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Sample policies

Use the policies in this folder as reference for creating a service role for a detector. You can use a single role that grants permission for both importing data and sending alerts by combining the applicable policies.


  • alert-lambda.json - Permission to send anomaly alerts to an AWS Lambda function.
  • alert-sns.json - Permission to send anomaly alerts to an Amazon SNS topic.
  • datasource-appflow.json - Permission to import data from an Amazon AppFlow flow.
  • datasource-cloudwatch.json - Permission to import data from Amazon CloudWatch.
  • datasource-rds.json - Permission to import data from an Amazon RDS database.
  • datasource-rds-xaccount.json - Permission to import data from an Amazon RDS database in a shared VPC subnet in a second account.
  • datasource-redshift.json - Permission to import data from an Amazon Redshift data warehouse.
  • datasource-redshift-xaccount.json - Permission to import data from an Amazon Redshift data warehouse in a shared VPC subnet in a second account.
  • datasource-s3.json - Permission to import data from an Amazon S3 bucket.

The sample policies include placeholders for account-specific information such as ${Account} and ${Region}. For sample CloudFormation templates that automate the creation of roles with the correct information, see the sample-templates folder.