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ardumont committed Apr 14, 2012
2 parents 01005dc + dcc8ab1 commit ee86340
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Showing 2 changed files with 45 additions and 38 deletions.
40 changes: 22 additions & 18 deletions docs/uberdoc.html
Expand Up @@ -3051,37 +3051,41 @@
</td><td class="codes"><pre class="brush: clojure">(ae/def-appengine-app twitalyse-app #'twitalyse-app-handler)</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="spacer docs">&nbsp;</td><td class="codes" /></tr><tr><td class="docs"><div class="docs-header"><a class="anchor" href="#twitalyse.twitter" name="twitalyse.twitter"><h1 class="project-name">twitalyse.twitter</h1><a class="toc-link" href="#toc">toc</a></a></div></td><td class="codes" /></tr><tr><td class="docs">
</td><td class="codes"><pre class="brush: clojure">(ns twitalyse.twitter
(:import [twitter4j TwitterFactory Query])
(:use [midje.sweet]))</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs"><p>Takes a seq and return a map of {values, count}</p>
</td><td class="codes"><pre class="brush: clojure">(defn group-by-count
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (if-let [cnt (%1 %2)] (inc cnt) 1)) {} s))</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs">
</td><td class="codes"><pre class="brush: clojure">(fact &quot;group-by-count&quot;
(group-by-count [&quot;a&quot; &quot;a&quot; &quot;b&quot; &quot;a&quot;]) =&gt; {&quot;a&quot; 3
&quot;b&quot; 1})</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs"><p>Build the query for a hashtag and a page number</p>
(:use [midje.sweet]))</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs"><p>Build the query for a hashtag and a page number</p>
</td><td class="codes"><pre class="brush: clojure">(defn make-query
[hashtag pagenumber]
(doto (Query. (str &quot;#&quot; hashtag))
(.setRpp 100)
(.setPage pagenumber)))</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs">
</td><td class="codes"><pre class="brush: clojure">(fact &quot;make-query&quot; ;; java not easy to test
(let [q (make-query &quot;test&quot; 10)]
(.getPage q) =&gt; 10
(.getRpp q) =&gt; 100
(.getQuery q) =&gt; &quot;#test&quot;))</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs"><p>Given a hashtag and a page number, return the raw results.</p>
</td><td class="codes"><pre class="brush: clojure">(fact &quot;make-query&quot;
(bean (make-query &quot;test&quot; 10)) =&gt; {:rpp 100, :until nil, :class twitter4j.Query, :page 10, :locale nil,
:geocode nil, :lang nil, :since nil, :maxId -1, :resultType nil,
:query &quot;#test&quot;, :sinceId -1})</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs"><p>Given a hashtag and a page number, return the raw results.</p>
</td><td class="codes"><pre class="brush: clojure">(defn raw-results
[hashtag pagenumber]
(.search (.getInstance (TwitterFactory.))
(make-query hashtag pagenumber)))</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs"><p>Given a hashtag and a page number, return the count of tweets by users on this page number</p>
(make-query hashtag pagenumber)))</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs"><p>Given a hashtag and a page number, return the users that tweets with this hashtag for this page.</p>
</td><td class="codes"><pre class="brush: clojure">(defn results-page
[hashtag pagenumber]
(map #(.getFromUser %)
(.getTweets (raw-results hashtag pagenumber))))</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs"><p>Given a hashtag, return all the results for this hashtag (aggregate all the pages).</p>
(.getTweets (raw-results hashtag pagenumber))))</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs"><p>As the twitter api limits to 5 days, this will only count the results for these 5 days.
Furthermore, as there is pagination, this function may take some time as this will query
as long as there is page, then aggregate the results.</p>
</td><td class="codes"></td></tr><tr><td class="docs"><p>Given a hashtag, return the number of tweets per user that tweet this hashtag.</p>
</td><td class="codes"><pre class="brush: clojure">(defn results
(take-while seq
(map #(results-page hashtag %)
(iterate inc 1)))))</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs"><p>use to play with the repl</p>
(take-while seq
(map #(results-page hashtag %)
(iterate inc 1))))))</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs">
</td><td class="codes"><pre class="brush: clojure">(fact &quot;results&quot;
(results :some-hashtag) =&gt; {:user1 3
:user2 2
:user3 1}
(results-page :some-hashtag 1) =&gt; [:user1 :user1 :user2]
(results-page :some-hashtag 2) =&gt; [:user1 :user2 :user3]))</pre></td></tr><tr><td class="docs"><p>use to play with the repl</p>
</td><td class="codes"><pre class="brush: clojure">'(ns user
(:import (twitter4j TwitterFactory Query))
(:require [twitalyse.test.twitter])
Expand Down
43 changes: 23 additions & 20 deletions src/twitalyse/twitter.clj
Expand Up @@ -2,27 +2,17 @@
(:import [twitter4j TwitterFactory Query])
(:use [midje.sweet]))

(defn group-by-count
"Takes a seq and return a map of {values, count}"
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (if-let [cnt (%1 %2)] (inc cnt) 1)) {} s))

(fact "group-by-count"
(group-by-count ["a" "a" "b" "a"]) => {"a" 3
"b" 1})

(defn make-query
"Build the query for a hashtag and a page number"
[hashtag pagenumber]
(doto (Query. (str "#" hashtag))
(.setRpp 100)
(.setPage pagenumber)))

(fact "make-query" ;; java not easy to test
(let [q (make-query "test" 10)]
(.getPage q) => 10
(.getRpp q) => 100
(.getQuery q) => "#test"))
(fact "make-query"
(bean (make-query "test" 10)) => {:rpp 100, :until nil, :class twitter4j.Query, :page 10, :locale nil,
:geocode nil, :lang nil, :since nil, :maxId -1, :resultType nil,
:query "#test", :sinceId -1})

(defn raw-results
"Given a hashtag and a page number, return the raw results."
Expand All @@ -31,18 +21,31 @@
(make-query hashtag pagenumber)))

(defn results-page
"Given a hashtag and a page number, return the count of tweets by users on this page number"
"Given a hashtag and a page number, return the users that tweets with this hashtag for this page."
[hashtag pagenumber]
(map #(.getFromUser %)
(.getTweets (raw-results hashtag pagenumber))))

;; As the twitter api limits to 5 days, this will only count the results for these 5 days.
;; Furthermore, as there is pagination, this function may take some time as this will query
;; as long as there is page, then aggregate the results.

(defn results
"Given a hashtag, return all the results for this hashtag (aggregate all the pages)."
"Given a hashtag, return the number of tweets per user that tweet this hashtag."
(take-while seq
(map #(results-page hashtag %)
(iterate inc 1)))))
(take-while seq
(map #(results-page hashtag %)
(iterate inc 1))))))

(fact "results"
(results :some-hashtag) => {:user1 3
:user2 2
:user3 1}
(results-page :some-hashtag 1) => [:user1 :user1 :user2]
(results-page :some-hashtag 2) => [:user1 :user2 :user3]))

;; use to play with the repl
'(ns user
Expand Down

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