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File metadata and controls

45 lines (36 loc) · 1.89 KB

Deploy Jenkins Application

After building both images, navigate to the k8s/ directory, modify the manifest file for the Jenkins image, and then execute the Jenkins manifest.yaml template to setup the Jenkins application. (Note: This Jenkins application is not configured with a persistent volume storage. Therefore, you will need to establish and configure this template to fit that requirement).

  • Update kubeconfig and set the context of the cluster
# Update kubeconfig to select the cluster to use
~ aws eks update-kubeconfig <CLUSTER-NAME> --region <REGION-NAME>
# Kubernetes YAML file
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  serviceAccountName: jenkins-manager # Enter the service account name being used
  - name: jenkins-manager
    image: <AWS-ACCOUNT-ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS-REGION> # Enter the jenkins manager image
# Apply the kubernetes manifest to deploy the Jenkins Manager application
~ kubectl apply -f manifest.yaml
  • Run the following command to make sure your EKS pods are ready and running. We have 1 pod, hence the 1/1 output below. Fetch and navigate to the Load Balancer URL. The next step is to get the password to login to Jenkins as the admin user. Run the following command below to get the auto generated initial Jenkins password. Please update your password after logging in.
# Fetch the Application URL or navigate to the AWS Console for the Load Balancer
~ kubectl get svc -n jenkins

# Verify that jenkins deployment/pods are up running
~ kubectl get pods -n jenkins

# Replace with jenkins manager pod name and fetch Jenkins login password
~ kubectl exec -it pod/<JENKINS-MANAGER-POD-NAME> -n jenkins -- cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword