Given an aircraft tail number, this gets photo urls and photographer name from Function returns the first image as an HTML page with image tag and photographer name in caption. Batch mode returns CSV of tail numbers, photo URLs, and photographer names.
Uses Serverless framework
The function will work on either AWS or Azure but needs different serverless.yml
configs. There isn't an effective way to combine these, so we have separate serverless-aws.yml
and serverless-azure.yml
files and a script to swap them before deploying:
./ aws
or ./ azure
which pretty much just does:
cp serverless-$1.yml serverless.yml && sls deploy
serverless invoke local --function getjetphoto --data '{"tailNum": "<registration number>"}'
Returns an HTML-Gateway-ready response object:
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "text/html"
"statusCode": 200,
"body": "<html><body>...</body></html>"
node batcher.js getjetphotobatch [path_to_input_file (default: tail_numbers.csv)] [tail_number_column (default: 'Tail Number')]
Processes a CSV file of tail numbers and outputs a CSV with potentially multiple photos URLs per tail number, plus a status log. In case of errors, the status log can be fed back through for another pass, which will skip the successfully processed items.
Outputs two files:
- Copy of the input file with a 'Status' column appended<imput_filename>_photos.<pass_number>.csv
- All the retrieved photo URLs for each tail number that has photos. Columns: tailNum, photoUrl, photograher
Batch mode now keeps a local cache of retrieved pages to avoid repeatedly re-requesting them.