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jQuery Feeds - RSS/Atom aggregator using jQuery

Easily create news streams and social activity widgets using the jQuery Feeds Plugin.

Launch the demo!


  • Fetch entries from multiple RSS or Atom feeds
  • Entries are combined and displayed in chronological order
  • Fully customizable markup
  • Fully customizable loader
  • Manipulate entries' properties
  • Uses the Google Feed API to retrieve feeds
  • No need for sever-side scripts

Basic usage

Download the production version or the development version and add it to your site:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.feeds.js"></script>

Attach some feeds to a container:

	feeds: {
		feed1: 'http://url/to/rss/feed',
		feed2: 'http://url/to/another/rss/feed'
		// key: 'url', ...

The feeds' keys (i.e. feed1 and feed2 in the example) are used to identify the source of the entries. You can use any alphanum string as a key but try to keep them short and descriptive (e.g. google, jquery, smashingmag).

You can also set the max number of items for each feed by using the max option:

	feeds: {
		// Your feeds ...
    max: 3

By default max is set to -1, which means it should fetch the maximum number of entries supported by the Google Feed API (which is 100).

Note: the more feeds you load and the more entries you get the longer it will take the plugin to load them.

Manipulating entries

You can manipulate the properties of each entry by implementing the preprocess callback. Say you want to modify the entries' publishedDate format:

    feeds: {
        // Your feeds ...
    preprocess: function ( feed ) {
        // Change the publishedDate format from UTC to dd-mm-yyyy

        // Inside the callback 'this' corresponds to the entry being processed
        var date = new Date(this.publishedDate);
        var pieces = [date.getDate(), date.getMonth(), date.getFullYear()]
        this.publishedDate = pieces.join('-');

Tip: you can use js libraries such as moment.js to format your dates.

Available properties are:

  • title
  • author
  • publishedDate
  • content
  • contentSnippet (< 120 characters, no html tags)
  • link
  • mediaGroup
  • categories
  • source (the feed identifier, added by the plugin)
  • feedUrl (the url of the rss feed)
  • feedTitle (the title of the feed)
  • feedLink (the url of the HTML version of the feed)
  • feedDescription (the feed description)
  • feedAuthor (the feed author)

Refer to the Google developer's guide for more information.

Working with XML

Sometimes the properties parsed by the Google Feed API don't include valuable information which is contained in the raw XML feed. By setting xml to true in the plugin's options, you can access the XML nodes in your preprocess callback or in your templates:

	feeds: {
		// A Twitter atom feed ...
		twitter: ''
	// Set XML to true
	xml: true,
	preprocess: function ( feed ) {
		// Atom feeds provide an author uri which is not accesible
		// through the properties exposed by the Google Feed API.
		this.userLink = '<a href="' + this.xml.find( 'author uri').text() +'">'
					  + this.xml.find('author name') + '</a>';

		// You can also access the full XML feed:

The XML is parsed using jQuery and you can access it just like any other jQuery object.

Filtering entries

If you return false on a prepcorcess callback, the entry will not be rendered.

	feeds: {
		// Your feeds ...
	preprocess: function ( feed ) {
		// Show entries written by Mr. T
		if (this.title !== 'Mr. T') {
			// It's not Mr. T, so bye bye!
			return false;

onComplete callback

By implementing the onComplete callback you can manipulate the container after the entries are rendered. Say you want to change all the anchors' target value to _blank:

    feeds: {
        // Your feeds ...
    onComplete: function (entries) {
    	// inside the callback this corresponds to the container
        $(this).find('a').attr('target', '_blank');


The plugin uses a modified version of John Resing's JavaScript Micro-Templating function to render the entries.

A template is a regular HTML string where you can execute or print javascript statements inside <! ... !> or <!= ... !> tags respectively.

		<h1><a href="<!=link!>"><!=title!></a></h1>
		<! if (categories) { !>
				<! for (var i in categories) { !>
				<! } !>
		<! } !>
		<p>via: <a href="<!=feedLink!>"><!=feedTitle!></a></p>

All the entry's properties are passed to the template as variables.

