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This is the main directory for the Hibachi HTML5 game library.

Unlike other "engine" libraries, the intent of Hibachi is to provide a series of highly-reusable utility types so that game developers can build their games their way without having to conform to using "magic" heavyweight modules.

Right now the library only features a few modules:

  • Animation.js - Converts between time and frames for an infinitely looping animation (such as a character running)
  • DataStructures.js - Utility functions for handling arrays
  • Keyboard.js - Abstracts away keyboard event listening so that the consumer can just ask "is the key currently down?"
  • StreamedImage.js - Provides a placeholder if an image is not fully loaded yet
  • SpriteSheet.js - Provides an easy way to draw sprites from a uniformly sized sprite sheet
  • Text.js - Helper functions for text rendering, including word wrapped text
  • Vec2.js - Early 2D vector type (tested patches accepted)

There's also some partial examples in example and some Jasmine BDD tests in tests.

If you're ready to start building a game with hibachi, an example game shell is provided in example/shell that will allow you to quickly get past what little HTML5 boilerplate exists.

Please let me know if you end up using the library - I'm always interested to see what people do with the building blocks I provide.


Some types rely on other types to provide their functionality. dependency graph


A new HTML5 game library that gets out of your way







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