% bedtools Tutorial % Aaron Quinlan % November 22, 2013
BEDTools: arithmetic on the genome.
Technological advances have enabled the use of DNA sequencing as a flexible tool to characterize genetic variation and to measure the activity of diverse cellular phenomena such as gene isoform expression and transcription factor binding. Extracting biological insight from the experiments enabled by these advances demands the analysis of large, multi-dimensional datasets. This unit describes the use of the BEDTools toolkit for the exploration of high-throughput genomics datasets. I present several protocols for common genomic analyses and demonstrate how multiple BEDTools operations may be combined to quickly address complex analysis tasks.
Modern genomics research combines high throughput DNA sequencing technologies with computational and statistical analysis to gain insight into genome biology. Interpreting genomic datasets is complicated by the spectrum of experimental assays that are now possible (cite Pachter) and the scale of the data generated. Additional complexity comes from the fact that sever genomics data formats, such as BED, GFF, VCF, BAM, and BigWig are used by the research community. While these data formats differ in their intent and structure, they each describe the attributes of one or more genome intervals. A genome interval represents a consecutive stretch of nucleotides on a chromosome or assembly scaffold (Figure), and most genomic analyses can be distilled to "genome arithmetic": that is, the comparison of sets of many genome intervals. For example, quantifying transcript expression in RNA-seq experiments is fundamentally a process of counting the number of cDNA alignments (i.e., intervals in BAM format) that overlap transcript annotations (i.e., intervals in GFF or BED format).
BEDTools is an open source software package comprised of multiple tools for comparing and exploring genomic datasets via fundamental "genome arithmetic" tasks. While the individual tools in the BEDTools suite are each focused on a relatively simple task (e.g., interval intersection), complex analyses are possible by properly combining multiple tools. The goals of this unit are to introduce the basic concepts of genome arithmetic with BEDTools and to demonstrate, via biologically relevant examples, how analytical power is conferred through clever combinations of individual tools. I emphasize that this unit is intended to give new users a sense of what is possible with the BEDTools suite. Interested users are encouraged to read the BEDTools documentation (bedtools.readthedocs.org), as there are currently 39 subcommands, yet only a subset are covered in this unit.
The protocols described in this unit require a computer with a UNIX, Linux, or Apple OSX operating system. Microsoft Windows users may also complete the unit if they first install Cygwin, but Windows usage is not directly supported. In the following sections, I will describe how to install BEDTools and other required software, as well as the basic usage concepts.
Throughout this unit, I will demonstrate BEDTools usage via commands issued on the UNIX command line. Such commands will use a different font as follows. Also, the "$" character is intended to represent the command prompt and should not be typed.
$ bedtools --help
Additionally, this unit will include commands in the R programming language, primarily as a means for creating plots describing the results of BEDTools analyses. Such commands will use the same font, yet will be preceded by a ">" to denote the R command prompt. The ">" should likewise not be typed.
> x <- c(1,2,3)
This unit assumes that the reader has previous experience working on the UNIX command line, as well as a basic understanding of common genomics file formats such as BED, VCF, GFF, and BAM. If not, I encourage you to first read the bedtools documentation (bedtools.readthedocs.org), as well as the manuscripts describing the above formats. There are also many freely available tutorials on the Internet that describe the basics of working on the UNIX command line.
BEDTools is freely available software that is archived and maintained on GitHub. The latest version of BEDTools can always be found at the following URL: https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2/releases. At the time this unit as written, the latest release was 2.19.1. Future readers should check for subsequent releases and adjust the installation commands below accordingly.
Necessary Resources
- a C/C++ compiler such as GCC. For OSX users, this typically requires the installation of the Xcode developer tools.
