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GSoC2015 Proposal: syslog ng for Python(Kumar Nishant)

knishant90 edited this page Mar 26, 2015 · 2 revisions

Brief Introduction to the project:

The main aim of this project is to extend the functionality of this project to Python to support developers on a new language. The current module on python needs to be completed by implementing the sources, parsers and modifying the rule system.

Goal / Deliverables:

The final aim of this project is to complete the incomplete modules like sources, filters, parsers, destination and rewriting the rule system. Along with working on other to-do list for the module. It should be done along with an example suite that would also act as a test suite. The implementation procedure should also contain developing unit tests for checking the effectiveness of modules.


I have an active interests in Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems and thus probably can help in coming up with an efficient Rule base, thus benefiting the organization .From a personal point of view I hope to learn from this great community and further hone my coding skills.


April 26 - May 10

• Going through the documentation and familiarizing with the different states of syslog-ng that need to be extended in the Python module.

• Understanding the already completed work.

• Go through the makefile warnings to understand the already existing issues which could be prevented in Python.

• Going through the to-do list.

May 10 - June 1

• Formulating the architecture of the extended system in Python and coming up with the exact results they are supposed to produce.

• Working on the makefiles and config for those.

• Implementing a basic working model of the architecture.

June 1 - July 15:

• Actual coding period while implementing the functionalities and architecture of the python code.

• Simultaneously start building the unit tests of each module to test them as their individual development works get completed.

July 15 - August 1:

• Building complete test suites to test the effectiveness of the code functionality and plugging the bugs if any.

August 1- 15:

• Code Refactoring, adding documentation.

Contact Details

Name: Kumar Nishant

School : San Diego State University

Program : Masters in Computer Science

Email Id: /

Past Experience:

• I am working on the middleware system of a small sized company in San Diego with the objective to modify the architecture and the service layer i.e. API exposed to improve the efficiency of the whole system.

• I am also working on a research project of a person following Robot using the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors(which are in a smartphone along with the person) as the input for the robot to follow the person.

• I am interested in Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems as evident from my research topics and have taken 7 coursework during my Masters over the past one year aligning with this interest.

• Familiarity with: C#, Python, Java, C.

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