PS C:\Users\JulianBooth> aws bedrock-agent-runtime retrieve-and-generate --input '{"text": "What does MY COMPANY do?"}' --retrieve-and-generate-configuration '{"type": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE","knowledgeBaseConfiguration": {"knowledgeBaseId": "XXXXXXX", "modelArn": "arn:aws:bedrock:us-east-1::foundation-model/anthropic.claude-v2"}}' --region us-east-01 --debug 2024-04-11 12:31:48,410 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - CLI version: aws-cli/2.15.9 Python/3.11.6 Windows/10 exe/AMD64 2024-04-11 12:31:48,410 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - Arguments entered to CLI: ['bedrock-agent-runtime', 'retrieve-and-generate', '--input', '{"text": "What does MY COMPANY do?"}', '--retrieve-and-generate-configuration', '{"type": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE","knowledgeBaseConfiguration": {"knowledgeBaseId": "XXXXXXX", "modelArn": "arn:aws:bedrock:us-east-1::foundation-model/anthropic.claude-v2"}}', '--region', 'us-east-01', '--debug'] 2024-04-11 12:31:48,819 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,819 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,819 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:48,820 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,820 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,820 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,820 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,820 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:48,820 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,820 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.main: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:48,827 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\data\cli.json 2024-04-11 12:31:48,829 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event top-level-args-parsed: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,829 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event top-level-args-parsed: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,829 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event top-level-args-parsed: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,829 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event top-level-args-parsed: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,830 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event top-level-args-parsed: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,830 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event top-level-args-parsed: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,830 - MainThread - botocore.session - DEBUG - Setting config variable for region to 'us-east-01' 2024-04-11 12:31:48,830 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - CLI version: aws-cli/2.15.9 Python/3.11.6 Windows/10 exe/AMD64 prompt/off 2024-04-11 12:31:48,830 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - Arguments entered to CLI: ['bedrock-agent-runtime', 'retrieve-and-generate', '--input', '{"text": "What does MY COMPANY do?"}', '--retrieve-and-generate-configuration', '{"type": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE","knowledgeBaseConfiguration": {"knowledgeBaseId": "XXXXXXX", "modelArn": "arn:aws:bedrock:us-east-1::foundation-model/anthropic.claude-v2"}}', '--region', 'us-east-01', '--debug'] 2024-04-11 12:31:48,830 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,831 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,831 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,831 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,831 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,832 - MainThread - botocore.utils - DEBUG - IMDS ENDPOINT: 2024-04-11 12:31:48,833 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,833 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event session-initialized: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:48,936 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\data\bedrock-agent-runtime\2023-07-26\service-2.json 2024-04-11 12:31:48,936 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.bedrock-agent-runtime: calling handler functools.partial(, commands_to_remove=['invoke-agent']) 2024-04-11 12:31:48,936 - MainThread - awscli.customizations.removals - DEBUG - Removing operation: invoke-agent 2024-04-11 12:31:48,936 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.bedrock-agent-runtime: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,059 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.bedrock-agent-runtime: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:49,060 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - OrderedDict([('session-id', ), ('input', ), ('retrieve-and-generate-configuration', ), ('session-configuration', )]) 2024-04-11 12:31:49,060 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-argument-table.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,061 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-argument-table.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,061 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-argument-table.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,061 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-argument-table.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,236 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\data\bedrock-agent-runtime\2023-07-26\paginators-1.json 2024-04-11 12:31:49,237 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-argument-table.