THE 40 YEAR-OLD VIRGIN       Written by     Vlad Nikolaev         Based on, If Any                                             Address Phone Number 1. ESTABLISHING SHOT 1 EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - MORNING 1 We reveal a nondescript apartment complex in North Hollywood California. It is not nice or ugly. It looks like every other pleasant -looking apartment complex in the valley. 2 INT. APARTMENT - MORNING 2 ANDY STITZER, a boyish looking forty year old man, is asleep. His clock radio goes off. It is playing oldies, which now consists of rock ‘n' roll from the mid eighties. MUSIC UP: "Heat Of the Moment" by Asia. Andy sits up in bed. Not happy, not unhappy, just another day. 3 INT. LIVING ROOM - MORNING 3 Andy is doing his morning workout. He is doing bench presses. He lifts an enormous amount of weight. His face is very kind, and vulnerable, almost emotionless, but his body is ripped. On a book shelf Andy has an impressive array of action figures and comic books, all in their original packaging, None of his vintage toys have been opened. 4 EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING - MORNING 4 Andy steps out of his apartment and unlocks his bicycle. His neighbors, JOE and SARA, in their mid-eighties, wave to him as he pedals off. 5 EXT. STREET - MORNING 5 Andy, dressed in khaki slacks and a white dress shirt, rides his bicycle to work. ESTABLISHING SHOT 6 EXT. CIRCUIT CITY - MORNING 6 Andy rides his bike into the parking lot of a mini-mall. The mini-mall consists of a dozen stores on two stories. 2. There is a Barnes and Noble book store, a Daily Grill restaurant, a nail salon, a children's gym and a video store, but the centerpiece is an enormous Circuit City. 7 INT. CIRCUIT CITY 7 Andy walks inside. He says hello to people as he heads toward the stock room. Everyone politely says hello back but it is clear he has no close relationships here. He takes his place at a desk which is in an opening between the showroom and the stock room. People come to him with their receipts to get their items pulled from the stock room and delivered to their cars. 8 INT. CURCUIT CITY - RATER 8 Andy is stamping a female CUSTOMER'S receipt. PUNJAB, an Indian salesman, is standing nearby. PUNJAB It has been an honor doing business with you. Enjoy your new television. Watch River Runs Through It, it looks amazing on this thing. ANDY Cal will you please help this woman bring her stereo to her car. CAL, a pudgy twenty two year-old white man walks out of the stock room. CAL (not meaning it) I'd love to. He picks up the customer's television and walks with the woman to her car. 9 INT. CIRCUIT CITY 9 Andy is walking across the showroom floor, headed for the bathroom. He is stopped by JAY, a tall, handsome 25 year-old salesman, who is working a 40 year-old black female customer. JAY 3. Andy knows all about this stuff. What is the main reason a flat- screen is better than a rear projection? ANDY The viewing angle is far better on a flat-screen. Due to the liquid crystal display, you can watch it from any part of the room, and it's a much better resolution. JAY So sure, you'll save a couple bucks with rear-projection, but you have more than two people over, they're gonna have to sit on your lap to watch TV. But maybe you like that! The woman laughs. Andy keeps walking. A very attractive young woman steps in his path. He looks terrified. ATTRACTIVE WOMAN Could you help me? ANDY No. ATTRACTIVE WOMAN But you work here. ANDY Yes. I'm not a salesman. I stamp invoices. ATTRACTIVE WOMAN I just have a quick question about CD players. ANDY (quickly) Punjab or Abujay will be happy to help you. They're very nice. I'm. on a bathroom break. DAVID, a young, shorter salesman quickly runs up to the woman. DAVID May I help you? ATTRACTIVE WOMAN 4. Are you Punjab? Punjab walks over. PUNJAB I am Punjab. I am here to serve you. DAVID I was talking to her. PUNJAB I am Punjab, I am here to serve you, Andy keeps walking. David and Punjab get into it. 10 INT. BATHROOM 10 Andy breathes deeply, recovering from the interaction with this pretty woman. 11 INT. CIRCUIT CITY - LATER 11 Andy is at his post. David, Jay, and Cal are a few feet away, having a conversation. CAL What about Andy? JAY He doesn't have any money. DAVID Well, we can't play poker without at least four guys. JAY All right. But he's gotta bring at least 50 bucks, or it's not worth it. (to Andy) Hey Andy, are you busy tonight? Andy is taken aback at the question. Although he's friendly with them, they never invite him out to social engagements - ANDY Do we have to break down the Sony truck? DAVID 5. No, we're gonna play poker. You wanna play poker? ANDY Uh, yeah, sure, that'd be cool. JAY You know how to play? ANDY I play on-line. DAVID Well it's just like that, except with real people. ANDY (trying to be hip) So, uh, where's this going down? DAVID My house. I'll get you the address. ANDY Cool, very cool. Should I bring some stogies? Some liquor? DAVID Could you stop off at Boston Market and pick us up some chicken? Three extra crispy, one original, two with fries, and two with mashed potatoes, extra gravy. Each one with corn on the cob. ANDY Okay. DAVID I'm just fucking with you. ANDY I know. You think I'll pick up you losers chicken? I'll see you guys at the game .... but do you need food? DAVID No. JAY I hope he has money. 6. 12 INT. DAVID'S APARTMENT - MIDNIGHT 12 The four are playing poker. Most of the chips are in front of Andy, who is a little too dressed up for this event. JAY How much fuckin' online poker do you play? ANDY Just an hour or two a night. When I'm not on Sims. CUT TO: 13 INT. DAVID'S APARTMENT - LATER 13 DAVID (throws down ONE chip) Well, Andy, at least I feel like I've gotten to know you better, since you spent the last three hours fucking me in the ass. They all laugh. ANDY (giggling) I didn't fuck you in the ass. Guys, this has been fun. Give me a call anytime, I'm wide open. CAL You know what a gentleman does after he beats other gentleman? He takes them out for liquor. ANDY I'm game. JAY I have to get out of here. I'm meeting Ellen. CAL A little late night action. DAVID So you just go to her place at night and bone her and leave? And she has no problem with that? JAY 7. No, she loves it. DAVID How come I can't get one of those? JAY Do you really want me to explain it' to you? Because I will. DAVID Shut up. JAY This girl is the best. She will do anything. There is no filter between what she wants and doing it. Everything is on the table. She-is-game. ANDY Sign me up for that. I'm in! CAL I have got to get laid. It's been too long. JAY How long? CAL Like four months DAVID Who was the last one? CAL Jill. She was awesome. She had these huge titties. Oh, I used to love to bite them. I didn't even want to have sex, I could bite those titties all night. DAVID What happened to her? CAL She was an asshole. She was mean. She was a miserable person, but X so regret breaking up with her. DAVID Why did you break up with her? CAL 8. I felt like we were in different places in our lives. JAY Yeah, you were in this place where you were having trouble getting a job and she was in this place where she hated your fat ass! CAL Basically. I miss those titties. ANDY Titties are the best. DAVID I had this girlfriend, she loved the fellatio. Anywhere we went, she would want to do it. CAL Why didn't you marry her? DAVID We went to see Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. And she's going for it, and the guy who worked there saw us, but he didn't stop it, he just watched. It was so gross. And then I couldn't finish... JAY Wait a second, was that Ace one or Ace two? DAVID It was the JAY This story is over ten years old. You don't have a sex story that happened in this millennium. DAVID Fuck you. CAL That is lame. ANDY Ah, unbelievable. So lame. DAVID 9. Then you give us a good sex story, Andy. Andy is stopped in his tracks. ANDY I don't kiss and tell. JAY Come on, give us a good, dirty one. The dirtiest thing you've ever done. ANDY I can't. I'm a gentleman. CAL Give me a break. You're a freak. I can tell. DAVID Lay one on us. ANDY (after a breath) Ok...well....I went with this girl, she loved having sex. She was so into it. We would have sex and she'd be screaming, "I love it." It was so dirty. We had sex in every room in the house. The bathroom. It was like you guys were saying. She wanted to do it on the kitchen table. I came home and she was on the kitchen table naked 'cause she just wanted me to nail her... DAVID And did you nail her? ANDY I nailed her so bad. We were swinging from the chandelier. She was crazy. It was never enough with her. Never enough. JAY What was her name? ANDY Tan-dra. Man it was so crazy. CAL Sounds crazy. 10. ANDY I am embarrassed to even talk about it. God, I was really into it, too. It was so much fun. DAVID Did you like to talk during sex? ANDY She was talking the whole time. I was hitting it big time. Just hitting it. She could barely walk the next day. Me so horny. They all laugh, and look at each other, realizing Andy is full of shit. JAY So you really used to do her? ANDY Oh, I did her so bad. JAY What were her tits like? ANDY They were good. Good tits. CAL Her nipples? ANDY Yeah. Nipples. DAVID What were they like? ANDY They were good ones. JAY Give us some details. Were they long nips? Flat nips? Dark areolas? Were they big silver dollar nips? ANDY They were like a dollar. Like ten dollars. DAVID What? CAL 11. Huh? ANDY Like ten times a night. DAVID Ten times. ANDY Maybe twenty. JAY Do you last a long time? ANDY Oh yeah. CAL How long? ANDY An hour. DAVID Of screwing. ANDY Yeah. Sometimes a little less. JAY So ten times would take at least ten hours. Do you rest in between? ANDY No. I don't need to. DAVID You start right up. ANDY Why not. Why waste time? CAL So sex with you could take a whole day. ANDY Yeah. More even. DAVID Do you use protection? ANDY Sometimes. I don't really need to. 12. CAL Do you use a rubber, or a sponge? ANDY I always use a sponge. Sometimes two at a time. What do you guys use? ALL Sponge. JAY Did you get a lot of back door action? DAVID Come on, that's enough. ANDY That's cool. We did back door. Side door. We were doing all the doors. (joking) And a couple of windows. JAY You have no idea what we're talking about. ANDY Sure I do. JAY (laughing) Oh my God. ANDY What? JAY You're a fucking virgin. ANDY What? Shut up. Yeah, okay. Tell Tandra that. If.I'm a virgin Tandra's a virgin, too. JAY You are. ANDY Not since I was ten, my friend. JAY Unbelievable. 13. ANDY Ha. That's funny. This is fun. When did you guys lose your virginity? JAY No, no, no. You've never popped your cherry. DAVID Leave him alone. JAY What? DAVID Don't be mean. JAY I'm not being mean. He's a virgin. I want to help him. I want to get him laid. CAL Yes. Let's get Andy laid. ANDY Come on guys. Very funny. JAY I am gonna make it my mission to get you laid. DAVID Be cool. JAY I am gonna be Andy's best friend. I'm Andy's pimp. We're gonna change your life, CUT TO; 14 INT. ANDY'S APARTMENT 14 He is pacing around furiously. It looks like he is talking to his unwrapped action figures. ANDY They know, they know, they know. They'll forget by tomorrow. They were just screwing around. (beat) Oh no! Dammit. Oh no. Oh no. 14. 