- the zlib and zlib-devel compression libraries (installed by default on many systems)
- Download and compile the latest version of bedtools. In this example, we are downloading version 2.19.1.
curl -OL https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2/releases/download/v2.19.0/bedtools-2.19.0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf bedtools-2.19.0.tar.gz
cd bedtools2-2.19.0
# At this point, you need to make the bedtools executable
# accessible on your system. If you have administrator
# privileges, you can do this by copying the bedtools
# executable to /usr/local/bin
cp bin/bedtools /usr/local/bin/
# if you do not have administrator privileges, you should
# copy the executable to a "bin" directory located within
# your home directory and then update your PATH to know
# where bedtools can be found
mkdir ~/bin
cp bin/bedtools ~/bin
- Alternatively, bedtools is also available via package management software available on most UNIX systems.
# Fedora / Centos
$ yum install bedtools
# Debian / Ubuntu
$ apt-get install bedtools
# OSX (via HomeBrew)
$ brew install bedtools
To do. cpg.bed exons.bed
The BEDTools software package is comprised of many subtools. One can be reminded of the tools available and a brief summary of their functionality by typing the following on the command line:
$ bedtools --help
If bedtools has been installed correctly, on your system, you should see several examples of the bedtools "subcommands:. If not, please refer back to step 1 above.
$ bedtools --help
bedtools: flexible tools for genome arithmetic and DNA sequence analysis.
usage: bedtools <subcommand> [options]
The bedtools sub-commands include:
[ Genome arithmetic ]
intersect Find overlapping intervals in various ways.
window Find overlapping intervals within a window around an interval.
closest Find the closest, potentially non-overlapping interval.
coverage Compute the coverage over defined intervals.
map Apply a function to a column for each overlapping interval.
genomecov Compute the coverage over an entire genome.
merge Combine overlapping/nearby intervals into a single interval.
cluster Cluster (but do not merge) overlapping/nearby intervals.
complement Extract intervals _not_ represented by an interval file.
subtract Remove intervals based on overlaps b/w two files.
slop Adjust the size of intervals.
flank Create new intervals from the flanks of existing intervals.
sort Order the intervals in a file.
random Generate random intervals in a genome.
shuffle Randomly redistrubute intervals in a genome.
sample Sample random records from file using reservoir sampling.
annotate Annotate coverage of features from multiple files.
In order to conduct an analysis of genomic intervals with BEDTools, one must employ one of the BEDTools subcommands. I will illustrate this with the intersect
subcommand (more details will be provided in the first protocol). For example, to intersect BED files representing Alu elements and CpG islands, one would use the following command.
$ bedtools intersect -a alu.bed -b cpg.bed
One may also request a detailed help menu regarding the specifics of each tool as follows.
$ bedtools intersect -h
All other subcommands follow the same basic convention.
The default algorithm that BEDTools employes for detecting overlapping genomic intervals loads one file into an R-tree data structure. While fast, it can consume substantial memory, especially for very large files. For this reason, we provide an alternative, yet very fast and memory efficient algorithm that requires one's input files to be "genome-sorted": that is, sorted first by chromosome and then by start position. When both input files are genome-sorted, the algorithm can “sweep” through the data and detect overlaps on the fly in a manner much like the way database systems join two tables. This algorithm is invoked via the -sorted
option and its use is demonstrated through the manuscript. The performance gains conferred through the use of "genome-sorted" datasets are illustrated in Figure 1.
Some of the BEDTools subcommand need to know the size of each of the chromosomes from the organism with which you are working. These "genome" files must be tab delimited; the first column must be the chromosome label and the second column must be the length of the chromosome. For example, below is an example "genome" file for build 37 (a.k.a "hg19") of the human genome.
$ head -24 human.hg19.genome
chr1 249250621
chr2 243199373
chr3 198022430
chr4 191154276
chr5 180915260
chr6 171115067
chr7 159138663
chrX 155270560
chr8 146364022
chr9 141213431
chr10 135534747
chr11 135006516
chr12 133851895
chr13 115169878
chr14 107349540
chr15 102531392
chr16 90354753
chr17 81195210
chr18 78077248
chr20 63025520
chrY 59373566
chr19 59128983
chr22 51304566
chr21 48129895
The intersect
command is the workhorse of the BEDTools suite. It compares two BED/VCF/GFF/BAM files and reports all of the genomic where the features in the two files overlap (that is, share at least one base pair in common).
