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Repository files navigation

"Serverless" React App with Hammer

<some reasons why it's so cool here>


This SlimSass Hammer template or initialize new Hammer project.

Install (if you don't have them):

  • Node.js: $ brew install node on OS X
  • Bower: $ npm install -g bower

Install bower components into your folder

Your project structure may look like this

root/                   # Main application directory
|-app/                  # Your code may reside here
|--components/          # Source files of your react components
|--styles/              # Some your stylesheets
|-bower_components/     # Directory for external libraries delivered by bower
|-Build/                # Hammer's build directory
|-index.slim            # Index page of your project
Include third party libraries using Hammer tags or manually
Add some container for your react app

So your index.slim will look like this:

doctype html
    <!-- @reload -->
    <!-- @stylesheet app/styles/application -->
    <!-- @javascript parse react react-with-addons react-tabs JSXTransformer -->
    script src=""

Now time to create react app

It will contain 3 components:

  • Document list
  • Preview
  • Document box, that compose them
var DocumentBox = React.createClass({

  getInitialState: function() {
    return {
      activeDocId: -1,
      previewImage: '',
      documentUrl: ''

  handleActiveChange: function(doc, index){
      activeDocId: index,
      previewImage: doc.preview,
      documentUrl: doc.file


  render: function() {
    var documents = [
            name: 'somename',
            file: '',
            preview: ''

    return (
      <div className="documentBox">
        <DocumentList activeId={this.state.activeDocId} data={documents} activeChange={this.handleActiveChange}/>
        <Preview imageSrc={this.state.previewImage} documentUrl={this.state.documentUrl}/>

Preview is simple component, that may be described direcrly in Document Box

var Preview = React.createClass({

  render: function() {
    return (
      <div className='documentPreview'>
        <a href={this.props.documentUrl} target='_blank'>
          <img src={this.props.imageSrc}/>

Document list, that handles clicks on each element

var DocumentList = React.createClass({

  activate: function(doc, index){
  render: function() {
    var documents =, index) {
      var classes = React.addons.classSet({
          'document': true,
          'active': index === this.props.activeId // this.props.isActive
      return (
        <div className={classes} key={index} onClick={this.activate.bind(this, doc, index)}>

    }, this);

      <div className='documentList'>


Now we can compose DocumentBrowser views by tabs in app.js

var Tab = ReactTabs.Tab;
var Tabs = ReactTabs.Tabs;
var TabList = ReactTabs.TabList;
var TabPanel = ReactTabs.TabPanel;

var App = React.createClass({
  render() {
    return (
            <Tab>Type A</Tab>
            <Tab>Type B</Tab>
            <Tab>Type C</Tab>
            <DocumentBox type='typeA'/>
            <DocumentBox type='typeB'/>
            <DocumentBox type='typeC'/>


React.render(<App/>, document.getElementById('react-container'));

How it might be styled (app/styles/application.sass)

html, body
  margin: 20px
    box-sizing: border-box

.react-tabs [role=tablist]
  margin: 0
    border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa

  display: flex
  flex-flow: row nowrap
  border-right: 1px solid #aaa
  border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa
  min-height: 600px
  min-height: 600px
  flex: 0 0 200px
  border-right: 1px solid #aaa
  border-left: 1px solid #aaa
  overflow: hidden

    padding: 10px 30px
    border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa
    cursor: pointer
      font-weight: bold

  flex: 1 0
  padding: 30px
    width: 100%
  width: 100%
  padding: 10px 20px
  font-size: 2rem
  text-align: center

Include app, document-browser components and styles into index.slim

doctype html
    <!-- @reload -->
    <!-- @stylesheet app/styles/application -->
    <!-- @javascript parse react react-with-addons react-tabs JSXTransformer -->
    script src=""

    script type="text/jsx" src="app/components/document-box.js"
    script type="text/jsx" src="app/components/app.js"

NOTE: it's important to add type="text/jsx" for your jsx templates, so incude them avoiding Hammer @javascript tag.

Time to add some Parse magic

  • Login on
  • Create new App
  • Create new Class in Data tab
  • Add some cols, for example:
    • type: string
    • name: string
    • preview: file
    • file: file
  • Fill few records with your data
  • Copy your App ID and Javascript API keys into head of app.js

Add ParseReact mixin to DocumentBox component

  mixins: [ParseReact.Mixin],
  observe: function() {
    var type = this.props.type
    return {
      documents: (new Parse.Query('document')).equalTo("type", type).ascending('createdAt')
Now documents will be available via in this component.
To get url of file just add .url() in the end of field name.

  handleActiveChange: function(doc, index){
      activeDocId: index,
      previewImage: doc.preview.url(),
      documentUrl: doc.file.url()

  render: function() {
    return (
      <div className="documentBox">
        <DocumentList activeId={this.state.activeDocId} data={} activeChange={this.handleActiveChange}/>
        <Preview imageSrc={this.state.previewImage} documentUrl={this.state.documentUrl}/>

We can add some default state for this component

  render: function() {

    var preview;
      if (this.state.activeDocId != -1){
        preview = <Preview imageSrc={this.state.previewImage} documentUrl={this.state.documentUrl}/>;
      } else {
        preview = (
          <div className="documentBoxDefaultState">
            Select a document, please.

    return (
      <div className="documentBox">
        <DocumentList activeId={this.state.activeDocId} data={} activeChange={this.handleActiveChange}/>

Also, you can install jsx-transformer. Run npm install -g react-tools in the terminal. Set your precompiler directory with jsx js/app/ js/build/ and change react components source pathes in index.slim


An example of using hammerformac, react, and hosting on Forge to build a single page file browser app.






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  • JavaScript 41.6%
  • HTML 39.3%
  • CSS 19.1%