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feat(attr-transfer): implement attr capturing & spreading
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bigopon committed Aug 19, 2021
1 parent 360abda commit 998b91c
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Showing 12 changed files with 743 additions and 51 deletions.
281 changes: 281 additions & 0 deletions packages/__tests__/3-runtime-html/spread.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
import { Constructable } from '@aurelia/kernel';
import { BindingMode, CustomAttribute, CustomElement, ICustomElementViewModel, INode } from '@aurelia/runtime-html';
import { assert, createFixture } from '@aurelia/testing';

// all the tests are using a common <my-input/> with a spreat on its internal <input/>
describe('3-runtime-html/spread.spec.ts', function () {
const $it = <T>(title: string, args: ISpreadTestCase<T>) => runTest(title, args, false);
$it.only = <T>(title: string, args: ISpreadTestCase<T>) => runTest(title, args, true);

$it('works single layer of ...attrs', {
template: '<my-input value.bind="message">',
component: { message: 'Aurelia' },
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').value, 'Aurelia');

$it('preserves attr syntaxes', {
template: '<my-input value.bind="message">',
component: { message: 'Aurelia' },
assertFn: ({ ctx, component, appHost }) => {
ctx.type(appHost, 'input', 'hello');
assert.strictEqual(component.message, 'hello');
component.message = 'Aurelia';
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').value, 'Aurelia');

$it('does not throw when capture: false', {
template: '<no-capture-input value.bind="message">',
component: { message: 'Aurelia' },
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').value, '');

$it('does not throw when there are nothing to capture', {
template: '<my-input>',
component: { message: 'Aurelia' },
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').value, '');

$it('works with pass-through ...$attrs', {
template: '<input-field value.bind="message">',
component: { message: 'Aurelia' },
registrations: [
name: 'input-field',
template: '<my-input ...$attrs>',
capture: true,
assertFn: ({ platform, component, appHost }) => {
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').value, 'Aurelia');
component.message = 'hello';
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').value, 'hello');

$it('does not capture template controller', {
template: '<my-input value.bind="message" if.bind="hasInput">',
component: { hasInput: false, message: 'Aurelia' },
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.html.innerEqual(appHost, '');

$it('spreads event bindings', {
template: '<my-input"message" change.trigger="message = $" focus.trigger="focused = true">',
component: { message: 'Aurelia', focused: false },
assertFn: ({ ctx, component, appHost }) => {
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').value, 'Aurelia');
ctx.type(appHost, 'input', 'hello');
assert.strictEqual(component.message, 'hello');
appHost.querySelector('input').dispatchEvent(new ctx.CustomEvent('focus'));
assert.strictEqual(component.focused, true);

$it('spreads interpolation', {
template: `<my-input value="\${message}">`,
component: { message: 'Aurelia', focused: false },
assertFn: ({ ctx, component, appHost }) => {
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').value, 'Aurelia');
ctx.type(appHost, 'input', 'hello');
assert.strictEqual(component.message, 'Aurelia');

$it('spreads plain class attribute', {
template: '<my-input class="abc">',
component: { message: 'Aurelia', focused: false },
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').className, 'au abc');

$it('spreads plain style attribute', {
template: '<my-input style="display: block;">',
component: { message: 'Aurelia', focused: false },
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').style.display, 'block');

$it('spreads plain attributes', {
template: '<my-input size="20" aria-label="input">',
component: { message: 'Aurelia', focused: false },
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').size, 20);
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').getAttribute('aria-label'), 'input');

describe('custom attribute', function () {
const MyAttr = CustomAttribute.define({ name: 'my-attr', bindables: ['value'] }, class {
public static inject = [INode];
public value: any;
public constructor(private readonly host: HTMLElement) { }
public binding() {'size', this.value);

$it('spreads custom attribute (with literal value)', {
template: '<my-input my-attr="20">',
component: { },
registrations: [MyAttr],
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').getAttribute('size'), '20');
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('my-input').getAttribute('size'), null);