By default, intersect
reports the subset of intervals that are common between your two files. The "A" file is considered the "query" file, whereas the "B" file is considered the "database" file. The BEDTools convention is to, for the most part, report results with respect the the "query" (A) file.
To demonstrate, let's identify all of the CpG islands that overlap exons.
bedtools intersect -a cpg.bed -b exons.bed | head -5
chr1 29320 29370 CpG:_116
chr1 135124 135563 CpG:_30
chr1 327790 328229 CpG:_29
chr1 327790 328229 CpG:_29
chr1 327790 328229 CpG:_29
The -wa
(write A) and -wb
(write B) options allow one to see the original records from the A and B files that overlapped. As such, instead of solely showing you where the intersections occurred, these options show you the original intervals that intersected from the two files.
bedtools intersect -a cpg.bed -b exons.bed -wa -wb \
| head -5
chr1 28735 29810 CpG:_116 chr1 29320 29370 NR _024540_exon_10_0_chr1_29321_r 0 -
chr1 135124 135563 CpG:_30 chr1 134772 139696 NR_ 039983_exon_0_0_chr1_134773_r 0 -
chr1 327790 328229 CpG:_29 chr1 324438 328581 NR_ 028322_exon_2_0_chr1_324439_f 0 +
chr1 327790 328229 CpG:_29 chr1 327035 328581 NR_ 028327_exon_3_0_chr1_327036_f 0 +
chr1 327790 328229 CpG:_29 chr1 324438 328581 NR_ 028325_exon_2_0_chr1_324439_f 0 +
The -wo
(write overlap) option allows one to also report the number of base pairs of overlap between the features that overlap between each of the files.
bedtools intersect -a cpg.bed -b exons.bed -wo \
| head -5
chr1 28735 29810 CpG:_116 chr1 29320 29370 NR _024540_exon_10_0_chr1_29321_r 0 - 50
chr1 135124 135563 CpG:_30 chr1 134772 139696 NR_ 039983_exon_0_0_chr1_134773_r 0 - 439
chr1 327790 328229 CpG:_29 chr1 324438 328581 NR_ 028322_exon_2_0_chr1_324439_f 0 + 439
chr1 327790 328229 CpG:_29 chr1 327035 328581 NR_ 028327_exon_3_0_chr1_327036_f 0 + 439
chr1 327790 328229 CpG:_29 chr1 324438 328581 NR_ 028325_exon_2_0_chr1_324439_f 0 + 439
We can also count, for each feature in the "A" file, the number of overlapping features in the "B" file. This is handled with the -c
bedtools intersect -a cpg.bed -b exons.bed -c \
| head -5
chr1 28735 29810 CpG:_116 1
chr1 135124 135563 CpG:_30 1
chr1 327790 328229 CpG:_29 3
chr1 437151 438164 CpG:_84 0
chr1 449273 450544 CpG:_99 0
Often we want to identify those features in our "A" file that do not overlap features in the B file. The -v
option is your friend in this case.
bedtools intersect -a cpg.bed -b exons.bed -v \
| head -5
chr1 437151 438164 CpG:_84
chr1 449273 450544 CpG:_99
chr1 533219 534114 CpG:_94
chr1 544738 546649 CpG:_171
chr1 801975 802338 CpG:_24
Recall that the default is to report overlaps between features in A and B so long as at least one basepair of overlap exists. However, the -f
option allows you to specify what fraction of each feature in A should be overlapped by a feature in B before it is reported.
