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A pubsub implementation that conforms to the PubSubHubbub protocol with extensions for authentication and security. PubSubHubbub, though originally designed for Atom and RSS feeds, can be applied to any type of data to push notifications over HTTP, eliminating inefficient polling for changes.



The normal build uses Apache Ant and Apache Ivy to resolve dependencies. The following ant tasks are available:

  • init-ivy - Download and install ivy, if necessary
  • compile - Compiles the source
  • dist - Resolves dependencies, compiles the source, and creates a jar in dist/lib. This is the default task.
  • full-dist - Resolves dependencies, compiles the source, creates a jar in dist/lib, and copies dependencies to dist/extlib
  • clean - Removes all build files and jars.
  • javadoc - Generates javadoc.
  • cleandoc - Removes generated javadoc.

H2 Quick Start

H2 is an embedded database that can store tables in-memory or on-disk.

  • If ivy is not installed with your ant distribution: ant init-ivy
  • Build: ant full-dist
  • Create an install-specific config: cp config/ config/
  • The default settings use an in-memory database that is destroyed on restart. If you wish to persist subscriptions, use the alternate endpoint.acp.connection.pubsub.connectionString property with a local directory.
  • Start the server: bin/start
  • Verify that the server is running http://localhost:8086/health
  • Run a performance test: bin/test
  • View metrics http://localhost:8086/metrics.
  • Stop the server: bin/stop

MySQL Quick Start

  • If ivy is not installed with your ant distribution: ant init-ivy
  • Build: ant full-dist
  • Create a pubsub database.
  • Create the database tables: mysql -u [your user] -p -h [your host] pubsub < config/mysql_pubsub_hub.sql
  • Create an install-specific config: cp config/ config/
  • Edit config/ to change pubsub.user, pubsub.password and pubsub.connectionString for your database. You may also want to change any usernames/passwords from their defaults at this time.
  • Start the server: bin/start
  • Verify that the server is running http://localhost:8086/health
  • Run a performance test: bin/test
  • View metrics http://localhost:8086/metrics.
  • Stop the server: bin/stop

Framework Dependencies

Implementation Dependencies


Copyright 2010, 2016 Attribyte, LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


A server that implements the PubSubHubbub protocol.






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