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authorNari committed Oct 13, 2012
0 parents commit 289fc81
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Showing 186 changed files with 3,174 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# CRuby Benchamrk CI

Please see:

Most codes are made by k-tsj ( Thanks!!

# Usage

cd /tmp
git clone git://
cd ruby
./configure --disable-install-rdoc
sh path/to/
mkdir /tmp/dest
ruby path/to/bm-merge.rb /tmp/ruby/bmlog 10
cd /tmp/dest
sh path/to/
Empty file added Rakefile
Empty file.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@

cat <<END > index.html
<title>CRuby Benchmark CI</title>
<pre>Benchmark options:
-r 3 -v --executables="r\${rev}::./ruby -I./lib -I. -I.ext/common ./tool/runruby.rb --extout=.ext --;r\${rev}-nogems::./ruby -I./lib -I. -I.ext/common ./tool/runruby.rb --extout=.ext -- --disable-gems"</pre>

echo "<p>uname -a : $(uname -a)</p>" >> index.html
echo "<p>Updated at : $(date --rfc-3339 seconds)</p>" >> index.html

for i in *.plot
echo '<img src="dest/'$ipng'" /><br />' >> index.html
rm src.dat
echo 'set terminal png' >> src.dat
echo 'set output "'$ipng'"' >> src.dat
echo 'set title "'${i%.plot}'"' >> src.dat
echo 'set xtics rotate by 260' >> src.dat
echo 'plot "'$i'" using 1:2 title "--enable-gems" with lines, "'$i'" using 1:3 title "--disable-gems" with lines' >> src.dat
gnuplot src.dat

echo '</body></html>' >> index.html
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions bm-merge.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

require_relative 'config'

dirname = ARGV.shift
x_label_every = (ARGV.shift || 1).to_i

def logfile_to_hash(filepath)
STDERR.puts filepath
Hash[*open(filepath, &:read).each_line.drop_while {|i| ! (/\Abenchmark results:/ =~ i) }[3..-3]\
.map {|i| bmname, *res, _ = i.chomp.split(/\t/); [bmname, res] }.flatten(1)]

# all
# {'bm_app_answer' => {rev => [gemrev, nogemrev]}, ...}
all = Dir.glob(File.join(dirname, 'bm-[0-9]*.log')).each.with_object({{}}) do |logfile, obj|
rev = logfile.slice(/\d+/).to_i
h = logfile_to_hash(logfile)
bm_names = h.keys.sort
bm_names.each do |bmname|
o = obj[bmname]
gemrev, nogemrev = h[bmname].map(&:to_f)
o[rev] = [gemrev, nogemrev]
obj[bmname] = o

all.each do |bmname, res|, bmname + ".plot"), "w") do |f|
f.puts '"Revision" "--enable-gems" "--disable-gems"'
res.sort_by {|(rev,_)| rev}.map do |*v|
v.join(' ')
end.each_slice(x_label_every) {|(h, *rest)|
f.puts h
f.puts rest.join("\n").gsub(/^[0-9]+/,'""') unless rest.empty?
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@

[ -r bmlog ] || mkdir bmlog

start_rev=$(git log -1|grep -o 'trunk@[0-9]*'|cut -d@ -f 2)
done=$(cat REVISION)

[ $start_rev -le $done ] && exit 1

while :
rev=$(git log -1|grep -o 'trunk@[0-9]*'|cut -d@ -f 2)

if [ $rev -le $done ]
echo $start_rev > REVISION

make -j 2
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
git reset --hard 'HEAD~'

if [ ! -r "bmlog/bm-${rev}.log" ]
ruby benchmark/driver.rb -r 3 -v -o "bmlog/bm-${rev}.log" --executables="r${rev}::./ruby -I./lib -I. -I.ext/common ./tool/runruby.rb --extout=.ext --;r${rev}-nogems::./ruby -I./lib -I. -I.ext/common ./tool/runruby.rb --extout=.ext -- --disable-gems" --pattern='bm_' --directory=./benchmark
make clean
git reset --hard 'HEAD~5'
git reset --hard 'HEAD~'

