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Release v1.10.27

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@awstools awstools released this 16 Aug 18:14

Release v1.10.27 (2017-08-16)

Service Client Updates

  • service/gamelift: Updates service API and documentation
    • The Matchmaking Grouping Service is a new feature that groups player match requests for a given game together into game sessions based on developer configured rules.

SDK Enhancements

  • aws/arn: aws/arn: Package for parsing and producing ARNs (#1463)
    • Adds the arn package for AWS ARN parsing and building. Use this package to build AWS ARNs for services such as outlined in the documentation.

SDK Bugs

  • aws/signer/v4: Correct V4 presign signature to include content sha25 in URL (#1469)
    • Updates the V4 signer so that when a Presign is generated the X-Amz-Content-Sha256 header is added to the query string instead of being required to be in the header. This allows you to generate presigned URLs for GET requests, e.g S3.GetObject that do not require additional headers to be set by the downstream users of the presigned URL.
    • Related To: #1467