15 INT. CIRCUIT CITY - NEXT DAY 15 Andy walks in, hoping nobody remembers. ANDY Good morning, David. DAVID Morning, Andy. ANDY Good morning, Cal. CAL Good morning. He sees Jay. Oh no. ANDY Jay. JAY Morning, Andy. Andy smiles. They forgot. It is in the past. Haziz walks up to Andy, ANDY Morning, Haziz. HAZIZ We've got to get you some pussy. (turns to female salesman) This boy needs to get laid. ANDY Good morning, Debra. Andy runs to the stockroom, and closes the door, and breathes deeply, almost hyperventilating. Jay walks in. JAY Tonight, after work, you're coming out with us. And it's gonna happen. He exits. Andy is white as a ghost. CUT TO: 16 EXT. STREET - DAY 16 15. Andy is running down the street at full speed. We see David is chasing him. He finally catches up to him on the median strip of Ventura Blvd. DAVID Andy, stop. Just talk to me. You're gonna get killed out here. They sit on the center divider. ANDY I don't want to go out with you guys. DAVID Just relax, you don't have to do anything. ANDY I'm busy tonight. I have plans. DAVID You don't have to go out with us tonight if you don't want to. ANDY I'm forty years old, you can't tell me what to do. DAVID Andy. Just relax. ANDY This is bullshit. This is total bullshit, man. DAVID I'm sorry. ANDY You've invaded my privacy. This isn't funny. It's my life. I'm fine. My life is fine. DAVID Okay. It's fine. We just thought, maybe you needed a little push. ANDY I don't need a push. You ever think that some people find sex sacred? It's not a game. This is a choice. DAVID 16. To be a virgin. I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were so religious. ANDY Well, I am. Okay I'm not. But it's my own personal choice. DAVID Okay, but why would you make that choice? Andy starts crying, his is mouth open in a silent scream, but no noise come out. DAVID Breathe Andy, breathe. ANDY There's more to life than sex. I don't need sex. Why is that so important to everyone? What's the big deal? DAVID If you're happy with the way your life is, then fine, but you have to ask yourself, are you happy? Don't you ever wonder if there's something more out there? ANDY I lead a pretty full life. QUICK FLASHES OF ANDY'S LIFE --Working out --Buying action figures --Building an elaborate model --Going to sleep. The clock says 9:15 PM. BACK TO SCENE ANDY What am I missing? DAVID 17. I don't know. You're not just missing out on sex, you're missing out on relationships. How often do you even leave your apartment? What about friends and love and taking chances? And most of all, you're missing out on sex. What are you crazy, that's the best thing on earth. You can't live your entire life and not experience that. Hiding from that is shutting’ you down from everything else. ANDY You know, we've been working together for three years, and I think this is the first time we've ever had a conversation that lasted longer than fifteen seconds. DAVID See, good things are happening already. ANDY So what can I do? DAVID Come out with us tonight. No pressure. We'll just have some fun. ANDY I don't want to have sex with anyone tonight. DAVID Don't worry. You won't have sex with anyone tonight. 17 EXT. CITY STREET - DAY 17 Andy is walking home. Everything he sees seems sexual. It is as if he has seen all of this for his entire life but never noticed it before. He sees-- A normal looking middle aged WOMAN walking down the street. He looks away as if she is pure sex. A gorgeous eighteen year old GIRL with no bra and a low cut T-shirt. 18. He turns away and tries to hide at a newsstand. He looks down. QUICK CUTS--every cover is of a gorgeous, busty woman. He walks away and stops at a bus stop, just wanting to get home. The bus pulls up and on the side of it is a billboard of a perfume ad with a naked man and a naked woman. We only see their bodies, no faces. It could not be dirtier. Andy panics and starts running down the street. As he runs the bus pulls out and is driving at the same rate of speed- as Andy. He can not escape this dirty billboard no matter how fast he runs. Finally the bus stops at the next light and he loses it, but immediately a new bus drives parallel to him with an even dirtier billboard of a couple, bodies naked and intertwined, clearly doing something he's never done. Andy cuts right and starts running through a neighborhood - He cuts through houses and lawns. He sees two DOGS having furious sex on a lawn. He cuts into the woods and runs and runs. 18 INT. ANDY'S APARTMENT 18 Andy runs in and closes the door. He lies down on his bed and turns on the TV. He channel surfs. Every commercial and program has something filthy on it. -A soap opera with people kissing. -A commercial for Viagra. -Paris Hilton almost naked on Entertainment Tonight. -Teenagers making out on MTV. -A dirty rap video with tons of barely dressed women and a ripped rapper. He shuts the TV and closes his eyes as tightly as humanly possible. Suddenly we hear the sounds of his elderly neighbors laughing, then having very loud sex. The wall behind Andy bangs and shakes. Then stops. Then bangs and shakes even louder. Andy runs into the bathroom. 19 INT. BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS 19 19. Andy turns on the water, flushes the toilet, puts his fingers in his ears and closes his eyes. ANDY (to himself.) Everything's gonna be ok. Everything is gonna be ok. 20 INT. BAR - NIGHT 20 Jay, David, and Cal are talking to an overdressed Andy. JAY David told me to be sensitive, so I am going to be sensitive with you. It is important that you lose your virginity, you are forty years old. Enough is enough. This is a hump you just need to get over. Are you ready to try? ANDY David said I didn't have to have sex tonight. JAY David was wrong. You do. DAVID Come on, Jay. ANDY Tonight? No. JAY Yes, tonight. What's the difference between tonight and any other night? ANDY Ok, I'll try, but... CAL It's easy. Just do what I do. Only hit on drunk chicks. ANDY I can't take advantage of someone when they're drunk. CAL 20. It's not taking advantage of them. People drink so that they have an excuse to do the things they really want to do. DAVID That's why I drink...and smoke pot... ANDY I don't know. This doesn't feel right. JAY Yes, you do know. You've got to get this behind you. And it all starts now. CUT TO: 21 INT. BAR - LATER 21 Andy, Jay, David and Cal are huddled. Jay hands Andy a beer. JAY Just walk up to a woman, but if she's not drunk, just move on. It's not worth wasting your time. Andy walks around the bar, scoping out women. ANGLE ON A table filled with pretty, young women. WOMAN# 1 I just need to get laid tonight. It's as simple as that. WOMAN#2 You've been working so hard at work, you deserve to just have some fun. You never do anything wild. WOMAN# 1 Tonight I'm going wild. The first nice guy that even talks to me, I'm gonna take him home and rock his world. WOMAN#2 You go, girl. 21. Andy walks up to the table. ANDY Good evening, ladies. LADIES Good evening. Hi. The other woman move off so Woman #1 can talk to Andy. They give her the eye like "this is the one." ANDY How are you doing tonight? WOMAN# 1 Great. And you? ANDY Never better. Can I buy you a few drinks? WOMAN#1 I'm not really much of a drinker. But why don't you sit down? ANDY No thanks. It was nice to meet you though. Have a good night. He walks away. She doesn't understand what just happened. ANDY (to David) She wasn't drunk. Man, this is gonna be hard. CUT TO: 22 INT. BAR - LATER 22 CLOSE UP: ANDY ANDY I like what I do, I just don't know if managing a stock room is what I dreamed of doing when i was in high school. We pull out and reveal that he is talking to a DRUNK WOMAN who is passed out, face down on the bar. David walks over. 22. DAVID (looks at the girl) That's drunk. ANDY Oh, ok. DAVID Come hang out with us. We're partying with these girls who are having a bachelorette party. ANDY Are men allowed at those? DAVID Shut up. Come on. As Andy walks away, he turns to the drunk woman. ANDY It was nice talking to you. Have a good night. 23 INT. BAR - LATER 23 The guys are hanging out with eight drunk women, who are throwing their friend JILL a bachelorette party. The table is littered with empty glasses and filthy adult novelty items. Jay is playing with one of the vibrators. He talks into it like it is a phone. JAY Mr. President. We have a situation in the erection room. Everyone is laughing hysterically. Cal has edible underwear on his face and he is eating through it. CAL It tastes like chicken. They are laughing so hard, as only drunken people can laugh at semi-humorous jokes. DAVID This guy will eat underwear that's not even edible. They laugh. Andy puts a huge fake penis on his head, trying to join in on the fun. 23. ANDY Hey, look at me. I have a huge penis on my head. They give him a look and a little chuckle, then go back to their business. CUT TO: 24 INT. BAR - LATER 24 It is a little quieter now. Everyone is a little drunk, except Andy who holds the same beer which he has not taken a sip out of. Andy is talking to a pretty blonde, NICKY. NICKY (drunk) The guy Robin's marrying, Jimmy, is such a good guy. I hated him for two years cause he cheated on this other friend of mine. But he's really changed. He's a good guy now. ANDY That's good that she's marrying a good guy. NICKY She deserves it. We all do. We've all been friends since we were six. Isn't that sick? ANDY That's nice to have good friends you've known for a long time. NICKY You have kind eyes. ANDY Thank you. You have — She kisses him hard on the mouth. Lots of tongue. When it ends, Andy looks like he doesn't know where he is. NICKY This is getting lame. Let's get out of here. 24. Before Andy can say anything, she pulls him up and is walking him towards the exit. Andy looks back at his friends, who are so excited that they are high fiving and giving him the thumbs up. 25 EXT. BAR 25 ANDY and NICKY are getting into NICKY's car. NICKY Are you drunk? ANDY No, not really. NICK Blow into this. NICKY holds up a rubber hose that is somehow attached to the dashboard. ANDY (Not understanding.) ...Sure, OK. ANDY blows into the rubber tube. NICKY puts the keys in the ignition and starts the car. NICKY Thanks! Off of ANDY'S confused look we cut to: 26 INT. CAR 26 NICKY is driving. NICKY (mid-conversation) ...He's like, "You are such a B-I- T-C-H,“ pardon my French, and I'm like, "Shut up, you loser." "I hate your guts." "I hate your fucking guts." Pardon my French. You know what I mean? God, I hate people who are stupid assholes. They are such assholes. You know? ANDY Yeah, I hate that. Ass... NICKY 25. Who's your name again? NICKY is clearly drunk. ANDY Andy. NICKY Andy, let me tell you something. Don't ever be named Dan. Because Dan is a jerk name. ANDY Okay. NICKY I am Total Cereal. Dan is a bad person name. Dan rhymes with man and men jerk off, and he was a jerk off. You know what I mean? ANDY I think so. NICKY'S driving becomes increasingly erratic. ANDY (noticeably uncomfortable) So where do you live? NICKY Not with jerk-o. No fuckin' way, baby. I did my time. He's someone else's problem now...Do you think I'm pretty? She turns to ask the question and runs through a red light. Two cars narrowly avoid a crash. ANDY is' quickly appreciating the danger of this situation. ANDY (reaction to near miss) Oh, God. Yes. Crap. NICKY Look at me. You're not looking at me. Come on. Look at my face. Do you think I am pretty? 26. NICKY is looking at ANDY. Her eyes don't even glance at the road. ANDY'S eyes are glued to the road, filled with abject terror. NICKY (screaming) LOOK AT ME! ANDY (screaming) YOU'RE PRETTY. YOU'RE SO PRETTY. I WANT TO LIVE. NICKY Thank you. You know if you men would just offer up a nice compliment like that every once in a while, there would be no poverty. ANDY looks puzzled. NICKY You're cute. Kiss my mouth. ANDY doesn't move NICKY Get over here. NICKY forcefully pulls him to her. ANDY is now practically sitting on NICKY'S lap. He looks down the road, she looks at him. NICKY I like you. You're not a jag... She pauses to vomit a little in her mouth. NICKY ...Off. NICKY kisses him. ANDY Maybe I should drive. NICKY (playfully) You don't know where I live. ANDY You could tell me. 27. NICKY Hey, that's awfully forward of you. NICKY begins tonguing ANDY'S ear. ANDY (laughing) That tickles! ANDY is now trying to help NICKY steer the car. She is giggling while tonguing, he alternates between laughter and paralyzing fear as the car narrowly avoids striking pedestrians, other cars, trees etc. Finally, NICKY looks up. NICKY (casually) Oh, this is me. NICKY pulls the steering wheel hard and the car does a complete 360 and comes screeching to a halt between two parked cars, in front of a nondescript apartment building. NICKY We're here. NICKY looks deep into ANDY'S eyes. NICKY My Mom's staying over tonight, so let's just do it here. NICKY starts to take off her shirt. ANDY Maybe I should be moseying home. NICKY starts to cry. She then abruptly begins to laugh. Then she vomits on ANDY. NICKY I am so sorry. I think I ate some bad shellfish sandwich. NICKY continues to take off her clothes and kiss Andy. NICKY Hurry up, then we can get breakfast. ANDY is clearly repulsed and traumatized. 