$it('spreads custom attribute (with interpolation)', {
template: `<my-input my-attr="\${size}">`,
component: { size: 20 },
registrations: [MyAttr],
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').getAttribute('size'), '20');
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('my-input').getAttribute('size'), null);

$it('spreads custom attribute (primary binding syntax)', {
template: '<my-input my-attr.bind="size">',
component: { size: 20 },
registrations: [MyAttr],
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').getAttribute('size'), '20');
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('my-input').getAttribute('size'), null);

$it('spreads custom attribute (multi binding syntax)', {
template: '<my-input my-attr="value.bind: size">',
component: { size: 20 },
registrations: [MyAttr],
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').getAttribute('size'), '20');
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('my-input').getAttribute('size'), null);

describe('custom element', function () {
const testElements = [
name: 'form-field',
template: '<form-input ...$attrs>',
capture: true,
name: 'form-input',
template: '<input value.bind="value">',
bindables: {
value: { property: 'value', attribute: 'value', mode: BindingMode.twoWay }

$it('spreads plain binding to custom element bindable', {
template: '<form-field value="Aurelia">',
component: {},
registrations: testElements,
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.notStrictEqual((appHost.querySelector('form-input') as any).value, 'Aurelia');
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').value, 'Aurelia');

$it('spreads binding to custom element bindables', {
template: '<form-field value.bind="message">',
component: { message: 'Aurelia' },
registrations: testElements,
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.notStrictEqual((appHost.querySelector('form-input') as any).value, 'Aurelia');
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').value, 'Aurelia');

$it('spreads interpolation to custom element bindables', {
template: `<form-field value="\${message}">`,
component: { message: 'Aurelia' },
registrations: testElements,
assertFn: ({ appHost }) => {
assert.notStrictEqual((appHost.querySelector('form-input') as any).value, 'Aurelia');
assert.strictEqual(appHost.querySelector('input').value, 'Aurelia');

$it('spreads shorthand element bindable props', {
template: '<form-field prop1.bind prop4.from-view>',
component: { prop1: 'prop 1', prop2: 'prop 2', prop3: 'prop 3', prop4: 'prop 4' },
registrations: [
name: 'form-field',
template: '<form-input ...$attrs>',
capture: true,
name: 'form-input',
template: '<input value.bind="prop1">',
bindables: ['prop1', 'prop2', 'prop3', 'prop4']
assertFn: ({ component, appHost }) => {
const formInput = CustomElement.for(appHost.querySelector('form-input')).viewModel as typeof component;
assert.strictEqual(formInput.prop1, 'prop 1');
assert.strictEqual(formInput.prop2, 'prop 2');
assert.strictEqual(formInput.prop3, 'prop 3');
assert.strictEqual(formInput.prop4, undefined);
formInput.prop4 = 'prop 5';
assert.strictEqual(component.prop4, 'prop 5');

function runTest<T>(title: string, { template, assertFn, component, registrations }: ISpreadTestCase<T>, only?: boolean) {
return (only ? it.only : it)(title, async function () {
const fixture = createFixture(
(typeof component === 'object'
? class { public constructor() { Object.assign(this, component); } }
: component
) as Constructable<T extends Constructable<infer O> ? Constructable<O> : Constructable<T>>,
...(registrations ?? []),
name: 'my-input',
template: '<input ...$attrs>',
capture: true,
}, class MyInput { }),
name: 'no-capture-input',
template: '<input ...$attrs>',
capture: false,
}, class NoCaptureInput { })
const { startPromise, tearDown } = fixture;

await startPromise;

await assertFn(fixture as any);

await tearDown();

interface ISpreadTestCase<T> {
component: Constructable<T> | T;
template: string;
registrations?: any[];
assertFn(arg: ReturnType<typeof createFixture> & { component: ICustomElementViewModel & T }): void | Promise<void>;

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