status: ERROR errors: "column out of bounds: 0 [1, 1]" uast { internal_type: "Module" children { internal_type: "Import" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Import.names" properties { key: "promotedPropertyList" value: "true" } children { internal_type: "alias" properties { key: "asname" value: "" } token: "math" start_position { offset: 113 line: 3 col: 8 } end_position { offset: 116 line: 3 col: 11 } roles: IMPORT_ALIAS roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER } roles: 142 } children { internal_type: "PreviousNoops" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "noops_previous" } children { internal_type: "NoopLine" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "lines" } token: "# Here you can find code of /app/\n" start_position { line: 1 col: 1 } roles: COMMENT } children { internal_type: "NoopLine" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "lines" } token: "# find x in range (-2, 2) that should minimaze math.sin function\n" start_position { offset: 41 line: 2 col: 1 } roles: COMMENT } start_position { line: 1 col: 1 } end_position { offset: 104 line: 2 col: 64 } roles: WHITESPACE } start_position { offset: 106 line: 3 col: 1 } end_position { offset: 116 line: 3 col: 11 } roles: IMPORT_DECLARATION roles: STATEMENT } children { internal_type: "ImportFrom" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } properties { key: "level" value: "0" } children { internal_type: "ImportFrom.names" properties { key: "promotedPropertyList" value: "true" } children { internal_type: "alias" properties { key: "asname" value: "" } token: "fmin" start_position { offset: 139 line: 4 col: 22 } end_position { offset: 142 line: 4 col: 25 } roles: IMPORT_ALIAS roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER } children { internal_type: "alias" properties { key: "asname" value: "" } token: "tpe" start_position { offset: 145 line: 4 col: 28 } end_position { offset: 147 line: 4 col: 30 } roles: IMPORT_ALIAS roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER } children { internal_type: "alias" properties { key: "asname" value: "" } token: "hp" start_position { offset: 150 line: 4 col: 33 } end_position { offset: 151 line: 4 col: 34 } roles: IMPORT_ALIAS roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER } roles: 142 } token: "hyperopt" start_position { offset: 123 line: 4 col: 6 } end_position { offset: 151 line: 4 col: 34 } roles: IMPORT_DECLARATION roles: STATEMENT } children { internal_type: "ImportFrom" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } properties { key: "level" value: "0" } children { internal_type: "ImportFrom.names" properties { key: "promotedPropertyList" value: "true" } children { internal_type: "alias" properties { key: "asname" value: "" } token: "MongoTrials" start_position { offset: 183 line: 5 col: 31 } end_position { offset: 193 line: 5 col: 41 } roles: IMPORT_ALIAS roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER } roles: 142 } token: "hyperopt.mongoexp" start_position { offset: 153 line: 5 col: 1 } end_position { offset: 193 line: 5 col: 41 } roles: IMPORT_DECLARATION roles: STATEMENT } children { internal_type: "Assign" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Store" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "targets" } children { internal_type: "PreviousNoops" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "noops_previous" } children { internal_type: "NoopLine" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "lines" } token: "\n" start_position { line: 6 col: 1 } roles: COMMENT } start_position { offset: 195 line: 6 col: 1 } end_position { line: 6 } roles: WHITESPACE } token: "mongodb" start_position { offset: 196 line: 7 col: 1 } end_position { offset: 202 line: 7 col: 7 } roles: ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "mongodb" start_position { line: 7 col: 11 } end_position { line: 7 col: 19 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: ASSIGNMENT_VALUE } start_position { offset: 196 line: 7 col: 1 } end_position { offset: 214 line: 7 col: 19 } roles: ASSIGNMENT roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Assign" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Store" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "targets" } token: "db_port" start_position { line: 8 col: 1 } end_position { line: 8 col: 7 } roles: ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "27017" start_position { line: 8 col: 11 } end_position { line: 8 col: 17 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: ASSIGNMENT_VALUE } start_position { line: 8 col: 1 } end_position { line: 8 col: 17 } roles: ASSIGNMENT roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Assign" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Store" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "targets" } token: "db_name" start_position { line: 9 col: 1 } end_position { line: 9 col: 7 } roles: ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "ml_exp" start_position { line: 9 col: 11 } end_position { line: 9 col: 18 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: ASSIGNMENT_VALUE } start_position { line: 9 col: 1 } end_position { line: 9 col: 18 } roles: ASSIGNMENT roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Assign" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Store" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "targets" } token: "exp_key" start_position { line: 10 col: 1 } end_position { line: 10 col: 7 } roles: ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "exp1" start_position { line: 10 col: 11 } end_position { line: 10 col: 16 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: ASSIGNMENT_VALUE } start_position { line: 