28. ANDY I really need to get going. We see that NICKY has vomit on her cheek. NICKY Ok, fine, your loss. ANDY I'm just gonna go, I think. Thank you. I had a really nice time. NICKY I'll give you a lift. NICKY puts the car in drive and smashes into the parked car three feet in front. The second car hits a fire hydrant which then blasts water through the open window of a nearby apartment. NICKY Oh my God! I can't believe that I smashed my neighbor's car, and that his car ran over the fire hydrant, and that the fire hydrant ruined the inside of that apartment...not again. You have to switch places with me. ANDY What? NICKY If this goes on my record, I'll lose my licence, I won't be able to get to work, I'll lose my job. NICKY starts to cry again. NICKY Please ... PLEASE! PLEASE... Mr. "Not ' Dan Guy." In the distance, we hear sirens and see the glow of flashing lights. NICKY Just change seats with me. Please, "Not Dan Guy." ANDY I don't want to get into trouble. NICKY 29. You won't "Not Dan," you won't. Do you have a record? ANDY No... NICKY Then you'll be fine, believe me, I know how this works. They'll act all serious and scary, and then they'll let you off with a warning. (beat) And don't act suspicious, there's a gun under your seat. It's my ex's. They quickly switch seats. A POLICE OFFICER leans his head into the car. ANDY Good evening, Officer. POLICE OFFICE Everyone alright here? NICKY He was driving the car. He said he was fine to drive. (to Andy) Liar! Off of Andy's shocked look we... CUT TO: 27 INT. HOLDING CELL - NIGHT 27 The cell is small and is packed with at least thirty hardcore looking criminals. We hear them cursing at each other. It sounds like a gang fight is about to explode. The camera pans across the faces and finally finds Andy, looking terrified and slightly bruised. 28 INT. CIRCUIT CITY - MORNING 28 Andy is in a rage as he complains to David, Jay and Cal--who can't stop laughing. ANDY It's not funny. DAVID 30. Tf it wasn't you, you would admit it was funny. ANDY You know why it happened? Karma. You don't hit on drunk girls. It's not right. CAL It's so right. ANDY There's got to be a better way that works. CAL I haven't found it. JAY We didn't tell you to switch seats with her when the cops came. ANDY I was trying to be a gentleman. DAVID Why did you even let her drive in the first place? ANDY Because I wasn't thinking straight. You got me so rewed up about (whispers) Having sex (normal voice) That I didn't use my brain. CAL Sounds like you didn't use anything else. Did anything eventful happen? ANDY She threw up on me. They explode with laughter. ANDY Keep laughing, because this is over. JAY Easy. No it's not. We just need a new approach. 31. DAVID How about..,and I know this sounds crazy..we set him up with girls that haven't been drinking heavily? JAY I don't know. ANDY Well I do. I want to meet a nice girl. Maybe even someone I actually like. I am not an animal. I do not want to prey on people. I want to find someone who will like me for who I am. JAY First of all I think that's a mistake. But if that's what you want, then we are gonna have to make some changes with you. Some real changes. MUSIC UP: MONTAGE OF ANDY GETTING A MAKEOVER 29 INT. HAIR SALON - DAY 29 Andy is getting a haircut. When he looks at his haircut, it is meant to be short and a little European, but the coolness of the haircut makes him look silly. The guys look at it and smile. Andy looks happy with it. 30 INT. HAIR WAXING STATION - DAY 30 Andy lays on his stomach on a table. A WOMAN pours hot wax on his back, lets it dry for a moment, then RIPS it off -- leaving a huge strip of whiter-than-white skin in the middle of his hairy back. QUICK CUTS *She strips off several more hunks of hair from his back and chest. *We see tears of pain coming down Andy's face. This could not hurt more. *Finally Andy, red faced and miserable, stops her as she is about to pull off a huge strip. 32. He gets up and starts putting on his shirt. Only two thirds of his body hair has been removed, and he looks insane. 31 INT. CHESS KING MEN'S STORE - DAY 31 Andy comes out of the dressing room wearing a Eurotrash shirt. The guys like it. He is a new man. CUT TO: 32 EXT. MINI MALL - DAY 32 Jay, Andy and David are walking to get coffees. JAY You look good. DAVID Better than good. Oddly good. JAY Now you need to learn how to talk to women. ANDY I get nervous and I lock up. I never know what to say. JAY The key is, you don't say anything. Make them talk. ANDY How do you do that? JAY Just ask them questions. Girls love talking. Let them. ANDY What if they ask me a question? JAY Then answer their question with a question. DAVID It makes you seem mysterious. You talk too much about yourself, you look needy. Put them on the spot. 33. They walk by Brentano's book store. There is a pretty BLONDE in her mid-twenties putting books on a shelf. JAY Go give it a test run. Andy hesitates. David pushes him. Andy relents. 33 INT. BRENTANO'S - CONT. 33 Andy walks inside and approaches the blonde woman. He looks at her .badge, which says BETH on it. She turns and sees Andy. He acts very confident. BETH Can I help you? ANDY I don't know. Can you? She smiles. BETH Are you looking for something? ANDY Is there something I should be looking for? She is instantly on the spot. For the first time, he actually has the upper hand. BETH We got a lot of great new books in. ■ It depends on what you like? ANDY What do you like? BETH Me? I don't know. ANDY Do you know? BETH To tell you the truth, I don't read much. So I can recommend a book, but I would just be...bullshitting. ANDY Thanks for not bullshitting me...? 34. BETH Beth. And what's your name? ANDY It's Andrew. BETH Don’t tell on me, Andrew. ANDY I won't. Unless you want to be told on? She smiles. He walks out, cock of the walk. His friends, who have been listening, walk out after him. 34 EXT. MINI MALL - MOMENTS LATER 34 JAY That was incredible. ANDY It felt good, not having to talk much. DAVID That's the key. Make them feel weird so you don't have to. JAY You like her? ANDY Yeah, but...she can't be the one. DAVID Why not? ANDY ‘Cause it will be bad with the first one. What if I want to,..make her my girlfriend? She won't do that if it's... terrible. JAY Now he wants a girlfriend? I like this. We're making some progress. 35 INT. ANDY'S HOME ~ DUSK 35 Andy is cleaning up the already clean apartment when the doorbell rings. He answers it. It is David. 35. ANDY Hey. How did you know where I lived? DAVID It's on the staff list at work. What, you're not going to invite me in? Andy lets David in. David is carrying a plastic bag. DAVID I just came by because I was thinking, it seems like you have kind of shut yourself down...sexually speaking, and I wanted to help you open yourself up again. ANDY I don't know. I am not into that. DAVID What? No. Are you serious? ANDY What? DAVID What did you mean? ANDY Nothing. DAVID I just brought some movies and stuff over that I thought would help that side of yourself. CUT TO: 36 INT. ANDY'S APARTMENT - DUSK 36 They are watching TV. They both sit on the couch, but at far opposite sides. ON THE TV The dirty scene from The Blue Lagoon. DAVID This is good, huh? 36. Andy looks really uncomfortable. CUT TO: ON THE TV The Brittany Spears "Slave" video. The Christina Aguilera "Dirty" video. Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone have sex in 'Basic Instinct.' Michael Douglas and Glenn Close have sex in 'Fatal Attraction.' Michael Douglas and Demi Moore have sex in 'Disclosure.' ANGLE ON ANDY AND DAVID DAVID This has got to be working for you. Do you feel the animal in you coming back to life? Is the bear waking up from his hibernation? Andy can't handle it anymore. He takes the tape out and hands it to Andy. ANDY I think you should go now. I am getting very uncomfortable. DAVID Don't act like I am the weird one. This is how God created us. To be horny. You are denying his wishes. ANDY I am not denying anything, I just think you should go now. DAVID Andy, you are 'like all of these action figures you collect. He pulls a GI Joe off of the wall. It is in its original box. DAVID You are all sealed up, in the original packaging. You've never let your true self out. David opens up the box. Andy squeals. 37. ANDY You are not supposed to open that. DAVID Yes you are, so you can play with it. David pulls GI Joe's pants down, revealing a smooth flat crotch area. DAVID Don't wind up like Joe here. You stay in the box too long and your dick falls off. ANDY He never had a dick! David exits. DAVID You did. Once. What happened? Andy closes the door on him. He paces around his house. FLASHBACK We see Andy as a TEENAGER. He lays on a bed as a gorgeous young GIRL takes her top off and then jumps on him. GIRL I can't believe you haven't done this yet. You are gonna love it. She stops and suddenly looks disappointed and a little annoyed. GIRL Jesus Andy, what's the matter with you? ANDY Nothing, I just got excited. Wait, it'll happen again. GIRL Not with me. I am not gonna have sex with someone who is done before I take my shirt off. ANDY I'm sorry. VI XTCJJ 38. You should be. I was gonna fuck your brains out. PRESENT DAY Andy paces around. He realizes that David left some of his tapes there. He puts one in. ON THE TV The film 9 1/2 Weeks. ANGLE ON ANDY It is clear what he is about to do. ANGLE ON THE TV The sex scene with all the food plays out. CLOSE UP OF ANDY'S FACE He smiles, totally relaxed and relieved. CUT TO: 37 EXT. APARTMENT - NIGHT 37 David is knocking on Andy's door. The door opens and Andy is standing there looking like he just had the greatest orgasm of his life. His face looks completely relaxed, he walks as if he has no energy left in his body. DAVID (looks at him) My God, I have been gone for one minute. I just got to my car and realized I forgot some of my movies. ANDY I'll get them for you. DAVID No. You can keep them. ANDY I'm sorry. DAVID Nothing to be sorry about. Mission accomplished. You are alive!!! 39. 38 EXT. ALL STAR SPORTS BAR - PARKING LOT 38 Andy, Jay, Cal and David are walking from their cars to the restaurant. There is a huge banner hanging on the building which says, "WELCOME SPEED DATERS." ANDY Speed dating? I don't know. JAY It's just like regular dating, but you eliminate all of the fat. The talking and the waiting for the lights to come on to see if she's good looking. DAVID You get two minutes with each girl. You meet twenty girls in forty five minutes. It would take you a year to meet that many women. CAL More like a decade. He laughs and lifts his hand for a high five. Nobody high fives him. CAL That wasn't so bad. ANDY I'm scared. I don't do well under pressure. JAY Just do what I told you to do. Ask them questions. Put them on the spot. JAY You have a better chance of getting them to like you if they are feeling awkward and insecure about themselves. CAL All I need is for one girl in twenty to dig me. I can work with these odds. DAVID 40. When it's over you tell them which girls you like, they tell you if any of those girls want to get to know you better. And if there are any matches you guys exchange phone numbers. Or emails. I'm not sure. ANDY Do you think this will work? DAVID Any girl who does this must be desperate, so we are in luck. ANDY (to Jay) Don't you have a girlfriend? JAY Not today. 39 INT. ALL STAR SPORTS BAR - MOMENTS LATER 39 All of our guys are sitting at different tables. There are twenty tables and a man and a woman sit at each table. A BUZZER GOES OFF ON ANDY'S TABLE Andy is talking to a BITTER WOMAN. ANDY Hi, my name is Andy. What's your name? BITTER WOMAN My last boyfriend was a cheating asshole. I hope you're not like that. ANDY I don't think I am. BITTER WOMAN I am just sick of the bullshit. ANDY I'm sick of the bullshit. BITTER WOMAN Fucking men. 41. ANDY You are preaching to the converted. BUZZER GOES OFF All of the people move one table over, switching partners. Andy looks over to his friends, terrified. CAL (to Andy) Isn't this awesome?! ANDY No! ON JAY'S TABLE Jay talks to a gorgeous BORING GIRL. BORING GIRL But I don't see myself as a model, I am much more creative than that. But I like to travel and it gives me time to focus on my writing. I am writing a book about modeling. Jay stares at her body. JAY You are fascinating. She smiles. BUZZER ON CAL'S TABLE Cal is talking to an unattractive FIFTY YEAR OLD WOMAN who looks like a butch lesbian. Me looks miserable. BUTCH LESBIAN So I said to myself, maybe I do like guys. How will I know if I don't ever give it a shot? Maybe it's not as gross as I thought it was. BUZZER ON DAVID'S TABLE David is talking to a BLACK WOMAN. For some reason he is talking like a gangster. 42. DAVID (like a Wigger) And I don't play that shit, dog. I'm all about the benjamins. Treating my woman real good. Giving her the sweet bling bling. I don't mess with no ho's either. No bitches for this player. I love ladies with a capitol Lizz-el. What up with you? When the black woman replies she speaks in a normal, educated fashion. BLACK WOMAN Well, I see what you are saying, and I appreciate your candor, but I have one question. What the fuck are you talking about?! BUZZER ON CAL'S TABLE Cal is talking to a VERY YOUNG WOMAN. They are getting along great. CAL You are so sweet. We should go out some time. VERY YOUNG GIRL I would love to, but not on a school night. This is my junior year of high school and I need to keep my grades up if I want to get into a good college. CAL How old are you? VERY YOUNG GIRL Sixteen, (whispers) I snuck in here, but don't tell anyone. Cal thinks for a beat, then reluctantly gets up and gets one of the people running the event, CAL I'm sorry, but this young lady should go. She's sixteen. 43. VERY YOUNG GIRL What?!! What are you, a faggot?! She storms out. Cal looks bummed. BUZZER ON ANDY'S TABLES Andy is talking to a woman with tons of scary looking TATTOOS. ANDY I find tattoos to be beautiful. I like art. TATTOO WOMAN I guess you could say I am addicted. Guys like to kiss me, but they get really into kissing Satan. She reveals a tattoo of the devil on her upper chest. CUT TO QUICK CUTS of Andy's short dates. Each one cut off by the buzzer. There are transition shots of him changing tables. GIRL Do you like oral sex? ANDY By oral do you sex? Buzzer. ANDY I guess I love Jesus. I don't not love him. Buzzer. ANDY I think I am kind. I am not mean. Oh, you want me to be mean? Buzzer. ANDY I think marijuana is fine. If you like it. I am not a regular smoker. I smoked it two times, about eleven years ago. Actually someone forced me to smoke it. By force. 44. Buzzer. ANDY No, I have not had sex with two girls at the same time. Not two. Buzzer. ANDY I don't care if you have been to prison. As long as you learned your lesson. Buzzer. ANDY I like to cuddle. I think. Buzzer. ANDY I went to college. Jr. college. I did not get a degree. There were no degrees. Actually it was a technical college. Technically it was an arts and crafts class at summer camp. Buzzer. ANDY I never cheat on women. I am quite monogamous. To myself even. Buzzer. ANDY Do I think I could love you? It's hard to know now... Buzzer. ANDY Do I snore? I don't know. How would you know? Buzzer, ANDY I like riding bikes. I ride my bike to work. (beat) I don't have a car. 45. The woman gets up and leaves. ANDY (genuinely concerned) Are you okay? Buzzer. ANDY How much do I have in the bank? Are you allowed to ask me that? □k, eleven thousand dollars. Buzzer. ANDY Do I think women should work? If they want to. You don't want to work? Ever? Buzzer. ANDY I don't hit people, even if they do like it. I would feel weird about that. But I am not judging. Buzzer. ON DAVID'S TABLE David sits down at a table and sees his ex girlfriend, AMY. She looks pissed. DAVID I am just here to help out a friend. AMY Bullshit. You are so gross’ I am so glad I broke up with you. DAVID I'm gross?! You're here. You're gross. AMY I am not here to get laid. I am here to find a nice man. DAVID At speed dating?! 46. AMY This just makes me realize I made the right decision. DAVID And I made the right decision accepting your decision. Skank. AMY Pinky dick. The buzzer goes off. They switch tables. Suddenly Amy is sitting across from Andy. She looks enraged. ANDY (sensing danger) Hi, I'm Andy. (beat) I'm gonna be quiet now. The buzzer goes off and they walk off. 40 EXT. PARKING LOT 40 The guys are walking to their cars, going over their scorecards. JAY At least four I think would do me right now. CAL Which four? DAVID That was a good group. Eleven had big boobs. Four had good boobs. And five had small boobs. Overall, a nice turnout. What did you think, Andy? Andy can barely talk he is so flustered from this experience. DAVID Andy, are you okay? ANDY That was...too much. Too fast. Very fast. Didn't like. I'm gonna go home. 41 INT. CIRCUIT CITY - DAY 41 47. Jay walks over to Andy. JAY Come out to the floor. Andy walks out on the floor. Cal and David are-there. Also standing there is the FLOOR MANAGER, PAUL. PAUL Andy, I am short a man today, so I need you to be a salesman this afternoon. ANDY What? I am not a salesman. PAUL Nobody knows the equipment like you. I have been thinking about it, and I think your destiny is on the floor. The Indian salesman, Aboojay, walks over. ABOOJAY What?!! We need no salesman. I sell. This is bullshit. PAUL This is not bullshit. And I recommend you show some respect or you will be selling...something else... somewhere else. ANDY He's right. I haven't earned the right. PAUL What are you talking about? You have worked here longer than me. Longer than anyone. It would be fair if you were my boss. ANDY Thank you, but no thank you. PAUL (gets annoyed) 48. Andy, I am trying to get you laid. The guys said you needed to get women. There is no better singles bar than that floor. It is a chick magnet. So accept my kind invitation before I rescind it. ANDY Thank you. PAUL Enjoy. Paul walks away. ANDY Guys. I appreciate you doing this, but I have to admit, I am really scared. I am not good at talking with women. It was hard enough when they were drunk. And that didn't even turn out well. DAVID Come on. Fear the fear and do it anyway. ANDY You are right. JAY The floor is hopping. Look, we've got a gorgeous young blonde at nine o'clock. A red head at twelve. And a brunette goth hotty at three. Take your pick. ABOOJAY This is wrong. Very wrong. CAL Come on, he needs to be with a woman. ABOOJAY I don't care about that. Just don't fuck with my customers. My customers are my customers, not your customers. You fuck with them, I fuck with you. Jay pushes him away as if he is five years old. JAY 49. Aboojay, get the fuck out of here. Go have a hamburger. (to Andy) Ready. Andy takes a deep breath, nods and heads out onto the floor. He sees the GORGEOUS BLONDE. He walks toward her with a look of determination. As he gets within five feet he starts walking faster, turns a corner and walks up to an OLD MAN. ANDY (to the old man) Good afternoon. And how may I help you? OLD MAN I am looking for a TV. ANDY Well, you are talking to the right guy. Jay, David and Cal watch with disappointment. DAVID When he's done with him we'll get him to talk to a girl. DISSOLVE TO: 42 INT. CIRCUIT CITY - AN HOUR LATER 42 Andy is talking to the old man, only now he has several boxes in front of him. Equipment Andy has sold him. CAL He's been working that guy for an hour. DAVID He filibustering so he doesn't have to talk to a girl. DISSOLVE TO: 43 INT. CIRCUIT CITY - ANOTHER HOUR LATER 43 Andy is walking with the old man to the stock room where Andy takes his ticket. ANDY 50. This man is getting a DVD player, VCR, Tivo, surround sound speakers and a flat screen television with high definition capabilities. OLD MAN Thank you, young man. You are the best salesman I have ever met. You were such a help. ANDY You're sure you don't need anything else? Possibly a car stereo. OLD MAN Not today. But thank you. I'll be back. The old man walks off. Andy looks relieved. Right . then a very pretty forty five year old WOMAN walks up to hint WOMAN Excuse me, can you help me? Andy is flummoxed. ANDY Help? You? Uhm. I was about to take my break. WOMAN It won't take long. ANDY Okay. TRISH Hi, I'm Trish. ANDY my name. CUT TO: 44 INT. CIRCUIT CITY - LATER 44 Andy is nervously helping Trish. ANDY You don't want this VCR. TRISH 51. Really? I heard this was the best one. ANDY It's not, really. VCR technology is very simple. Basically, no- VCR is that much better than another VCR. The expensive ones don't give you a better picture, they just look cooler, and have more buttons which you would never use. Andy points out a standard looking VCR. ANDY This one has the features you need and it is a third less than the cool-looking one. Unless you really want a cool-looking one. Then you should get this one. 'Cause it does look cool. It's black. Has a lot of lights. TRISH Looks are not a factor. ANDY Great. Then we have found what you need. The old man that Andy was helping previously walks over to Andy. OLID MAN Excuse me. Is there anyone who can help me set up what I bought? OLD MAN I am not very technically minded. And quite frankly, I can barely see my own hand. ANDY Where do you live? OLD MAN Right down the street on Moorepark. ANDY I can swing by on my way home from work and set it all up if you like. OLD MAN How much would that cost me? 52. ANDY Nothing, It would be my pleasure. I would enjoy it. OLD MAN That's very kind of you. ANDY You're doing me the favor. I like hooking up TVs and stereos. It's like solving a big puzzle. OLD MAN Thank you. Maybe I could bring in something for you to eat. ANDY And maybe I will gladly eat it. Just give your address to the man at the stock room. The old man walks off. Trish looks at Andy. Andy looks at Trish. She stares at him for a moment, trying to figure him out. She likes something about him. As she figures out what to do about it, Andy gets nervous. ANDY Well, have a good day. TRISH Andy. It's Andy, right? ANDY Last time I checked. (nervous laugh) TRISH Do you want to go out some time? ANDY (swallows) Excuse me? TRISH I don't mean to be forward. I'm sorry. ANDY No. Don't be sorry. TRISH I just...I don't know, I thought it might be fun. You seem like a good guy. 53. ANDY I would love to. That seems like something I would like, and...yeah. In fact, I was just about to ask you. TRISH I beat you to it. ANDY (nervous laughter) Yes you did. TRISH Great. This'll be fun. And don't worry, I'm not going to ask you to set up my VCR. ANDY I would do it. TRISH I was joking. ANDY Oh. Okay. (not getting it) But I would do it. They smile at each other. 