Let's be more strict and require 50% of overlap.
bedtools intersect \
-a cpg.bed \
-b exons.bed \
-wo \
-f 0.50 \
| head -5
chr1 135124 135563 CpG:_30 chr1 134772 139696 NR_ 039983_exon_0_0_chr1_134773_r 0 - 439
chr1 327790 328229 CpG:_29 chr1 324438 328581 NR_ 028322_exon_2_0_chr1_324439_f 0 + 439
chr1 327790 328229 CpG:_29 chr1 327035 328581 NR_ 028327_exon_3_0_chr1_327036_f 0 + 439
chr1 327790 328229 CpG:_29 chr1 324438 328581 NR_ 028325_exon_2_0_chr1_324439_f 0 + 439
chr1 788863 789211 CpG:_28 chr1 788770 794826 NR_ 047525_exon_4_0_chr1_788771_f 0 + 348
# Download alignments for sample NA19146 in BAM format
# from the 1000 Genomes Project.
# Filesize:
# Estimate: 15-30 minute download
curl -O $KGFTP/NA19146.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.YRI.low_coverage.20130415.bam
# create a symbolic link for brevity
ln -s NA19146.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.YRI.low_coverage.20130415.bam NA19146.bam
# Calculate a histogram of coverage for each chromosome
# as well as genome-wide.
# Estimate: 30 minutes
bedtools genomecov \
-ibam NA19146.bam \
> NA19146.coverage.hist.txt
At this point, we can use R to plot the genome-wide distribution of coverage.
> cov = read.table('NA19146.coverage.hist.txt')
> head(cov)
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
1 1 0 29172804 249250621 0.1170420
2 1 1 7196069 249250621 0.0288708
3 1 2 9698769 249250621 0.0389117
4 1 3 11608275 249250621 0.0465727
5 1 4 12960686 249250621 0.0519986
6 1 5 13769135 249250621 0.0552421
# extract the genome-wide (i.e., no the per-chromosome) histogram entries
> gcov = cov[cov[,1] == 'genome',]
> head(gcov)
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
91947 genome 0 321856083 3137454505 0.1025850
91948 genome 1 117285058 3137454505 0.0373822
91949 genome 2 152949464 3137454505 0.0487495
91950 genome 3 176290526 3137454505 0.0561890
91951 genome 4 189358028 3137454505 0.0603540
91952 genome 5 194473449 3137454505 0.0619845
# plot a density function for the genome-wide coverage
> plot(gcov[1:51,2], gcov[1:51,5],
+ type='h', col='darkgreen', lwd=3,
+ xlab="Depth", ylab="Fraction of genome at depth",)
> axis(1,at=c(1,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50))
This should result in a plot such as the following.
We can also turn this into a cumulative density function to assess what fraction of the genome is covered by more than 1, 10, 20, 50, etc. sequences.
# Create a cumulative distribution from the "raw" hist
# (truncate at depth >=50)
> gcov_cumul = 1 - cumsum(gcov[,5])
# Create a plot of the CDF
> plot(gcov[2:51,2], gcov_cumul[1:50],
+ col='darkgreen', type='l', lwd=3,
+ xlab="Depth", ylab="Fraction of genome >= depth",
+ ylim=c(0,1.0)
+ )
> axis(1,at=c(1,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50))
> axis(2,at=c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0))
This should result in a plot such as the following.
# Calculate a histogram of coverage for each chromosome
# as well as genome-wide.
# Estimate: 30 minutes
bedtools genomecov \
-ibam NA19146.bam \
-bga \
> NA19146.coverage.bedg
Since we now have a BEDGRAPH representing the coverage through the entire genome of NA19146, we can use simple awk filters to extract intervals with insufficent coverage. Based on the distribution shown above (Figure/Panel), we might define insufficent coverage as those regions with less than five aligned sequences. In the BEDGRAPH format, the observed coverage for a given interval is represented in the fourth column.
