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EWU Senior Project - Faculty Book Ordering System

Deployment Instructions


First, ensure that all dependencies are installed:

  • Apache 2.4
  • PHP 5.6
  • MySQL 5.6

Application Configuration

Next, clone this repository to the web root of your apache installation. Then, go to the root of the project (where this file is located) and

  • Run php composer.phar install to install all of the packages needed for this application.
  • Copy .env.example to .env, and then modify the settings within.
    • DB_HOST, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, and DB_PASSWORD are the configuration for MySQL. Set these appropriately.
    • If deploying to production, set APP_ENV=production and APP_DEBUG=false
    • In order for email sending to function, the MAIL_ settings must be configured.
      • Set MAIL_HOST, MAIL_PORT, MAIL_USERNAME, MAIL_PASSWORD to an appropriate set of SMTP credentials.
    • If deploying to production, or if you need to test SSO, comment out CAS_PRETEND_USER.
    • Set GOOGLE_API_KEY to a valid Google API key for Google Books
    • Save and close the file.
  • Run php artisan key:generate
    • This will populate APP_KEY in your .env file.
  • Choose one of the following options to create the database:
    • If you would like to seed the database with data (highly recommended for testing, and crucial for an initial deployment), run php artisan migrate:refresh --seed. Be warned that this will drop all relevant tables and re-create them.
      • Don't worry if you see a lot of output while seeding that states things like "ELI 099-99 was not found" - this is normal.
    • Run php artisan migrate to simply generate the database without any seed data.
  • Ensure that Apache has full permissions to the storage directory of the project.
    • This includes execute permission. Cached version of the compiled Laravel blade templates are stored here, and they need to be executable.
    • This directory contains compiled views, sessions (if the session driver is set to 'file'), and caches (if the cache driver is set to 'file').
    • The following should get permissions set up sufficiently:
      • sudo chown -R www-data:www-data to set the appropriate owner and group of all the files in the project.
      • sudo chmod -R 755 storage/ to set the appropriate permissions for /storage.

PHP Configuration

This application requires the following PHP extensions. There is a good chance they are all already installed and enabled. Check phpinfo() output to check if any are missing. You can also check the output of php -m to see if they are installed.

  • OpenSSL PHP Extension (openssl)
    • Look for "OpenSSL support" in phpinfo()
  • PDO PHP Extension (PDO and pdo_mysql)
    • Look for "PDO drivers" in phpinfo()
  • Mbstring PHP Extension (mbstring)
    • Look for "Multibyte Support" in phpinfo()
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension (tokenizer)
    • Look for "Tokenizer Support" in phpinfo()
  • ZIP PHP Extension (for PHPExcel) (zip)
    • Look for "Libzip version" in phpinfo()
  • XML PHP Extension (for PHPExcel) (xml)
    • Look for "XML Support" in phpinfo()
  • CURL PHP Extension (curl)
    • Required for CAS (SSO) authentication
    • Look for "cURL support" in phpinfo()
    • Install it with apt-get install php5-curl if it isn't installed.
  • IMPORTANT: This application makes the assumption that data returned from MySQL will be of the correct types (as opposed to only strings). This means that the mysqlnd native driver is required. Install it with apt-get install php5-mysqlnd.
    • If you are using XAMPP locally, you already have it.

Apache Configuration

  • This part of this file assumes you have at least a basic understanding of apache and its configuration files. If you don't, go do some Googling and come back later.

  • Laravel, the framework used by this application, requires mod_rewrite. Enable it by running a2enmod rewrite.

    • If you are using XAMPP, ensure that LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ isn't commented out in your apache conf.
  • Set the DocumentRoot to the public directory in the root of the project.

  • Find the <Directory> directive that governs the document root (it may be in your base apache configuration, or in a VirtualHost), and set AllowOverride All. Laravel makes use of directory-specific .htaccess files, and will not work if this is not set.

  • Ensure that AccessFileName .htaccess is set.

  • Don't forget to restart Apache to apply the configuration changes!

  • Here is an example vhost:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
      ServerName localhost
      DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/sisyphus/public"
      <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/sisyphus/public">
        AllowOverride all


There are a few optimization steps that may be taken if this is a production deployment.

  • Run php artisan config:cache
    • If you update any configuration for the application, including what is in the .env file, you MUST re-run this command to apply your changes.
  • Run php artisan route:cache
    • If you update the contents of app/Http/routes.php, you MUST re-run this command to apply your changes.


The following is a brief primer on the structure of this project. If you would like to read more in-depth information about Laravel, I strongly recommend you read the Laravel 5.2 Documentation

Laravel is an MVC framework. Important components may be found in the following locations:

  • Error logs: /storage/logs

    • All errors that occur with the application will be logged here.
    • If APP_DEBUG is false, errors will not be reported in any detail to clients.
    • If APP_DEBUG is true, full stack traces will be sent back to clients.
  • Environment-specific configuration: /.env

    • Be aware of the Optimization section above if you modify this file.
  • All general configuration (which pulls from .env): /config/*.php

    • Be aware of the Optimization section above if you modify these files.
  • Models: /app/Models

  • Views: /resources/views

  • Controllers: /app/Http/Controllers

  • Routes: /app/Http/routes.php

  • Middleware: /app/Http/Middleware

    • Middleware is registered in /app/Http/Kernel.php
  • Static Resources (js/css/fonts/images): /public

  • Other important components of this project are the following:

    • CAS (SSO) authentication enforcement point: /app/Http/Middleware/CASAuth.php
      • The library used may be found in /vendor/xavrsl/cas


EWU Computer Science Book Ordering System, 2015






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