$ glscopeclient --debug myscope:agilent:lan:3104t.:5025 GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo() failed (6); Warning: glscopeclient works best with the OMP_WAIT_POLICY environment variable set to PASSIVE Detecting CPU features... * AVX2 Connecting to SCPI oscilloscope at 3104t.:5025 Installed options: * MSO (unknown) * MEMUP (unknown) * EMBD (unknown) * AUTO (unknown) * FLEX (unknown) * FRA (unknown) * PWR (unknown) * COMP (unknown) * SGM (unknown) * MASK (unknown) * AUDIO (unknown) * EDK (unknown) * WAVEGEN (unknown) * AERO (unknown) * VID (unknown) * ADVMATH (unknown) * DVMCTR (unknown) * RML (unknown) * SENSOR (unknown) * CANFD (unknown) * CXPI (unknown) * NFC (unknown) * NRZ (unknown) * USBPD (unknown) Warning: Warning: Can't parse preference value 13,370000 for preference hidden_s etting, ignoringWarning: Warning: Can't parse preference value 42,090000 for preference test_rea l, ignoringContext: OpenGL 4.2 compatibility profile GL_VENDOR = Intel GL_RENDERER = Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 GL_VERSION = 4.2.0 - Build GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = 4.20 - Build Initial GL error code: 0 ERROR: Compile of shader shaders/waveform-compute-histogram.glsl failed: ERROR: 0:3: '#extension' : 'GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64' is not supported ERROR: 0:9: 'int64_t' : syntax error syntax error Shader source: #version 430 #extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 : require //The output texture (for now, only alpha channel is used) layout(binding=0, rgba32f) uniform image2D outputTex; layout(std430, binding=1) buffer waveform_x { int64_t xpos[]; //x position, in time ticks }; layout(std430, binding=4) buffer waveform_y { float voltage[]; //y value of the sample, in volts }; //Global configuration for the run layout(std430, binding=2) buffer config { int64_t innerXoff; uint windowHeight; uint windowWidth; uint memDepth; float alpha; float xoff; float xscale; float ybase; float yscale; float yoff; }; //Indexes so we know which samples go to which X pixel range layout(std430, binding=3) buffer index { uint xind[]; }; //Maximum height of a single waveform, in pixels. //This is enough for a nearly fullscreen 4K window so should be plenty. #define MAX_HEIGHT 2048 //Number of columns of pixels per thread block #define COLS_PER_BLOCK 2 layout(local_size_x=COLS_PER_BLOCK, local_size_y=1, local_size_z=1) in; //Interpolate a Y coordinate float InterpolateY(vec2 left, vec2 right, float slope, float x) { return left.y + ( (x - left.x) * slope ); } /* NEW IDEA Multiple threads per X coordinate (say, 32 - 1 warp) Parallel fetch base[i+z] and atomically increment local memory Each local has a 2D shared array Assuming 96 KB shared memory, we can fit a total of 24K float32 temp pixels Assuming 2K max line height, that's up to 12 pixels of width per local */ //Shared buffer for the local working buffer shared float g_workingBuffer[COLS_PER_BLOCK][MAX_HEIGHT]; void main() { //Abort if window height is too big, or if we're off the end of the window if(windowHeight > MAX_HEIGHT) return; if(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x > windowWidth) return; //Clear column to blank in the first thread of the block if(gl_LocalInvocationID.y == 0) { for(uint y=0; y gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + 1) break; //If the upcoming point is still left of us, we're not there yet if(right.x < gl_GlobalInvocationID.x) { left = right; continue; } //Clip to window size float yval = min(left.y, MAX_HEIGHT); //Push current point down the pipeline left = right; //Fill in the space between min and max for this segment for(int y=0; y <= yval; y++) g_workingBuffer[gl_LocalInvocationID.x][y] = alpha; //TODO: decimation at very wide zooms? } //Copy working buffer to RGB output for(uint y=0; y