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chore: changelog
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romelperez committed Mar 21, 2021
1 parent 8e860dc commit a59b281
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 0 deletions.
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions website/src/pages/project/changelog.mdx
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,136 @@ Dates are displayed in UTC.

The project uses [Semantic Versioning 2.0](

### [v1.0.0-alpha.18](

> 20 March 2021
- feat(sounds): #99 bleeps shared by provided instead of by components [`d7abae7`](
- feat(core): text component [`8a5a346`](
- docs(website): packages updates [`e618758`](
- refactor(core): #99 core components with global bleeps [`66e69a6`](
- feat(core): styles baseline global elements styles [`428a8ca`](
- chore(core): remove deprecated migrated components [`0f99def`](
- feat(animation): animator combine children support [`56aeb6d`](
- feat(core): figure component [`3e869f9`](
- feat(core): table component interactivity [`3ee59f7`](
- feat(core): loading bars component [`0524e7b`](
- feat(core): card component [`01063a2`](
- feat(core): add code block [`d863b7b`](
- feat(core): table component [`7607e24`](
- chore(core): remove deprecated migrated components [`c569d0c`](
- feat(design): remove theme typography features [`5ecf07e`](
- feat(core): frame underline component [`b41dfe7`](
- chore(core): remove deprecated migrated components [`1d7d835`](
- docs(design): create theme sandboxes [`28208cf`](
- feat(core): figure preload support [`3955740`](
- feat(core): text component dynamic update support [`04def95`](
- chore(core): remove deprecated migrated components [`96227db`](
- refactor(animation): animator component architecture [`8a5faa1`](
- feat(core): blockquote component [`018013a`](
- feat(core): list component [`8758ede`](
- feat(core): button component [`c409529`](
- fix(core): codeblock styles and animatations [`b858e36`](
- feat(sounds): #101 loop bleeps multiple sources calls support [`53f067d`](
- feat(design): theme palette rays color variations [`9af453e`](
- feat(core): text component animation references [`eec675b`](
- feat(core): button animations [`462ff87`](
- feat(core): card transition animations [`f348173`](
- feat(design): theme outline setting [`d73d17f`](
- feat(core): table proper identification data structure [`9c3c225`](
- feat(design): all theme colors as basic/rays variations [`93fe1e6`](
- fix(core): text component dynamic render update [`aed369d`](
- feat(core): styles baseline component [`bc0c460`](
- feat(core): figure preload support [`274b3b5`](
- refactor(design): theme palette utils [`bfeb2bc`](
- fix(core): text typing bleep [`d6f376c`](
- feat(core): figure responsive images support [`0567b93`](
- feat(core): components common setup props [`0f42272`](
- chore(core): remove deprecated migrated components [`bf4226a`](
- feat(core): frameunderline shapes elements [`f2f13bb`](
- feat(core): stylesbaseline global form styles [`c01a4eb`](
- feat(core): arwes theme and provider [`e8723ad`](
- fix(sounds): #99 bleeps creation and update on player settings changes [`4048953`](
- docs: roadmap [`9612724`](
- feat(core): card landscape support [`ad3985d`](
- feat(core): button active support [`bed13c4`](
- fix(core): button animator duplication [`7efef35`](
- chore: deploy scripts [`7fc5b57`](
- refactor(core): text function names [`4f9049d`](
- feat(core): figure fluid support [`7b2cd57`](
- feat(design): theme palette creators [`232a448`](
- feat(core): frameunderline generic support [`fc8554f`](
- fix(core): text animated styles [`ee84907`](
- feat(animation): animator setupAnimateRefs mutiple parameter support [`b7ea6aa`](
- fix(animation): animator class settings manager support [`0c94b3c`](
- feat(design): update color contrast luminance utility [`15cfffe`](
- docs: packages sandboxes [`b43c12b`](
- chore: rename components sandboxes files [`01363cc`](
- feat(core): text component dynamic duration support [`abe29a8`](
- chore: husky settings [`33bb33e`](
- feat(sounds): #101 remove bleeps api methods to simplify component manipulation [`ddc5b68`](
- refactor(core): text animation functionalities [`d89a624`](
- fix(core): figure bleeps and sandboxes [`48674ce`](
- fix(sounds): #101 stop playing bleeps when recreated [`2e9fc29`](
- feat(core): text component root ref prop [`b87c660`](
- chore: update setup packages [`78dfcec`](
- build: fix typescript building scripts [`37475fb`](
- docs(core): table sandboxes [`4e31452`](
- fix(core): figure bleep names [`3567f4d`](
- fix(design): theme multipliers 0 support [`50109c8`](
- chore: changelog [`d1cee6a`](
- chore(release): v1.0.0-alpha.18 [`8e860dc`](
- fix(core): component classnames extension [`e2c18d2`](
- chore(playground): add sandbox generate random text utility [`6efa20d`](
- feat(core): appear transitions [`dbe31c1`](
- fix(animation): with animator hoc class settings combine support [`60274e2`](
- fix(core): packages peer dependencies [`f3007ae`](
- fix(sounds): bleep play loading states handling [`d3f104e`](
- chore: fix applications ui minor styles [`e827a55`](
- chore(website): roadmap [`cfb7651`](
- chore: project packages dependencies [`5da5b40`](
- fix(core): table theme context [`7459c97`](
- fix(core): card children overflow [`6a3bcf6`](
- feat(core): load image utility [`074ed80`](
- fix(core): text component animation exports [`8029d5b`](
- fix(animation): withAnimator output component types [`a56b733`](
- feat(core): theme transition duration setting [`94aa0c4`](
- fix(website): ui components [`26c2b01`](
- docs: project definition [`1b79274`](
- fix(core): text component classnames [`ca68721`](
- fix(core): table row animation [`bea7419`](
- chore(playground): components styles [`11d3ee9`](
- fix(core): package dependencies [`edac4fe`](
- chore: eslint settings [`e76d07f`](
- fix(core): figure fluid styles [`7563460`](
- docs(core): button public api [`782ee77`](
- chore: eslint settings [`c4456ea`](
- fix(design): theme typography form controls tags group [`4dc7ef1`](
- chore(core): packages [`ff9b880`](
- chore: deploy scripts environment [`b96b0f6`](
- fix(core): list animation exiting [`04fa8c5`](
- fix(core): stylesbaseline heading styles [`dedd185`](
- fix(core): text component clone element prevent selection [`9025173`](
- fix(sounds): with bleeps component name [`4cd8006`](
- fix(core): text bleep category [`6358972`](
- chore(playground): disable anime suspend when document hidden [`c1d09a4`](
- fix(playground): fix google analytics [`6c886e0`](
- fix(core): stylesbaseline global font styles [`b077f45`](
- feat(core): frame global class names [`7336cd8`](
- chore(playground): html file [`21b92c4`](
- fix(core): text animation dynamic styles [`58d2902`](
- chore(website): server development settings [`fc2db15`](
- fix(sounds): create or update bleeps recursion [`39908cb`](
- chore: project readme [`2d29fce`](
- chore: remove global unused package dependency [`cc29eba`](
- fix(core): figure styles [`8029c57`](
- chore(playground): bleeps names update [`43c4674`](
- chore(playground): sounds typing, readout, and figure [`3077b89`](
- chore(playground): wallpaper images [`97b1232`](
- chore: remove old arwes banner [`f695930`](
- chore(core): packages lock [`95bec0a`](
- chore: packages lock [`17b555f`](

### [v1.0.0-alpha.17](

> 27 January 2021
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