45 INT. CIRCUIT CITY 45 Andy is telling David and Jay what happened. DAVID See, I told you this was the move. JAY Who's the girl? Andy points to Trish who is paying for her VCR. JAY Her. Oh man, you hit the jackpot. She is a waitress next store. I went out with her two years ago, and she is ready to go. ANDY Now I don't want to go out with her. 54. JAY I didn't do anything. We just had one kiss. ANDY Oh, okay. When Andy looks the other way Jay gestures with his hips that he had sex with Trish. When Andy turns back he stops. JAY Good for you, man. This is good. 46 INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT 46 Andy and Trish are eating dinner. TRISH That's so funny that we work in the same mini mall and we have never seen each other. ANDY I've seen you. I eat at the restaurant you work at on Monday's. TRISH Really? Every Monday? ANDY Yeah. I would eat there more, I just don't want to get sick of it. TRISH Have I ever waited on you? ANDY Maybe a couple of times. It is clearly way more than a couple of times. TRISH How long have you worked at Circuit City? ANDY Nine years. TRISH Wow. Do you like it? ANDY Not really. But it's a good job. 55. TRISH What would you like to be doing? ANDY I have a collection of antique toys. I would like to open a store that sells those kinds of things. Maybe some comic books. I don't know if I'll ever be able to do it. TRISH Sure you will. You could do anything. ANDY That's nice of you to say. What about you? TRISH I want to work at that restaurant for the rest of my life. I have no goals or dreams. They've all been drained out of me. ANDY That's not true. TRISH I just want to be happy. I don't care what I do, I just don't want it to be too hard. Less hours. I guess what I am saying is I want to retire. Andy laughs. TRISH (sweetly) What is with you? ANDY What? TRISH There is something about you. I can't tell what it is. ANDY Is it bad? TRISH I think it's good. But I don't know. Are you for real? 56. ANDY I'm real. TRISH Good. CUT TO: 47 INT. TRISH'S APARTMENT - DAY 47 Andy and Trish walk in the apartment. TRISH Can I get you a cocktail? ANDY Sure. Do you have orange soda? It's okay if you don't. Most people don't buy orange soda on a regular basis. I don't know why. It's really good. Out of the blue, she kisses him hard on the mouth. The kiss lasts a long time. At first he doesn't know what to do, but after about ten seconds, he actually participates. When she stops kissing and looks at him, he could not be redder. He is stunned, but there is happiness in there. TRISH Let's go in the other room. 48 INT. BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER 48 Trish jumps under the covers. She pulls off her shirt then reaches under the sheets and removes her pants and underwear. TRISH Come on. ANDY Oh. Okay. Andy gets under the covers with all his clothes on and kisses Trish, who is now completely nude. He seems to be getting the hang of it. There is a lot of pent-up energy there. TRISH Wow, you really like kissing. ANDY I do. 57. TRISH Take off your clothes. ANDY Really? TRISH Is this too fast? I never do this. ANDY No. Andy takes his pants off, but strangely, leaves on his shirt. Probably to cover his bad wax job. Trish shuts the lights. They kiss passionately. She takes off his shirt. TRISH Do you have protection? ANDY I don't like guns. She laughs. TRISH You have a silly sense of humor. Don't worry, I think I have something. She reaches into the drawer in the end table and pulls out a small whicker basket filled with condoms. She clearly has sex often enough to need this basket. Andy does not pick up on this. TRISH Put one of these on. Andy stares at the basket, not sure what to do. He has never worn a condom. He slowly takes one out. He reaches under the sheets, and we can't see what he is doing but it is obvious that he is tearing the wrapper open and attempting to put the condom on. Something goes wrong. He struggles. ANDY It tore. I need another one. He grabs another one. The same thing happens. For reasons which are not clear, he can not figure out how to get this condom on properly. 58. Andy attempts this many more times. In quick cuts we see him struggle with at least a dozen condoms as he gets more and more frustrated with this process. Each time he fails, he tosses the condom and the wrapper on the floor next to him. Finally he gets one on. ANDY There you go. Sorry about that. I always have trouble with those things. I haven't used 'em much. (beat) My last girlfriend took pills. TRISH I'm sure it will be worth the wait. Now they go at it more passionately. It seems like it is going to happen when-~ THE DOOR OPENS - THE LIGHTS GO ON MARLA What is going on in here?I We reveal Trish's sixteen year old daughter, MARLA. Standing next to her is her boyfriend MARK. TRISH What are you doing? ANGLE ON A stack of condoms and torn wrappers. ANGLE ON MARLA - STARING AT THEM MARLA What are you doing? I can't believe you are allowed to have sex but I'm not I That is sooo unfair!!! She slams the door and exits. ANDY I should go. TRISH No, it's okay. I just need to talk to her. ANDY No, I should. 59. He kisses her then quickly gets out of bed and begins putting his clothes on. We see his insanely bad wax job has left random strips of hair on his body. He puts his clothes on and exits. TRISH I'm sorry. ANDY Don't be. He runs out. Traumatized again. 49 EXT. STREET - DAY 49 Andy rides his bike to work. He looks confused and consumed. Everywhere he looks he sees sexual images; billboards, people walking down the street, etc. He drives into the parking lot of the mini mall where Circuit City is located. As he is locking his bike, he sees Beth, the girl from the bookstore, walking from her car to work. BETH Good morning. Andy thinks. He remembers what he is supposed to do with her. Ask questions. ANDY (after a beat) Is it a good morning? BETH I hope it is. ANDY Hmmm. BETH Some days I am just not in the mood to work. ANDY What are you in the mood to do? BETH (flummoxed) Oh, I don't know... ANDY You don't know? Or do you know? 60. She thinks he is being sexy, but he has no idea what he is saying. BETH You're bad. ANDY Are you bad? Andy walks off. She looks like she is about to have an orgasm. As she walks toward the bookstore where she works she almost trips. 50 INT. CIRCUIT CITY - DAY 50 Andy is selling a stereo to an UNATTRACTIVE MAN. There are pretty girls in the store, but Andy has let the other salesmen handle them. Jay walks over to Andy. JAY Don't worry about what happened last night. JAY{CONT’D) Tonight I am having a party at the Holiday Inn. Room 313. It's gonna be earth-shattering. Be there. Are you free? ANDY I think so. JAY I was kidding. I know you're free. Jay walks off. 51 EXT. HOLIDAY INN - NIGHT 51 Andy rides his bike up to the front of the hotel. 52 INT. HOLIDAY INN HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER 52 Andy walks down the hallway looking for the room. When he finds it, the door is cracked open. He enters. 53 INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT 53 Andy looks around the suite. There is nobody in sight. 61. ANDY Hello. He turns to leave. A BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMAN comes out of the bedroom. BEAUTIFUL WOMAN Hello. ANDY Are you here for Jay's party? BEAUTIFUL WOMAN Yes. ANDY Where is everybody? Are we early? BEAUTIFUL WOMAN No, we're right on time. ANDY Then everyone is late. That's not very polite. BEAUTIFUL WOMAN Come sit down. Andy sits on the couch. She sits down right next to him. Andy does not know what to make of this. ANDY So where do you know Jay from? BEAUTIFUL WOMAN We just met the other night. You're handsome. ANDY Thank you. You're pretty. She puts her hand on his knee. ANDY What's going on? BEAUTIFUL WOMAN The party is getting started. ANDY Nobody else is coming? BEAUTIFUL WOMAN 62. I'm all the party you need. ANDY Oh my God. BEAUTIFUL WOMAN Don't be nervous. I'll take good care of you. ANDY Are you a...prostitute? BEAUTIFUL WOMAN I'm whoever you want me to be. I can be a prostitute, or I can be that sweet innocent girl you had a crush on in high school. You know, the cute one who never looked at you but now she realizes she made a mistake and wants to make up for it by sucking your cock. Andy backs away to the other side of the couch. She follows him. ANDY Oh God. Did Jay do this? BEAUTIFUL WOMAN They're good friends. They just want you to have a good time. Don't worry, I've been with virgins before. It's okay that you know nothing, because at the end of tonight you are going to know everything. You're gonna do everything. Nothing is off limits. They paid extra for that. ANDY How much are they paying you? BEAUTIFUL WOMAN Five hundred for two hours. ANDY I will give you six hundred dollars to leave now. Or we can find someone else that you can have sex with. I'm sure we can find someone to use that credit on. BEAUTIFUL WOMAN 63. You don't have to have sex with me. I've been paid. If you want I can just go home now. No skin off my apple. ANDY (feels bad) No, no, no. I'm sorry. I've insulted you. Maybe I'll want to have sex. Let's just slow down. Maybe there is something else we can do for a minute. CUT TO: 54 INT. HOTEL ROOM - MOMENTS LATER 54 They are laying on the bed watching "Lord Of The Rings" on pay per view. ANDY This is better. This way we can watch the movie. ANDY Get to know each other a little, then maybe we can do something. BEAUTIFUL WOMAN How long is this movie? I only have two hours. ANDY It's three and a half hours. The prostitute know what this means, and relaxes. There will be no sex tonight. She starts watching the movie. BEAUTIFUL WOMAN Who's that guy? ANDY (more relaxed) That's the hero of the story. He doesn't know it, but it's his responsibility to save the world. They start watching the movie. CUT TO: 55 INT. HOTEL ROOM - THREE AND A HALF HOURS LATER 55 64. The prostitute is asleep. The credits are rolling on the TV. Andy gets off the bed and looks at her. She looks sweet when she is asleep. He gently kisses her on the cheek, looks at her again, then walks out the door. CUT TO: 56 INT. CIRCUIT CITY - NEXT MORNING 56 Andy is talking to Jay, David and Cal. CAL And then what did you do to her? ANDY I was like, if this is paid for then I am gonna get my money's worth! DAVID That's my man! ANDY So I took her from the front. I took her from the back. I took her from the side. JAY You did the side. ANDY Both sides! She was screaming. She was like, "I want to have more sex with you. Let's continue to do this dirty sex." CAL How was her ass? ANDY It was so... perfectly in proportion. And when I took off her panties ... they were all filled with baby powder and-- JAY Oh Goddammitt 1 Nothing happened! ANDY I did her. Did her...big time did her. 65. CAL That cost us five hundred bucks. DAVID Shut up, you kicked in twenty bucks. CAL Sorry if I'm not as rich as you. JAY This is bullshit. I give up. There's no helping you. ANDY Buying a streetwalker is not helping me. I told you I wanted to meet a nice girl. Someone I might even like. I am not a pig like you guys. JAY No, you are certainly not. You are pure as the driven snow, and you plan on staying that way. DAVID Lay off, Jay. JAY No, I tried to do him a favor. You know how hard it was to find her. Someone I thought he might like. That took work. And does he appreciate it? No. CAL Does she owe us one? I mean she took the money. DAVID No. CAL Shit. ANDY I'd appreciate it if you took your nose out of my business! Beth is walking outside of the store with a FRIEND from work. 66. She sees the guys arguing, but does not hear the words. From her point of view it looks like Andy is bossing them around, and she finds it very attractive. ANDY I may be a virgin, but you're the ones who need to grow up! Life isn't about sex, it's about being a good person. And I would rather treat people well than stick my wiener in 'em. And I say that proudly. And if you don't like it,' then I'll get some new friends. That is if I ever really was your friend. A FEMALE CUSTOMER walks Up. FEMALE CUSTOMER Can anyone help me? ANDY I'd be glad to. Andy walks off. The guys look depressed. Outside the store Beth turns to her friend. BETH That guy is so hot. I could eat him up. 57 INT. ANDY'S APARTMENT - EVENING 57 Andy walks in, pets his cat, then checks his messages. ANSWERING MACHINE Hi, this is Trish. I hope you don't mind me calling you. Your friends at work gave me your number. I feel bad about what happened the other night and wondered if you would let me make it up to you. 58 INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT 58 Andy and Trish are having dinner. TRISH I am sorry I didn't tell you I had kids. ANDY 67. Why didn't you tell me? TRISH Most guys don't want to go out with a "mother." ANDY Why not? TRISH Are you serious? ANDY Yeah. TRISH Then I won't tell you. No need to put ideas in your head. ANDY How many kids do you have? TRISH (pause) Two. ANDY How old are they? TRISH Six, twelve and...twenty six. ANDY That's three. TRISH Oh. Is it? They laugh. ANDY You must have been really young why you had the twenty six year old. TRISH Why do you say that? ANDY Because you are so young now. TRISH Are you full of shit or is this real? 68. ANDY Why do you keep saying that? TRISH (kind of kidding) Because if you're for real, I'm gonna fall in love with you. Andy blushes. TRISH I'm sorry. I'm just goofing with you. ANDY I know. It is clear she is not goofing. 