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Evgeny Chugunnyy (John) edited this page Apr 4, 2024 · 14 revisions


To get started with Artipie you need to understand your needs first. Artipie is not just a binary artifact web server -- it's artifact management constructor which consists of many components built into server assembly.

You have three options for working with Artipie:

  • Create self-hosted installation - you can run Artipie Docker image in private network, install k8s Helm chart with Artipie or simply run Artipie jar file with JVM
  • As a developer - you can use Artipie components to work with artifact repositories from code or even build your own artifact manager. Using these component you can parse different metadata types, update index files, etc. All components are available as java libraries in Maven central:

When using self-hosted Artipie deployment, you have to understand the Configuration - it's stored in storage as yaml files: for single-insance deployment it's usually a file-system files, for cluster it could be placed in etcd storage or S3-compatible storage.

To start Artipie Docker check Quickstart.

How to start Artipie service with a maven-proxy repository

In this section we will start Artipie service with a maven-proxy repository using JVM. Executable jar file can be found on the releases page. Before running the jar, it's necessary to create main Artipie config yaml file and repository config file. The simplest main Artipie config file my-artipie.yaml has the following content:

    type: fs
    path: /var/artipie/repo
  • field type describes which type of storage Artipie will use to get configuration of repositories, in our example it's fs - the file system storage.
  • field path points to the directory in a file system where repositories config files will be stored.

To get full description how to configure Artipie, please, check Configuration page.

It's time to add a maven-proxy repository config file, call it my-maven.yaml:

 type: maven-proxy
 port: 8085
  type: fs
  path: /var/artipie/data
  - url:
  • field type describes repository type, in our case it's maven-proxy.
  • field url points to a remote maven repository.
  • field cache describes storage to keep artifacts gotten from the remote maven repository.

Detailed description for every supported repository type can be found here.

As long as we defined /var/artipie/repo as path for configuration file system storage, the file my-maven.yaml has to be placed on the path /var/artipie/repo/my-maven.yaml then Artipie service will find it while startup and create repository with name my-maven. Repository name is used to get access to the repository, in our case http://{host}:8085/my-maven.

Now, you can execute:

java -jar ./artipie-latest-jar-with-dependencies.jar --config-file=/{path-to-config}/my-artipie.yaml --port=8085 --api-port=8086
  • --config-file required parameter points to the Artipie main configuration file.
  • --port optional parameter defines port to start the service, if omitted, Artipie will use 80 as default port.
  • --api-port optional parameter defines port to start API management API on, default value is 8086

You should see the following in the console:

[main] INFO com.artipie.VertxMain - Artipie was started on port 8085
[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] INFO com.artipie.asto.fs.FileStorage - Found 1 objects by the prefix "" in /var/artipie/repo by /var/artipie/repo: [my-maven.yaml]

If this is in the console, then everything is OK. Now, you have your own maven-proxy repository!

You can use this repository as regular maven repository, for example, point it in pom file of your java project:


Also, you can define our maven-proxy repository in the maven's settings.xml to use it for any project.

All artifacts obtained through this repository will be stored in the directory /var/artipie/data/my-maven using structure of folders as it does local maven.

To add a new repository or update an existing repository, you have to simply create or modify repositories configuration yaml files in the directory /var/artipie/repo.