Casbin MikroORM Adapter is the MikroORM adapter for [Node-Casbin](https://github. com/casbin/node-casbin). With this library, Node-Casbin can load policy from MikroORM supported database or save policy to it.
Based on Officially Supported Databases, the current supported databases are:
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- MariaDB
- SQLite
- MS SQL Server
- Oracle
- WebSQL
You may find other 3rd-party supported DBs in MikroORM website or other places.
npm install casbin-mikroorm-adapter
import { newEnforcer } from 'casbin';
import MikroOrmAdapter from 'casbin-mikroorm-adapter';
async function myFunction() {
// Initialize a MikroORM adapter and use it in a Node-Casbin enforcer:
// The adapter can not automatically create database.
// But the adapter will automatically and use the table named "casbin_rule".
// I think ORM should not automatically create databases.
const a = await MikroOrmAdapter.newAdapter({
type: 'mysql',
host: 'localhost',
port: 3306,
username: 'root',
password: '',
database: 'casbin',
const e = await newEnforcer('examples/rbac_model.conf', a);
// Load the policy from DB.
await e.loadPolicy();
// Check the permission.
await e.enforce('alice', 'data1', 'read');
// Modify the policy.
// await e.addPolicy(...);
// await e.removePolicy(...);
// Save the policy back to DB.
await e.savePolicy();
import { newEnforcer } from 'casbin';
import MikroOrmAdapter from 'MikroOrm-adapter';
async function myFunction() {
// Initialize a MikroORM adapter and use it in a Node-Casbin enforcer:
// The adapter can not automatically create database.
// But the adapter will automatically and use the table named "casbin_rule".
// I think ORM should not automatically create databases.
const a = await MikroOrmAdapter.newAdapter({
type: 'mysql',
host: 'localhost',
port: 3306,
username: 'root',
password: '',
database: 'casbin',
const e = await newEnforcer('examples/rbac_model.conf', a);
// Load the filtered policy from DB.
await e.loadFilteredPolicy({
'ptype': 'p',
'v0': 'alice'
// Check the permission.
await e.enforce('alice', 'data1', 'read');
// Modify the policy.
// await e.addPolicy(...);
// await e.removePolicy(...);
// Save the policy back to DB.
await e.savePolicy();