The newest entries of the Poké main series, Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield, will be released later this year. However, the new generation of pocket monsters came with the news that you won't be able to complete the national Pokédex. In other words, you won't be able to capture all the Pokémon from previous 7 generations.
In a series where "Gotta catch'em all" is its catch phrase, this caused a huge backslash by some members of the community1. Their main argument was that "every Pokémon is someone's favorite". In order to test this, reddit user mamamia1001
created a survey to record Pokémon preference. He also analyzed the survey results and made the dataset public.
In this project, I redid mamamia1001
's analysis: Pokémon preference by generation, type, family, etc. However, instead of reporting the dry numbers, I generated graphical visualizations of the results. I am also including some analysis on my own, such as voting trends in time and trying to find an explanation to what makes people prefer certain Pokémon.
You can find the plots here.
You can find the plots (with code) here.
If you are interested in a more interactive (although more shallow) analysis of the data, please check out my other repository. Here, I created a Bokeh app to show the survey results for a specific Pokémon.
I hope to keep expanding this analysis on my free time. On the mean time, if you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to raise an issue here or drop me a line in Twitter (@amoncadatorres).
1 Data Scientist Juan De Dios Santos analyzed Twitter's reaction using Natural Language Processing. He did a very cool job, feel free to check it out!