This project will set up resources that allow you to easily deploy Microsoft SQL Server Developer edition across EC2 instances in your account automatically. You can optionally include SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) as part of the install as well.
You must meet the following Prerequisites in order to use this project:
- Have the AWS Command Line installed
- Have the AWSPowerShell Commandlet installed on your machine
- Have a default profile configured with administrative access to the AWS Account you want to deploy to.
Download the SQL Server Developer install from Microsoft.
Run the SQL Server Developer install, and select the option to "Download Media" this will download the SQL Server Developer install Media (ISO) to your computer.
Copy the SQL Server Developer ISO to the s3DeploymentFiles/ directory in this project.
Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) from here: Copy the downloaded file SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe to the s3DeploymentFiles/ directory in this project.
Open Powershell and change directory to the project directory.
Run the following Powershell command
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Run the DeployToAWS.ps1 powershell script to deploy this project to your account.
This script will create resources in your AWS Account including:
- S3 bucket to hold your install media
- IAM Role with permissions to access SSM and the S3 bucket above
- IAM Instance profile to attach the role above to your EC2 instances
- Parameter Store parameters to control the installation
- SSM Command document to perform the deployment
Once you have deployed the project, you are able to use the created resources to deploy SQL Server Developer to instances using the Command Document created.
The following parameters are created in the SSM Parameter Store and referenced in the deployment:
- SQL.Developer.InstallBucket - The S3 Bucket where the install files have been copied.
- SQL.Developer.DefaultAdmin - The default Admin user for the SQL Server install.
- SQL.Developer.iso - The name of the SQL Server ISO that should be used.
- SQL.Developer.SSMS - none if SQL Server Management Studio is not included in the deployment, or SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe if it is.
You should update these settings as needed for your install of SQL Server Developer. If your instances are domain joined, you may want to set the Default Admin account to be a domain user instead of the local admin account.
The ISO parameter should be changed if you use an updated media file for SQL Server developer.
The EC2 instance that you want to deploy to must have the role "sql-developer-deployment-role" attached. This role will be created as part of the project deployment. This role has permissions to communicate with SSM, and has rad permissions to the bucket that was created as part of the deployment.
The EC2 instance is assumed not to have any SQL Server tools installed on it.
A Command Document is automatically created under SSM Documents. This document is called "Install-SQL-Developer" and can be found under SSM Documents, by selecting the "Owned By Me" tag. You can run this document against individual instances, or select instances based on tags.
This document will automatically pull the SQL Server install media from the S3 bucket configured at deployment time, as well as the configuration script. It will then execute a silent install of SQL Server Developer on the machine. The provided configuration will install SQL Server developer on the C drive of the instance, and enable TCP connections to the SQL Server.
Note: The default security groups assigned to a Windows instance will NOT allow connectivity for SQL Server. You will need to manually enable this in the security groups for your instances before you can connect to them. The automation does not make any changes to the security groups deployed on your instances.
The install document will NOT install the SQL Server Management tools on your instance.
The main CloudFormation template is stored in the StackDeploymentFiles sub directory for this project. This is template is developed using AWS CDK. You can update the stack by editing the CDK project and then updating the stack using the CDK command
cdk synth > StackDeploymentFiles\SQLDeveloperStack.yml
In order to update the stack using CDK you must first have the CDK Command Line installed. You can find details on getting started with CDK here:
This deployment uses the file s2DeploymentFiles/ConfigurationFile.ini to control the configuration of the SQL Installation. You can update this file to change the way that SQL Server Developer is installed.