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Awesome Operators in the Wild

"Operators are software extensions to Kubernetes that make use of custom resources to manage applications and their components. Operators follow Kubernetes principles, notably the control loop." Read more at Kubernetes > Operator pattern.

This lists Operators seen in the wild and which have been updated in the last 6 months. If you see an Operator missing please send a pull request against repos.txt. Note that this is a fork from the archived

Github Description License Stargazers Last Update
argoproj/argo-cd Declarative Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes Apache-2.0 17842 2024-11-08
rook/rook Storage Orchestration for Kubernetes Apache-2.0 12372 2024-11-07
cert-manager/cert-manager Automatically provision and manage TLS certificates in Kubernetes Apache-2.0 12120 2024-11-08
prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator Prometheus Operator creates/configures/manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes Apache-2.0 9113 2024-11-08
openebs/openebs Most popular & widely deployed Open Source Container Native Storage platform for Stateful Persistent Applications on Kubernetes. Apache-2.0 8981 2024-11-07
vmware-tanzu/velero Backup and migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumes Apache-2.0 8714 2024-11-08
kedacore/keda KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling component. It provides event driven scale for any container running in Kubernetes Apache-2.0 8495 2024-11-07
fluxcd/flux2 Open and extensible continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes. Powered by GitOps Toolkit. Apache-2.0 6538 2024-11-08
kubevirt/kubevirt Kubernetes Virtualization API and runtime in order to define and manage virtual machines. Apache-2.0 5614 2024-11-08
pixie-io/pixie Instant Kubernetes-Native Application Observability Apache-2.0 5580 2024-11-08
strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator Apache Kafka® running on Kubernetes Apache-2.0 4842 2024-11-07
cloudnative-pg/cloudnative-pg CloudNativePG is a comprehensive platform designed to seamlessly manage PostgreSQL databases within Kubernetes environments, covering the entire operational lifecycle from initial deployment to ongoing maintenance Apache-2.0 4615 2024-11-08
external-secrets/external-secrets External Secrets Operator reads information from a third-party service like AWS Secrets Manager and automatically injects the values as Kubernetes Secrets. Apache-2.0 4446 2024-11-08
zalando/postgres-operator Postgres operator creates and manages PostgreSQL clusters running in Kubernetes MIT 4356 2024-11-08
CrunchyData/postgres-operator Production PostgreSQL for Kubernetes, from high availability Postgres clusters to full-scale database-as-a-service. Apache-2.0 3941 2024-11-07
open-policy-agent/gatekeeper 🐊 Gatekeeper - Policy Controller for Kubernetes Apache-2.0 3692 2024-11-08
kubeflow/spark-operator Kubernetes operator for managing the lifecycle of Apache Spark applications on Kubernetes. Apache-2.0 2788 2024-11-07
flant/shell-operator Shell-operator is a tool for running event-driven scripts in a Kubernetes cluster Apache-2.0 2435 2024-11-07
openfaas/faas-netes Serverless Functions For Kubernetes MIT 2125 2024-11-06
Altinity/clickhouse-operator Altinity Kubernetes Operator for ClickHouse creates, configures and manages ClickHouse® clusters running on Kubernetes Apache-2.0 1921 2024-11-07
NVIDIA/gpu-operator NVIDIA GPU Operator creates, configures, and manages GPUs in Kubernetes Apache-2.0 1831 2024-11-08
