This repo contains an e2e example of a consumer (Junit4 test) and provider as part of the contract test methodology. This code was demoed in a talk at Automation guild 2020 online conference. Watch the talk here
Here is a mind map about what contract testing with PACT is all about:
Also the talk slides can be referred on slideshare
- Write a consumer test against a mock with expectations of how the provider should behave.
Example test: java/twitter/
Use below command to run the consumer test
./gradlew :example-consumer:clean test
- Step 1 would generate a .json file with the expectation of how the provider behavior should be in
folder with the name of the consumer and provider, in this case asTwitterConsumer-TwitterProvider.json
project creates a simple representation of set of login APIs for a twitter like system
Refer to this guide to understand more about SpringBoot and how to create some simple APIs
# Run the app using below
./gradlew :example-provider:bootRun
# Alternatively, build using below
./gradlew :example-provider:build
# and run using below:
java -jar target/example-provider-1.0.0.jar
You can kill the server using Ctrl + C (Mac) however this will not kill the tomcat server.
To manually kill any process listening on port 8082 use below:
kill `lsof -i -n -P | grep TCP | grep 8082 | tr -s " " "\n" | sed -n 2p`
Before this, ensure below configs are updated in build.gradle
This makes sure that we are pointing to a local version of PACT broker
pactBrokerUrl = mybrokerUrl
pactBrokerUsername = ''
pactBrokerPassword = ''
// Update below to ensure local PACT broker is being used
pactBrokerUrl = "http://localhost"
Execute below to start local pact broker
docker-compose up
Now to publish the PACTs to the local broker run below:
./gradlew :example-consumer:pactPublish
You might see below error for the first time:
> Task :example-consumer:pactPublish FAILED
... 409 Conflict - This is the first time a pact has been published for "TwitterProvider".
$ curl -v -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"name\": \"ExampleProvider\"}" http://localhost/pacticipants
If the pact broker requires basic authentication, add '-u <username:password>' to the command.
To disable this check, set `check_for_potential_duplicate_pacticipant_names` to false in the configuration.
As suggested, lets run the below request to create the participants
curl -v -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"name\": \"ExampleProvider\"}" http://localhost/pacticipants
And lets run this again.
./gradlew :example-consumer:pactPublish
As you can see, the pact file is successfully published
> Task :example-consumer:pactPublish
Publishing 'TwitterConsumer-TwitterProvider.json' ... HTTP/1.1 201 Created
And we can see the result by hitting the PACT broker
Great, now that the consumer pacts are present in PACT broker, we can trigger the provider side of verification using gradle
Ensure the provider API is up and running. Using ./gradlew :example-provider:bootRun
./gradlew :example-provider:pactVerify
And you should see the same contract being exercised against the provider service
Here are the steps in sequence
# Consumer pact generation
./gradlew :example-consumer:clean test
# Publish to broker (remember to start pact broker via docker-compose up first)
./gradlew :example-consumer:pactPublish
# Start provider service (if not started already)
./gradlew :example-provider:bootRun
# Trigger provider verification
./gradlew :example-provider:pactVerify