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File metadata and controls

402 lines (324 loc) · 16.9 KB

So you want to modify the SQL parser itself? This aims to be a guide to it's major components. First, here's an overview of the classes involved and how they relate to each other:

  • SQL -- Loads the full suite of SQL parser classes. Provides four utility static methods:
    •      quote\_ident -- Quotes MySQL identifiers, if needed.
    •      quote\_str -- Quotes MySQL strings.
    •      is\_reserved -- Identifies MySQL reserved words
    •      valid\_ident -- Identifies valid MySQL unquoted identifiers.
  • SQL_Commandline -- Provides utility methods for commandline scripts
  • SQL_Diff -- Calculates differences between schema (and produces SQL_Changeset objects)
  • SQL_Generator -- Generates SQL from a schema or a changeset
  • SQL_Parser -- Parses a token stream into a schema
  • SQL_Schema -- Represents a complete database schema
  • SQL_Schema_Loader -- Loader methods for file and database
  • SQL_Schema_FromDB -- The actual implementation of the database loader
  • SQL_Tokenizer -- Turns an SQL file into a stream of Token objects
  • SQL_Types -- Represents all of the various column data types

So you want to...

Add or update a type?

First, you may need to add a new reserved word if this is an entirely new type. To do that look at the bottom of SQL_Tokenizer.

Next up is SQL_Types, where (most) everything about types lives. At the top is the mapping between reserved words and type classes. The type interface is fairly simple. It's expected to be able to do a few things:

  • toSql -- Generate the canonical SQL representation of this type. This can optionally take a type we're changing from as an argument-- mostly useful for including changes of column charset or collation when the overall defaults changed.
  • equalTo -- Compares two types to see if they're semanticaly identical.
  • cloneFrom -- Updates the current object from another one, mostly used to mutate from one type to another.
  • normalize -- Takes a value of this type and normalizes it... for instance, if you give a value of 0 for a date, it becomes "0000-00-00 00:00:00".

Once you've added your new type, you should take a look at SQL_Parser's get_type method. You may need to up date it to support your new type. For simple types this probably won't be necessary.

Support a new command?

If this will involve a new reserved word, you'll need to edit SQL_Tokenizer. The list is kept in alphabetical order at the bottom. Note that longer reserved words are preferred over shorter ones, so for instance "PRIMARY KEY" will be matched in preference to "KEY".

When all of your reserved words are accounted for you, you'll need to edit SQL_Parser. New commands are added by adding a method named cmd_CMDNAME. So for instance, DELIMITER is cmd_DELIMITER. CREATE commands are named cmd_CREATE_THING. Where THING might be TABLE, resulting in cmd_CREATE_TABLE.

From there you can start pulling data off of the token stream. You can get the next token irrespective of type with next() or look at it without taking with peek_next(). By default, whitespace is ignored. If you need whitespace, pass TRUE to next()/peek_next() and you'll get back SQL_Token_Whitespace when it's found.

You can also always look at the last token returned by next() with cur(). Better though is to use the get_ or assert_ suite of methods where is reserved, ident, num, symbol and string. These will throw an exception if the wrong type is specified. Most of them let you be even more specific, for instance, assert_reserved can optionally take an array of valid reserved words... any other reserved word will throw an exception.

Also useful are get_list, which will fetch everything up to the next ')' and returns it as a string, and get_array which does the same but returns the list as an array.

If you need to pull in a type declaration, get_type() will do this for you.

If you need an argument list (as might be given to a proc) get_args() does this.

If you need the remainder of the current command as a string (for instance, as a proc body), you can get this with rest().

Generally you don't need to talk directly to the tokenizer, but if you do, it's in the tok property.

If you need to throw an error, do it with: throw $this->error( $message );

Once you've parsed out values from your new command, you need to put them somewhere. You'll need to visit SQL_Schema for this. You'll likely need to add something to the SQL_Schema class itself to hold instances of your new type of thing and a new class for it as well.

Next, you'll want to visit SQL_Diff and add comparisons for your new type of stuff to it's calculate_changeset method. You'll also likely want to update SQL_Changeset in the same file, to have a place to store these differences.

And then you'll want to visit SQL_Generate to add entires to the create, drop and alter methods. The first two take a schema object and generate SQL from it. The final one takes a changeset object and generates SQL from it.

And finally, you may need to update SQL_Schema_Loaders to know how to load this sort of command. You shouldn't have to do anything for the file loader, but the database loader will likely need updating.

Load from a new datasource?

