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First version of dynamic binding for this
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marick committed Oct 3, 2012
1 parent 809208f commit a9e9980
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Showing 2 changed files with 424 additions and 0 deletions.
337 changes: 337 additions & 0 deletions sources/dynamic.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
(declare send-to apply-message-to)
;; This imports a function from another namespace. (Think package or module.)
(use '[clojure.pprint :only [cl-format]])

;;; Implicit variables

(def ^:dynamic this nil)

;;; Functions that construct the different kinds of objects

(def basic-object
(fn [method-holder-symbol]
{:__left_symbol__ method-holder-symbol}))

(def method-holder
(fn [my-name
_left left-symbol
_up up-symbol
(assert (= _left :left))
(assert (= _up :up))
(assoc (basic-object left-symbol)
:__own_symbol__ my-name
:__up_symbol__ up-symbol
:__methods__ methods)))

(def install
(fn [method-holder]
(intern *ns* (:__own_symbol__ method-holder) method-holder)

(def metasymbol
(fn [some-symbol]
(symbol (str "Meta" some-symbol))))

(def invisible
(fn [method-holder]
(assoc method-holder :__invisible__ true)))

(def invisible?
(fn [method-holder-symbol] (:__invisible__ (eval method-holder-symbol))))

(def names-module-stub?
(fn [symbol]
(:__module_stub?__ (eval symbol))))

;;; Here are methods that take a method-holder-symbol or instance containing one and follow it somewhere.

(def method-holder-symbol-above
(fn [method-holder-symbol]
(assert (symbol? method-holder-symbol))
(:__up_symbol__ (eval method-holder-symbol))))

(def method-holder-symbol-to-left
(fn [symbol]
(assert (symbol? symbol))
(:__left_symbol__ (eval symbol))))

(def held-methods
(fn [method-holder-symbol]
(assert (symbol? method-holder-symbol))
(:__methods__ (eval method-holder-symbol))))

(def left-from-instance
(fn [instance]
(assert (map? instance))
(eval (:__left_symbol__ instance))))

(def left-up-from-instance
(fn [instance]
(assert (map? instance))
(eval (:__up_symbol__ (left-from-instance instance)))))

;; Core dispatch function

(declare lineage)

(def lineage-1
(fn [symbol so-far]
(cond (nil? symbol)

(names-module-stub? symbol)
(lineage-1 (method-holder-symbol-above symbol)
(concat (lineage (method-holder-symbol-to-left symbol))

(lineage-1 (method-holder-symbol-above symbol)
(cons symbol so-far)))))

(def lineage
(fn [method-holder-symbol]
(lineage-1 method-holder-symbol [])))

(def method-cache
(fn [method-holder]
(let [method-holder-symbol (:__own_symbol__ method-holder)
method-maps (map held-methods
(lineage method-holder-symbol))]
(apply merge method-maps))))

(def apply-message-to
(fn [method-holder instance message args]
(let [method (message (method-cache method-holder))]
(if method
(binding [this instance] (apply method args))
(send-to instance :method-missing message args))))

;;; The public interface

(def send-to
(fn [instance message & args]
(apply-message-to (left-from-instance instance)
instance message args)))

;;; The two class/pairs from which everything else can be built

;; Anything
(install (method-holder 'Anything,
:left 'MetaAnything,
:up nil,
(fn [] this)

(fn [message args]
(throw (Error. (cl-format nil "A ~A does not accept the message ~A."
(send-to this :class-name)
:to-string (fn [] (str this))

(fn []
(eval (send-to this :class-name)))

(fn []
(first (send-to (left-from-instance this) :ancestors)))

(method-holder 'MetaAnything,
:left 'Klass,
:up 'Klass,

;; Module

(method-holder 'Module
:left 'MetaModule
:up 'Anything
(fn [module]
(let [module-name (:__own_symbol__ module)
stub-name (gensym module-name)
stub {:__own_symbol__ stub-name
:__up_symbol__ (:__up_symbol__ this)
:__left_symbol__ module-name
:__module_stub?__ true}]
;; This now points up to the included stub.
(install (assoc this :__up_symbol__ stub-name))
;; And the included stub points to the real module.
(install stub)))

(method-holder 'MetaModule
:left 'Klass
:up 'Klass
(fn [name methods]
(method-holder name
;; We move left to find `:install`.
;; That means the class `Module` must be in
;; the "up" chain of the leftward object.
;; Since we don't have a need for a Meta
;; version of this new module, we can point
;; directly to it. Otherwise, we'd have the
;; left object point up to `Module`.
:left 'Module

;; If `:up` pointed to, say, `Anything`, then
;; the methods from that method holder would get
;; inserted into the inheritance chain earlier than
;; they would otherwise be, preventing other classes
;; from overriding them.
:up nil


;; Klass
(install (method-holder 'Klass,
:left 'MetaKlass,
:up 'Module,
(fn [& args]
(let [seeded {:__left_symbol__ (:__own_symbol__ this)}]
(apply-message-to this seeded :add-instance-values args)))

(fn []
(str "class " (:__own_symbol__ this)))

(fn []
(remove invisible?
(reverse (lineage (:__own_symbol__ this)))))

(method-holder 'MetaKlass,
:left 'Klass,
:up 'MetaModule,
(fn [new-class-symbol superclass-symbol
instance-methods class-methods]
;; Metaclass
(method-holder (metasymbol new-class-symbol)
:left 'Klass
:up 'MetaAnything
;; Class
(method-holder new-class-symbol
:left (metasymbol new-class-symbol)
:up superclass-symbol

;; Trilobites

(def <=>
(fn [a-number another-number]
(max -1 (min 1 (compare a-number another-number)))))

(send-to Module :new 'Komparable
{:= (fn [that] (zero? (send-to this :<=> that)))
:> (fn [that] (= 1 (send-to this :<=> that)))
:>= (fn [that] (or (send-to this := that)
(send-to this :> that)))

:< (fn [that] (send-to that :> this))
:<= (fn [that] (send-to that :>= this))

(fn [lower upper]
(and (send-to this :>= lower)
(send-to this :<= upper)))})

(send-to Klass :new
'Trilobite 'Anything
(fn [facets]
(assoc this :facets facets))

:facets (fn [] (:facets this))

(fn [that]
(<=> (send-to this :facets)
(send-to that :facets)))

(send-to Trilobite :include Komparable)

;;; Points

(send-to Klass :new
'Point 'Anything
:x (fn [] (:x this))
:y (fn [] (:y this))

(fn [x y]
(assoc this :x x :y y))

(fn []
(cl-format nil "A ~A like this: [~A, ~A]"
(send-to this :class-name)
(send-to this :x)
(send-to this :y)))
(fn [xinc yinc]
(let [my-class (send-to this :class)]
(send-to my-class :new
(+ (:x this) xinc)
(+ (:y this) yinc))))
(fn [other]
(send-to this :shift (:x other)
(:y other)))

:origin (fn [] (send-to this :new 0 0))

"clueby 0.1 (2012-10-02 patchlevel 0)"

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