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event before-building-argument-table-parser.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event before-building-argument-table-parser.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event before-building-argument-table-parser.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.bedrock-agent-runtime_retrieve-and-generate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event building-command-table.bedrock-agent-runtime_retrieve-and-generate: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate.session-id: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate.input: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event process-cli-arg.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - awscli.argprocess - DEBUG - Param input looks like JSON, not considered for param shorthand. 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - awscli.arguments - DEBUG - Unpacked value of '{"text": "What does MY COMPANY do?"}' for parameter "input": OrderedDict([('text', 'What does MY COMPANY do?')]) 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate.retrieve-and-generate-configuration: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event process-cli-arg.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - awscli.argprocess - DEBUG - Param retrieve_and_generate_configuration looks like JSON, not considered for param shorthand. 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - awscli.arguments - DEBUG - Unpacked value of '{"type": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE","knowledgeBaseConfiguration": {"knowledgeBaseId": "XXXXXXX", "modelArn": "arn:aws:bedrock:us-east-1::foundation-model/anthropic.claude-v2"}}' for parameter "retrieve_and_generate_configuration": OrderedDict([('type', 'KNOWLEDGE_BASE'), ('knowledgeBaseConfiguration', OrderedDict([('knowledgeBaseId', 'XXXXXXX'), ('modelArn', 'arn:aws:bedrock:us-east-1::foundation-model/anthropic.claude-v2')]))]) 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate.session-configuration: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate.cli-input-json: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate.cli-input-yaml: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event load-cli-arg.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate.generate-cli-skeleton: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event calling-command.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event calling-command.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event calling-command.bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.credentials - DEBUG - Looking for credentials via: env 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.credentials - DEBUG - Looking for credentials via: assume-role 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.credentials - DEBUG - Looking for credentials via: assume-role-with-web-identity 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.credentials - DEBUG - Looking for credentials via: sso 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.credentials - DEBUG - Looking for credentials via: shared-credentials-file 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.credentials - INFO - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials 2024-04-11 12:31:49,238 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\data\endpoints.json 2024-04-11 12:31:49,257 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event choose-service-name: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,401 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\data\bedrock-agent-runtime\2023-07-26\endpoint-rule-set-1.json 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.loaders - DEBUG - Loading JSON file: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\data\partitions.json 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event creating-client-class.bedrock-agent-runtime: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.configprovider - DEBUG - Looking for endpoint for bedrock-agent-runtime via: environment_service 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.configprovider - DEBUG - Looking for endpoint for bedrock-agent-runtime via: environment_global 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.configprovider - DEBUG - Looking for endpoint for bedrock-agent-runtime via: config_service 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.configprovider - DEBUG - Looking for endpoint for bedrock-agent-runtime via: config_global 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.configprovider - DEBUG - No configured endpoint found. 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.regions - DEBUG - Creating a regex based endpoint for bedrock-agent-runtime, us-east-01 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Setting bedrock-agent-runtime timeout as (60, 60) 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.regions - DEBUG - Calling endpoint provider with parameters: {'Region': 'us-east-01', 'UseDualStack': False, 'UseFIPS': False} 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.regions - DEBUG - Endpoint provider result: 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event provide-client-params.bedrock-agent-runtime.RetrieveAndGenerate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event before-parameter-build.bedrock-agent-runtime.RetrieveAndGenerate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event before-call.bedrock-agent-runtime.RetrieveAndGenerate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Making request for OperationModel(name=RetrieveAndGenerate) with params: {'url_path': '/retrieveAndGenerate', 'query_string': {}, 'method': 'POST', 'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'aws-cli/2.15.9 Python/3.11.6 Windows/10 exe/AMD64 prompt/off command/bedrock-agent-runtime.retrieve-and-generate'}, 'body': b'{"input": {"text": "What does MY COMPANY do?"