From 27d372f11301c868cfaa6cdf41e478317a5f6ab2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pakoito Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2018 18:36:34 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add docs for dependency_injection --- .../patterns/dependencyinjection/ | 475 +++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 474 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/modules/docs/arrow-docs/docs/docs/patterns/dependencyinjection/ b/modules/docs/arrow-docs/docs/docs/patterns/dependencyinjection/ index d5fddb8e2c1..cdf404d003f 100644 --- a/modules/docs/arrow-docs/docs/docs/patterns/dependencyinjection/ +++ b/modules/docs/arrow-docs/docs/docs/patterns/dependencyinjection/ @@ -4,6 +4,479 @@ title: Dependency Injection permalink: /docs/patterns/dependency_injection/ --- +If you would like to know about using the `Reader` datatype instead, visit [this article]( by [Jorge Castillo]( + ## Dependency Injection using the `Typeclassless` technique -While we work on adapting the content, you can visit this [blog series]( to get an overview of how the technique is implemented. +Arrow allows abstracting polymorphic code that operates over the evidence of having an instance of a [typeclass]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/intro' | relative_url }}) available. +This enables programs that are not coupled to specific datatype implementations. +The technique demonstrated below to write polymorphic code is available for all other typeclasses besides [`Functor`]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/functor' | relative_url }}). + +```kotlin +import arrow.typeclasses.* + +fun multiplyBy2(FT: Functor, fa: Kind): Kind = + /* ... */ + +multiplyBy2(Option.functor(), Option(1)) +// Some(2) + +multiplyBy2(Try.functor(), Try.just(1)) +// Success(2) +``` + +In the example above we've defined a function that can operate over any data type for which a [`Functor`]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/functor' | relative_url }}) instance is available. +And then we applied `multiplyBy2` to two different datatypes for which Functor instances exist. +This technique applied to other Typeclasses allows users to describe entire programs in terms of behaviors typeclasses removing +dependencies to concrete data types and how they operate. + +This technique does not enforce inheritance or any kind of subtyping relationship and is frequently known as [`ad-hoc polymorphism`]( +and frequently used in programming languages that support [typeclass]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/intro' | relative_url }}) and [typeclass]({{ '/docs/patterns/glossary' | relative_url }}). + +Entire libraries and applications can be written without enforcing consumers to use the lib author provided datatypes but letting +users provide their own provided there is typeclass instances for their datatypes. + +Now, passing around a typeclass parameter like `Functor` to every function is repetitive, tedious, and error-prone. For that reason, many programming languages provide with a mechanism to describe the dependencies of the function without having to pass them as parameter explicitly. In Kotlin, this is achieved using extension functions. + +## Typeclasses as dependencies + +As described in the glossary, typeclasses are a grouping of constructors and extension functions on `Kind` that form a DSL for the type they're declared to. To access these extension functions you need to be in the scope of a typeclass. That is, the typeclass object has to be bound to `this`. Kotlin provides two ways of achieving this: with standard library functions, and with more extension functions. + +#### Standard library functions + +The function `multiplyBy2` as defined above receives `FT: Functor` as a parameter. We need to bind `FT` to `this` to be able to access the extension function `fun (A) -> B): Kind` inside. For that we use the standard library function ` { }`, which requires a value return. + +```kotlin +fun multiplyBy2(FT: Functor, fa: Kind): Kind = + { { it * 2 } } +``` + +If we have a block that does not return a value, it is recommended to use either `with(typeclass) { }` or `typeclass.apply { }`. + +```kotlin +fun printAllValues(S: Show>, fa: List>): Unit { + with (S) { + fa.forEach { println( } + } +} +``` + +#### Extension functions + +An extension function is applied to a type, that becomes bound to `this` and enables calling all its functions without using `this.method()`. If we declare a function to depend on the typeclass, we get automatic access to the extension functions declared inside. + +```kotlin:ank +import arrow.typeclasses.* + +fun Functor.multiplyBy2(fa: Kind): Kind = + { it * 2 } +``` + +And we can call it on the typeclass instances: + +```kotlin:ank +multiplyBy2(Option.functor(), Try.just(1)) +``` + +```kotlin:ank +multiplyBy2(Try.functor(), Try.just(1)) +``` + +The same applies to functions without a return value, so you don't have to remember to use the right function. + +```kotlin +fun Show>.printAllValues(fa: List>): Unit { + fa.forEach { println( } +} +``` + +## Declaring typeclass dependencies on client code + +Knowing these two ways of accessing all the extension functions defined on a typeclass, how do we apply them to client code? This is heavily dependent on where Kotlin allows the use of extension functions. Let's go through each case. + +### Scoped Functions + +Any function that exists inside an object, companion object, or in the root of a file, can be declared as an extension function on its typeclass parameters. +Extension functions declared for the same types can call into each other without passing the type parameter explicitly. + +This is the simplest, most direct case, and that's no coincidence. Most FP languages only allow functions scoped to global, a module, or an object that acts as a namespace. +Programs are composed by functions and tested on their typeclass and data parameters that define the functionality. + +```kotlin +fun Eq.remove(l: List, a: A): List = + l.filterNot { a.eqv(it) } +``` + +```kotlin +object FunctorLaws { + fun Functor.test(f: (Int) -> Kind): List = + listOf( + Law("Functor Laws: Covariant Identity", { covariantIdentity(f) }), + Law("Functor Laws: Covariant Composition", { covariantComposition(f) }) + ) + + fun Functor.covariantIdentityTest(f: (Int) -> Kind): Unit = ... + + fun Functor.covariantComposition(f: (Int) -> Kind: Unit = ... +} + +... + +import arrow.test.FunctorLaws.test + +Option.functor().test({ it.some() }) +``` + +```kotlin +fun MonadError.ankMonadErrorInterpreter(): FunctionK = + object : FunctionK { + override fun invoke(fa: HK): HK { + val op = fa.ev() + return when (op) { + is AnkOps.CreateTarget -> catch { createTargetImpl(op.source, } + is AnkOps.GetFileCandidates -> catch { getFileCandidatesImpl( } + is AnkOps.ReadFile -> catch { readFileImpl(op.source) } + is AnkOps.ParseMarkdown -> catch { parseMarkDownImpl(op.markdown) } + is AnkOps.ExtractCode -> catch { extractCodeImpl(op.source, op.tree) } + is AnkOps.CompileCode -> catch { compileCodeImpl(op.snippets, op.compilerArgs) } + is AnkOps.ReplaceAnkToLang -> catch { replaceAnkToLangImpl(op.compilationResults) } + is AnkOps.GenerateFiles -> catch { generateFilesImpl(op.candidates, op.newContents) } + } as HK + } + } +``` + +### Classes + +As typeclasses are defined as interfaces in Kotlin, it's trivial to convert any class you control into an implementer of a typeclass by using delegation. + +```kotlin +data class Parser: Monad by Option.monad(), Traverse by ListK.traverse() { + fun parseInt(s: String): Option = + try { + parseOrThrow(s).just() + } catch (t: Throwable) { + none() + } + + fun parseInts(l: List>): Option> = + l.k().traverse(this, { it.flatMap { parseInt(it) } }).fix() +} + +val parser = Parser() + +parser.parseInts(listOf("1".some(), "2".some())) +// Some([1, 2]) + +parser.parseInts(listOf("bla".some(), "2".some())) +// None +``` + +```kotlin +class UserFetcher(ME: MonadError, val api: ApiService): MonadError by ME { + + fun getUserFriends(fid: Kind): Kind> = + bindingCatch { + val id = fid.bind() + val user = api.getUser(id).bind() + { api.getUser( }.bind() + }.handleError { listOf() } + + fun createId(id: String): Kind = + catch { parseIdOrThrow(id) } + .map { UserId(it) } +} + +... + +val fetcher = UserFetcher(Either.monadError(), ApiService()) + +fetcher.getUserFriends(fetcher.createId("122344")) +// Right([User(id="123", friendIds=["122344"]), User(id="44", friendIds=["122344", "1245"]), User(id="1245", friendIds=["122344", "44"])])]) +``` + +### Methods inside a class + +This is the case where we find the limitations of the Kotlin compiler. Once you're inside a class, `this` gets bound to the class scope. +This makes that extension functions declared inside a class require using the standard library functions to access them, which is not very idiomatic. + +```kotlin +// WRONG +class Parser { + fun Monad.parseInt(s: String): Option = ... + + fun ???.parseInts(l: List>): Option> = +} + +// TEDIOUS AND NOT IDIOMATIC +Parser().run { Option.monad().parseInt("123") } +``` + +For these cases the most ergonomic option is not to use extension functions, and instead fall back to regular parameter passing. +Once inside the method we can use the standard library functions to access the scope of the typeclass, and treat the method the same as if it was a scoped function. + +```kotlin +class Parser { + fun parseInt(M: Monad, s: String): Option = { ... } + + fun parseInts(M: Monad, l: List>): Option> = { ListK.traverse().run { ... } } +} + +// JUST MEH +Parser().parseInts(Option.monad(), listOf("1".some(), "2".some())) +``` + +We are almost back to where we started with parameter passing, at least on this first layer. +Except, there are some benefits once you're inside these public functions, as you can declare private extension methods inside the class and you will be able to seamlessly call them as well as with scoped functions. + +## Composing dependencies + +In several of the prior examples we have found that we depend on multiple typeclasses that are not part of the same hierarchy. +This is not an uncommon case, and it has to be addressed. How can we express this combination? Luckily, the Kotlin language comes to our aid again. + +Kotlin has a keyword `where`, used in method signatures to describe multiple bounds on a generic parameter. +You can define multiple clauses for a single generic parameter that will be the type we declare an extension function on. + +Let's see one example of a function that depends on both `Applicative` and `Show`: + +```kotlin +fun Applicative.findUserName(S: Show, id: Kind): Kind = { + { fetchUser(it) }.map { } +} +``` + +Let's do a rewrite using `where` to define multiple typeclass requirements. +We will create a generic parameter `TC` that is bound to both typeclasses. That parameter will be the one we declare an extension on. +We'll also remove running `Show` as it isn't required anymore. + +```kotlin +fun TC.findUserName(id: Kind) +: Kind where TC: Applicative, TC: Show = + { fetchUser(it) }.map { } +``` + +Nice! Problem solved! Now, how does one create an `Applicative` + `Show`? + +### Creating impossible types + +At this point is where type inference gives us an easy way of creating objects that define bounds for multiple typeclasses. +A simple helper function with an inferred return parameter saves us from having to write the type manually: + +```kotlin +fun createApplicativeShow(AP: Applicative, S: Show) = + object: Applicative by AP, Show by S + +createApplicativeShow(Option.applicative(), Show.any()) + .findUserName(Some("1")) +// Some("Paco") + +createApplicativeShow(Either.applicative(), Show.any()) + .findUserName(Some("1")) +// Right("Paco") +``` + +### Creating real types + +Alternatively, you can compose the types in a new interface and give it a new name. +This way you can also skip `where` clauses. +The major downside is that you'll find a combinatory explosion of new interfaces on your codebase, +so use them scarcely when you have a type that repeats itself pervasively through the codebase. + +```kotlin +interface ApplicativeShow: Applicative, Show + +fun ApplicativeShow.findUserName(id: Kind): Kind = ... + +fun createApplicativeShow(AP: Applicative, S: Show): ApplicativeShow = + object: ApplicativeShow, Applicative by AP, Show by S +``` + +There is also another reason to create a new real type, when you have two colliding typeclass instances. + +### Disambiguating colliding instances + +You may find some cases where two typeclass requirements collide because they're defined for the same type, or include a typeclass on the same hierarchy. +Another way of looking at this kind of collisions is when annotation-based DI frameworks need `javax.inject.Named`. + +In the case of Arrow, you will need to disambiguate them manually based off fields. +This has some benefits over the DI framework approach: + +* it will only happen at the caller layer, once per collision +* it doesn't require any maintenance changes on all the declaration sites +* the solution is strongly typed +* the solution depends on a function call rather than a string convention, so static analysis and refactor tools are available + +This collision happens in an example we saw before. The typeclasses `Monad` and `Traverse` both inherit from `Functor`. +You cannot define a boundary for two different values of `F`. This happened in our Parser class: + +```kotlin +// Compiler error: Type parameter for 'Functor' has inconsistent bounds: ForOption, ForListK +data class Parser: Monad by Option.monad(), Traverse by ListK.traverse() +``` + +Same as with methods inside a class, we have a situation where multiple `this` bindings collide. +The way of disambiguating is by creating a new type that provides both bounds as functions, and has an instance in its companion object: + +```kotlin +interface ParserDependencies { + fun MO(): Monad = Option.monad() + + fun TL(): Traverse = ListK.traverse() + + companion object: ParserDependencies +} +``` + +And now we can rewrite our parser class avoiding ambiguity: + +```kotlin +data class Parser: ParserDependencies by ParserDependencies { + fun parseInt(s: String): Option = MO().run { + try { + parseOrThrow(s).just() + } catch (t: Throwable) { + none() + } + } + + fun parseInts(l: List>): Option> = TL().run { + l.k().traverse(this, { MO().run { it.flatMap { parseInt(it) } } }).fix() + } +} +``` + +We have the