2018-10-11 - 13:00:33.149 - INFO : Handler SchedulerRequestHandler scheduling request for service(s) ec2, account(s) XXXXXXXXX, region(s) us-east-1 at 2018-10-11 13:00:33.149727 2018-10-11 - 13:00:33.208 - INFO : Running EC2 scheduler for account XXXXXXXXX in region(s) us-east-1 2018-10-11 - 13:00:36.688 - INFO : Fetching ec2 instances for account XXXXXXXXX in region us-east-1 2018-10-11 - 13:00:50.526 - DEBUG : Selected ec2 instance i-020ab9f1111111111 in state (stopped) 2018-10-11 - 13:00:50.526 - INFO : Number of fetched ec2 instances is 1, number of instances in a schedulable state is 1 2018-10-11 - 13:00:50.881 - DEBUG : [ Instance EC2:i-020ab9f1111111111 (Tarik-Schedule-Test) ] 2018-10-11 - 13:00:50.881 - DEBUG : Current state is stopped, instance type is t2.micro, schedule is "nyc-office-hours" 2018-10-11 - 13:00:50.881 - DEBUG : Time used to determine desired for instance is Thu Oct 11 09:00:30 2018 2018-10-11 - 13:00:50.881 - DEBUG : Checking conditions for period "office-hours" 2018-10-11 - 13:00:50.881 - DEBUG : [running] Weekday "thu" in weekdays (mon-fri) 2018-10-11 - 13:00:50.881 - DEBUG : [running] Time 09:00:30 is within 09:00:00-17:00:00, returned state is running 2018-10-11 - 13:00:50.881 - DEBUG : Active period in schedule "nyc-office-hours": "office-hours" 2018-10-11 - 13:00:50.881 - DEBUG : Desired state for instance from schedule "nyc-office-hours" is running, last desired state was stopped, actual state is stopped 2018-10-11 - 13:00:50.881 - DEBUG : Using enforcement flag of schedule to set actual state of instance EC2:i-020ab9f1111111111 (Tarik-Schedule-Test) from stopped to running 2018-10-11 - 13:00:50.881 - DEBUG : Listing instance EC2:i-020ab9f1111111111 (Tarik-Schedule-Test) in region us-east-1 with instance type t2.micro to be started by scheduler 2018-10-11 - 13:00:50.881 - INFO : Starting instances EC2:i-020ab9f1111111111 (Tarik-Schedule-Test) in region us-east-1 2018-10-11 - 13:00:52.245 - INFO : Removing stop key(s) "stoppedBy" from instance(s) i-020ab9fa3a0114796 2018-10-11 - 13:00:52.386 - INFO : Adding start key(s) [{'Value': u'InstanceScheduler', 'Key': u'startedBy'}] to instance(s) i-020ab9f1111111111 2018-10-11 - 13:00:52.531 - INFO : Sending anonymous metrics data: { "TimeStamp": "2018-10-11T13:00:52.531247", "Data": { "Started": { "t2.micro": 1 }, "Service": "ec2" }, "UUID": "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz", "Solution": "xxxxxxx" } 2018-10-11 - 13:00:53.387 - DEBUG : Metrics data send, status code is 200, message is null 2018-10-11 - 13:00:53.387 - INFO : Scheduler result {'XXXXXXXXX': {'started': {u'us-east-1': [{'i-020ab9f1111111111': {'schedule': 'nyc-office-hours'}}]}, 'resized': {}, 'stopped': {}}}