To use a template you could either pass it as a string to the entryTemplate option ...

    feeds: {
        // Your feeds ...
	entryTemplate: '<p><!=title!></p>'

... or you could write it inside a script tag which type is set to text/html and pass it's id to the entryTemplate option:

<script type="text/html" id="exampleTemplate">
    feeds: {
        // Your feeds ...
	entryTemplate: 'exampleTemplate'

Custom callback

Alternatively, you can pass a function to entryTemplate. You can use this option to:

  • use different templates based on some arbitrary logic,
  • use external template engines (e.g. handlebars, jsrender, jqote), or
  • define your own presentation logic.


// Use different templates based on source
	feeds: {
		blog: 'http://url/to/blog',
		twitter: 'http://url/to/twitter/feed'
	entryTemplate: function(entry) {
		var template = '';

		if (entry.source == 'blog') {
			// Full view for blog entry
			template =	'<div>' +
						'<h1><a href="<!=link!>"><!=title!></a></h1>' +
						'<p><!=publishedDate!></p>' +
		} else if (entry.source == 'twitter') {
			// Just the content for twitter entries
			template = '<div><!=content!></div>';

		// Render the template
		return this.tmpl(template, entry);
// Using jsrender instead of built-in template function
	feeds: {
		// Your feeds ...
	entryTemplate: function(entry) {
		return $('#myJsrenderTemplate').render(entry);
// Using your own presentation logic
	feeds: {
		// Your feeds ...
	entryTemplate: function(entry) {
		return '<p>' + entry.title + '</p>';

You can change the loader template as well by passing a template, it's id or a callback to the loadingTemplate option:

    feeds: {
        // Your feeds ...
    loadingTemplate: '<p>Fetching entries, please wait.</p>'


// Feeds to retrieve
feeds: {
    // identifier: url, ...

// Maximum number of entries to fetch per feed, -1 for maximum available
max: -1,

// Use SSL connection. Option;
//	- true: use https
//	- false: use http
//	- 'auto': use same as current domain
ssl: 'auto',

// Retrieve and parse XML elements when true
xml: false,

// Called when all entries are rendered
onComplete: function( entries ) { },

// Called for each entry
preprocess: function( feed ) { },

// Template injected to container while feeds are loaded
loadingTemplate: '<p class="feeds-loader">Loading entries ...</p>',

// Template used to render each entry
entryTemplate:	'<div class="feeds-entry feeds-source-<!=source!>">' +
				'<a class="feed-entry-title" target="_blank" href="<!=link!>" title="<!=title!>"><!=title!></a>' +
				'<div class="feed-entry-date"><!=publishedDate!></div>' +
				'<div class="feed-entry-content"><!=contentSnippet!></div>' +



  • Filter entries on preprocess
  • Added xml option


No changes where made to the code but the package got revamped!

  • Removed 'libs' directory, using CDN instead
  • Renamed test files to 'index.html' and 'tests.js'
  • Organized tests
  • Revamped 'dist' banner
  • Removed lincense files, lincense links were included in the banner
  • Moved 'dist' files to root
  • Moved 'package.json' to 'feeds.jquery.json' ( compatible)
  • Plugin info was tuned
  • Modified 'grunt.js' to reflect the changes


  • Added ssl option


  • Implemented alternative use of entryTemplate and loadingTemplate as callback


  • Rewrote templating system


  • Cloned publishedDate property to avoid sorting problems
  • Added feed data to entries


  • First version


Copyright (c) 2012 Camilo Aguilar • Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.

Includes a modified version of Simple JavaScript Templating • Copyright (c) John Resig 2008, MIT licensed.


Get the code at

In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.

Please don't edit files in the root directory as they are generated via grunt. You'll find source code in the src subdirectory!


RSS/Atom aggregator with templating and cross-domain support.






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