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add in a /contact interface to retrieve contact information (no servi…
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avsm committed Aug 22, 2009
1 parent a154c50 commit 5bba90f
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Showing 5 changed files with 75 additions and 2 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -120,6 +120,12 @@ let dispatch (lifedb : Lifedb_schema.Init.t) (syncdb : Sync_schema.Init.t) env (
|(`GET|`HEAD), "doc" ->
mark_get_rpc cgi;
Lifedb_query.dispatch lifedb syncdb env cgi (`Doc (List.nth url_list 1))
|(`GET|`HEAD), "contact" -> begin
match url_list with
|[_] -> Lifedb_query.dispatch lifedb syncdb env cgi `Contact_list
|[_;uid] -> Lifedb_query.dispatch lifedb syncdb env cgi (`Contact_get uid)
|_ -> raise (Lifedb_rpc.Invalid_rpc "need 0/1 args")
|(`GET|`HEAD), "att" ->
mark_get_rpc cgi;
Lifedb_query.dispatch lifedb syncdb env cgi (`Att (List.nth url_list 1))
Expand Down
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -177,5 +177,15 @@ let dispatch lifedb syncdb env (cgi:Netcgi.cgi_activation) = function
let contacts = results_of_search (unique (fun x y -> x#uid <> y#uid) contacts) in
Lifedb_rpc.return_json cgi (Query.json_of_contacts contacts)
|_ -> Lifedb_rpc.return_error cgi `Not_found "bad mode" "bad mode"
|_ -> Lifedb_rpc.return_error cgi `Not_found "bad mode" "bad mode"
|`Contact_list ->
let cs :> list = LS.Contact.get lifedb in
let contacts = results_of_search cs in
Lifedb_rpc.return_json cgi (Query.json_of_contacts contacts)
|`Contact_get uid -> begin
match LS.Contact.get_by_uid uid lifedb with
|[c] -> Lifedb_rpc.return_json cgi (Query.json_of_contact (c :>
|_ -> raise (Lifedb_rpc.Resource_not_found uid)

52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -516,6 +516,58 @@ module Contact = struct
(* execute the SQL query *)
step_fold db stmt of_stmt

let get_by_uid ~uid ?(custom_where=("",[])) db =
let q = "WHERE contact.uid=?" in
let q = match custom_where with |"",_ -> q |w,_ -> q ^ " AND (" ^ w ^ ")" in
let sql="SELECT, contact.file_name, contact.uid, contact.first_name, contact.last_name, contact.mtime FROM contact " ^ q in
let stmt=Sqlite3.prepare db.db sql in
db_must_ok db (fun () -> let v = uid in Sqlite3.bind stmt 1 (Sqlite3.Data.TEXT v));
ignore(match custom_where with |_,[] -> () |_,eb ->
let pos = ref 2 in
List.iter (fun b ->
db_must_ok db (fun () -> Sqlite3.bind stmt !pos b);
incr pos;
) eb);
(* convert statement into an ocaml object *)
let of_stmt stmt =
(* native fields *)
(match Sqlite3.column stmt 0 with
|Sqlite3.Data.NULL -> None
|x -> Some (match x with |Sqlite3.Data.INT i -> i |x -> (try Int64.of_string (Sqlite3.Data.to_string x) with _ -> failwith "error: contact id")))
(match Sqlite3.column stmt 1 with
|Sqlite3.Data.NULL -> failwith "null of_stmt"
|x -> Sqlite3.Data.to_string x)
(match Sqlite3.column stmt 2 with
|Sqlite3.Data.NULL -> failwith "null of_stmt"
|x -> Sqlite3.Data.to_string x)
(match Sqlite3.column stmt 3 with
|Sqlite3.Data.NULL -> None
|x -> Some (Sqlite3.Data.to_string x))
(match Sqlite3.column stmt 4 with
|Sqlite3.Data.NULL -> None
|x -> Some (Sqlite3.Data.to_string x))
(match Sqlite3.column stmt 5 with
|Sqlite3.Data.NULL -> failwith "null of_stmt"
|x -> match x with |Sqlite3.Data.FLOAT i -> i|x -> (try float_of_string (Sqlite3.Data.to_string x) with _ -> failwith "error: contact mtime"))
(* foreign fields *)
(* execute the SQL query *)
step_fold db stmt of_stmt


module Mtype = struct
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions lifedb_schema.mli
Expand Up @@ -107,6 +107,11 @@ module Contact : sig
@raise Sql_error if a database error is encountered

val get_by_uid :
uid:string ->
?custom_where:string * Sqlite3.Data.t list -> Init.t ->
t list

module Mtype : sig
type t = <
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ let lifedb = make [
text ~flags:[`Optional] "first_name";
text ~flags:[`Optional] "last_name";
date "mtime";
], [], default_opts;
], [ [], ["uid"] ], default_opts;

"mtype" , [
text ~flags:[`Unique; `Index] "name";
Expand Down

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