head -10 NA19146.coverage.bedg
1 0 9994 0
1 9994 9996 1
1 9996 9999 2
1 9999 10000 4
1 10000 10001 42
1 10001 10002 82
1 10002 10003 112
1 10003 10004 145
1 10004 10005 184
1 10005 10006 233
awk '$4 < 5' NA19146.coverage.bedg \
| head -10
1 0 9994 0
1 9994 9996 1
1 9996 9999 2
1 9999 10000 4
1 10525 10526 4
1 10526 10534 3
1 10534 10550 2
1 10550 10576 1
1 10576 10589 2
1 10589 10617 1
Similarly, we can identify regions with excessive coverage, which based on above distribution, we will define as intervals with more than 25 aligned sequences.
awk '$4 > 25' NA19146.coverage.bedg \
| head -10
1 10000 10001 42
1 10001 10002 82
1 10002 10003 112
1 10003 10004 145
1 10004 10005 184
1 10005 10006 233
1 10006 10007 250
1 10007 10008 258
1 10008 10009 306
1 10009 10010 313
Notice that many of the intervals with excessive coverage are adjacent to one another. In such cases, we may wish to merge these adjacent bases into single, high-coverage intervals. This can easily be accomplished with the "merge" tool:
awk '$4 > 25' NA19146.coverage.bedg \
| bedtools merge -i - \
| head -10
1 10000 10287
1 10337 10465
1 11740 11741
1 11742 11822
1 11834 13924
1 13931 15266
1 15305 15308
1 15310 15311
1 15317 15528
1 15568 15576
# Download exome capture alignments for sample
# NA12891 in BAM format from the 1000 Genomes Project.
curl -O $KGFTP/NA12891.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exome.20121211.bam
# create a symbolic link for brevity
ln -s NA12891.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.exome.20121211.bam NA12891.exome.bam
# Download the exome capture targets
curl -O $KGFTP/exome_pull_down_targets/20130108.exome.targets.bed
# Remove the "chr" from the chromosome labels.
sed -e 's/chr//' 20130108.exome.targets.bed \
> targets.numeric.chroms.bed
# Compute the histogram of coverage for each target, as
# well as across all targets.
bedtools coverage \
-hist \
-abam NA12891.exome.bam \
-b 20130108.exome.targets.numeric.chroms.bed \
> NA12891.exome.coverage.hist.txt
We can now use R to assess the fraction of the exome capture targets that were covered by 0,1,2...N sequences.
> cov = read.table('NA12891.exome.coverage.hist.txt');
> gcov = cov[cov[,1] == 'all',]
# Create a cumulative distribution from the "raw" hist
# (truncate at depth >=1000)
> gcov_cumul = 1 - cumsum(gcov[,5])
# Create a plot of the CDF
> plot(gcov[2:401,2], gcov_cumul[1:400],
+ col='darkred', type='l', lwd=2,
+ xlab="Depth",
+ ylab="Fraction of capture target bases >= depth",
+ ylim=c(0,1.0),
+ )
# add gridlines
> abline(v = 20, col = "gray60")
> abline(v = 50, col = "gray60")
> abline(v = 80, col = "gray60")
> abline(v = 100, col = "gray60")
> abline(h = 0.50, col = "gray60")
> abline(h = 0.90, col = "gray60")
> axis(1, at=c(20,50,80), labels=c(20,50,80))
> axis(2, at=c(0.90), labels=c(0.90))
> axis(2, at=c(0.50), labels=c(0.50))
The resulting plot should look something like:
Blah blah blah
bedtools genomecov \
-ibam NA12891.exome.bam \
-bga \
| awk '$4 == 0' \
> NA12891.uncovered.bedg
bedtools intersect \
-a targets.numeric.chroms.bed \
-b NA12891.uncovered.bedg \
-sorted \
> unsequenced.exome.target.intervals.bed
head unsequenced.exome.target.intervals.bed
1 15903 15930
1 16714 16719
1 69551 69560
1 129150 129152
1 877795 877813
1 878015 878017
1 878068 878123
1 896053 896180
1 896634 896659
1 899929 899939
At this point, we can check these results by inspecting the aligned sequence coverage directly in IGV. FIGURE!!!
