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Simplify splitter
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batterseapower committed Jul 8, 2010
1 parent fdd33ae commit 429670d
Showing 1 changed file with 16 additions and 21 deletions.
37 changes: 16 additions & 21 deletions Supercompile/Split.hs
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ split :: Monad m
=> (State -> m (FreeVars, Out Term))
-> State
-> m (FreeVars, Out Term)
split opt (simplify -> (Heap h ids, k, qa)) = uncurry3 optimiseSplit (split' opt (Heap h ids) k (splitQA ids qa))
split opt (simplify -> (Heap h ids, k, qa)) = uncurry (optimiseSplit opt) (split' (Heap h ids) k (splitQA ids qa))

-- Non-expansive simplification that we can safely do just before splitting to make the splitter a bit simpler
data QA = Question (Out Var)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ transitiveInline' :: PureHeap -> State -> State
transitiveInline' h_inlineable state@(Heap h ids, k, in_e) = (Heap (transitiveInline (h_inlineable `M.union` h) M.empty (stateFreeVars state)) ids, k, in_e)

optimiseSplit :: Monad m
=> (Bracketed PureState -> m (FreeVars, Out Term))
-> M.Map (Out Var) (Bracketed PureState)
-> Bracketed PureState
=> (State -> m (FreeVars, Out Term))
-> M.Map (Out Var) (Bracketed State)
-> Bracketed State
-> m (FreeVars, Out Term)
optimiseSplit optimise_bracketed floats_h floats_compulsory = do
optimiseSplit opt floats_h floats_compulsory = do
-- 1) Recursively drive the compulsory floats
(fvs_compulsory', e_compulsory') <- optimise_bracketed floats_compulsory
(fvs_compulsory', e_compulsory') <- optimiseBracketed opt floats_compulsory

-- 2) We now need to think about how we are going to residualise the letrec. We only want to drive (and residualise) as
-- much as we actually refer to. This loop does this: it starts by residualising the free variables of the compulsory
Expand All @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ optimiseSplit optimise_bracketed floats_h floats_compulsory = do
return (resid_fvs S.\\ resid_bvs, xes_resid)
| otherwise = {- traceRender ("optimiseSplit", xs_resid') $ -} do
-- Recursively drive the new residuals arising from the need to bind the resid_fvs
(S.unions -> extra_resid_fvs', es_resid') <- liftM unzip $ mapM optimise_bracketed bracks_resid
(S.unions -> extra_resid_fvs', es_resid') <- liftM unzip $ mapM (optimiseBracketed opt) bracks_resid
-- Recurse, because we might now need to residualise and drive even more stuff (as we have added some more FVs and BVs)
residualise (xes_resid ++ zip xs_resid' es_resid')
(resid_bvs `S.union` M.keysSet h_resid)
Expand All @@ -235,29 +235,21 @@ toEnteredManyEnv :: EnteredEnv -> EnteredManyEnv
toEnteredManyEnv = (not . isOnce)

:: Monad m
=> (State -> m (FreeVars, Out Term))
-> Heap
:: Heap
-> Stack
-> (EnteredEnv, Bracketed PureState)
-> (Bracketed PureState -> m (FreeVars, Out Term),
M.Map (Out Var) (Bracketed PureState),
Bracketed PureState)
split' opt (cheapifyHeap -> Heap h (splitIdSupply -> (ids1, ids2))) k (entered_hole, bracketed_hole)
-> (M.Map (Out Var) (Bracketed State),
Bracketed State)
split' (cheapifyHeap -> Heap h (splitIdSupply -> (ids1, ids2))) k (entered_hole, bracketed_hole)
= go S.empty (toEnteredManyEnv entered_hole)
go must_resid_k_xs entered_many
-- | traceRender ("split.go", entered, entered_k, xs_nonvalue_inlinings) False = undefined
| entered_many == entered_many'
, must_resid_k_xs == must_resid_k_xs'
= -- (\res -> traceRender ("split'", entered_hole, "==>", entered_k, "==>", entered', must_resid_k_xs, [x' | Tagged _ (Update x') <- k], M.keysSet floats_k_bound) res) $
(\brack -> do
(fvs', e') <- optimiseBracketed opt (fmap (\(h, k, in_e) -> transitiveInline' h_inlineable (Heap h ids2, k, in_e)) brack)
let _xs_upd_frames_pushed_down = S.fromList [x' | Tagged _ (Update x') <- k] S.\\ M.keysSet floats_k_bound
assertRender ("optimiseBracketed", fvs' `S.intersection` _xs_upd_frames_pushed_down) (S.null (fvs' `S.intersection` _xs_upd_frames_pushed_down)) $ return ()
return (fvs', e'), promoteToBracket (h `exclude` xs_nonvalue_inlinings) `M.union` floats_k_bound,
( (inlineBracketHeap . promoteToBracket) (h `exclude` xs_nonvalue_inlinings) `M.union` inlineBracketHeap floats_k_bound,
inlineBracketHeap bracket_k)
| otherwise = go must_resid_k_xs' entered_many'
-- Evaluation context splitting
Expand All @@ -283,6 +275,9 @@ split' opt (cheapifyHeap -> Heap h (splitIdSupply -> (ids1, ids2))) k (entered_h
xs_nonvalue_inlinings = M.keysSet $ M.filterWithKey (\x (_, e) -> maybe False (/= Once Nothing) (M.lookup x entered') && not (taggedTermIsCheap e)) h_inlineable

entered_many' = toEnteredManyEnv entered'

inlineBracketHeap :: Bracketed PureState -> Bracketed State
inlineBracketHeap = fmap (\(h, k, in_e) -> transitiveInline' h_inlineable (Heap h ids2, k, in_e))

promoteToPureState :: In TaggedTerm -> PureState
promoteToPureState in_e = (M.empty, [], in_e)
Expand Down

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