kubeflow/training-operator Distributed ML Training and Fine-Tuning on Kubernetes Apache-2.0 1604 2024-11-07
kube-logging/logging-operator Logging operator for Kubernetes Apache-2.0 1551 2024-11-05
spotahome/redis-operator Redis Operator creates/configures/manages high availability redis with sentinel automatic failover atop Kubernetes. Apache-2.0 1520 2024-11-06
FairwindsOps/rbac-manager A Kubernetes operator that simplifies the management of Role Bindings and Service Accounts. Apache-2.0 1481 2024-11-04
reactive-tech/kubegres Kubegres is a Kubernetes operator allowing to deploy one or many clusters of PostgreSql instances and manage databases replication, failover and backup. Apache-2.0 1315 2024-11-04
flux-iac/tofu-controller A GitOps OpenTofu and Terraform controller for Flux Apache-2.0 1297 2024-11-08
ansible/awx-operator An Ansible AWX operator for Kubernetes built with Operator SDK and Ansible. 🤖 Apache-2.0 1255 2024-11-07
mongodb/mongodb-kubernetes-operator MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator NOASSERTION 1231 2024-11-05
pingcap/tidb-operator TiDB operator creates and manages TiDB clusters running in Kubernetes. Apache-2.0 1231 2024-11-08
minio/operator Simple Kubernetes Operator for MinIO clusters 💻 AGPL-3.0 1218 2024-11-07
open-telemetry/opentelemetry-operator Kubernetes Operator for OpenTelemetry Collector Apache-2.0 1204 2024-11-07
kudobuilder/kudo Kubernetes Universal Declarative Operator (KUDO) Apache-2.0 1181 2024-10-29
kube-green/kube-green A K8s operator to reduce CO2 footprint of your clusters MIT 1048 2024-11-05
bitpoke/mysql-operator Asynchronous MySQL Replication on Kubernetes using Percona Server and Openark's Orchestrator. Apache-2.0 1034 2024-11-06
jaegertracing/jaeger-operator Jaeger Operator for Kubernetes simplifies deploying and running Jaeger on Kubernetes. Apache-2.0 1027 2024-11-07
ongres/stackgres StackGres Operator, Full Stack PostgreSQL on Kubernetes // !! Mirror repository of, only accept Merge Requests there. AGPL-3.0 1024 2024-11-07
grafana/grafana-operator An operator for Grafana that installs and manages Grafana instances, Dashboards and Datasources through Kubernetes/OpenShift CRs Apache-2.0 912 2024-11-08
k8gb-io/k8gb A cloud native Kubernetes Global Balancer Apache-2.0 880 2024-11-07
rabbitmq/cluster-operator RabbitMQ Cluster Kubernetes Operator MPL-2.0 874 2024-11-07
apache/camel-k Apache Camel K is a lightweight integration platform, born on Kubernetes, with serverless superpowers Apache-2.0 866 2024-11-08
OT-CONTAINER-KIT/redis-operator A golang based redis operator that will make/oversee Redis standalone/cluster/replication/sentinel mode setup on top of the Kubernetes. Apache-2.0 817 2024-11-08
apache/flink-kubernetes-operator Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator Apache-2.0 802 2024-11-04
banzaicloud/koperator Oh no! Yet another Apache Kafka operator for Kubernetes Apache-2.0 787 2024-11-05
mysql/mysql-operator MySQL Operator for Kubernetes NOASSERTION 771 2024-11-07
NetApp/trident Storage orchestrator for containers Apache-2.0 759 2024-11-06
kanisterio/kanister An extensible framework for application-level data management on Kubernetes Apache-2.0 758 2024-11-07
Azure/azure-service-operator Azure Service Operator allows you to create Azure resources using kubectl MIT 749 2024-11-08
kubernetes-sigs/security-profiles-operator The Kubernetes Security Profiles Operator Apache-2.0 707 2024-11-08
upmc-enterprises/elasticsearch-operator manages elasticsearch clusters NOASSERTION 655 2024-11-02
argoproj-labs/argocd-operator A Kubernetes operator for managing Argo CD clusters. Apache-2.0 650 2024-11-07
