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Tony Pujals edited this page Aug 4, 2015 · 5 revisions

Schema validation constraints for any instance type.

Validation constraints restrict the set of JSON instances that can match a schema. This section documents the constraints that can be used with any schema for matching any instance type.

One of the constraints in this section is type. For schemas that have a type constraint, there are additional constraints that can be applied to further restrict matching JSON instances depending on whether the type is numeric (number or integer), string, array, or object. See the sidebar for links to these additional constraints.


enum is constraint that can apply to any schema to restrict the set of acceptable values.

The set of enum values do not need to all be of the same type -- however if a type constraint is also specified, it is important to ensure that the enum values are consistent with the specific type constraint.

var schema = jsb.enum( [ 'foo', 3, true ] );

or simply

var schema = jsb.enum( 'foo', 3, true );

schema.json() generates:

  "enum": [ 'foo', 3, true ]

which matches "foo", 3, and true JSON instances.

As mentioned previously, take care to ensure enum constraint values are consistent with the type constraint. The following generates a valid schema, but only a JSON instance with the value 3 will match.

var schema = jsb.integer().enum('foo', 3, true);

schema.json() generates:

  "type": "integer",
  "enum": [ 'foo', 3, true ]

which will only match 3, since it is the only enum value that is an integer.


Simple enum validation


"schema": { "enum": [1, 2, 3] }


var schema = json.enum([1, 2, 3]);

or simply

var schema = json.enum(1, 2, 3);


All valid JSON Schema types are supported:

var integerSchema = jsb.integer();
var numberSchema = jsb.number();
var booleanSchema = jsb.boolean();
var stringSchema = jsb.string();
var arraySchema = jsb.array();
var objectSchema = jsb.object();
var nullSchema = jsb.null();

Using integerSchema from this example, integerSchema.json() would generate the following JSON Schema document (or fragment):

  "type": "integer"

This schema can be used by a validator to match any integer JSON instance (any number without a fraction or exponent part).

The type constraint can be used to restrict JSON instances to a particular set of acceptable types. The following example demonstrates how to specify a list of types:

var schema = jsb.type( 'integer', 'string' );

The string values can be any valid JSON Schema type (boolean, integer, number, string, array, object, and null).


Integer type matches integers


"schema": { "type": "integer" }


var schema = json.integer();

Specifying multiple types


"schema": {"type": ["integer", "string"]}


var schema = json.type(['integer', 'string']);


allOf, anyOf, and oneOf contraints apply to any schema. They accept an arguments list or an array of builder objects.

allOf is a list of one or more schemas all of which must match for a JSON instance to be valid.

var allOf = jsb.string().allOf(
  jsb.enum('foo', 'bar', 'foobaz'),

allOf.json() generates the following:

  "type": "string",
  "allOf": [
    { "enum": [ "foo", "bar", "foobaz" ] },
    { "minLength": 4 }

This will only match JSON instances that are strings that have a value of "foobaz", since it is the only enum value that is at least 4 characters long (which satisfies both schemas).


allOf with base schema


"schema": {
	"properties": {"bar": {"type": "integer"}},
	"required": ["bar"],
	"allOf" : [
			"properties": {
				"foo": {"type": "string"}
			"required": ["foo"]
			"properties": {
				"baz": {"type": "null"}
			"required": ["baz"]


var schema = json
              .property('bar', json.integer(), true)
      'foo', json.string(), true),
      'baz', json.null(), true)]);


allOf, anyOf, and oneOf contraints apply to any schema. They accept an arguments list or an array of builder objects.

anyOf is a list of one or more schemas at least one of which must match for a JSON instance to be valid.

var anyOf = jsb.string().anyOf(
  jsb.enum('foo', 'bar', 'foobaz'),

anyOf.json() generates the following:

  "type": "string",
  "anyOf": [
    { "enum": [ "foo", "bar", "foobaz" ] },
    { "minLength": 10 }

This will match JSON instances that are strings that have a value that is either "foo", "bar", "foobaz", or is at least 10 characters long (satisfying at least one of the schemas).


anyOf with base schema


"schema": {
	"type": "string",
	"anyOf" : [
			"maxLength": 2
			"minLength": 4


var schema = json
              .anyOf([json.maxLength(2), json.minLength(4)]);


allOf, anyOf, and oneOf contraints apply to any schema. They accept an arguments list or an array of builder objects.

oneOf is a list of one or more schemas only one of which can match for a JSON instance to be valid.

var oneOf = jsb.string().oneOf(
  jsb.enum('foo', 'bar', 'foobaz'),

oneOf.json() generates the following:

  "type": "string",
  "oneOf": [
    { "enum": [ "foo", "bar", "foobaz" ] },
    { "minLength": 4 }

This will match JSON instances that are either strings that have a value that is either "foo", "bar", but not "foobaz" (since that would also match the second rule); or have at least 4 characters (but again, not "foobaz" since that would also match the first schema, and only one of the schemas can be satisfied).


oneOf with base schema


"schema": {
	"type": "string",
	"oneOf" : [
			"minLength": 2
			"maxLength": 4


var schema = json
              .oneOf([json.minLength(2), json.maxLength(4)]);



not multiple types


"schema": {
	"not": {"type": ["integer", "boolean"]}


var schema = json
              .not(json.type(['integer', 'boolean']));



valid definition


"schema": {"$ref": ""}


var schema = json.$ref('');