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39 lines (27 loc) · 1.4 KB

File metadata and controls

39 lines (27 loc) · 1.4 KB

.message( models,data, [request] )


Publishes a custom message to a model’s subscribers.

Description Accepted Data Types Required ?
1 Record (or ID of record) to send message to int, string, object Yes
2 Message payload object Yes
3 Request request object No

message() emits a socket message using the model identity as the event name. The message is broadcast to all sockets subscribed to the model instance via the .subscribe model method.

The socket message is an object with the following properties:

  • id - the id attribute of the model instance
  • verb - "messaged" (a string)
  • data - the message payload


Arbitrary data to send to the subscribed sockets.


If this argument is included then the socket attached to that request will not receive the notification.


Find a user in the sails controller by name and send a socket message back to the client. This object can contain any data you want.

User.findOne({name: 'Bob'}).then(function(foundUser){
  User.message(foundUser, {count: 12, hairColor: 'red'});