Your work will be in SQL_Schema_Loader. Look at how it and SQL_Schema_FromDB work. If your data source provides sufficient metadata, you could actually generate a Schema object directly from that. If some of your data is stored in SQL, you can feed snippets of SQL (in the form of an SQL_Tokenizer object) to SQL_Parser and have it update your schema.

Example new feature:

****** TODO: Some of the examples need minor fixes. The latter parts could use elaboration. ******

Goal: Add support for tables whose contents are defined as part of the schema.

Implemented as:

  • TRUNCATE [TABLE] tablename -- Marks tablename as having its contents managed in the schema.
  • INSERT INTO tablename (cols) VALUES (values) -- Declares a row as existing in the previously truncated tablename.

Implmentation steps:

In SQL/Schema.php:

  • Add new $data property to SQL_Table. This will be an array of rows of data.

  • Add clear_data method that initializes the data property to an empty array.

  • Add add_data method that adds rows to the data property.

    public $data;


    • Clears the data associated with this table. Also initializes it,
    • allowing data to be inserted into it. */ function clear_data() { $this->data = array(); }


    • Add a row of data to this table
    • @throws Exception when data is not yet initialized. */ function add_data( $row ) { if ( ! isset($this->data) ) { throw new Exception("Cannot add data to ".$this->table(). ", not initialized for schema supplied data-- call TRUNCATE first."); } $this->data[] = $row; }

In SQL/Tokenizer.php:

  • Add add TRUNCATE and "INSERT INTO" as reserved words. TABLE is already a keyword of course.

** **

  • Double check the syntax for the command: TRUNCATE [TABLE] tbl_name

In SQL/Parser.php:

  • Add a cmd_TRUNCATE method and begin with a comment with the syntax above.
    • First we peek at the next value and see if it's TABLE. If it is, we call get_reserved() which will pull it out of the token stream and ensure it's not another type.

    • Next, we call get_ident() and store the result as our table name.

    • Then we make sure that table actually already exists-- if it doesn't we throw an error.

    • Finally we call the clear_data() method on our table.

      function cmd_TRUNCATE() { // TRUNCATE [TABLE] tbl_name if ( $this->peek_next()->value() == 'TABLE' ) { $this->get_reserved(); } $table_name = $this->get_ident(); if ( ! isset($this->schema->tables[$table_name]) ) { throw $this->error( "Can't TRUNCATE table $table_name before it is CREATEd" ); } $this->schema->tables[$table_name]->clear_data(); }

** **

  • Review the INSERT syntax. We don't want to actually support all of it, as we're only inserting static data. I've settled on this limited subset:

    INSERT INTO tbl_name row_data row_data: (col_name,...) VALUES (value,...) | SET col_name=value, ...

In SQL/Tokenizer.php:

  • Verify that all VALUES and SET are in our reserved word list. As it happens, SET is as it's also a data type, but VALUES is not. Add it.

In SQL/Parser.php:

  • Add a cmd_INSERT_INTO method, with the syntax from above.
    • Fetch the table name iwth get_ident().

    • Do the same check for its existance we did for TRUNCATE

    • Set up a little branch on what the next token is... if it's a ( then we'll expect the first form. If it's SET then we'll expect the second form. If it's none of the above, we throw an error.

    • For the first form:

      • The things to look for here are the use of get_array() and get_token_array()

      • We use get_token_array() because values will need to be normalized and the type normalization methods expect tokens not raw values.

          $columns = $this->get\_array();
          $values = $this->get\_token\_array();
          if ( count($columns) != count($values) ) {
              throw $this->error("INSERT INTO column count doesn't match value count" );
          $row = array\_combine( $columns, $values );
    • For the second form:

      • We want to process as long as we haven't hit the end of the command, so we setup a while loop. For each iteration of the loop

      • We use get_reserved("SET") to pull off the next token and assert that it's a SET reserved word.

      • We get_ident() for the column name.

      • We get_symbol('=') for the assignment operator.

      • And finally we use next() to get the value, as it's of an unknown type.

      • And then we assign those to our $row array.

          while ( ! $this->peek\_next() instanceOf SQL\_Token\_EOC ) {
              $col = $this->get\_ident();
              $value = $this->next();   
              $row[$col] = $value;
    • Now that we have our row of data, we need to normalize its values, and incidentally, validate that all of the columns exist.

      • To normalize, we call the column's type's normalize method.
    • Now that we finally have a completed row, we add it to the table definition.

      // INSERT INTO tbl\_name row\_data
      // row\_data:
      //     (col\_name,...) VALUES (value,...)
      //   | SET col\_name=value, ... 
      $table\_name = $this->get\_ident();
      if ( ! isset($this->schema->tables[$table\_name]) ) {
          throw $this->error( "Can't INSERT INTO table $table\_name before it is CREATEd" );
      $table = $this->schema->tables[$table\_name];
      $row = array();
      if ( $this->peek\_next()->value() == '(' ) {
          $columns = $this->get\_array();
          $values = $this->get\_token\_array();
          if ( count($columns) != count($values) ) {
              throw $this->error("INSERT INTO column count doesn't match value count" );
          $row = array\_combine( $columns, $values );
      else if ( $this->peek\_next()->value() == "SET" ) {
          while ( ! $this->peek\_next() instanceOf SQL\_Token\_EOC ) {
              $col = $this->get\_ident();
              $value = $this->next();   
              $row[$col] = $value;      
      else {
          throw $this->error( "Expected '(col\_names) VALUES (values)' or 'SET col\_name=value,...'" );
      foreach ($row as $col\_name=>$value) {
          if ( ! isset($table->columns[$col\_name]) ) {
              throw $this->error( "INSERT INTO references $col\_name in $table\_name but $col\_name doesn't exist" );
          $col = $table->columns[$col\_name];
          $norm\_value = $col->type->normalize($value);
          $row[$col\_name] = $norm\_value;
      $table->add\_row( $row );

In SQL/Generator.php:

  • I like to go write the generators for CREATE/DROP at this point, as they're easy to do and let me start getting output.

  • For this, we don't need to write DROP code, because of course, dropping a table will drop the data in it.

  • As our change was to the table schema, we'll go down to the create_table() method.

  • If there's data then we'll just loop over it and add our inserts.

  • This is MySQL specific right now, so I'm going to indulge myself and use the MySQL SET insert form because I find it more readable.

  • Special notice should be taken to quoting all of one's identifiers.

      if ( isset($table->data) ) {
          foreach ($table->data as $row) {
              $sql .= self::delimiter() . "\n";
              $sql .= "INSERT INTO ".SQL::quote\_ident($table->name);
              foreach ($row as $col=>$value) {
                  $sql .= " SET ".SQL::quote\_ident($col)."=".$value;
              $sql .= "\n";
  • We can go run sqldump now on a schema with these features in it and see our lovely insert statements echoed there!

In SQL/Diff.php:

  • Since our changes were to a table, we'll need to update the SQL_Table_Changeset class first, to include a place to store changed data. So in the add, remove and update lists, I'm adding a "data" key.
  • We'll also add add_row, remove_row and update_row methods. The only special thing here is the update_row method, that needs to know not only the data that's changed, but also how to identify the previous row in an update.
  • We also have to update has_changes() so that data changes count as table changes.
  • Now that SQL_Table_Changeset is setup, we can visit calculate_changeset at the top of the file. Midway through it we'll find the comment "For each table, find table changes" This is what we want to update.
  • Zooming down to the bottom of that, after the index changes, we'll add our checks for data changes.

In SQL/Generator.php:

  • At the end of the alter_table method we'll add our generators for the changed data.


  • Now loading and diffing data between schemas on disk works fine, but we have to load data from the database somehow. We can't just load any data that happens to be there-- we need to mark a table as having data we need. So we need to add some meta data to the table. The way we associate metadata with arbitrary SQL elements is via their COMMENTs.

In SQL/Diff.php:

  • First, we need a place for this in the changeset. As this is an attribute on the table itself, we'll add it to SQL_Table_Options. And then we just record if the one or the other doesn't declare static data:

          if ( isset($totable->data) != isset($fromtable->data) ) {
              $tablediff->update\_option( "data", isset($totable->data) );

In SQL/Generate.php:

  • Now, metadata is added as part of options, so we go down to table_options and just insert a check for it:

      if ( isset($table->data) ) {
          // Ugly lil bit here, 'cause $table could be SQL\_Table or SQL\_Table\_Options
          $value = is\_array($table->data) ? TRUE : $table->data;
          $meta['static'] = $value;

    The existing code will insert the metadata into a comment if any was set.

In SQL/Parser.php:

  • We also need to add support for this bit of metadata to the parser. We go to cmd_CREATE_TABLE and go down to the section where it lodas metadata from COMMENTs and add:

              if ( isset($meta['static']) ) {
                  if ( $meta['static'] ) {

In SQL/Schema/FromDB.php:

  • Now we have to go load the data if the table is indeed static when loading from the database.

      // Look for data to load...
      foreach ($schema->tables as $name=>$table) {
          if ( isset($table->data) ) {
              $data\_sth = $this->query("SELECT * FROM ".SQL::quote\_ident($name));
              while ( $data\_row = $data\_sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH\_ASSOC) ) {
                  $table->add\_row( $data\_row );