}, "retrieveAndGenerateConfiguration": {"type": "KNOWLEDGE_BASE", "knowledgeBaseConfiguration": {"knowledgeBaseId": "XXXXXXX", "modelArn": "arn:aws:bedrock:us-east-1::foundation-model/anthropic.claude-v2"}}}', 'url': '', 'context': {'client_region': 'us-east-01', 'client_config': , 'has_streaming_input': False, 'auth_type': None}} 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event request-created.bedrock-agent-runtime.RetrieveAndGenerate: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event choose-signer.bedrock-agent-runtime.RetrieveAndGenerate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - Calculating signature using v4 auth. 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - CanonicalRequest: POST /retrieveAndGenerate content-type:application/json x-amz-date:20240411T113149Z content-type;host;x-amz-date afca14f8c87427979545b1d8d393b70b5264fa81d32723fa4ec7089c2c82cd14 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - StringToSign: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 20240411T113149Z 20240411/us-east-01/bedrock/aws4_request 1a5e4fd5a8a4607fd0fa9125628e8d5db79cecf3ffec204a342565a5d5e20980 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - Signature: e7302fdc71d0a1715b595aa3792777258be3e1673e50a52c5c320617d11bb762 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Sending http request: 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - botocore.httpsession - DEBUG - Certificate path: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\cacert.pem 2024-04-11 12:31:49,417 - MainThread - urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1): 2024-04-11 12:31:49,456 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Exception received when sending HTTP request. Traceback (most recent call last): File "urllib3\", line 174, in _new_conn File "urllib3\util\", line 72, in create_connection File "", line 962, in getaddrinfo socket.gaierror: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "awscli\botocore\", line 448, in send File "urllib3\", line 799, in urlopen File "urllib3\util\", line 525, in increment File "urllib3\packages\", line 770, in reraise File "urllib3\", line 715, in urlopen File "urllib3\", line 404, in _make_request File "urllib3\", line 1058, in _validate_conn File "urllib3\", line 363, in connect File "urllib3\", line 186, in _new_conn urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: : Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "awscli\botocore\", line 199, in _do_get_response File "awscli\botocore\", line 271, in _send File "awscli\botocore\", line 477, in send botocore.exceptions.EndpointConnectionError: Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "" 2024-04-11 12:31:49,464 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event needs-retry.bedrock-agent-runtime.RetrieveAndGenerate: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:49,464 - MainThread - botocore.retries.standard - DEBUG - Retry needed, retrying request after delay of: 0.18323465007349393 2024-04-11 12:31:49,464 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Response received to retry, sleeping for 0.18323465007349393 seconds 2024-04-11 12:31:49,652 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event request-created.bedrock-agent-runtime.RetrieveAndGenerate: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:49,652 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event choose-signer.bedrock-agent-runtime.RetrieveAndGenerate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:49,652 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - Calculating signature using v4 auth. 2024-04-11 12:31:49,652 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - CanonicalRequest: POST /retrieveAndGenerate content-type:application/json x-amz-date:20240411T113149Z content-type;host;x-amz-date afca14f8c87427979545b1d8d393b70b5264fa81d32723fa4ec7089c2c82cd14 2024-04-11 12:31:49,652 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - StringToSign: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 20240411T113149Z 20240411/us-east-01/bedrock/aws4_request 1a5e4fd5a8a4607fd0fa9125628e8d5db79cecf3ffec204a342565a5d5e20980 2024-04-11 12:31:49,652 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - Signature: e7302fdc71d0a1715b595aa3792777258be3e1673e50a52c5c320617d11bb762 2024-04-11 12:31:49,652 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Sending http request: 2024-04-11 12:31:49,652 - MainThread - botocore.httpsession - DEBUG - Certificate path: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\cacert.pem 2024-04-11 12:31:49,652 - MainThread - urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (2): 2024-04-11 12:31:49,652 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Exception received when sending HTTP request. Traceback (most recent call last): File "urllib3\", line 174, in _new_conn File "urllib3\util\", line 72, in create_connection File "", line 962, in getaddrinfo socket.gaierror: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "awscli\botocore\", line 448, in send File "urllib3\", line 799, in urlopen File "urllib3\util\", line 