Releases: arioncoin/arioncoin
Arion V2.0
This wallet upgrade has a reduced reward structure. Some tech has been enabled like the voting for future budget proposals. It also has the port restriction lifted to host more than one node on a VPS.
Multinode script command
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dos2unix -y && wget && dos2unix && chmod +x && ./
Use the entire command line at once
Some commands you might need
You use "cd bin" to get into the right directory
Then you can use the following codes:
in this example my masternodes name is mn2 - insert your name wherever applicable
./ masternode status- check the status of your node
./ -daemon to restart your mn
./ stop to stop the daemon
./ getinfo to check block status
Solution to re-index your MN
In this example my MN name is mn1 - insert the name of yours
Each one needs to be done
cd bin
./ stop -reindex -daemon getinfo masternode status
To add Arion as a payment solution to your website see zip file below and follow the instruction on our page here :
Android Wallet
This is the Arion Android Wallet
It's our first version release - available to our community members before being released on the google app store. We do not have a IOS version yet, but are working on a web-wallet
Especially for those that need to store their coins since Coinexchange is shutting down
We host a number of coins including Vulc (Quo) and APR for the Venezuelan community members.
Don't forget we are also listed on:
Enjoy! If you have any questions join us on our social media
Website :
Twitter : @ARION_COIN
Facebook : arioncoinofficial
Telegram :
Bitcointalk :
Discord :
Installation of Arion Payment Gateway
Note: WooCommerce needs to be installed for Arion Coin Payment Gateway to work.
From your WordPress dashboard
• Go to Plugins > Add New,
• Add Plugins > Upload Plugin,
• Browse to the Arion Coin Payment Gateway and upload the .zip file.
• Activate Arion Coin Payment Gateway from your Plugins page.
From the WooCommerce settings on your WordPress dashboard
• Go to WooCommerce > Settings,
• Go to the Payments tab on top,
• Enable the Arion Coin Payment Gateway by clicking on the toggle,
• Click on the Set Up button to the right to get to the Arion Coin Payment Gateway settings,
From the Arion Coin Payment Gateway settings on your WooCommerce settings
• Enter/Change Title that displays a type of payment on the checkout page,
• Enter/Change Description that displays in Arion Coin Payment Box on the checkout page,
• Enter your own Arion Coin Wallet Address which is what the customer uses to pay into,
• Enter your CoinMarketCap API Key which allows you to get the current price for Arion Coin,
• Click on Save changes and Arion Coin Payment Gateway should work successfully.
How to Add your Arion Coin Wallet Address
• Open your Arion Wallet on your pc,
• To the top left of the window go to File > Receiving Address…,
• Choose the address you would like to receive the stores' payments to,
• Either click on the address and click the Copy button on the bottom left of the window or right-click on the address and click Copy Address,
• Now you have your Arion Coin Wallet Address ready to paste into the Arion Coin Payment Gateway settings.
How to Get CoinMarketCap Key (FREE)
• Visit and click on GET YOUR API KEY NOW,
• Enter your details and select Basic Plan – Our Free Use Plan,
• Log on to your email and verify your account,
• LOG IN to your newly created account at,
• On the left-hand side of your Dashboard, hover your mouse over the box under API Key and click on COPY KEY,
• Copy your key in your Arion Coin Payment Gateway settings and you are done and ready for your WooCommerce store to convert the checkout total into Arion Coin.