Code for the paper "Learning Step-Size Adaptation in CMA-ES"
Our work is available under Apache-2.0. In order to learn step-size adaptation in CMA-ES we use guided policy search (GPS). We built upon the GPS version as given by Li and Malik. The original GPS code of Li and Malik can be found at
In a nutshell, we modified the GPS code to be able to continuously sample from the starting teacher. To this end we introduce a sampling rate that determines how often we use new samples generated from the starting policy.
The original code falls under GPLv3. In source/gps we list files that we modifed (thereby fall under GPLv3) and those that are of our creation (i.e. under Apache-2.0)
- Create experiment folder
- Create file with hyperparameters of the experiment in the experiment folder
- Start learning step-size adaptation by executing the command:
- The output of training is the pickled version of the learned policy, saved in the path EXPERIMENT_FOLDER_NAME/data_files.
- Add the path to the learned policy in the hyperparameter file
- Start testing the performance of the learned policy on the test set by executing the command:
- The output of testing are the files log_data_test_X.json for the function name of each condition X of the test set, saved in the experiment folder.
- The output file test_data_X.json contains:
- The average objective values from 25 samples of running the learned policy on the test condition X,
- The end objective values of the 25 samples,
- The average step-size for each step of the optimization trajectory from 25 samples, and
- The standard deviation of the objective value and the step-size for each step of the optimization trajectory.
- To plot the results, run the script in the scripts folder.
author = {G.Shala and A. Biedenkapp and N.Awad and S. Adriaensen and M.Lindauer and F. Hutter},
title = {Learning Step-size Adaptation in CMA-ES},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature ({PPSN}'20)},
year = {2020},
month = sep,