525, in increment File "urllib3\packages\", line 770, in reraise File "urllib3\", line 715, in urlopen File "urllib3\", line 404, in _make_request File "urllib3\", line 1058, in _validate_conn File "urllib3\", line 363, in connect File "urllib3\", line 186, in _new_conn urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: : Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "awscli\botocore\", line 199, in _do_get_response File "awscli\botocore\", line 271, in _send File "awscli\botocore\", line 477, in send botocore.exceptions.EndpointConnectionError: Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "" 2024-04-11 12:31:49,666 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event needs-retry.bedrock-agent-runtime.RetrieveAndGenerate: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:49,666 - MainThread - botocore.retries.standard - DEBUG - Retry needed, retrying request after delay of: 0.6410201734597634 2024-04-11 12:31:49,666 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Response received to retry, sleeping for 0.6410201734597634 seconds 2024-04-11 12:31:50,311 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event request-created.bedrock-agent-runtime.RetrieveAndGenerate: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:50,311 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event choose-signer.bedrock-agent-runtime.RetrieveAndGenerate: calling handler 2024-04-11 12:31:50,311 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - Calculating signature using v4 auth. 2024-04-11 12:31:50,311 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - CanonicalRequest: POST /retrieveAndGenerate content-type:application/json x-amz-date:20240411T113150Z content-type;host;x-amz-date afca14f8c87427979545b1d8d393b70b5264fa81d32723fa4ec7089c2c82cd14 2024-04-11 12:31:50,311 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - StringToSign: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 20240411T113150Z 20240411/us-east-01/bedrock/aws4_request 3cf926d3952f9138b4902dfeb7eaac6d6631bb3813c46aa0c21c1b092bc57fba 2024-04-11 12:31:50,311 - MainThread - botocore.auth - DEBUG - Signature: 432ba17b65105efcc817fa9c371e438d7691763abc62c88194ae5d8a80bc6772 2024-04-11 12:31:50,316 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Sending http request: 2024-04-11 12:31:50,316 - MainThread - botocore.httpsession - DEBUG - Certificate path: C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\awscli\botocore\cacert.pem 2024-04-11 12:31:50,316 - MainThread - urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (3): 2024-04-11 12:31:50,316 - MainThread - botocore.endpoint - DEBUG - Exception received when sending HTTP request. Traceback (most recent call last): File "urllib3\", line 174, in _new_conn File "urllib3\util\", line 72, in create_connection File "", line 962, in getaddrinfo socket.gaierror: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "awscli\botocore\", line 448, in send File "urllib3\", line 799, in urlopen File "urllib3\util\", line 525, in increment File "urllib3\packages\", line 770, in reraise File "urllib3\", line 715, in urlopen File "urllib3\", line 404, in _make_request File "urllib3\", line 1058, in _validate_conn File "urllib3\", line 363, in connect File "urllib3\", line 186, in _new_conn urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: : Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "awscli\botocore\", line 199, in _do_get_response File "awscli\botocore\", line 271, in _send File "awscli\botocore\", line 477, in send botocore.exceptions.EndpointConnectionError: Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "" 2024-04-11 12:31:50,327 - MainThread - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event needs-retry.bedrock-agent-runtime.RetrieveAndGenerate: calling handler > 2024-04-11 12:31:50,327 - MainThread - botocore.retries.standard - DEBUG - Max attempts of 3 reached. 2024-04-11 12:31:50,327 - MainThread - botocore.retries.standard - DEBUG - Not retrying request. 2024-04-11 12:31:50,327 - MainThread - awscli.clidriver - DEBUG - Exception caught in main() Traceback (most recent call last): File "urllib3\", line 174, in _new_conn File "urllib3\util\", line 72, in create_connection File "", line 962, in getaddrinfo socket.gaierror: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "awscli\botocore\", line 448, in send File "urllib3\", line 799, in urlopen File "urllib3\util\", line 525, in increment File "urllib3\packages\", line 770, in reraise File "urllib3\", line 715, in urlopen File "urllib3\", line 404, in _make_request File "urllib3\", line 1058, in _validate_conn File "urllib3\", line 363, in connect File "urllib3\", line 186, in _new_conn urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: : Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "awscli\", line 460, in main File "awscli\", line 595, in __call__ File "awscli\", line 798, in __call__ File "awscli\", line 929, in invoke File "awscli\", line 941, in _make_client_call File "awscli\botocore\", line 357, in _api_call File "awscli\botocore\", line 710, in _make_api_call File "awscli\botocore\", line 730, in _make_request File "awscli\botocore\", line 101, in make_request File "awscli\botocore\", line 155, in _send_request File "awscli\botocore\", line 199, in _do_get_response File "awscli\botocore\", line 271, in _send File "awscli\botocore\", line 477, in send botocore.exceptions.EndpointConnectionError: Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "" Could not connect to the endpoint URL: ""