jenkinsci/kubernetes-operator Kubernetes native Jenkins Operator NOASSERTION 600 2024-10-28
metal3-io/baremetal-operator Bare metal host provisioning integration for Kubernetes Apache-2.0 587 2024-11-08
nats-io/nats-operator NATS Operator Apache-2.0 575 2024-11-05
lyft/flinkk8soperator Kubernetes operator that provides control plane for managing Apache Flink applications Apache-2.0 569 2024-11-05
percona/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster Apache-2.0 541 2024-11-05
banzaicloud/istio-operator An operator that manages Istio deployments on Kubernetes Apache-2.0 535 2024-10-22
mariadb-operator/mariadb-operator 🦭 Run and operate MariaDB in a cloud native way MIT 492 2024-11-07
hashicorp/terraform-k8s Terraform Cloud Operator for Kubernetes MPL-2.0 454 2024-10-14
tektoncd/operator Kubernetes operator to manage installation, updation and uninstallation of tektoncd projects (pipeline, …) Apache-2.0 445 2024-11-07
VictoriaMetrics/operator Kubernetes operator for Victoria Metrics Apache-2.0 429 2024-11-07
libopenstorage/stork Stork - Storage Orchestration Runtime for Kubernetes Apache-2.0 391 2024-10-29
ucloud/redis-cluster-operator Redis Cluster Operator creates and manages Redis Clusters atop Kubernetes. Apache-2.0 383 2024-11-07
pravega/zookeeper-operator Kubernetes Operator for Zookeeper Apache-2.0 369 2024-11-02
GalleyBytes/terraform-operator A Kubernetes CRD to handle terraform operations Apache-2.0 365 2024-10-28
percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator Percona Operator for MongoDB Apache-2.0 349 2024-11-06
scylladb/scylla-operator The Kubernetes Operator for ScyllaDB Apache-2.0 337 2024-11-06
mongodb/mongodb-enterprise-kubernetes MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator NOASSERTION 326 2024-10-25
isindir/sops-secrets-operator Kubernetes SOPS secrets operator MPL-2.0 318 2024-11-07
apache/rocketmq-operator Apache RocketMQ Operator Apache-2.0 316 2024-11-04
DataDog/datadog-operator Kubernetes Operator for Datadog Resources Apache-2.0 302 2024-11-08
percona/percona-postgresql-operator Percona Operator for PostgreSQL Apache-2.0 294 2024-11-07
cockroachdb/cockroach-operator k8s operator for CRDB Apache-2.0 283 2024-11-07
pmem/ndctl A "device memory" enabling project encompassing tools and libraries for CXL, NVDIMMs, DAX, memory tiering and other platform memory device topics. NOASSERTION 271 2024-11-06
kubemod/kubemod Universal Kubernetes mutating operator BSD-3-Clause 270 2024-10-29
datastax/cass-operator The DataStax Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra Apache-2.0 257 2024-11-04
oracle/weblogic-kubernetes-operator WebLogic Kubernetes Operator UPL-1.0 253 2024-11-07
cloudflare/origin-ca-issuer cert-manager issuer for Origin CA BSD-3-Clause 251 2024-11-06
openshift/hive API driven OpenShift cluster provisioning and management Apache-2.0 249 2024-11-06
instaclustr/cassandra-operator Kubernetes operator for Apache Cassandra Apache-2.0 240 2024-10-28
bitpoke/wordpress-operator Bitpoke Kubernetes operator for WordPress Apache-2.0 229 2024-10-28
arangodb/kube-arangodb ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator - Start ArangoDB on Kubernetes in 5min Apache-2.0 228 2024-11-07
ucloud/redis-operator Redis operator build a Highly Available Redis cluster with Sentinel atop Kubernetes Apache-2.0 214 2024-09-08
streamnative/function-mesh The serverless framework purpose-built for event streaming applications. Apache-2.0 211 2024-11-07
