# This sample YAML config file is catered towards running the H264 Encoder Node on a Raspberry Pi based system # The name of the topic to which the H264 encoder node should subscribe to obtain the feed desired to be encoded # The topic must be a sensor_msgs/Image message subscription_topic: "/cam_1/camera/image_raw" # The name of the topic to which H264 encoder node should publish the encoded video stream # The topic will be a kinesis_video_msgs/KinesisVideoFrame message publication_topic: "/video/encoded_1" # The size of the subscribed and publishing message queues (default: 100) # queue_size: 100 # The desired output width of the encoded video stream (default: width of the input image stream) # output_width: # The desired output height of the encoded video stream (default: height of the input image stream) # output_height: # The numerator when expressing the frame rate as a rational number fps_numerator: 5 # The denominator when expressing the frame rate as a rational number (default: 1) fps_denominator: 1 # The target bit rate in bits per second of the output video stream bitrate: 200000