(декларота́ - Russian made up word, means "quintessence of declarativeness")
Deklaro-ta is JavaScript Functional Relational Reactive Framework to create apps with complex logic (offline first, relations).
Tool to model and manage relations of state and side effects. It provides new unique means of expression to do that. Means that unlock not just
- reduced amount of code
- correctness, consistency
but also
- performance now and more performance in the future
- relations and data model inspector
- auto-concurrenting of computations (and hints for complex cases)
Inspired by Alan's Kay OOP, MVC, FP, FRP, Redux, Event Log, CQS, stuartsierra/component, Out of the Tar Pit
How to combine OOP and FP? How to combine Redux (Event Log + Reducer) and MVC? How to make FRP relational? How to write pure functions without immutability?
Consistently, incrementally was being created during development of music app 🔉http://seesu.me/. Which won
- 🥇Opera Widgets Challenge (2010)
- 🥇Chrome Apps contest of Google technology User Group
- 🏅Tizen App Challenge (2014)
and 🚀 inspired utorrent to borrow torrent streaming as paid feature (as applicant of 2d utorrent apps contest).
Logo author: https://twitter.com/nikitonsky
Copyright (c) 2009—2020 Gleb Arestov Licensed under the Business Source License 1.1 (BSL).