70 . TRISH I was thinking, if we go out any more, that we shouldn't have sex. ANDY Uh-huh. TRISH I just think it complicates things too much, and then you never get to really know someone because that is always confusing things. ANDY It's very confusing. TRISH Does that bother you? ANDY Hmmm. Let me think about that. I see what you are saying. Obviously I want to (whispers) Do it. (normal voice) But I can see your point. If we don't have sex, we can really get to know each other. TRISH And if that works out, then we can have sex. Like really have sex. 69. They laugh. ANDY Just tons and tons of sex. They both laugh. Andy could not be more relieved to have the pressure taken away. TRISH (charmed) You're doing it again. ANDY What? 59 INT. TRISH'S APARTMENT ~ LATER 59 Andy and Trish are watching television. Her daughter, Marla, comes inside with Trish's six year-old daughter JULIA. MARLA (covers eyes) Is it safe to come in or are you doing it? TRISH It's safe. Marla, Julia. This is Andy. MARLA (uninterested) Hello. Julia nods shyly. ANDY Hi. MARLA We came home because we got bored and couldn't think of anything else to do. JULIA Can we watch TV? TRISH No. You've watched enough television for today. Why don't you guys read? MARLA 70. I am so sick of reading. That's all we do all day at school. ANDY Hey. Let me show you something. Do you have a quarter? Marla digs out a quarter. Andy puts it in his palm and shows the two of them. Then he closes his palm and opens it. It i s gone. MARLA You're not doing magic, are you? JULIA I love magic. Where did it go? Andy puts his hands out again, opens them and it is back. Then he puts it in one palm, closes it, and it is two quarters. -Julia squeals with delight. JULIA How did you do that? ANDY I don't know, it's, uh...magic. Andy closes his hand, opens it and they are gone, then opens the other hand and there are three quarters. Then he closes his hands, opens them, and the quarters are gone but the other hand has a dollar bill in it. JULIA That's crazy. How did you learn how to do that? ANDY I have a lot of free time. Trish smiles. He is great with her kids. JULIA Can you show me how to do it? ANDY The magicians code says I am not allowed to say how tricks are performed. Julia frowns. ANDY 71. But who cares about magicians? They're creepy anyway. If they get mad, I'll punch them in the nose. Julia laughs and Andy starts showing her how to do the trick. Marla can't help but like him. Trish beams. 60 EXT. TRISH'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 60 Andy is saying goodnight to Marla. TRISH Aren't you glad we didn't do it? ANDY So glad. Let's never do it. She laughs. TRISH Okay. ANDY Do you want to go out again? TRISH Uh... (quickly) YES. ANDY Like in, I don't know, fifteen minutes? TRISH Or tomorrow. ANDY Tomorrow it is. Andy leans in, and for the first time in the film, he is the instigator of a kiss. It is short but sweet and heartfelt. Andy walks off. He looks happy. CUT TO: 61 EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT 61 Andy drives his bike home. He can not wipe the smile from his face. He occasionally giggles. 72. CUT TO: 62 INT. CIRCUIT CITY - DAY 62 Andy is talking with David, Jay and Cal by the water cooler. JAY This is a huge mistake. ANDY Why? JAY She has three kids. ANDY So? CAL At least we know she's had sex. DAVID At least three times. They laugh. ANDY I don't care. I like her. JAY What about Beth from the bookstore? ANDY I don't know. I want to see what happens with Trish. I am only one man. I can't go out with everyone. DAVID I love this guy. He's already got more women than he can handle. JAY I don't mean to ruin this for you, but I had sex with her. On a first date. Andy stares angrily at him. ANDY So? What is that supposed to make me not like her--because she made one terrible mistake? 73. David and Cal crack up. CAL Oooohl Andy is burning you. The store manager, Paul, walks over. PAUL Andy, I just got back the numbers from the last few weeks. You are our number one salesman by far. ANDY Really? That's great. Well, I've been having a great time. PAUL Maybe you will have an even better time now that I have made you the floor manager. ANDY Me? PAUL That's right. Now all these jackasses are working under you. Enjoy. ANDY Thank you. Paul exits. ANDY (looks at them) Well, what are you sitting around for? Get out there and make some sales. Jay glares at him. David and Cal smile. Punjab walks by them. PUNJAB This the bullshit of all bullshits. ANDY No backtalk or you're gonna be gone... (nervous) My friend. PUNJAB I am sorry...sir. 74. Punjab heads out onto the floor. Andy is feeling good. JAY You're getting in too deep. ANDY You have no idea what you are talking about. CUT TO: IN TOO DEEP MONTAGE 63 EXT. STREET - DAY 63 Andy rides his bike with Trish. They are having a blast. 64 INT. TRISH'S KITCHEN - DAY 64 Andy makes the family homemade ice cream. They are all eating it out of the ice cream maker, happily. We meet Kim, Trish's twenty six year-old daughter. ANDY I can't believe you are her daughter. You look like sisters. KIM One of us should be insulted. I think it's me. ANDY I didn't mean... KIM No, I'm kidding. My mom is gorgeous! Trish hugs Kim. They are very close. 65 EXT. STREET - DAY 65 Andy is riding a huge grown up tricycle with Trish's six year-old daughter, Julia. She likes Andy. 66 INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY 66 Andy is showing Trish's kids some collectible action figures. 75. We see him hesitate, then take a scissor and open up the never before opened boxes they are housed in. He hands one to each of them. 67 EXT. MOUNTAIN TRAILS - DAY 67 Andy is riding mountain bikes with Trish's sixteen year-old daughter Marla. She is impressed by how good he is at the sport. 68 INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT 68 Andy and Trish are kissing. TRISH I love kissing you because you are so in the moment. It's like you enjoy it so much, you don't want to do anything else. ANDY I don't. TRISH You are so sweet. 69 EXT. STREET - DAY 69 Andy, Trish, Julia, Marla and Kim are riding down the street. ANDY Let's race! They all ride directly at camera as fast as they can. Andy is the winner. 70 INT. CIRCUIT CITY - DAY 70 Jay looks upset as he speaks to an ANNOYING MALE CUSTOMER. ANNOYING CUSTOMER If I buy it, will you throw in a CD carrying case? JAY Uh...okay, fine. So, I will write this up for you and-- ANNOYING CUSTOMER 76. Hold on. I think I'm gonna need you to throw in an extended warranty. On the house. JAY I can't do that. ANNOYING CUSTOMER Then I am going to have to take my business elsewhere. JAY Fine. Beat it. ANNOYING CUSTOMER Okay, I will take it. JAY Now you can't have it. Any of it. Sorry. ANNOYING CUSTOMER What? That's not fair. JAY Oh yeah. Well life isn't fair. I just added a hundred dollars to the price. I can do anything. ANNOYING CUSTOMER You're an asshole. JAY Now the stereo costs ten thousand dollars. Will that be Visa or American Express? ANDY Is there a problem here? CUSTOMER Yeah. This jack off is trying to charge me ten thousand dollars for this stereo. ANDY Is that true? JAY Yes it is. Actually not. It's a million dollars. Not fair huh? Life can be like that. ANNOYING CUSTOMER 77. Fuck this. JAY No, fuck you. You can't always get what you want. Next time you won't think you get to make the rules because in this house I make the rules, bitch! Andy walks Jay into the stock room. 71 INT. STOCK ROOM - DAY 71 ANDY What's going on? JAY Jill broke up with me. ANDY I'm so sorry. What happened? JAY She just lost her mind. He starts crying. JAY It's so unfair. ANDY I'm so sorry. JAY She caught me with this girl and she lost her mind. It wasn't that big a deal. It's so unfair. To throw out six years over some skank. Cal walks in. Jay instantly acts like he is not crying, even though’there are tears pouring out of his eyes. JAY I just think that we should be pushing the Bose speakers more because they are clearly of a higher quality. Cal realizes something is wrong and exits. JAY {the moment Cal is gone) 78. Oh, fuck me, fuck me! Now I know why people kill themselves. I really understand. ANDY Well maybe you shouldn't have cheated on her. JAY I know. I know. But it is so unfair for her to not allow me to learn that lesson. David walks in to get something. Again Jay acts like nothing is wrong, his face covered in tears. JAY I just think I am stronger when you put me in afternoon shifts. I get groggy in the morning, David exits. JAY I have nowhere to go. We were living together, but she dumped all my stuff on the street. ANDY You can stay with me. JAY Thank you, Andy. You are a great man. Jay hugs Andy. JAY I am sorry I ever gave you a hard time. You were right about everything. You should never let sex run your life. Never. Punjab walks in and sees them. PUNJAB This is why I am getting all the shit shifts. This is the bullshit of all bullshits. He storms out. 72 INT. TRISH'S APARTMENT - DAY 72 79. Andy knocks on the door and enters. Trish hurries over to him. TRISH I'm so glad you're here. I need your help. ANDY Sure. What is it? TRISH Can you take Marla to Planned Parenthood? She wants to go on the pill. ANDY Me? TRISH Her father is dead set against it. I am too. But I thought maybe you could bring her down there just to get some information. Maybe we could delay her for a little bit while we figure out what to do. ANDY Isn't she a little young to go on the pill? TRISH She's sixteen. And she won't listen to me. I told her she should wait till she's much older to have sex, but it's hard for me to say that when I had a kid at seventeen. So I thought maybe she would listen to you. ANDY I don't know if I am the right person to do this. TRISH Yes you are. She has no issues with you. She likes you. Gosh, this was so much easier when we were young. ANDY Yeah. TRISH 80. When we were kids, you just did it. It was fun. It was no big deal. There weren't all these horrible diseases. Now the whole thing is terrifying. ANDY Truly terrifying. (beat) Not like when we were young. TRISH I lost my virginity at fourteen. ANDY Me too. Fourteen years old. So young. So very young. TRISH Now I wish she held onto it till she was like, fifty. ANDY That's crazy talk. TRISH You'd really be coming through for me if you did this. I wouldn't forget it. ANDY Won't she be uncomfortable? TRISH No. ANDY I would think it would be very uncomfortable. TRISH I don't know where else to turn. I don't want her to ruin her life. It'll be fine. CUT TO: 73 INT. CAR - DAY 73 Andy is driving a sullen-looking Marla to Planned Parenthood. MARLA This is so gross. 