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Puppet nginx web server

Module will install and manage the nginx web server.
Also its allows you to manage all of your virtual hosts from within your puppet node manifest.
The module ensures nginx passes a clean configtest when applying new changes thus reducing 
the risk of downtime.

Currently only works on rhel & centos systems.

Manages the following services:

  • nginx

Manages the following files & directories:

  • /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

  • /etc/nginx/mime.types

  • /etc/logrotate.d/nginx

  • /etc/nginx/cert/*

  • /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

  • /etc/nginx/conf.d/*


 $workers          - optional  - int  (default: 4) 
 $nginx_user       - optional  - str  (default: nginx)
 $ensure_service   - optional  - str  (default: running)
 $ensure_packages  - optional  - str  (default: installed)
 $ensure_configs   - optional  - str  (default: present)
 $service_path     - optional  - path (default: /etc/init.d/nginx)

  include nginx

Optional usage:
   class { nginx: ensure_packages => "installed",
                  ensure_service  => "running",
                  service_path    => "/etc/init.d/nginx",
                  workers         => "4",
                  nginx_user      => "nginx",
                  ensure_configs  => "present", }


 $root                 - required  - dir          (default: undef)
 $owner                - required  - sys account  (default: undef) 
 $group                - required  - sys group    (default: undef)
 $client_max_body_size - required  - size         (default: 10m)
 $static               - optional  - hash         (default: undef)
 $default_vhost        - optional  - true | false (default: false)
 $autoindex            - optional  - true | false (default: false)
 $rewrite_missing      - optional  - true | false (default: false)
 $upstreams            - optional  - array        (default: undef)
 $aliases              - optional  - array        (default: undef)
 $confs                - optional  - array        (default: undef)
 $rewrites             - optional  - array        (default: undef)
 $ssl                  - optional  - true | false (default: false)
 $ssl_cert             - optional  - path         (default: undef)
 $ssl_key              - optional  - path         (default: undef)

include nginx

Setting up a basic virtual host.
Please note: "default_vhost" can be "true" or 
"false" but only one vhost can be the default.

nginx::site { "":
  aliases       => [ "" ],
  default_vhost => true,
  root          => "/var/www/",
  owner         => "sarah",
  group         => "sarah",

"rewrite_missing" is used when using a static site which 
rewites requrests from "/some-request" to "/some-request.html".

nginx::site { "":
  rewrite_missing => true,
  root => "/var/www/",
  owner => "sarah",
  group => "sarah",

"rewrites" allows you to add rewrites to the "/" location.

nginx::site { "":
  rewrites => [ '^(.*)   http://$host/something$1 permanent', ],
  root => "/var/www/",
  owner => "sarah",
  group => "sarah",

Backend application support with either a unix socket or 
ip addresses with a port.

nginx::site { "":
  aliases   => [ "" ],
  root      => "/var/www/",
  upstreams => [ "unix:/var/run/test-4.sock" ],
  owner     => "sarah",
  group     => "sarah",

nginx::site { "":
  aliases   => [ "" ],
  root      => "/var/www/",
  upstreams => [ "" ],
  owner     => "sarah",
  group     => "sarah",

Provide a statc location & static alias using the static hash.
This is used for a directory of static files which will then be 
served directly by nginx.
Please note: These files will be cached indefinitely.

nginx::site { "":
  aliases       => [ "" ],
  root          => "/var/www/",
  static        => [ {
                        location => "/var/www/",
                        alias    => "/static",
                        location => "/var/www/",
                        alias    => "/static2",
  upstreams     => [ "unix:/var/run/test-6.sock" ],
  owner         => "sarah",
  group         => "sarah",

Using "ssl" you may also setup vhosts with ssl certs.
Please note: This will by default redirect all http requests to https.
Also, "ssl_cert" and "ssl_key" apply the path to cert & key in the vhost.
So you'll still need to ensure the cert & key are actually present on the

nginx::site { "":
  root     => "/var/www/",
  ssl      => true,
  ssl_cert => "/etc/nginx/cert/",
  ssl_key  => "/etc/nginx/cert/",
  owner    => "sarah",
  group    => "sarah",


Sarah Fuller


Module will install and manage the nginx web server.






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