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ashmind edited this page Jun 3, 2011 · 4 revisions

Accessing the main interfaces

There are three primary interfaces in the API, each with a corresponding implementation:

Interface Purpose
IDecompiler Converts MethodInfo to expression tree.
IInliner Inlines method с alls and property accesses inside a given expression tree.
IDisassembler Converts method body to a list of Instructions.

There are two approaches to acquire them:
The recommended approach is to register Expressive classes/interfaces in your DI container and then resolve them.

public MyClass(IDecompiler decompiler) { ... }

The simple approach is using methods of the ExpressiveEngine class:


Note that ExpressiveEngine methods can be re-routed to DI container on just mocked as well, since they are actually Func<> fields.


This section describes methods of IDecompiler interface. For each interface method there is also an extension method that takes MethodBase instead of IManagedMethod.

LambdaExpression Decompile(IManagedMethod method);

Produces a LambdaExpression that has same number of arguments as your original method if it was static, or one additional first argument of type corresponding to method owner instance type. Essentially, person.get_FullName becomes (Person this) => this.FirstName + " " + this.LastName.

Expression Decompile(IManagedMethod method, IList<Expression> arguments);

Produces an expression where all argument references (including first argument this if method was not static) are substituted. For example, if you had p.FullName where p was an external method parameter, you can use it to produce p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName (though you might consider IInliner instead).

TODO: put this information into XML doc comments.



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