GoogleCloudPlatform/elcarro-oracle-operator El Carro is a new project that offers a way to run Oracle databases in Kubernetes as a portable, open source, community driven, no vendor lock-in container orchestration system. El Carro provides a powerful declarative API for comprehensive and consistent configuration and deployment as well as for real-time operations and monitoring. Apache-2.0 209 2024-07-09
splunk/splunk-operator Splunk Operator for Kubernetes NOASSERTION 209 2024-10-22
Mellanox/network-operator Mellanox Network Operator Apache-2.0 208 2024-11-08
druid-io/druid-operator Druid Kubernetes Operator NOASSERTION 205 2024-09-05
knative/operator Combined operator for Knative. Apache-2.0 190 2024-11-07
k8ssandra/cass-operator The DataStax Kubernetes Operator for Apache Cassandra Apache-2.0 187 2024-11-02
nmstate/kubernetes-nmstate Declarative node network configuration driven through Kubernetes API. GPL-2.0 186 2024-11-06
tigera/operator Kubernetes operator for installing Calico and Calico Enterprise Apache-2.0 186 2024-11-05
movetokube/postgres-operator Postgres operator for Kubernetes MIT 172 2024-10-28
Dynatrace/dynatrace-operator Automate Kubernetes observability with Dynatrace Apache-2.0 169 2024-11-08
AmadeusITGroup/Redis-Operator Redis Operator creates/configures/manages Redis clusters atop Kubernetes MIT 168 2024-09-09
chaosblade-io/chaosblade-operator chaosblade operator for kubernetes experiments Apache-2.0 164 2024-10-31
alexandrevilain/temporal-operator Temporal Kubernetes Operator Apache-2.0 161 2024-11-08
practo/k8s-worker-pod-autoscaler Kubernetes autoscaler for the workers. Resource is called WPA. Queues Supported: SQS, Beanstalkd. Apache-2.0 159 2024-09-20
kloeckner-i/db-operator The DB Operator creates databases and make them available in the cluster via Custom Resource. Apache-2.0 158 2024-08-29
netobserv/network-observability-operator An OpenShift / Kubernetes operator for network observability Apache-2.0 158 2024-11-07
radanalyticsio/spark-operator Operator for managing the Spark clusters on Kubernetes and OpenShift. Apache-2.0 156 2024-08-16
kubevirt/hyperconverged-cluster-operator Operator pattern for managing multi-operator products Apache-2.0 154 2024-11-05
ianlewis/memcached-operator A Kubernetes operator for memcached Apache-2.0 152 2024-09-10
mongodb/mongodb-atlas-kubernetes MongoDB Atlas Kubernetes Operator - Manage your MongoDB Atlas clusters from Kubernetes Apache-2.0 152 2024-11-07
litmuschaos/chaos-operator chaos engineering via kubernetes operator Apache-2.0 134 2024-10-15
rabbitmq/messaging-topology-operator RabbitMQ messaging topology operator MPL-2.0 130 2024-11-05
SAP/sap-btp-service-operator SAP BTP service operator enables developers to connect Kubernetes clusters to SAP BTP accounts and to consume SAP BTP services within the clusters by using Kubernetes native tools. Apache-2.0 125 2024-10-08
sapcc/kubernetes-operators Operators that automate common tasks for managing Openstack on Kubernetes. Apache-2.0 124 2024-10-01
quay/quay-operator Operator for deploying and managing Quay Apache-2.0 120 2024-11-01
mattermost/mattermost-operator Mattermost Operator for Kubernetes Apache-2.0 119 2024-11-05
wso2/k8s-api-operator API Operator for Kubernetes Apache-2.0 115 2024-07-01
amaizfinance/redis-operator Redis Operator for Kubernetes Apache-2.0 106 2024-08-25
submariner-io/submariner-operator Operator that deploys the various Submariner components. Apache-2.0 106 2024-11-04
quay/container-security-operator Identify image vulnerabilities in Kubernetes pods Apache-2.0 104 2024-08-27
noobaa/noobaa-operator Operator for NooBaa - object data service for hybrid and multi cloud environments ☁️ 🔧 Apache-2.0 103 2024-11-04