10 col: 1 } end_position { line: 10 col: 16 } roles: ASSIGNMENT roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Assign" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Store" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "targets" } children { internal_type: "PreviousNoops" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "noops_previous" } children { internal_type: "NoopLine" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "lines" } token: "\n" start_position { line: 11 col: 1 } roles: COMMENT } start_position { line: 11 col: 1 } end_position { line: 11 } roles: WHITESPACE } token: "trials" start_position { line: 12 col: 1 } end_position { line: 12 col: 6 } roles: ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Call" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } children { internal_type: "BinOp" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "left" } token: "mongo://%s:%s/%s/jobs" start_position { line: 12 col: 22 } end_position { line: 12 col: 44 } roles: BINARY_EXPRESSION_LEFT roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Mod" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "op" } token: "%%" start_position { line: 12 col: 22 } roles: BINARY_EXPRESSION_OP roles: OP_MOD } children { internal_type: "Tuple" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "right" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "elts" } token: "mongodb" start_position { line: 12 col: 49 } end_position { line: 12 col: 55 } roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "elts" } token: "db_port" start_position { line: 12 col: 58 } end_position { line: 12 col: 64 } roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "elts" } token: "db_name" start_position { line: 12 col: 67 } end_position { line: 12 col: 73 } roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } start_position { line: 12 col: 49 } end_position { line: 12 col: 73 } roles: BINARY_EXPRESSION_RIGHT roles: TUPLE_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION } start_position { line: 12 col: 22 } end_position { line: 12 col: 73 } roles: BINARY_EXPRESSION roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "func" } token: "MongoTrials" start_position { line: 12 col: 10 } end_position { line: 12 col: 20 } roles: CALL roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "keyword" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "keywords" } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "exp1" start_position { line: 12 col: 85 } end_position { line: 12 col: 90 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT_VALUE } token: "exp_key" start_position { line: 12 col: 77 } end_position { line: 12 col: 90 } roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT } start_position { line: 12 col: 11 } end_position { line: 12 col: 90 } roles: CALL roles: EXPRESSION roles: ASSIGNMENT_VALUE } start_position { line: 12 col: 1 } end_position { line: 12 col: 90 } roles: ASSIGNMENT roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Assign" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Store" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "targets" } token: "best" start_position { line: 13 col: 1 } end_position { line: 13 col: 4 } roles: ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Call" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } children { internal_type: "Attribute" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "math" start_position { line: 13 col: 13 } end_position { line: 13 col: 16 } roles: QUALIFIED_IDENTIFIER roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } token: "sin" start_position { line: 13 col: 18 } end_position { line: 13 col: 20 } roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "Call" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } token: "x" start_position { line: 13 col: 34 } end_position { line: 13 col: 36 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "UnaryOp" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } children { internal_type: "USub" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "op" } token: "-" start_position { line: 13 col: 39 } end_position { line: 13 col: 39 } roles: OP_NEGATIVE } children { internal_type: "NumLiteral" properties { key: "NumType" value: "int" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "operand" } token: "2" start_position { line: 13 col: 40 } end_position { line: 13 col: 40 } roles: NUMBER_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION } start_position { line: 13 col: 39 } end_position { line: 13 col: 40 } roles: EXPRESSION roles: 141 roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "NumLiteral" properties { key: "NumType" value: "int" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } token: "2" start_position { line: 13 col: 43 } end_position { line: 13 col: 43 } roles: NUMBER_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "Attribute" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "func" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "hp" start_position { line: 13 col: 23 } end_position { line: 13 col: 24 } roles: QUALIFIED_IDENTIFIER roles: CALL_RECEIVER roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } token: "uniform" start_position { line: 13 col: 26 } end_position { line: 13 col: 32 } roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_CALLEE } start_position { line: 13 col: 27 } end_position { line: 13 col: 43 } roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT roles: CALL roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "func" } token: "fmin" start_position { line: 13 col: 8 } end_position { line: 13 col: 11 } roles: CALL roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "keyword" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "keywords" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "trials" start_position { line: 13 col: 47 } end_position { line: 13 col: 52 } roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT_VALUE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } token: "trials" start_position { line: 13 col: 54 } end_position { line: 13 col: 59 } roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "keyword" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "keywords" } children { internal_type: "Attribute" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "tpe" start_position { line: 13 col: 67 } end_position { line: 13 col: 69 } roles: QUALIFIED_IDENTIFIER roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } token: "suggest" start_position { line: 13 col: 71 } end_position { line: 13 col: 77 } roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT_VALUE } token: "algo" start_position { line: 13 col: 62 } end_position { line: 13 col: 77 } roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "keyword" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "keywords" } children { internal_type: "NumLiteral" properties { key: "NumType" value: "int" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "10" start_position { line: 13 col: 90 } end_position { line: 13 col: 91 } roles: NUMBER_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT_VALUE } token: "max_evals" start_position { line: 13 col: 80 } end_position { line: 13 col: 91 } roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT } start_position { line: 13 col: 9 } end_position { line: 13 col: 91 } roles: CALL roles: EXPRESSION roles: ASSIGNMENT_VALUE } start_position { line: 13 col: 1 } end_position { line: 13 col: 91 } roles: ASSIGNMENT roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Expr" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Call" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } token: "Result:" start_position { line: 14 col: 7 } end_position { line: 14 col: 15 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } token: "best" start_position { line: 14 col: 18 } end_position { line: 14 col: 21 } roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "func" } token: "print" start_position { line: 14 col: 1 } end_position { line: 14 col: 5 } roles: CALL roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } start_position { line: 14 col: 2 } end_position { line: 14 col: 21 } roles: CALL roles: EXPRESSION } start_position { line: 14 col: 1 } end_position { line: 14 col: 21 } roles: EXPRESSION } start_position { line: 1 col: 1 } end_position { offset: 476 line: 14 col: 21 } roles: FILE } status: ERROR errors: "column out of bounds: 0 [1, 1]" uast { internal_type: "Module" children { internal_type: "Import" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Import.names" properties { key: "promotedPropertyList" value: "true" } children { internal_type: "alias" properties { key: "asname" value: "" } token: "math" start_position { offset: 113 line: 3 col: 8 } end_position { offset: 116 line: 3 col: 11 } roles: IMPORT_ALIAS roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER } roles: 142 } children { internal_type: "PreviousNoops" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "noops_previous" } children { internal_type: "NoopLine" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "lines" } token: "# Here you can find code of /app/\n" start_position { line: 1 col: 1 } roles: COMMENT } children { internal_type: "NoopLine" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "lines" } token: "# find x in range (-2, 2) that should minimaze math.sin function\n" start_position { offset: 41 line: 2 col: 1 } roles: COMMENT } start_position { line: 1 col: 1 } end_position { offset: 104 line: 2 col: 64 } roles: WHITESPACE } start_position { offset: 106 line: 3 col: 1 } end_position { offset: 116 line: 3 col: 11 } roles: IMPORT_DECLARATION roles: STATEMENT } children { internal_type: "ImportFrom" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } properties { key: "level" value: "0" } children { internal_type: "ImportFrom.names" properties { key: "promotedPropertyList" value: "true" } children { internal_type: "alias" properties { key: "asname" value: "" } token: "fmin" start_position { offset: 139 line: 4 col: 22 } end_position { offset: 142 line: 4 col: 25 } roles: IMPORT_ALIAS roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER } children { internal_type: "alias" properties { key: "asname" value: "" } token: "tpe" start_position { offset: 145 line: 4 col: 28 } end_position { offset: 147 line: 4 col: 30 } roles: IMPORT_ALIAS roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER } children { internal_type: "alias" properties { key: "asname" value: "" } token: "hp" start_position { offset: 150 line: 4 col: 33 } end_position { offset: 151 line: 4 col: 34 } roles: IMPORT_ALIAS roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER } roles: 142 } token: "hyperopt" start_position { offset: 123 line: 4 col: 6 } end_position { offset: 151 line: 4 col: 34 } roles: IMPORT_DECLARATION roles: STATEMENT } children { internal_type: "ImportFrom" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } properties { key: "level" value: "0" } children { internal_type: "ImportFrom.names" properties { key: "promotedPropertyList" value: "true" } children { internal_type: "alias" properties { key: "asname" value: "" } token: "MongoTrials" start_position { offset: 183 line: 5 col: 31 } end_position { offset: 193 line: 5 col: 41 } roles: IMPORT_ALIAS roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER } roles: 142 } token: "hyperopt.mongoexp" start_position { offset: 