Goal: plot TF binding occupancy around transcription start sites (TSS) for Sp1 and a control. Uses: bedtools, R, and free ENCODE data
First, we must create a BED file of the TSSs. To do this, we will query the UCSC Genome Browser and choose the correct TSS based on the transcript's strand.
# -N : no headers
# -B : tab-delimted output
# uniq to remove duplicate TSSs across tmultiple transcripts
# grep -v "_" to remove unplaced contigs
mysql --user genome \
--host genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu \
-N \
-B \
-D hg19 \
-e "SELECT chrom, txStart, txEnd, \
X.geneSymbol, 1, strand \
FROM knownGene as K, kgXref as X \
WHERE txStart != txEnd \
AND X.kgID = K.name" \
| awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS="\t"} \
{ if ($6 == "+") \
{ print $1,$2,$2+1,$4,$5,$6 } \
else if ($6 == "-") \
{ print $1,$3-1,$3,$4,$5,$6 } \
}' \
| sort -k1,1 -k2,2n \
| uniq \
| grep -v "_" \
> tss.bed
head -5 tss.bed
chr1 11873 11874 DDX11L1 1 +
chr1 16764 16765 WASH7P 1 -
chr1 17750 17751 WASH7P 1 -
chr1 18060 18061 WASH7P 1 -
chr1 19758 19759 WASH7P 1 -
Now, let's add 1000 bp upstream and downstream of each TSS. To do this, we use the bedtools "slop" command.
bedtools slop \
-b 1000 \
-i tss.bed \
-g hg19.chromsizes \
> tss.plusminus.1000bp.bed
head -5
chr1 10873 12874 DDX11L1 1 +
chr1 15764 17765 WASH7P 1 -
chr1 16750 18751 WASH7P 1 -
chr1 17060 19061 WASH7P 1 -
chr1 18758 20759 WASH7P 1 -
To provide greater resolution to the plot we will produce, let's
break up each 2000bp interval flanking each TSS into 5bp sub-wondows.
We can easily do this with the makewindows
# the tr statement makes the window number the 5th column
# this will be used to summarize the coverage
# observed at each of the 2000 bases flanking the TSS
# across all TSSs.
bedtools makewindows \
-b tss.plusminus.1000bp.bed \
-w 5 \
-i srcwinnum \
| sort -k1,1 -k2,2n \
| tr "_" "\t" \
> tss.plusminus.1000bp.5bp.windows.bed
Download BigWig files for the Sp1 transcription factor and a negative control.
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeHaibTfbs/wgEncodeHaibTfbsH1hescSp1Pcr1xRawRep1.bigWig
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeHaibTfbs/wgEncodeHaibTfbsH1hescRxlchPcr1xRawRep1.bigWig
Map the Sp1 transcription factor.
# -c 4 -o mean: get the mean of the coverage
# -null 0: if no overlap with bigwig, set to zero
bedtools map \
-a tss.plusminus.1000bp.5bp.windows.bed \
-b <(bigWigToBedGraph wgEncodeHaibTfbsH1hescSp1Pcr1xRawRep1.bigWig stdout) \
-c 4 \
-o mean \
-null 0 \
> sp1.tss.window.coverage.bedg
Map the negative control.
# -c 4 -o mean: get the mean of the coverage
# -null 0: if no overlap with bigwig, set to zero
bedtools map \
-a tss.plusminus.1000bp.5bp.windows.bed \
-b <(bigWigToBedGraph wgEncodeHaibTfbsH1hescRxlchPcr1xRawRep1.bigWig stdout) \
-c 4 \
-o mean \
-null 0 \
> Rxl.tss.window.coverage.bedg
Summarize the coverage observed around the TSS from both Sp1 and the negative control.