datainfrahq/druid-operator Apache Druid On Kubernetes NOASSERTION 101 2024-09-28
maistra/istio-operator null Apache-2.0 97 2024-10-07
medik8s/node-healthcheck-operator K8s Node Health Check Operator Apache-2.0 94 2024-11-06
metallb/metallb-operator MetalLB Operator for deploying metallb Apache-2.0 94 2024-11-03
aerospike/aerospike-kubernetes-operator Kubernetes operator for the Aerospike database Apache-2.0 92 2024-10-29
stakater/Konfigurator A kubernetes operator that dynamically generates and manages app configuration based on kubernetes resources – [✩Star] if you're using it! undefined 92 2024-10-11
citrusframework/yaks YAKS is a platform to enable Cloud Native BDD testing on Kubernetes Apache-2.0 83 2024-11-01
influxdata/telegraf-operator telegraf-operator helps monitor application on Kubernetes with Telegraf Apache-2.0 80 2024-08-19
kiali/kiali-operator Kiali operator that is used to install, manage, and update Kiali deployments. Apache-2.0 80 2024-11-07
digitalocean/do-operator The Kubernetes Operator for DigitalOcean Apache-2.0 77 2024-09-10
sky-big/pulsar-operator Pulsar Operator creates/configures/manages pulsar clusters atop Kubernetes MIT 73 2024-05-22
IBM/varnish-operator Run and manage Varnish clusters on Kubernetes Apache-2.0 69 2024-10-31
pulp/pulp-operator Kubernetes Operator for Pulp 3. Under active development. GPL-2.0 67 2024-10-28
eclipse-che/che-operator null EPL-2.0 66 2024-11-06
kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery-operator Operator for managing Node Feature Discovery deployment Apache-2.0 66 2024-07-25
ThinkParQ/beegfs-csi-driver The BeeGFS Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver provides high performing and scalable storage for workloads running in Kubernetes. 📦 🐝 Apache-2.0 65 2024-11-04
grafana/tempo-operator Grafana Tempo Kubernetes operator AGPL-3.0 61 2024-11-07
patoarvizu/kms-vault-operator Kubernetes operator to manage KMS-encrypted Vault secrets Apache-2.0 60 2024-05-16
eshepelyuk/cmak-operator CMAK (prev. Kafka Manager) for Kubernetes MIT 59 2024-07-05
ipfs-cluster/ipfs-operator null undefined 56 2024-10-29
app-sre/deployment-validation-operator The Deployment Validator Operator (DVO) checks deployments and other resources against a curated collection of best practices. undefined 55 2024-10-27
grtl/mysql-operator Kubernetes Custom Resource for MySQL Apache-2.0 53 2024-10-17
carlosedp/lbconfig-operator A Kubernetes/Openshift Operator to configure external Load Balancers MIT 52 2024-11-01
elastic/cloud-on-k8s Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes NOASSERTION 51 2024-11-08
infinispan/infinispan-operator Infinispan Operator Apache-2.0 51 2024-10-31
m88i/nexus-operator Sonatype Nexus OSS Kubernetes Operator based on Operator SDK Apache-2.0 50 2024-08-30
application-stacks/runtime-component-operator A generic Operator capable of deploying any runtime component image with enterprise QoS and bind it to other services Apache-2.0 49 2024-11-06
CrowdStrike/falcon-operator null Apache-2.0 49 2024-10-15
OT-CONTAINER-KIT/logging-operator A golang based operator to create and manage EFK (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana) stack on Kubernetes Apache-2.0 49 2024-08-28
devopstales/trivy-operator Kubernetes Operator based on the open-source container vulnerability scanner Trivy. Apache-2.0 47 2024-09-16
pingcap/docs-tidb-operator Documentation for TiDB on Kubernetes. TiDB is an open-source, cloud-native, distributed, MySQL-Compatible database for elastic scale and real-time analytics. Try AI-powered Chat2Query free at : NOASSERTION 47 2024-11-07