while :
[ "$(git log -1 --format="%an")" = "svn" ] || break
git reset --hard 'HEAD~'
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions config.rb.sample
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions dest/app_answer.plot
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"Revision" "--enable-gems" "--disable-gems"
36877 0.16 0.151
36882 0.16 0.155
36888 0.162 0.154
36893 0.16 0.151
36898 0.161 0.152
36903 0.161 0.151
36908 0.164 0.151
36913 0.163 0.151
36918 0.158 0.149
36923 0.159 0.15
36931 0.166 0.156
36936 0.168 0.157
36942 0.164 0.154
36947 0.161 0.151
36952 0.162 0.151
36957 0.161 0.153
36962 0.161 0.152
36968 0.162 0.157
36973 0.165 0.151
36978 0.16 0.149
36984 0.159 0.149
36989 0.172 0.163
36994 0.172 0.163
36999 0.172 0.162
37008 0.159 0.151
37013 0.159 0.149
37018 0.16 0.149
37027 0.16 0.15
37033 0.16 0.15
37039 0.168 0.151
37044 0.18 0.17
37049 0.166 0.154
Binary file added dest/app_answer.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions dest/app_erb.plot
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"Revision" "--enable-gems" "--disable-gems"
36877 2.667 2.651
36882 2.665 2.632
36888 2.659 2.633
36893 2.696 2.633
36898 2.687 2.628
36903 2.664 2.654
36908 2.661 2.662
36913 2.659 2.634
36918 2.67 2.647
36923 2.664 2.613
36931 2.67 2.648
36936 2.671 2.634
36942 2.673 2.639
36947 2.678 2.642
36952 2.675 2.685
36957 2.691 2.636
36962 2.675 2.649
36968 2.684 2.648
36973 2.65 2.631
36978 2.639 2.602
36984 2.621 2.595
36989 2.648 2.643
36994 2.68 2.621
36999 2.645 2.64
37008 2.657 2.615
37013 2.67 2.624
37018 2.647 2.614
37027 2.643 2.647
37033 2.639 2.643
37039 2.628 2.602
37044 2.709 2.666
37049 2.68 2.648
Binary file added dest/app_erb.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions dest/app_factorial.plot
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"Revision" "--enable-gems" "--disable-gems"
36877 4.397 4.235
36882 4.403 4.237
36888 4.391 4.23
36893 4.396 4.23
36898 4.39 4.237
36903 4.399 4.24
36908 4.398 4.239
36913 4.407 4.234
36918 4.397 4.241
36923 4.393 4.251
36931 4.385 4.227
36936 4.388 4.239
36942 4.385 4.231
36947 4.384 4.231
36952 4.408 4.243
36957 4.405 4.247
36962 4.404 4.249
36968 4.401 4.247
36973 4.409 4.246
36978 4.398 4.248
36984 4.408 4.254
36989 4.399 4.234
36994 4.392 4.232
36999 4.392 4.231
37008 4.392 4.232
37013 4.39 4.236
37018 4.389 4.228
37027 4.391 4.238
37033 4.388 4.234
37039 4.397 4.237
37044 4.408 4.252
37049 4.391 4.229
Binary file added dest/app_factorial.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions dest/app_fib.plot
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"Revision" "--enable-gems" "--disable-gems"
36877 1.713 1.705
36882 1.739 1.607
36888 1.61 1.6
36893 1.717 1.601
36898 1.671 1.663
36903 1.736 1.705
36908 1.618 1.706
36913 1.713 1.597
36918 1.603 1.598
36923 1.602 1.605
36931 1.574 1.589
36936 1.837 1.816
36942 1.697 1.619
36947 1.741 1.653
36952 1.577 1.566
36957 1.581 1.566
36962 1.582 1.568
36968 1.571 1.728
36973 1.699 1.636
36978 1.625 1.714
36984 1.595 1.588
36989 1.77 1.761
36994 1.78 1.761
36999 1.88 1.864
37008 1.575 1.561
37013 1.572 1.56
37018 1.569 1.564
37027 1.624 1.762
37033 1.6 1.744
37039 1.573 1.54
37044 1.838 1.747
37049 1.569 1.614
Binary file added dest/app_fib.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions dest/app_mandelbrot.plot
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"Revision" "--enable-gems" "--disable-gems"
36877 4.539 3.929
36882 4.515 3.907
36888 4.518 3.889
36893 4.575 3.912
36898 4.527 3.946
36903 4.532 3.949
36908 4.525 3.917
36913 4.553 3.949
36918 4.645 3.974
36923 4.591 3.93
36931 4.573 3.953
36936 4.63 4.004
36942 4.503 3.95
36947 4.53 3.938
36952 4.545 3.93
36957 4.528 3.959
36962 4.556 3.954
36968 4.526 3.927
36973 4.516 3.962
36978 4.64 3.938
36984 4.592 4.021
36989 4.628 4.025
36994 4.615 4.117
36999 4.632 4.024
37008 4.55 4.025
37013 4.583 4.039
37018 4.618 4.0
37027 4.57 4.018
37033 4.572 3.973
37039 4.684 4.081
37044 4.618 3.957
37049 4.559 3.946
Binary file added dest/app_mandelbrot.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions dest/app_pentomino.plot
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"Revision" "--enable-gems" "--disable-gems"
36877 37.683 36.692
36882 36.698 36.621
36888 36.64 36.493
36893 36.581 36.583
36898 37.144 37.626
36903 36.831 36.627
36908 37.006 36.558
36913 36.664 37.101
36918 36.13 36.518
36923 36.46 36.051
36931 36.662 36.434
36936 36.132 35.914
36942 36.255 36.938
36947 37.027 36.297
36952 37.814 37.217
36957 36.271 36.861
36962 36.243 34.97
36968 36.798 36.885
36973 36.373 35.925
36978 36.372 36.17
36984 36.618 37.071
36989 36.76 37.402
36994 37.403 36.604
36999 36.823 37.403
37008 35.932 35.748
37013 36.085 35.901
37018 36.87 35.816
37027 35.606 35.69
37033 35.899 35.853
37039 38.011 37.207
37044 37.289 37.2
37049 36.084 36.111
Binary file added dest/app_pentomino.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions dest/app_raise.plot
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"Revision" "--enable-gems" "--disable-gems"
36877 0.71 0.694
36882 0.692 0.67
36888 0.705 0.665
36893 0.693 0.678
36898 0.694 0.664
36903 0.674 0.682
36908 0.712 0.675
36913 0.704 0.678
36918 0.694 0.675
36923 0.689 0.684
36931 0.666 0.635
36936 0.685 0.682
36942 0.68 0.656
36947 0.688 0.666
36952 0.673 0.65
36957 0.664 0.645
36962 0.678 0.655
36968 0.659 0.639
36973 0.639 0.653
36978 0.672 0.669
36984 0.693 0.668
36989 0.691 0.666
36994 0.688 0.656
36999 0.702 0.663
37008 0.683 0.678
37013 0.686 0.666
37018 0.688 0.676
37027 0.681 0.678
37033 0.678 0.656
37039 0.697 0.667
37044 0.692 0.678
37049 0.691 0.676
Binary file added dest/app_raise.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

0 comments on commit 289fc81

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