Warning: glscopeclient works best with the OMP_WAIT_POLICY environment variable set to PASSIVE Detecting CPU features... * AVX2 * FMA Warning: AVX2/AVX512 detected but disabled on MinGW64/GCC (see https://github.com/azonenberg/scopehal-apps/issues/29 5) OpenCL support: not present at compile time. GPU acceleration disabled. Context: OpenGL 4.2 compatibility profile GL_VENDOR = ATI Technologies Inc. GL_RENDERER = AMD Radeon RX 6800 GL_VERSION = 4.2.14742 Core Profile Context 21.8.1 27.20.22023.1004 GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = 4.60 Initial GL error code = 0 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 = not supported ERROR: Link of shader progam failed: Compute shader(s) failed to link. Compute link error: HW_UNSUPPORTED. ERROR: Internal compile error, error code: E_SC_NOTSUPPORTED Shader not supported by HW INTERNAL ERROR: failed to link histogram waveform shader program, aborting This indicates a bug in the program, please file a report via Github