abalki001/mariadb-operator MariaDB GO based operator MIT 46 2024-06-18
falarica/steerd-presto-operator Kubernetes (K8s) Operator for PrestoDB Apache-2.0 46 2024-10-24
instana/instana-agent-operator A Kubernetes operator to install and manage the Instana agent. Apache-2.0 46 2024-10-22
deepinsight/mxnet-operator Tools for ML/MXNet on Kubernetes. Apache-2.0 45 2024-10-23
OT-CONTAINER-KIT/mongodb-operator A golang based operator to create and manage MongoDB standalone setup and cluster setup Apache-2.0 45 2024-11-04
libopenstorage/operator Storage operator for Kubernetes undefined 44 2024-08-15
medik8s/self-node-remediation Automatic repair for unhealthy Kubernetes nodes Apache-2.0 44 2024-11-04
vertica/vertica-kubernetes Operator, container and Helm chart to deploy Vertica in Kubernetes Apache-2.0 44 2024-11-05
3scale/3scale-operator Openshift operator to install a 3scale API Management solution Apache-2.0 43 2024-10-28
Apicurio/apicurio-registry-operator The Kubernetes Operator for Apicurio Registry. Apache-2.0 42 2024-10-20
openshift/service-ca-operator Controller to mint and manage serving certificates for Kubernetes services Apache-2.0 42 2024-06-21
pravega/pravega-operator Pravega Kubernetes Operator Apache-2.0 41 2024-05-30
halkyonio/operator Kubernetes Operator simplifying the development of microservices on k8s ! Apache-2.0 40 2024-06-02
Kuadrant/kuadrant-operator The Operator to install and manage the lifecycle of the Kuadrant components deployments. Apache-2.0 37 2024-11-07
verfio/fortio-operator Load Testing Operator within the Kubernetes cluster and outside of it. Apache-2.0 37 2024-07-24
epam/edp-keycloak-operator It is responsible for establishing a connection to provided Keycloak Server, reconciling realms, and clients according to the created CRs Apache-2.0 36 2024-11-06
mondoohq/mondoo-operator ☸️ Mondoo Client Kubernetes Operator NOASSERTION 35 2024-11-04
mysql/mysql-ndb-operator Kubernetes Operator for MySQL NDB Cluster. NOASSERTION 35 2024-10-23
aquasecurity/aqua-operator The aqua-operator is a group of controllers that runs within a Kubernetes or Openshift cluster that provides a means to deploy and manage Aqua Security cluster and Components. undefined 34 2024-10-22
medik8s/node-maintenance-operator Kubernetes Operator to manage node maintenance through NodeMaintenance custom resources Apache-2.0 34 2024-11-06
slok/service-level-operator Manage application's SLI and SLO's easily with the application lifecycle inside a Kubernetes cluster Apache-2.0 34 2024-07-23
aiven/aiven-operator Provision and manage Aiven Services from your Kubernetes cluster. Apache-2.0 33 2024-11-07
cryostatio/cryostat-operator A Kubernetes Operator to facilitate the setup and management of Cryostat. Apache-2.0 33 2024-10-25
wildfly/wildfly-operator Kubernetes Operator for WildFly Apache-2.0 32 2024-10-22
kedacore/keda-olm-operator Operator for deploying KEDA Controller on Apache-2.0 31 2024-08-14
dev4devs-com/postgresql-operator Operator in Go developed using the Operator Framework to package, install, configure and manage a PostgreSQL database. Apache-2.0 30 2024-10-09
Jooho/nfs-provisioner-operator NFS Provisioner Go Operator Apache-2.0 29 2024-09-06
OpenLiberty/open-liberty-operator null EPL-2.0 29 2024-11-06
konveyor/operator Konveyor Operator fully manages the deployment and life cycle of Konveyor (formerly Tackle) on Kubernetes and OpenShift. Apache-2.0 28 2024-10-31
dell/dell-csi-operator The Dell CSI Operator is no longer actively maintained or supported. Dell CSI Operator has been replaced with Dell CSM Operator ( NOASSERTION 26 2024-06-04
