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File metadata and controls

58 lines (36 loc) · 2.12 KB


Squish your output using whatever compression you choose.

Squish strives to be as standards complient as possible. The spec used as a reference can be found here.


This has only been tested on static HTML files, but there's no reason it shouldn't work on other stuff too.

If it fails, create an issue; better yet, fork and fix!


This module can potentially send a 406 error (as per the spec) if the user explicitly tells it to. The only way to do this is to set Accept-Encoding: identity;0 or not set identity and set Accept-Encoding: *;0. If your clients do that, they deserve to get an error.

How it works

Squish intercepts all calls to write and end in the connect stack and applies whatever compression algoritm you pass in.

If a client does not support your algorithm, squish won't intercept or compress anything.


Here is a working example of how to use this module:

var connect = require('connect'),
	compressor = require('compressor'),
	squish = require('squish');

	squish([{"type": 'gzip', "constructor": compressor.GzipStream}]),

Compressor is a great little utility, and it's hosted on GitHub. The best thing about it is that it's a Stream, so it's nice to work with.


Aside from what you've seen, the API is pretty simple.

There is only one parameter, an array of objects. Each object has three properties:

  • type- gzip, zip, etc.
  • constructor- the constructor for the compression algorithm
    • Should be an instance of EventEmitter
    • Must emit these events: 'data', 'end' ('error' events will be console.error'd)
  • args- arguments to pass to the constructor (can be an array or an arguments object, optional)

On each request, squish will check each compression algorithm against the Accept-Encoding header. The first supported compression algorithm is used. If none are supported, nothing is compressed.

If the client supports your compression, I will get rid of the 'Content-Length' header; otherwise I won't touch it.

That's it!