153 line: 5 col: 1 } end_position { offset: 193 line: 5 col: 41 } roles: IMPORT_DECLARATION roles: STATEMENT } children { internal_type: "Assign" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Store" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "targets" } children { internal_type: "PreviousNoops" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "noops_previous" } children { internal_type: "NoopLine" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "lines" } token: "\n" start_position { line: 6 col: 1 } roles: COMMENT } start_position { offset: 195 line: 6 col: 1 } end_position { line: 6 } roles: WHITESPACE } token: "mongodb" start_position { offset: 196 line: 7 col: 1 } end_position { offset: 202 line: 7 col: 7 } roles: ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "mongodb" start_position { line: 7 col: 11 } end_position { line: 7 col: 19 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: ASSIGNMENT_VALUE } start_position { offset: 196 line: 7 col: 1 } end_position { offset: 214 line: 7 col: 19 } roles: ASSIGNMENT roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Assign" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Store" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "targets" } token: "db_port" start_position { line: 8 col: 1 } end_position { line: 8 col: 7 } roles: ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "27017" start_position { line: 8 col: 11 } end_position { line: 8 col: 17 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: ASSIGNMENT_VALUE } start_position { line: 8 col: 1 } end_position { line: 8 col: 17 } roles: ASSIGNMENT roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Assign" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Store" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "targets" } token: "db_name" start_position { line: 9 col: 1 } end_position { line: 9 col: 7 } roles: ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "ml_exp" start_position { line: 9 col: 11 } end_position { line: 9 col: 18 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: ASSIGNMENT_VALUE } start_position { line: 9 col: 1 } end_position { line: 9 col: 18 } roles: ASSIGNMENT roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Assign" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Store" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "targets" } token: "exp_key" start_position { line: 10 col: 1 } end_position { line: 10 col: 7 } roles: ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "exp1" start_position { line: 10 col: 11 } end_position { line: 10 col: 16 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: ASSIGNMENT_VALUE } start_position { line: 10 col: 1 } end_position { line: 10 col: 16 } roles: ASSIGNMENT roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Assign" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Store" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "targets" } children { internal_type: "PreviousNoops" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "noops_previous" } children { internal_type: "NoopLine" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "lines" } token: "\n" start_position { line: 11 col: 1 } roles: COMMENT } start_position { line: 11 col: 1 } end_position { line: 11 } roles: WHITESPACE } token: "trials" start_position { line: 12 col: 1 } end_position { line: 12 col: 6 } roles: ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Call" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } children { internal_type: "BinOp" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "left" } token: "mongo://%s:%s/%s/jobs" start_position { line: 12 col: 22 } end_position { line: 12 col: 44 } roles: BINARY_EXPRESSION_LEFT roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Mod" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "op" } token: "%%" start_position { line: 12 col: 22 } roles: BINARY_EXPRESSION_OP roles: OP_MOD } children { internal_type: "Tuple" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "right" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "elts" } token: "mongodb" start_position { line: 12 col: 49 } end_position { line: 12 col: 55 } roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "elts" } token: "db_port" start_position { line: 12 col: 58 } end_position { line: 12 col: 64 } roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "elts" } token: "db_name" start_position { line: 12 col: 67 } end_position { line: 12 col: 73 } roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } start_position { line: 12 col: 49 } end_position { line: 12 col: 73 } roles: BINARY_EXPRESSION_RIGHT roles: TUPLE_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION } start_position { line: 12 col: 22 } end_position { line: 12 col: 73 } roles: BINARY_EXPRESSION roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "func" } token: "MongoTrials" start_position { line: 12 col: 10 } end_position { line: 12 col: 20 } roles: CALL roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "keyword" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "keywords" } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "exp1" start_position { line: 12 col: 85 } end_position { line: 12 col: 90 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT_VALUE } token: "exp_key" start_position { line: 12 col: 77 } end_position { line: 12 col: 90 } roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT } start_position { line: 12 col: 11 } end_position { line: 12 col: 90 } roles: CALL roles: EXPRESSION roles: ASSIGNMENT_VALUE } start_position { line: 12 col: 1 } end_position { line: 12 col: 90 } roles: ASSIGNMENT roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Assign" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Store" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "targets" } token: "best" start_position { line: 13 col: 1 } end_position { line: 13 col: 4 } roles: ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Call" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } children { internal_type: "Attribute" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "math" start_position { line: 13 col: 13 } end_position { line: 13 col: 16 } roles: QUALIFIED_IDENTIFIER roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } token: "sin" start_position { line: 13 col: 18 } end_position { line: 13 col: 20 } roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "Call" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } token: "x" start_position { line: 13 col: 34 } end_position { line: 13 col: 36 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "UnaryOp" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } children { internal_type: "USub" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "op" } token: "-" start_position { line: 13 col: 39 } end_position { line: 13 col: 39 } roles: OP_NEGATIVE } children { internal_type: "NumLiteral" properties { key: "NumType" value: "int" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "operand" } token: "2" start_position { line: 13 col: 40 } end_position { line: 13 col: 40 } roles: NUMBER_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION } start_position { line: 13 col: 39 } end_position { line: 13 col: 40 } roles: EXPRESSION roles: 141 roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "NumLiteral" properties { key: "NumType" value: "int" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } token: "2" start_position { line: 13 col: 43 } end_position { line: 13 col: 43 } roles: NUMBER_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "Attribute" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "func" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "hp" start_position { line: 13 col: 23 } end_position { line: 13 col: 24 } roles: QUALIFIED_IDENTIFIER roles: CALL_RECEIVER roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } token: "uniform" start_position { line: 13 col: 26 } end_position { line: 13 col: 32 } roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_CALLEE } start_position { line: 13 col: 27 } end_position { line: 13 col: 43 } roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT roles: CALL roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "func" } token: "fmin" start_position { line: 13 col: 8 } end_position { line: 13 col: 11 } roles: CALL roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "keyword" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "keywords" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "trials" start_position { line: 13 col: 47 } end_position { line: 13 col: 52 } roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT_VALUE roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } token: "trials" start_position { line: 13 col: 54 } end_position { line: 13 col: 59 } roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "keyword" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "keywords" } children { internal_type: "Attribute" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "tpe" start_position { line: 13 col: 67 } end_position { line: 13 col: 69 } roles: QUALIFIED_IDENTIFIER roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } token: "suggest" start_position { line: 13 col: 71 } end_position { line: 13 col: 77 } roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT_VALUE } token: "algo" start_position { line: 13 col: 62 } end_position { line: 13 col: 77 } roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "keyword" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "keywords" } children { internal_type: "NumLiteral" properties { key: "NumType" value: "int" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } token: "10" start_position { line: 13 col: 90 } end_position { line: 13 col: 91 } roles: NUMBER_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT_VALUE } token: "max_evals" start_position { line: 13 col: 80 } end_position { line: 13 col: 91 } roles: CALL_NAMED_ARGUMENT } start_position { line: 13 col: 9 } end_position { line: 13 col: 91 } roles: CALL roles: EXPRESSION roles: ASSIGNMENT_VALUE } start_position { line: 13 col: 1 } end_position { line: 13 col: 91 } roles: ASSIGNMENT roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Expr" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "body" } children { internal_type: "Call" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "value" } children { internal_type: "StringLiteral" properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } token: "Result:" start_position { line: 14 col: 7 } end_position { line: 14 col: 15 } roles: STRING_LITERAL roles: EXPRESSION roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "args" } token: "best" start_position { line: 14 col: 18 } end_position { line: 14 col: 21 } roles: CALL_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENT roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } children { internal_type: "Name" properties { key: "ctx" value: "Load" } properties { key: "internalRole" value: "func" } token: "print" start_position { line: 14 col: 1 } end_position { line: 14 col: 5 } roles: CALL roles: SIMPLE_IDENTIFIER roles: EXPRESSION } start_position { line: 14 col: 2 } end_position { line: 14 col: 21 } roles: CALL roles: EXPRESSION } start_position { line: 14 col: 1 } end_position { line: 14 col: 21 } roles: EXPRESSION } start_position { line: 1 col: 1 } end_position { offset: 476 line: 14 col: 21 } roles: FILE }