Based on the official Postgres image, this docker image installs a PostgreSQL 9.5.10 wilh all librairies required by the MusicBrainz database.
This image comes with a shell script used to create and feed the database:
- Create the musicbrainz schema
- Create all tables
- Import the last MusicBrainz database export
- Add index and primary keys
SQL scripts are retrieved from the MusicBrainz Github repo.
The arey/musicbrainz-database image is published to Docker Hub. Docker will automatically download it. If you prefer to build it manually after retrieving source code from GitHub:
git clone
cd musicbrainz-database
docker build -t arey/musicbrainz-database .
docker run -t -d -p 5432:5432 --name musicbrainz-database -e POSTGRES_USER=musicbrainz -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=musicbrainz arey/musicbrainz-database
If you have host-based storage available for the Postgres DB files (recommended), adjust the above base command with a this parameter: -v /path/to/storage/location:/var/lib/postgresql
docker run -it --link musicbrainz-database:postgresql -e POSTGRES_USER=musicbrainz -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=musicbrainz --rm arey/musicbrainz-database /
In order to test your database installation, execute the below SQL query:
docker run -it --link musicbrainz-database:postgresql --rm arey/musicbrainz-database sh -c 'exec psql -h postgresql -d musicbrainz -U musicbrainz -a -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM artist"'
Enter the 'musicbrainz' password. A minimum number of 995899 artists should be counted.
From Java application, use the following JDBC URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/musicbrainz and the credentials: musicbrainz / musicbrainz
Note: For Microsoft Windows or MacOS users, please replace localhost with the boot2docker IP.