.. disableimage:: https://pypip.in/v/serialkiller-plugins/badge.png :target: https://crate.io/packages/serialkiller-plugins/
.. disableimage:: https://pypip.in/d/serialkiller-plugins/badge.png :target: https://crate.io/packages/serialkiller-plugins/
Plugins for serialkiller project
To install the latest release from PyPI
$ pip install serialkiller-plugins
To install the latest development version from GitHub
$ pip install git+git://github.com/badele/serialkiller-plugins.git
- Is online (ping)
- Teleinformation (French electric provider)
- Sunshine (calc sunrise & sunset)
For checking the sensors periodically, i use the supervisor application, it can restart the application if it crashes.
Supervisor install.
# Debian
$ apt-get install supervisor
# Archlinux
$ pacman -S supervisor
The check sensors supervisor configuration.
command=~/.virtualenvs/serialkiller/bin/python /usr/local/bin/check_sensors.py
Active and start supervisor.
# Debian
$ /etc/init.d/supervisor start
# Archlinux
$ systemctl enable supvervisord
$ systemctl start supvervisord
# Show status
$ supervisorctl status
check_sensors RUNNING pid 1306, uptime 23:48:04
script example.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import time
from skplugins import addValuePlugin, addEventPlugin, addValue, addEvent
from skplugins.network.ping import ping
from skplugins.weather.sunshine import sunshine
server = ''
while True:
# Check sunshine
result = sunshine(latitude="43:36:43", longitude="3:53:38", elevation=8)
addValuePlugin(server, 'city:weather:sunshine', result)
# Check internet connexion
result = ping(destination="", count=1)
addValuePlugin(server, 'livingroom:internet:available', result)
# Check webcam
result = ping(destination="", count=1)
addValuePlugin(server, 'livingroom:axis:online', result)
# Check my computer
result = ping(destination="", count=1)
addValuePlugin(server, 'bedroom:hp2012:online', result)
# Check teleinfo informations
result = teleinfo(dev='/dev/teleinfo')
if 'HCHC' in result.results:
addValue(server, 'washroom:teleinfo:hchc', result.types['HCHC'], result.results['HCHC'])
if 'HCHP' in result.results:
addValue(server, 'washroom:teleinfo:hchp', result.types['HCHP'], result.results['HCHP'])
if 'IINST' in result.results:
addValue(server, 'washroom:teleinfo:iinst', result.types['IINST'], result.results['IINST'])
if 'ISOUSC' in result.results:
addValue(server, 'washroom:teleinfo:isousc', result.types['ISOUSC'], result.results['ISOUSC'])
if 'PAPP' in result.results:
addValue(server, 'washroom:teleinfo:papp', result.types['PAPP'], result.results['PAPP'])