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Testing and Releasing


All proposed changes to the archetypes should be done on develop or a branch created from develop.

To test, you'll want the archetype in a local catalog so that it can be found prior to publishing. In the archetype directory:

mvn clean install archetype:update-local-catalog

Then run a test by executing the following elsewhere:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local


Bintray Setup

  1. Request membership to the Attivio Bintray organization from an Attivio contact.
  2. Use the Bintray Set Me Up feature to generate the appropriate Maven server settings in your local Maven settings.xml config file.

Prepare the Release

New Version

If releasing a new version of the archetypes:

  1. Checkout the master branch.

  2. Configure the release version in the Maven poms:

    mvn -B versions:set -DnewVersion=<version>
    mvn -B versions:set-property -Dproperty=attivio.version -DnewVersion=<version>

    where <version> is the four-field version of the Attivio SDK release with which this archetype release is associated.

  3. Commit the changes locally:

    git commit -am "Archetype <version> release"
    git tag -a archetypes-<version>

    where <version> is the four-field version of the Attivio SDK release with which this archetype release is associated.

  4. Create a release branch for the new version:

    git branch release/<version>

    where <version> is the Major.Minor.Point version of the Attivio Platform release with which this archetype release is associated.

  5. Continue to the procedure Performing the Release.

Existing Version

If releasing an update to an existing version of the archetypes:

  1. Checkout the branch:

    git checkout <branch>
  2. Increment the version:

    mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<version>
    mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=attivio.version -DnewVersion=<version>

    where <version> is the four-field version of the Attivio SDK release with which this archetype release is associated.

  3. Commit the changes locally:

    git commit -m "Archetype <version> release"
    git tag -a archetypes-<version>

    where <version> is the four-field version of the Attivio SDK release with which this archetype release is associated.

  4. Continue to the procedure Performing the Release.

Perform the Release

  1. Deploy the release artifacts to Bintray:

    mvn deploy [ -s </path/to/settings> ]

    where [ -s </path/to/settings> ] is an optional argument to Maven specifying a settings.xml containing the appropriate credentials for Bintray.

  2. Push to GitHub:

    git push --tags


Note: Perform this procedure only for new versions.

  1. Checkout the develop branch

  2. Increment the development version:

    mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<next-version>
    mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty=attivio.version -DnewVersion=<next-version>

    where <next-version> is the next SNAPSHOT version.