectionNames; + before(done => { db = new Database({ - url: (process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || 'http://root:@localhost:8529'), + url: process.env.TEST_ARANGODB_URL || "http://root:@localhost:8529", arangoVersion: Number(process.env.ARANGO_VERSION || 30000) - }) - db.createDatabase(name) + }); + db + .createDatabase(name) .then(() => { - db.useDatabase(name) - done() + db.useDatabase(name); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - after((done) => { - db.useDatabase('_system') - db.dropDatabase(name) + .catch(done); + }); + after(done => { + db.useDatabase("_system"); + db + .dropDatabase(name) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - beforeEach((done) => { - graph = db.graph(`g_${Date.now()}`) + .catch(done); + }); + beforeEach(done => { + graph = db.graph(`g_${Date.now()}`); createCollections(db) - .then((names) => { - collectionNames = names.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b)) - return createGraph(graph, ...names) + .then(names => { + collectionNames = names.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b)); + return createGraph(graph, ...names); }) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - afterEach((done) => { - graph.drop() - .then(() => Promise.all( - collectionNames.map((name) => db.collection(name).drop()) - )) + .catch(done); + }); + afterEach(done => { + graph + .drop() + .then(() => + Promise.all(collectionNames.map(name => db.collection(name).drop())) + ) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - describe('graph.vertexCollection', () => { - it('returns a VertexCollection instance for the collection', () => { - let name = 'potato' - let collection = graph.vertexCollection(name) - expect(collection).to.be.an.instanceof(VertexCollection) - expect(collection).to.have.a.property('name').that.equals(name) - }) - }) - describe('graph.addVertexCollection', () => { - let vertexCollection - beforeEach((done) => { - vertexCollection = db.collection(`xc_${Date.now()}`) - vertexCollection.create() + .catch(done); + }); + describe("graph.vertexCollection", () => { + it("returns a VertexCollection instance for the collection", () => { + let name = "potato"; + let collection = graph.vertexCollection(name); + expect(collection).to.be.an.instanceof(VertexCollection); + expect(collection) + .to.have.a.property("name") + .that.equals(name); + }); + }); + describe("graph.addVertexCollection", () => { + let vertexCollection; + beforeEach(done => { + vertexCollection = db.collection(`xc_${Date.now()}`); + vertexCollection + .create() .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - afterEach((done) => { - vertexCollection.drop() + .catch(done); + }); + afterEach(done => { + vertexCollection + .drop() .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('adds the given vertex collection to the graph', (done) => { - graph.addVertexCollection(vertexCollection.name) - .then((data) => { - expect(data.orphanCollections).to.contain(vertexCollection.name) - done() + .catch(done); + }); + it("adds the given vertex collection to the graph", done => { + graph + .addVertexCollection(vertexCollection.name) + .then(data => { + expect(data.orphanCollections).to.contain(vertexCollection.name); + done(); }) - .catch(done) - }) - }) - describe('graph.removeVertexCollection', () => { - let vertexCollection - beforeEach((done) => { - vertexCollection = db.collection(`xc_${Date.now()}`) - vertexCollection.create() + .catch(done); + }); + }); + describe("graph.removeVertexCollection", () => { + let vertexCollection; + beforeEach(done => { + vertexCollection = db.collection(`xc_${Date.now()}`); + vertexCollection + .create() .then(() => graph.addVertexCollection(vertexCollection.name)) .then(() => void done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('removes the given vertex collection from the graph', (done) => { - graph.removeVertexCollection(vertexCollection.name) - .then((data) => { - expect(data.orphanCollections).not.to.contain(vertexCollection.name) - return vertexCollection.get() + .catch(done); + }); + it("removes the given vertex collection from the graph", done => { + graph + .removeVertexCollection(vertexCollection.name) + .then(data => { + expect(data.orphanCollections).not.to.contain(vertexCollection.name); + return vertexCollection.get(); }) .then(() => done()) - .catch(done) - }) - it('destroys the collection if explicitly passed true', (done) => { - graph.removeVertexCollection(vertexCollection.name, true) - .then((data) => { - expect(data.orphanCollections).not.to.contain(vertexCollection.name) - return vertexCollection.get() + .catch(done); + }); + it("destroys the collection if explicitly passed true", done => { + graph + .removeVertexCollection(vertexCollection.name, true) + .then(data => { + expect(data.orphanCollections).not.to.contain(vertexCollection.name); + return vertexCollection.get(); }) .then( - () => Promise.reject(new Error('Should not succeed')), - (err) => { - expect(err).to.be.an.instanceof(ArangoError) - done() + () => Promise.reject(new Error("Should not succeed")), + err => { + expect(err).to.be.an.instanceof(ArangoError); + done(); } - ) - .catch(done) - }) - }) -}) + ) + .catch(done); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/18-graph-edges.js b/test/18-graph-edges.js index 013ebdb41..3a864664f 100644 --- a/test/18-graph-edges.js +++ b/test/18-graph-edges.js @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ -import {describe, it} from 'mocha' +import { describe, it } from "mocha"; -describe('Manipulating graph edges', () => { - describe('graph.edgeCollection', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graph.addEdgeDefinition', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graph.replaceEdgeDefinition', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graph.removeEdgeDefinition', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graph.traversal', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) -}) +describe("Manipulating graph edges", () => { + describe("graph.edgeCollection", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graph.addEdgeDefinition", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graph.replaceEdgeDefinition", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graph.removeEdgeDefinition", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graph.traversal", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/19-graph-vertex-collections.js b/test/19-graph-vertex-collections.js index c42feea48..027150641 100644 --- a/test/19-graph-vertex-collections.js +++ b/test/19-graph-vertex-collections.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ -import {describe, it} from 'mocha' +import { describe, it } from "mocha"; -describe('GraphVertexCollection API', () => { - describe('graphVertexCollection.remove', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graphVertexCollection.vertex', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graphVertexCollection.save', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) -}) +describe("GraphVertexCollection API", () => { + describe("graphVertexCollection.remove", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graphVertexCollection.vertex", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graphVertexCollection.save", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/20-graph-edge-collections.js b/test/20-graph-edge-collections.js index 820700d05..8d2bf345b 100644 --- a/test/20-graph-edge-collections.js +++ b/test/20-graph-edge-collections.js @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ -import {describe, it} from 'mocha' +import { describe, it } from "mocha"; -describe('GraphEdgeCollection API', () => { - describe('graphEdgeCollection.remove', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graphEdgeCollection.edge', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graphEdgeCollection.save', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graphEdgeCollection.edges', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graphEdgeCollection.inEdges', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graphEdgeCollection.outEdges', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graphEdgeCollection.traversal', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graphEdgeCollection.replace', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graphEdgeCollection.update', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graphEdgeCollection.remove', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) - describe('graphEdgeCollection.list', () => { - it('is missing tests') - }) -}) +describe("GraphEdgeCollection API", () => { + describe("graphEdgeCollection.remove", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graphEdgeCollection.edge", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graphEdgeCollection.save", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graphEdgeCollection.edges", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graphEdgeCollection.inEdges", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graphEdgeCollection.outEdges", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graphEdgeCollection.traversal", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graphEdgeCollection.replace", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graphEdgeCollection.update", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graphEdgeCollection.remove", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); + describe("graphEdgeCollection.list", () => { + it("is