Nmap-ssl-parser is a python script designed to query nmap XML output and provide a list of usable ssl services in the format host:port
The nmap-ssl-parser script parses an nmap.xml output file, extracts all SSL services and writes them to a file.
git clone https://github.com/attackdebris/nmap-ssl-parser.git
The pre-reqs are:
- Python (tested on Python 2.7)
- You need a valid Nmap XML output file (see below)
The Nmap XML file must have been created with version scanning enabled i.e. via Nmap flags -sV
or -A
(see below)
nmap -A -p 1-65535 -iL targets.txt -oX nmap-output.xml
nmap -sS -sV -p 1-65535 -iL targets.txt -oX nmap-output.xml
nmap-ssl-parser - v0.2 ( https://github.com/attackdebris/nmap-ssl-parser )
USAGE: nmap-ssl-parser.py [nmap-ouput.xml] [outputfile]
./nmap-ssl-parser.py nmap-output.xml ssl-services.txt
nmap-ssl-parser - v0.2 ( https://github.com/attackdebris/nmap-ssl-parser )
Results saved to: ssl-services.txt
The output from the script is a concatenated file (see below)
cat ssl-services.txt
The base code I used to create this: https://github.com/DanMcInerney/nmap-parser/blob/master/nmap-parser.py