81. ANDY What? MARLA You taking me here. ANDY I don't mean it to be gross. Your mother thought you needed someone to talk to. MARLA Andy, you're a nice guy, but you're practically a stranger. I don't want to talk about sex with you. ANDY Either do I. I know it's embarrassing, but you need to inform yourself. I think that is very important before you make a life-changing decision. 'Cause once you have sex, there is no turning back. You will never be the same again, and what if you want to go back? But you can't. There are no time machines. The pandora's box will be open. MARLA Okay, I get it. Stop trying to freak me out. I'll listen. CUT TO: 74 INT. PLANNED PARENTHOOD - DAY 74 Andy and Marla sit across from JUDITH, a counselor. JUDITH Coming here was a very smart thing to do. A lot of young people act . without thinking. Carefully considering your options is a very responsible way to act. You should be proud of yourself. MARLA Would it be weird if I just asked you for the pill right now? JUDITH 82. A sense of humor is an effective weapon in high school. I'm sure it serves you well. ANDY I was trying to tell her that there is no reason that she needs to engage in sexual activity at such a young age. JUDITH That's true. Your virginity is a gift. A gift you shouldn't be so quick to give away. ANDY I completely agree. JUDITH There are plenty of activities you can engage in without having sex that can be fun and safe. ANDY (interested) What kind of activities? I'm sure she's interested in knowing. JUDITH Well, instead of having intercourse, you might want to try outercourse. MARLA. Outercurse. Uch. What's that? ANDY Yeah, what's that? Andy is leaning forward in his chair, way more interested than Marla. JUDITH Outercourse is anything that isn't vaginal intercourse. It can be just having fun in a non-sexual way with your friend. Or it can be kissing. ^JDY Kissing is nice. JUDITH 83. And there are many ways to be sexual without intercourse — such as body rubbing, which you might call “dry humping." ANDY See, you can do that. JUDITH Masturbation, mutual masturbation. ANDY What's that? JUDITH That's when you both masturbate at the same time. ANDY (to Marla) You could do that instead. JUDITH There's deep kissing, erotic massage, oral sex play, role playing, and sharing fantasies with a partner. ANDY So there are a lot of things you can do instead of sex. JUDITH It's only limited by your imagination. MARLA I think I'm gonna vomit. JUDITH That's very funny, but this is serious business. Outercourse offers nearly 100 percent protection against pregnancy. ANDY That's a plus. I didn't know that. JUDITH 84. Outercourse can also greatly reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS and many other sexually transmitted infections — unless body fluids are exchanged through oral or anal intercourse. But some infections, like herpes and HPV, can be passed by skin-to- skin contact. ANDY This is fantastic. What would someone do about performance anxiety? 'Cause I am sure Marla and her friend are worried that their sex won't be satisfying, and then the unsatisfied partner might fly into a rage and break it off with the inadequate partner. JUDITH Sex takes practice, but there are many techniques to extend the amount of time that a man can maintain his erection. Including visualization techniques and a personal favorite of mine, which is called pinching. What a woman does is, right when her man is about to ejaculate she pinches his-- MARLA I've got to get out of here. ANDY Marla1 she runs out to the car. ANDY Can't you just let her finish?! (to Judith) I'm sorry. You have a lot of this information on your web site, right? 75 INT. CAR - DAY 75 Andy and Marla are driving home. ANDY I thought that was very informative. 85. MARLA Can we not talk? I think I'm gonna be sick. ANDY Well, what do you think? MARLA I think I don't want to have sex ever. ANDY I'm with you. 76 INT. TRISH'S APARTMENT 76 Andy is talking to Trish. TRISH I don't know what you did, but she has completely changed her tune. ANDY It wasn't really me. She is a smart kid. Once she got all the right information, she knew what to do. TRISH Thank you. You'd make a great dad. ANDY You think so. TRISH I know so. I've seen it. ANDY (nervously) Well, I better get going. It's been a long day. TRISH Stay. ANDY I can't. I've got to...go to work in the morning. TRISH I'll make it worth your while. ANDY (shocked) 86. Trish. TRISH She's not allowed to do it, but we are. Andy is cornered. He isn't sure what to do. He doesn't want to do it, and he doesn't want to debate it. He thinks, then-- ANDY You crazy chick. I'm gonna have to give you one of their pamphlets. He giggles nervously at his own joke and exits before she can react. 77 INT. CIRCUIT CITY - DAY 77 Andy is with a FEMALE customer. He is more confident than we have ever seen him. ANDY You could go that way, but for the extra money you are getting a product that will be the centerpiece of your home. FEMALE CUSTOMER I don't know. ANDY Well, don't decide today. As I always say, there is nothing wrong with delaying an important decision. FEMALE CUSTOMER You know what, I'm gonna go for it. ANDY Great. I will write it up for you. He walks to the register. Trish walks over to him. TRISH Hi, honey. We reveal David, Jay and Cal watching this exchange. ANDY Oh, hi. What are you doing here? TRISH 87. I knew you were working a long shift today, so I brought you a healthy lunch, and look. I found you the cutest sweater. She holds it up. It is in fact a cute sweater. ANDY I love it. Thank you. He gives her a quick kiss. TRISH Well, I have a lot of errands to run. Marla and I are going shopping for prom dresses. I'll see you for dinner. ANDY Not if I see you first. He laughs at his bad joke. She exits. The guys walk up to him. DAVID How's that healthy lunch? David and Cal laugh. CAL Yeah. Is it healthy? DAVID You need to stay healthy if you want to fit into that cute sweater. ANDY Guys. Come on. DAVID You are in deep. JAY So? Maybe he likes it. CAL Do you even know what you have done? You are dating a woman with two kids. ANDY Three. One is twenty six. Lives in Ohio. Has a one year-old boy. Jackson. 88. CAL So she's a grandmother. ANDY I didn't say that. CAL She has a kid. That makes Trish a grandmother . JAY Lay off him. He has fallen for this woman. And he is happy. That's all that matters. CAL Don't get all soft because your girl dumped you. JAY She didn't dump me. We are giving each other some space. DAVID I'm not saying it's wrong, but I am saying, you better make sure this is what you want. As soon as the Tupperware and the sweaters come out, it is over. You are as good as married. ANDY Maybe that's what I want. CAL Well, getting married would be a good way to avoid sex. They all laugh. CAL I read that in a "Cathy" cartoon. JAY You are such a fag. CAL Cathy is funny! 78 INT. ANDY'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 78 Andy and Trish are watching the very end of a film. 89. ANDY That was a good movie-- Trish starts kissing him. TRISH Let's do it right now. ANDY Do what? TRISH Have sex. ANDY Oh, that goes against our agreement. TRISH Fuck that agreement, I want you right now. I can't take it any longer. She puts her hand on his crotch. ANDY Maybe we shouldn't have intercourse. TRISH Huh? ANDY We're just letting our hormones think for us. Let's have outercourse. TRISH What is outercourse? ANDY Mutual masturbation. Rubbing on each other with our clothes on. Fooling around without exchanging fluids. It's fun and it's responsible. TRISH ■What the fuck are you talking about? Are you high? ANDY No, I am respecting you. 90. 92 . TRISH I knew there was something about you. You're too mellow. Are you on oxycotin? ANDY No! TRISH Do you think I'm unattractive? Old? What the hell's the matter with me? What the hell's the matter with you? ANDY Nothing. We had an agreement. TRISH Not forever. ANDY Well you can't just break the agreement without talking to me about it. TRISH I am talking to you about it now. ANDY Well I am saying I want to think about it. TRISH For how long? ANDY A couple of weeks. What's the rush? TRISH Because I am in love with you. She waits for him to reply in kind, but he is stunned. He is mainly thinking "if I say I love her, which I do, she will want to.have sex with me. What to do?" TRISH (she counts) Two, three, four, five. Fuck! ANDY What? 91. TRISH If someone doesn't say it back in five seconds, there's trouble. Anything after that is bullshit. ANDY You can't put that kind of pressure on someone. TRISH If you love someone, there is no pressure. I knew I shouldn't have said that. ANDY That's not true. TRISH Wow, you still haven't said it. ANDY What is going on? Where is this coming from? TRISH You fucker. Don't play head games with me. ANDY What? I'm not playing. TRISH You are not just playing with me. I am part of a family. If that sucks, tough shit, that's just how it is. ANDY Who's complaining? TRISH Get out. Just get out. You liar. ANDY I didn't lie. TRISH Yes you did. You're not who you said you were. ANDY Who did I say I was? TRISH 92. You said you were the one. But the one would have passion for me. Would want me. Would love me. He wouldn't always be moving away just a little when I touched him. It's cruel. So, just get out! Andy is pushed out the door. 79 INT. ANDY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 79 Andy enters his apartment. Jay is there packing up his things. ANDY What happened? JAY Me and Jill are getting back together. She's pregnant. ANDY With your kid? JAY Yeah, with my kid. That's why she broke up with me. Because she found out she was pregnant, and she didn't know if I would be a good dad in light of the fact that I cheat on her all the time. ANDY So this is good? JAY It's the best. I love her sooo much. This was meant to happen. I was meant to be with her and to be the father to this child. I will never screw around again. I am so lucky. ANDY (sadly) I am so happy for you. JAY Did something happen? ANDY 93. I'm sorry. I don't mean to ruin your good news. I'm just sad 'cause Trish wants to have sex. JAY That's what you wanted. ANDY No, she really wants to have sex. Like right now. What do I do? If she finds out I am a virgin she won't like me anymore. She will think I am a loser. JAY No, she won't. ANDY She will. What kind of man doesn't have sex for forty years? And I am about to turn forty one. If I turn forty one without having sex, that's really pathetic. JAY Then don't tell her. Just have sex with her. Give it to her really good. ANDY I don't know how to do that. JAY You might get lucky. You might be good. ANDY Really? JAY Well, since you have forty years of sexual energy stored up, there is a chance that it might not last very long. ANDY This is what I was worried about. If I am honest, she'll think I am defective. If I have sex it will be bad and she won't want to be with me. I'll never get a second chance. JAY 94. Hold on, relax. I am going to give you some advice right now. And I want you to just take it because I know what I am talking about. I took my girlfriend for granted. I didn't appreciate her. I didn't accept that she was the best person could ever dream of. And because of that, I almost lost her. But now that I have been honest with her, we are going to have a long life together. And a child. So you think I should just tell her everything. JAY No. I think you should get it on with that girl Beth from the bookstore. Pay attention. Learn as much as you can, then use that knowledge with Trish. ANDY That doesn't sound ethical. JAY What, she likes you. She wants you. You would be giving her something she wants. What's unethical about that. You area't asking her to marry you so you can steal her fortune. ANDY That makes sense. JAY I think it is what Trish would want. ANDY Thank you, Jay. I know I have been tough on you, but without your advice I wouldn't have gotten this far. JAY Thanks. That means a a lot to me. Now go get that girl. And when you're done--go get your girl and do her! CUT TO: 95. 