missing tests"); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/21-util-joinpath.js b/test/21-util-joinpath.js index 24d14dff3..fa7158642 100644 --- a/test/21-util-joinpath.js +++ b/test/21-util-joinpath.js @@ -1,21 +1,24 @@ -import {describe, it} from 'mocha' -import {expect} from 'chai' -import joinPath from '../src/util/joinPath' +import { describe, it } from "mocha"; -describe('Join Path', () => { - it('joinPath 1', () => { - var baseUrl = '../../u1/u2' - var path = '/security/authenticate' - expect(joinPath(baseUrl, path)).to.equal('../../u1/u2/security/authenticate') - }) - it('joinPath 2', () => { - var baseUrl = '/u1/u2' - var path = '../security/authenticate' - expect(joinPath(baseUrl, path)).to.equal('/u1/security/authenticate') - }) - it('joinPath 3', () => { - var baseUrl = '/u1/u2' - var path = '../../security/authenticate' - expect(joinPath(baseUrl, path)).to.equal('/security/authenticate') - }) -}) +import { expect } from "chai"; +import joinPath from "../src/util/joinPath"; + +describe("Join Path", () => { + it("joinPath 1", () => { + var baseUrl = "../../u1/u2"; + var path = "/security/authenticate"; + expect(joinPath(baseUrl, path)).to.equal( + "../../u1/u2/security/authenticate" + ); + }); + it("joinPath 2", () => { + var baseUrl = "/u1/u2"; + var path = "../security/authenticate"; + expect(joinPath(baseUrl, path)).to.equal("/u1/security/authenticate"); + }); + it("joinPath 3", () => { + var baseUrl = "/u1/u2"; + var path = "../../security/authenticate"; + expect(joinPath(baseUrl, path)).to.equal("/security/authenticate"); + }); +}); diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock index 70b53facf..d15cde982 100644 --- a/yarn.lock +++ b/yarn.lock @@ -2,6 +2,59 @@ # yarn lockfile v1 +"@babel/code-frame@7.0.0-beta.31": + version "7.0.0-beta.31" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@babel/code-frame/-/code-frame-7.0.0-beta.31.tgz#473d021ecc573a2cce1c07d5b509d5215f46ba35" + dependencies: + chalk "^2.0.0" + esutils "^2.0.2" + js-tokens "^3.0.0" + +"@babel/helper-function-name@7.0.0-beta.31": + version "7.0.0-beta.31" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@babel/helper-function-name/-/helper-function-name-7.0.0-beta.31.tgz#afe63ad799209989348b1109b44feb66aa245f57" + dependencies: + "@babel/helper-get-function-arity" "7.0.0-beta.31" + "@babel/template" "7.0.0-beta.31" + "@babel/traverse" "7.0.0-beta.31" + "@babel/types" "7.0.0-beta.31" + +"@babel/helper-get-function-arity@7.0.0-beta.31": + version "7.0.0-beta.31" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@babel/helper-get-function-arity/-/helper-get-function-arity-7.0.0-beta.31.tgz#1176d79252741218e0aec872ada07efb2b37a493" + dependencies: + "@babel/types" "7.0.0-beta.31" + +"@babel/template@7.0.0-beta.31": + version "7.0.0-beta.31" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@babel/template/-/template-7.0.0-beta.31.tgz#577bb29389f6c497c3e7d014617e7d6713f68bda" + dependencies: + "@babel/code-frame" "7.0.0-beta.31" + "@babel/types" "7.0.0-beta.31" + babylon "7.0.0-beta.31" + lodash "^4.2.0" + +"@babel/traverse@7.0.0-beta.31": + version "7.0.0-beta.31" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@babel/traverse/-/traverse-7.0.0-beta.31.tgz#db399499ad74aefda014f0c10321ab255134b1df" + dependencies: + "@babel/code-frame" "7.0.0-beta.31" + "@babel/helper-function-name" "7.0.0-beta.31" + "@babel/types" "7.0.0-beta.31" + babylon "7.0.0-beta.31" + debug "^3.0.1" + globals "^10.0.0" + invariant "^2.2.0" + lodash "^4.2.0" + +"@babel/types@7.0.0-beta.31": + version "7.0.0-beta.31" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@babel/types/-/types-7.0.0-beta.31.tgz#42c9c86784f674c173fb21882ca9643334029de4" + dependencies: + esutils "^2.0.2" + lodash "^4.2.0" + to-fast-properties "^2.0.0" + abbrev@1: version "1.1.1" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/abbrev/-/abbrev-1.1.1.tgz#f8f2c887ad10bf67f634f005b6987fed3179aac8" @@ -12,7 +65,7 @@ acorn-dynamic-import@^2.0.0: dependencies: acorn "^4.0.3" -acorn-jsx@^3.0.0, acorn-jsx@^3.0.1: +acorn-jsx@^3.0.0: version "3.0.1" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/acorn-jsx/-/acorn-jsx-3.0.1.tgz#afdf9488fb1ecefc8348f6fb22f464e32a58b36b" dependencies: @@ -26,29 +79,14 @@ acorn@^4.0.3: version "4.0.13" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/acorn/-/acorn-4.0.13.tgz#105495ae5361d697bd195c825192e1ad7f253787" -acorn@^5.0.0: +acorn@^5.0.0, acorn@^5.2.1: version "5.2.1" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/acorn/-/acorn-5.2.1.tgz#317ac7821826c22c702d66189ab8359675f135d7" -acorn@^5.0.1: - 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