# sort by the window number
# -t$'\t' to specify that TABS should
# be used as the delimiter
sort -t$'\t' -k5,5n sp1.tss.window.coverage.bedg \
| bedtools groupby \
-i - \
-g 5 \
-c 6 \
-o sum \
> sp1.tss.window.counts.txt
sort -t$'\t' -k5,5n Rxl.tss.window.coverage.bedg \
| bedtools groupby \
-i - \
-g 5 \
-c 6 \
-o sum \
> Rxl.tss.window.counts.txt
Plot the coverage around the TSS for SP1 and the control.
> sp1 <- read.table('sp1.tss.window.counts.txt')
> rxl <- read.table('Rxl.tss.window.counts.txt')
# Plot SP1 in red
> plot(sp1[,1], sp1[,2],
+ col='darkred',
+ xaxt = "n",
+ xlab="Distance from TSS",
+ ylab="Depth")
# Add the control in grey
> points(rxl[,1], rxl[,2], col='darkgrey')
# adjust labels based on distance to TSS.
# recall that the window size is 5 base pairs
> axis(1, at=seq(0,400,40), labels=seq(-1000,1000,200))
# add a vertical line at TSS
> abline(v = 200, col = "gray60", lwd=3, lty=3)
# add a legend.
> legend('topright',
c("SP1 Trans. factor","Reverse cross-link Control"),
col=c('darkred', 'darkgrey'),
The resulting figure should look like this:
Download the sample BED files I have provided.
curl -O http://quinlanlab.cs.virginia.edu/cshl2013/maurano.dnaseI.tgz
Now, we need to extract all of the 20 Dnase I hypersensitivity BED files from the "tarball" named
tar -zxvf maurano.dnaseI.tgz
rm maurano.dnaseI.tgz
Your directory should now contain 20 BED files, which reflect Dnase I hypersensitivity sites measured in twenty different fetal tissue samples from the brain, heart, intestine, kidney, lung, muscle, skin, and stomach.
Example finding the regions in the fetal intestine samples.
bedtools multiinter -i fIntestine*.bed \
-header \
-names DS16559 DS16712 DS16822 DS17808 DS18495 \
| head
chrom start end num list DS16559 DS16712 DS16822 DS17808 DS18495
chr1 10148 10150 2 DS16712,DS17808 0 1 0 1 0
chr1 10150 10151 3 DS16712,DS16822,DS17808 0 1 1 1 0
chr1 10151 10284 4 DS16559,DS16712,DS16822,DS17808 1 1 1 1 0
chr1 10284 10315 3 DS16559,DS16712,DS17808 1 1 0 1 0
chr1 10315 10353 2 DS16712,DS17808 0 1 0 1 0
chr1 237719 237721 1 DS16822 0 0 1 0 0
chr1 237721 237728 3 DS16712,DS16822,DS17808 0 1 1 1 0
chr1 237728 237783 4 DS16559,DS16712,DS16822,DS17808 1 1 1 1 0
chr1 237783 237784 3 DS16559,DS16712,DS16822 1 1 1 0 0
What portion of the DnaseI hypersensitivity sites are found in 1,2,3,...20 of the cell types assayed?
bedtools multiinter -i *.bed \
| awk '{print $4"\t"$3-$2}' \
| sort -k1,1n \
| bedtools groupby -g 1 -c 2 -o sum \
> dnase.occupancy.dist.txt
cat dnase.occupancy.dist.txt
1 172639699
2 70626095
3 51945770
4 35992709
5 27751090
6 18118487
7 13375483
8 10759033
9 8887535
10 7421260
11 6229434
12 5512967
13 4964581
14 4499490
15 4252603
16 4181704
17 4430412
18 4892327
19 6148254
20 10996900
Plot the distribution of occupancy.
> dnase_occ <- read.table('dnase.occupancy.dist.txt')
# Plot the fraction of bases found to
# be DnaseI heypersensitive in 1, 2, 3, ... 20 cells assayed.
> plot(dnase_occ[,1], dnase_occ[,2] / sum(dnase_occ[,2]), 'h',
+ col="darkred",
+ lwd=4,
+ xlab="No. of assayed cells",
+ ylab="Fraction of bases")
The resulting figure should look like this:
This demonstrates that among these 20 assayed cells the majority of hypersensitive bases are exclusive to a single cell.
