AFMParser is a parser for AFM (Atomic Force Microscpoy) scan files from Bruker NanoScale Analyzer. The general idea is to generate a georeferenced DEM (Digital Elevation Model) that can be opened and analyzed in off-the-shelf or open-source GIS-tools.
My understanding of AFM is rather non-existant, so I've based the parsing of the files on the Matlab-libraries provided by Prof. Robert Carpick found on (
The file shows general usage. In short
from parser import AFMParser
#this parsed the header
parser = AFMParser("path/to/file.001")
#this reads the layer at index i and returns it as a 2-dim numpy array
data = parser.read_layer(i)
This is by all means a work in progress. Several things remain to be done. See ( for additional details.
Make sure to have the python-gdal bindings and numpy installed (can't get gdal to work with a virtualenv)