same benefits and pitfalls we had in methods inside a class. +Once inside the `run` blocks, we're able to call all other scoped extension functions declared for the enclosing typeclass. +This disambiguation only happens in one of the layers, who's responsible for the ambiguity in the first place! + +Cool, once we have all the pieces in place, explained and understood, let's mention one last use case: general dependency injection! + +## Using DI to inject any object + +Nnow that you know how to define new types to declare multiple dependencies, and add fields to prevent collision between typeclasses in the same hierarchy, +what prevents you from adding arbitrary data to any fields of the type? Well, the answer is nothing :D + +Let's grab one of our previous examples and refactor it + +```kotlin +class UserFetcher(ME: MonadError, val api: ApiService): MonadError by ME { + + fun getUserFriends(fid: Kind): Kind> = + bindingCatch { + val id = fid.bind() + val user = api.getUser(id).bind() + { api.getUser( }.bind() + }.handleError { listOf() } + + fun createId(id: String): Kind = ... +} +``` + +On the first step, we'll create a new type enclosing all the dependencies: + +```kotlin +interface FetcherDependencies: MonadError, ApiService { + + companion object { + operator fun invoke(ME: MonadError, api: ApiService): FetcherDependencies = + object: FetcherDependencies, MonadError by ME, ApiService by Api + } +} +``` + +With this type we don't need a class anymore, as it already encloses all state. +We can move the functions to an object scope, and make them depend on `FetcherDependencies` and `MonadError`. + +```kotlin +object Api { + fun FetcherDependencies.getUserFriends(fid: Kind): Kind> = + bindingCatch { + val id = fid.bind() + val user = getUser(id).bind() + { api().getUser( }.bind() + }.handleError { listOf() } + + fun MonadError.createId(id: String): Kind = ... +} + +... + +import Api.getUserFriends + +val deps = FetcherDependencies(Either.monadError(), ApiService()) + +deps.getUserFriends(deps.createId("1234")) +// Right([User(id="33", friendIds=["1234", "987"])]) +``` + +What have we gained from this change? We have replaced one concretion, a final class, with an abstraction that's an interface. + +* The code is more functional: we have one structural type and many functions that act on it +* A single instance of the object that's used but not retained by the functions, so there's single ownership +* We can define as many extensions to the functionality as we want +* We can use the partial type to make any function call that requires just some of the types, encapsulating the rest + +And as a consequence to all of this, testability and refactoring possibilities are through the roof! +All the promises of OOP, fulfilled with simple functions and interfaces. + +```kotlin +import Api.* + +with (Option.monadError()) { + createId("123") shouldBe 123 + + createId("-123") shouldBe None + + createId("asfgasf") shouldBe None + + createId("") shouldBe None +} + +with (FetcherDependencies(Option.monadError(), MockApiService())) { + getUserFriends(createId("")) shouldBe listOf() + + getUserFriends(createId("sfgafg")) shouldBe listOf() + + getUserFriends(createId("123")) shouldBe listOf(User("321", listOf("123"))) +} +``` + +### Scoping + +Typeclasses are completely stateless collections of functions. +Once you're adding objects that are stateful you need to take care of the lifecycle of your Dependencies object. + +Luckily for us, as there is only one reference to the Syntax object that's passed around across layers instead of being retained, it's easy to track its lifecycle and manage it. + +Assuming this Dependencies object is completely stateless and it lives at the global scope, a simple root value suffices: + +```kotlin +import Api.* + +val deps = FetcherDependencies(Either.monadError(), ApiService()) + +fun main(args: Array) { + println(deps.getUserFriends(deps.createId("1234"))) +} +``` + +Let's introduce some nuance and assume the scope is now per-screen, as you would with Android activities. +The expected lifecycle of the Dependencies object is the same as the Activity, and gets garbage collected alongside it. + +```kotlin +import Api.* + +class SettingsActivity: Activity { + val deps = FetcherDependencies(Either.monadError(), ApiService()) + + override fun onResume() { + val id = deps.createId("1234") + + user.text = id.fix().getOrElse { "" } + + friends.text = deps.getUserFriends(id).fix().getOrElse { "[]" } + } +} +``` + +To recap, to scope efficiently means that you have to manually create and store your Dependencies object once, at the origin of the scope, and can now implicitly pass it around across all other layers without explicitly using it as a parameter. Each function is also limited to only use the dependencies that are relevant to itself.