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Add EQC test for sms (merge sort) module
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engelsanchez committed May 21, 2013
1 parent ac1755d commit b568d76
Showing 1 changed file with 192 additions and 0 deletions.
192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions test/sms_eqc.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2013 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
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%% -------------------------------------------------------------------

%% @doc Quickcheck test for the sms streaming merge sort module code.

-export([command/1, initial_state/0, next_state/3,
precondition/2, postcondition/3]).

-record(state, {
sources :: undefined | [{integer(), [integer()]}], % [{ClientId, [Num]}]
received = [] :: [{integer(), [integer()]}] % Sorted received inputs [Num], a call to sms

-define(NUM_TESTS, 200).
eqc:on_output(fun(Str, Args) -> io:format(user, Str, Args) end, P)).

sms_eqc_test_() ->
{timeout, 60,
?_assert(eqc:quickcheck(eqc:numtests(?NUM_TESTS, ?QC_OUT(?MODULE:sms_prop()))))}.

% Basicaly create one sms with a list of sources,
% then issue commands appending ordered data from those sources
% verifying at each point that it returns data that is safe to consume without
% breaking the merge sort.
sms_prop() ->
?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
{H, S, R} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
eqc_gen:with_parameter(show_states, true,
pretty_commands(?MODULE, Cmds,
{H, S, R}, R == ok))

initial_state() ->

gen_inputs(Inputs) ->
sms:new([Source || {Source, _} <- Inputs]).

add_results(SMS, {Source, Items}, N) ->
%% Adding some items when source is exhausted is translated to done msg.
%% Adding zero items is a valid case.
Arg = case Items == [] andalso N > 0 of
true -> done;
false -> lists:sublist(Items, N)
sms:add_results(Source, Arg, SMS).

%% Pull merge sort ready results and compare to expected.
sms(SMS, Expected) ->
{Values, NewSMS} = sms:sms(SMS),
?assertEqual(Expected, Values),

%% Call done, which should return everything received so far.
done(SMS, Received) ->
L = lists:sort(lists:flatten([L || {_, L} <- Received])),
Actual = sms:done(SMS),
?assertEqual(L, Actual).

pos_nat() ->
?LET(N, nat(), N+1).

%% Generates a list of sources, each with a random list of inputs.
input_gen() ->
?LET(NSources, pos_nat(),
[{Source, non_empty(list(int()))}
|| Source <- lists:seq(1, NSources)]).

%% Initial state, so create sms, generate sources
command(#state{sources=undefined}) ->
{call, ?MODULE, gen_inputs, [input_gen()]};
%% All sources exhausted, so start again or keep calling sms/done
%% expecting empty results.
command(#state{sms=SMS, received=[]}) ->
oneof([{call, ?MODULE, gen_inputs, [input_gen()]},
{call, ?MODULE, sms, [SMS, []]},
{call, ?MODULE, done, [SMS, []]}]);
%% Normal operation with some received inputs and stuff.
command(#state{sms=SMS, sources=Sources,
received=Received}) ->
{Ready, _} = sms_ready(Received, Sources),
oneof([{call, ?MODULE, sms, [SMS, Ready]},
{call, ?MODULE, done, [SMS, Received]}]
++ [{call, ?MODULE, add_results, [SMS, elements(Sources), nat()]}
|| Sources /= []]

% Allow only initialization at first
precondition(#state{sms=undefined}, {call, _, gen_inputs, _}) ->
precondition(#state{sms=undefined}, _) ->
% Add results needs the source to exist.
{call, _, add_results, [_SMS, {Source, _}, _]}) ->
lists:keymember(Source, 1, Inputs);
% Other than that, it's all good.
precondition(#state{}, _Cmd) ->

%% We're only failing on eunit's assert macros inside the cmd functions.
postcondition(_S, _Cmd, _R) ->

%% Mimics the main sort merge operation, gathering all received inputs that can
%% safely be harvested because no overlapping keys could come from the sources.
sms_ready(Received, Sources) ->
case Received == [] orelse lists:any(fun({_, L}) -> L == [] end, Received) of
true ->
% Buffer is missing some sources, so can't merge sort
{[], Received};
false ->
% Find the smallest element common to all inputs to split by it
MaxReady = lists:min([lists:last(L) || {_, L} <- Received]),
% Split the values that are ready for merge and would be returned by sms
Ready = lists:sort(lists:flatten([[E || E <- CL, E =< MaxReady]
|| {_, CL} <- Received])),
% Take out the values that would be returned by sms
Received2 = [{C, [E || E <- CL, E > MaxReady]} || {C, CL} <- Received],
NotDone = fun({S,L})-> L /= [] orelse lists:keymember(S, 1, Sources) end,
Received3 = lists:filter(NotDone, Received2),
{Ready, Received3}

%% Capture the sources generated by eqc for gen_inputs and put them in the
%% state. Also, gen_inputs returns the sms object.
next_state(S = #state{}, V, {call, _, gen_inputs, [Inputs]}) ->
SortedInputs = [{Source, lists:sort(L)} || {Source, L} <- Inputs],
Received = [{Source, []} || {Source, L} <- Inputs, L /= []],
S#state{sms=V, sources=SortedInputs, received=Received};
%% Trying to add some results when source is empty gets translated to a
%% source signaling it is done. Remove from sources and also from received
%% if that buffer is empty. Note that by removing from sources we are not
%% calling sms:done more than once, which could be a valid case.
next_state(S = #state{sources=Sources, received=Received},
{call, _, add_results, [_, {Source, []}, N]}) when N > 0 ->
NewSources = lists:keydelete(Source, 1, Sources),
NewReceived =
case lists:keyfind(Source, 1, Received) of
{Source, []} ->
lists:keydelete(Source, 1, Received);
_ ->
S#state{sms=V, sources=NewSources, received=NewReceived};
%% Adding some results, so remove those from sources, add to received.
next_state(S = #state{sources=Inputs, received=Received},
{call, _, add_results, [_, {Source, Items}, N]}) ->
?assertEqual({Source, Items}, lists:keyfind(Source, 1, Inputs)),
Is = lists:sublist(Items, N),
NL = lists:nthtail(length(Is), Items),
NewInputs = lists:keyreplace(Source, 1, Inputs, {Source, NL}),
NewReceived = orddict:update(Source,
fun(Val) -> Val ++ Is end,
S#state{sources=NewInputs, received=NewReceived, sms=V};
%% Pulling sort merged results and removing from received buffers.
next_state(S = #state{received=Received, sources=Sources}, V, {call, _, sms, _}) ->
{_, NewReceived} = sms_ready(Received, Sources),
S#state{sms=V, received=NewReceived};
%% Done has no side effects, it should just return all buffered received values.
next_state(S, _V, {call, _, done,_}) ->

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