Example finding the regions in the fetal intestine samples.
bedtools unionbed -i fIntestine*.bed \
-header \
-names DS16559 DS16712 DS16822 DS17808 DS18495 \
| head
chrom start end DS16559 DS16712 DS16822 DS17808 DS18495
chr1 10148 10150 0 7.76326 0 12.6573 0
chr1 10150 10151 0 7.76326 9.704 12.6573 0
chr1 10151 10284 9.71568 7.76326 9.704 12.6573 0
chr1 10284 10315 9.71568 7.76326 0 12.6573 0
chr1 10315 10353 0 7.76326 0 12.6573 0
chr1 237719 237721 0 0 7.36415 0 0
chr1 237721 237728 0 11.4351 7.36415 7.88268 0
chr1 237728 237783 8.57969 11.4351 7.36415 7.88268 0
chr1 237783 237784 8.57969 11.4351 7.36415 0 0
To do.
We will use the bedtools implementation of a Jaccard statistic to meaure the similarity of two datasets. Briefly, the Jaccard statistic measures the ratio of the number of intersecting base pairs to the total number of base pairs in the two sets. As such, the score ranges from 0.0 to 1. 0; lower values reflect lower similarity, whereas higher values reflect higher similarity.
Let's walk through an example: we would expect the Dnase hypersensivity sites to be rather similar between two samples of the same fetal tissue type. Let's test:
bedtools jaccard \
-a fHeart-DS16621.hotspot.twopass.fdr0.05.merge.bed \
-b fHeart-DS15839.hotspot.twopass.fdr0.05.merge.bed
intersection union jaccard
81269248 160493950 0.50637
But what about the similarity of two different tissue types?
bedtools jaccard \
-a fHeart-DS16621.hotspot.twopass.fdr0.05.merge.bed \
-b fSkin_fibro_bicep_R-DS19745.hg19.hotspot.twopass.fdr0.05.merge.bed
intersection union jaccard
28076951 164197278 0.170995
Hopefully this demonstrates how the Jaccard statistic can be used as a simple statistic to reduce the dimensionality of the comparison between two large (e.g., often containing thousands or millions of intervals) feature sets.
We are going to take this a bit further and use the Jaccard statistic to measure the similarity of all 20 tissue samples against all other 20 samples. We will use BASH script loops to compute a Jaccard statistic for the 400 (20*20) pairwise comparisons among the fetal tissue samples.
file_labels=`ls *.bed | sed -e 's/.hotspot.twopass.fdr0.05.merge.bed//g' \
-e 's/.hg19//g'`
echo name" "$file_labels >> pairwise_jaccard.txt
for file1 in `ls *.bed`
# make reasonable file labels
file1_short=`echo $file1 \
| sed -e 's/.hotspot.twopass.fdr0.05.merge.bed//g' \
-e 's/.hg19//g'`
echo -n $file1_short >> pairwise_jaccard.txt
for file2 in `ls *.bed`;
# compute the jaccard stat for these two files.
jaccard=`bedtools jaccard \
-a $file1 \
-b $file2 \
# report the jaccard stat for these two files
echo -n " "$jaccard >> pairwise_jaccard.txt
echo >> pairwise_jaccard.txt
Since the Jaccard statistic serves as a measure of the similarity of two datasets, we can use a simple heatmap to graphically convey the overall similarity of all 20 DnaseI hypersensitivity patterns.
# install RColorBrewer if missing
if (!require("RColorBrewer")) {
jaccard_table <- read.table('pairwise_jaccard.txt', header=TRUE)
row.names(jaccard_table) <- jaccard_table$name
jaccard_table <- jaccard_table[, -1]
jaccard_matrix <- as.matrix(jaccard_table)
margins = c(14, 14),
density.info = "none",
lhei = c(2, 8),