80 INT. BOOKSTORE - DAY 80 Andy walks over to where Beth is putting away books. ANDY Hey. BETH Hey. ANDY I was going to ask you to hang out after work tonight, but I heard you were busy. BETH Busy with what? ANDY Busy hanging out with me after work. She is not sure what this means, but she smiles. She likes him. CUT TO: 81 INT. TRISH'S APARTMENT - DAY 81 Trish, Marla and Julia are decorating the house. A banner reads "HAPPY FORTY FIRST BIRTHDAY ANDY." Trish starts putting frosting on a cake. TRISH Come on, hurry up. I want everything to be perfect when he gets here. JULIA He is gonna be so surprised. CUT TO: 82 INT. ANDY'S BATHROOM - DUSK 82 Andy is preparing for his date. Quick Cuts: *Andy irons his socks and underwear. 96. *Using a hand mirror to see his back, he waxes some stray strips of hair. *Andy puts deodorant on his underarms, and his palms. *Andy trims his nose hair. Then plucks his uni-brow. *Andy opens his mouth. He is wearing the teeth whitening strips made by Crest. He takes them off, then smiles at the results. Then he scrapes his tongue. *Andy pulls a Biori strip off his nose. He looks at it, then grimaces in disgust. *We reveal that Andy's entire face is covered with Biori strips. He starts peeling them off. *Andy opens a very large box of condoms and puts one in his wallet. He has to discard lots of other business and credit cards to make room for it. CUT TO: 83 INT. TRISH'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 83 Trish, Julia and Marla are sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Andy. TRISH This is so unlike him. He always comes straight over from work. They hear a noise at the door. TRISH Shhhh. That's him. Come on. They all walk to the door. Trish throws it open. EVERYONE Happy Birthday!!!! We reveal that it is an ASIAN MAN who is putting a menu for a Chinese restaurant in their mail slot. DELIVERY MAN Thank you. You three weeks late. CUT TO: 84 INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT 84 97. Andy sits across from Beth. Both are kind of dressed up. ANDY Do you like working at the bookstore? BETH Yeah. It's really quiet. We don't have that many customers and the ones we do have are really mellow. Which is good because I used to work at a restaurant, and it was really busy and hectic, and I could never get the orders right, so I kind of got fired. ANDY You must love reading? BETH Not really. I'm not much of a reader. I'm more of a do-er. But they have a great magazine rack, so I like to read those. I know they're not books, but some of them are pretty long. Andy is trying to stay interested in Beth, but it is difficult. CUT TO: 85 INT. TRISH'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 85 Trish is putting on her jacket. Marla and Julia watch. MARLA Where do you think he is? TRISH I don't know, but I'm getting nervous. Maybe someone hit him when he was riding his bicycle over. I'm gonna go drive the route from his house and see if I can find him. Trish runs out. CUT TO: 86 INT. BETH'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 86 98. Andy and Beth are walking in to the apartment. BETH Thank you for dinner. ANDY It was my pleasure. BETH Care for a drink? ANDY Sure. She gets two glasses of wine. She hands one to Andy. He drinks the entire glass down when she turns away. BETH I have wanted you to ask me out for a long time. ANDY I've wanted to go out with you for a long time. BETH You are so handsome. She stares into Andy's eyes. She is clearly waiting for a kiss. Andy locks up. This makes it appear like he is giving her a white hot sexual stare, but he is just terrified and not sure what to do. BETH You melt me. ANDY (long beat) Good. BETH I am gonna run a bath. Would you care to join me? ANDY For a bath? BETH We can do more than bathe. We can get dirty. ANDY (not quite understanding) In the bath. 99. BETH I am gonna eat you up. She kisses, him on the mouth, then walks to the bathroom, smiles at him, then closes the door. CUT TO: 87 INT. CAR - NIGHT 87 Marla is on her cell phone talking to Jay. MARLA So you have no idea where he is? JAY (on phone-clearly lying) No. I can't imagine where he would go. MARLA Well, if you hear anything, please call me. JAY I will. 88 INT. JAY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 88 Jay is sitting with his girlfriend, who we have never seen before. JAY I've got to go. JILL If you are cheating on me, I'll rip your balls off. JAY I'm not going to cheat on you. JILL I am pregnant. If you did that, it would be sick. JAY I'm not. I have to go help a friend. CUT TO: 100. 89 INT. BETH'S APARTMENT/BATHROOM - NIGHT 89 Andy is waiting in the living room. BETH (from behind the bathroom door) Come on in. Andy walks into the bathroom, and Beth is completely naked, Andy takes a breath. BETH Do you like? ANDY I like. She walks over to him and takes off his shirt. BETH Let me help you with that. She takes off his pants. He gets pale. She leans down and takes off his underwear. (The nudity is mainly tastefully hidden.) ANDY I could have gotten that, but thank you. She stares at him. He takes a deep breath, then leans in to kiss her. This is it. When he does, she puts her finger on his lips. BETH Before we start I want to show you what gives me pleasure. She gets in the tub. Her hand moves down her body. CLOSE UP OF ANDY For the next full minute we are on a medium shot of Andy's face as Beth pleasures herself. We do not hear a lot of noise. A little breathing and the occasional splash. Andy's face goes through a kaleidoscope of emotions: interested, happy, shocked, ashamed, frightened. ANGLE ON THE BATH 101. We see Beth for a moment from an angle which disguises what she is doing, but we see her ecstatic face. ANGLE ON WHERE ANDY WAS Andy is now gone. He must have run out in the four seconds the camera was off of him. CUT TO: 90 EXT. BETH'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 90 Andy walks out the front door and is surprised to find-- Hay about to knock on the door. JAY Don't do it. ANDY What? In the background we hear the quiet sounds of Beth, moaning. As the scene plays out she gets louder and louder. JAY Have sex with Beth. If you love Trish, then it'll all work out. I’m sorry for giving you stupid advice. ANDY Don't worry, I didn't. But if you don't get out of my way, she might come out here and force me to do it. JAY Well, hurry. Trish is looking for you. She's really worried. ANDY Okay. I'll get in touch with her right away. They both hear the moaning. JAY What is going on in there? Is someone else in there? ANDY Just Beth. 102. JAY Maybe I should go in there. ANDY I wouldn't. JAY Yeah, you're right. That was stupid. They listen for another beat as Beth reaches her peak, then both run off--for different reasons. 91 EXT. STREETS - NIGHT 91 Andy rides his bicycle home, anxious to call Trish and tell her how much he cares for her. 92 EXT/INT. ANDY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 92 Andy locks his bike, and enters his home. When he enters, he sees Trish looking very upset. ANDY (attempting nonchalance) Trish. What's going on? TRISH Maybe you should tell me. ANDY Okay, here's the thing. I realize I made a mistake. The reason I went out-- TRISH What's this? Trish holds up a stack on movies: 'The Blue Lagoon,' 1/2 Weeks,' several Michael Douglas films and several pornos. Andy realizes this isn't about his date with Beth. ANDY Those are David's. TRISH And this? 103. She holds up his speed dating "rating card." On it, in his handwriting, is the names of women and his comments. We see phrases like, "she seems nice," "very nice," I like her, she was nice," "No!! She scared me," "nice, smelled like my grandma.." ANDY I did that before I met you. It was silly. TRISH (points to the computer) Your picture is on And you have all these books about how to have sex. A lot of them have disturbing pictures in them. ANDY Well, when I bought those I didn't realize the pictures would be so-- TRISH Why do you have them?! What kind of sick pervert are you? Are you some kind of sex maniac? Everything in your apartment is about sex. Is that all you think about? Is that all you care about? ANDY No. Of course not. I have never even tried to have sex with you. TRISH Well, then what the hell are you trying to do? What are you buttering me up for? She takes a beat. TRISH You're not going to kill me are you? ANDY No, I, I, I...I love you. She stares at him, contemplates what he said then runs out the door. Andy runs after her. ANDY Trish, wait! 104. 93 EXT. ANDY’ S APARTMENT - CONT. 93 Trish runs to her car. Andy follows. She drives off. Andy chases her with his bike. After pedaling hard he reaches her window and drives along next to her. ANDY Trish, stop! TRISH Get away before you get hurt 1 ANDY I love you. I swear. That is why I never tried to make love to you. I was scared. TRISH Why would you be scared? ANDY Because ... because, I've never done it before. TRISH You said you lost your virginity at fourteen. ANDY I lied. I am a virgin. I always have been. TRISH But, you're forty one years old. ANDY You don't need to point that out. I am well aware of that fact. TRISH I don't know what to believe. But I am pretty sure I don't believe you. She drives off. She slows down for a red, then it turns green and she takes off. Before she can Andy drives his bike in front of her car, and drives from side to side so she can't get past him. ANDY 105. Look at me. I collect action figures. Look how I walk. I ride a bicycle to work. And I date the most wonderful, beautiful woman in the world and I don't just grab her and ravage her. (beat) Because I'm a virgin. TRISH Why? ANDY It almost happened a bunch of times when I was younger, but it didn't work out, then when I got older there were some close calls that went kind of bad. Then I got scared. Then I gave up. Then I got more scared. Then I met you. Trish stops the car. She stays in the car as he speaks to her. ANDY I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away. (beat) So? (beat) Don't leave me hanging here. What do you think? Am I defective? Am I abnormal? Trish kisses him hard on the lips. It is very passionate. They kiss for a long time. TRISH Andy, the most important thing in my life is my family. I know that from the outside my situation may not seem like a bed of roses, but it is. ANDY I know. And I want to be a part of it. TRISH I love you, Andy. ANDY I love you, Trish. 106. TRISH Now what do we do? Andy thinks about this. CUT TO: 94 EXT. A BEAUTIFUL HILLSIDE OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN - DAY 94 Andy and Trish are getting married. Everyone is there, all her kids even the twenty six year old and her daughter, everyone from work, Jay is there with Jill, David is back together with his ex-girlfriend, Cal is there with the tattooed woman from speed dating. Aboojay from work is there with his date, Beth. PRIEST You may now kiss the bride. Andy and Trish kiss. The crowd explodes with cheers. They run down the path as children throw flowers at them- CUT TO : 95 INT. HOTEL BEDROOM - NIGHT 95 Andy and Trish are in bed, under the covers. TRISH Are you ready? ANDY Yeah. Definitely. TRISH Okay. ANDY Wait! I need another second. He take's a deep breath. ANDY Now I'm ready. TRISH Here we go. The screen fades to black. GRAPHIC UP: "THE END" 107. CREDITS ROLL OVER CREDITS WE SEE: 96 EXT. FANCY BEACH FRONT HOTEL - MORNING 96 Andy walks out of his room. MUSIC UP: "THE AGE OF AQUARIUS" Andy is overjoyed. He breaks into a very elaborate dance.- The employees of the hotel join him in the happiest dance sequence ever filmed. Trish comes out and joins in. It is like the Central Park scene from "Hair." It is a new day for Andy. FADE OUT