microcks/microcks-ansible-operator Kubernetes Operator for easy setup and management of Microcks installs Apache-2.0 26 2024-11-07
sustainable-computing-io/kepler-operator Kepler Operator Apache-2.0 26 2024-11-07
dell/csm-operator null Apache-2.0 25 2024-11-04
kube-incubator/redis-operator A redis-operator based on operator-sdk. Apache-2.0 24 2024-10-16
opdev/synapse-operator null Apache-2.0 24 2024-10-14
routernetes/routernetes-operator null Apache-2.0 24 2024-05-23
personio/newrelic-alert-manager Kubernetes operator for managing New Relic alerts and dashboards MIT 23 2024-06-27
jomkz/rethinkdb-operator A Kubernetes operator to manage RethinkDB clusters. Apache-2.0 22 2024-06-06
lukasz-antoniak/neo4j-operator Kubernetes Neo4J Operator Apache-2.0 22 2024-09-25
shipwright-io/operator An operator to install and configure Shipwright Builds on Kubernetes clusters. Apache-2.0 20 2024-11-07
Nuance-XINFRA/zookeeper-operator Kubernetes Operator for Apache Zookeeper Apache-2.0 19 2024-05-22
che-incubator/kubernetes-image-puller-operator null EPL-2.0 18 2024-10-09
patoarvizu/vault-dynamic-configuration-operator Operator to handle dynamic configuration of Apache-2.0 18 2024-09-27
stolostron/cluster-templates-operator null Apache-2.0 18 2024-07-16
IBM/ibm-block-csi-operator Operator for IBM block storage CSI driver Apache-2.0 15 2024-10-24
IBM/k8s-enc-image-operator This operator provides facility to sync decryption keys required for Encrypted Container Images. Apache-2.0 14 2024-05-20
openvinotoolkit/operator OpenVINO operator for OpenShift and Kubernetes Apache-2.0 14 2024-10-14
krestomatio/moodle-operator Moodle Operator for Kubernetes, based on Ansible Operator SDK. Apache-2.0 13 2024-11-04
jkremser/log2rbac-operator Kubernetes operator that helps you to set up your RBAC rules correctly Apache-2.0 12 2024-08-14
kube-incubator/tomcat-operator Tomcat operator for Kubernetes undefined 12 2024-10-11
CleverCloud/clever-operator A kubernetes operator that expose clerver cloud's resources through custom resource definition MIT 10 2024-05-30
disposab1e/sealed-secrets-operator-helm [DEPRECATED] Sealed Secrets Operator (Helm) installs Sealed Secrets in OpenShift and Kubernetes. Apache-2.0 10 2024-09-22
kubero-dev/kubero-operator An operator to run applications on Kubernetes like on Heroku GPL-3.0 10 2024-10-20
Kuadrant/authorino-operator Kubernetes Operator to manage Authorino instances Apache-2.0 9 2024-11-07
3scale/apicast-operator null Apache-2.0 8 2024-11-05
kaiso/kom-operator Production grade kubernetes operator for microservices undefined 8 2024-07-30
confluentinc/operator-earlyaccess Confluent Operator Early Access docs Apache-2.0 6 2024-08-05
Kuadrant/limitador-operator null Apache-2.0 6 2024-11-05
lsst/qserv-operator Qserv Operator creates/configures/manages Qserv clusters atop Kubernetes undefined 6 2024-05-16
validatedpatterns/patterns-operator null Apache-2.0 6 2024-11-07
containers-ai/federatorai-operator null undefined 4 2024-09-25
deepfabric/elasticell-operator k8s operator for elasticell undefined 4 2024-08-10
loxilb-io/kube-loxilb-operator loxilb agent operator Apache-2.0 4 2024-05-27
openshift/aws-efs-operator Operator to manage AWS EFS on OpenShift Apache-2.0 4 2024-11-07
searchlight/searchlight 🔦 Alerts for Kubernetes Apache-2.0 1 2024-07-18
Hyperfoil/hyperfoil-operator Operator for installation in Openshift undefined 0 2024-06-11


Tracking Kubernetes Operators out in the wild.






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