- 1.6KB (about .9k gzipped)
- Can be used with or without the DOM
- <2KB
- Cross-browser
- Easily embedded and used in libraries
- usable stand-alone
- Chrome 11
- IE 8
- FF 4
- Opera 11
- vine.bind(target, type, handler [, data])
- binds a handler to the element
- target:Object/Element -- object event is bound to
- type:String -- type, or space seperated list of types, of event(s) to bind
- handler:Function(event:vine.Event) -- handler to bind
- data:Object -- optional data to be set as the event's .data field
- vine.unbind(target[, type][, handler)
- unbinds a handler based on criteria (unbinds all events if only a target is passed)
- target:Object/Element -- object event is unbound from
- type:String -- type of event to unbind
- handler:Function -- handler to unbind
- vine.trigger(target[, type][, event])
- triggers an event and returns event object after handler execution
- target:Object/Element -- object event is triggered on
- type:String -- type of event to trigger
- event:Object/Event -- event to use as the base event
- new vine.Event(event:Object/Event)
- normalizes an event (internal)
//if passed a string it looks for an element with that id
vine.bind("ch", "click", function(e){
//This will simulate a mouse click and check a checkbox if no events are bound that prevent it
vine.trigger("ch", "click");
//Focus a textbox
vine.trigger("text", "focus");
- delegate
- vine.delegate(context:DOMElement,target:String,type:String,handler:Function[,data:Object])
- vine.undelegate(context:DOMElement,target:String,type:String[,handler:Function])
- once
- vine.once(target:Object/DOMElement,type:String,handler:Function[,data:Object])